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- 'Barnabus'
- 'Bigmouth' Thimsen
- 'Ears' Oohna
- 'Freedom'
- 'Grumpo' Daggles
- 'Hshar'lak Voss'
- 'Let's meet'
- 'Logs' Odoolan
- 'Loose Lips' Cyrilla
- 'Magic' Ring
- 'Miracles' of the Outer City
- 'Missing' Poster
- 'One last chance'
- 'Plumes' Fronkin
- 'The Cell'
- 'The Hanging'
- 'Timothy'
- 'To silence'
- 'Tomelia'
- +1 Breastplate
- Abandoned Cistern
- Abandoned House Chest Key
- Abandoned Journal
- Abandoned Journal (Lower City)
- Abandoned Refuge
- Abandoned Windmill
- Abattoir Key
- Abazigal, the Fourth
- Abby
- Abdel's Trusted Shield
- Abdirak
- Aberrant Shape
- Aberrant Shape (Condition)
- Aberration
- Aberration Hunter
- Aberration Hunters' Amulet
- Abilities
- Ability Drain
- Ability Drain: Dexterity (Condition)
- Ability Drain: Strength (Condition)
- Abjuration
- Abjuration School
- Abjure Enemy
- Abjure Enemy: Frightened (Condition)
- Abjure Enemy: Slow (Condition)
- Ablaze
- About Creation of Orphic Hammer
- Abraxa
- Absolute
- Absolute's Aegis
- Absolute's Bane
- Absolute's Enemy (Condition)
- Absolute's Protector
- Absolute's Smite
- Absolute's Talisman
- Absolute's Talisman: Aid
- Absolute's Tempest
- Absolute's Warboard
- Absolute's Ward
- Absolute Confidence Amulet
- Absolute Consumption (Condition)
- Absolute Night
- Absolute Orders: Newborn
- Absolute Outfit
- Absolute Power
- Absolute Questioner
- Absolute set
- Absolutely Unnerving
- Absolutist Expedition Key
- Absolutist Expedition Trunk
- Absolving the Wayward Heart
- Absorb Elements
- Absorb Elements: Acid Damage (Condition)
- Absorb Elements: Cold Damage (Condition)
- Absorb Elements: Fire Damage (Condition)
- Absorb Elements: Lightning Damage (Condition)
- Absorb Elements: Thunder Damage (Condition)
- Absorb Intellect
- Absorbed Essence: Abazigal (Condition)
- Absorbed Essence: Amelyssan (Condition)
- Absorbed Essence: Illasera (Condition)
- Absorbed Essence: Sendai (Condition)
- Absorbed Intellect (Condition)
- Abyss Beckoners
- Accelerated Grand Design
- Account of the Establishment of Crèche Y'llek
- Accounting Book - I
- Accounting Book - II
- Accounting Book - III
- Accretion
- Accursed Coins
- Accursed Spectre (passive feature)
- Accursed Spectre (reaction)
- Achievements
- Acid
- Acid (Condition)
- Acid (disambiguation)
- Acid (surface)
- Acid Barrel
- Acid Breath
- Acid Hallucination
- Acid Infusion (Condition)
- Acid Reflux (Condition)
- Acid Resistance (Condition)
- Acid Resistance Aura (Condition)
- Acid Splash
- Acid Vial
- Acid set
- Acidic Regurgitation
- Acolyte
- Acolyte of Nature
- Acolyte of the Absolute
- Acorn Truffle
- Acquire the Gauntlets for Helsik
- Acquisitions
- Acquisitions Record
- Acrobat Shoes
- Acrobatics
- Act One
- Act One/Approval
- Act Three
- Act Three/Approval
- Act Two
- Act Two/Approval
- Action Surge
- Action Surge (Condition)
- Actions
- Activate Call Lightning
- Activate Witch Bolt
- Actor
- Adamantine
- Adamantine Backlash
- Adamantine Chest
- Adamantine Forge
- Adamantine Golem
- Adamantine Key
- Adamantine Longsword
- Adamantine Mace
- Adamantine Reverberation
- Adamantine Reverberation (Condition)
- Adamantine Scale Mail
- Adamantine Scimitar
- Adamantine Shield
- Adamantine Shield (passive feature)
- Adamantine Skin
- Adamantine Slag
- Adamantine Splint Armour
- Adaptable Skullduggery
- Add'ath
- AddFallDamageOnLand (spell flag)
- AdditionalSpellSlot Level 3
- Additional Spell Slot
- Addled Frog
- Address Book
- Adept of the Absolute
- Adhesive Whip
- Adjust Seeming
- Adjustable Steel Helm
- Adjusted Ranged Equipment Trader Table
- Admit Two - Oasis Theatre
- Adopters of Culture
- Adrenaline Rush
- Adrielle
- Adrip with Kereska's Acid (Condition)
- Adroit Caster
- Adroit Caster (Condition)
- Adroit Reflexes
- Advanced Unarmoured Movement
- Advantage
- Adventurer's Chest
- Adventurers, Our Best Hope for the City
- Adventurers Wanted
- Adventures on the Sea of Fallen Stars
- Alan Alyth
- Alarm Machine
- Alarmed Debtor (Condition)
- Albert
- Alchemical Extracts
- Alchemist's Fire
- Alchemist's Fire (action)
- Alchemy
- Alchemy Books Table
- Alchemy Pouch
- Alcohol
- Alcohol (Condition)
- Alcohol (surface)
- Alembrosius
- Alert
- Alexander's Hand
- Alexander Rainforest
- Alfira
- Alia Durinbold
- Alioramus
- Allandra's Whelm
- Allandra Grey
- Aloe Oil
- Altar Key
- Alternate Form: Dire Wolf
- Alternate Form: Dire Wolf (Condition)
- Alternate Form: Minotaur
- Alternate Form: Minotaur (Condition)
- Alternate Form: Phase Spider
- Alternate Form: Phase Spider (Condition)
- Alternate Form: Shadow Mastiff
- Alternate Form: Shadow Mastiff (Condition)
- Alturiak 1477
- Always Hungry
- Aly's Last Wishes
- Amanita Szarr
- Amaps' Memoirs
- Ambushed (Condition)
- Ambusher
- Ambusher's Streak
- Ambusher (+1)
- Ambusher (+2)
- Ambushing (Condition)
- Ambushing Bite (Condition)
- Amek
- Amelyssan, the Sixth
- Amethyst
- Amethyst Ring
- Aminah
- Amira
- Amnian Dessert Wine
- Amnos
- Amorphous
- Amulet of Bhaal
- Amulet of Branding
- Amulet of Elemental Torment
- Amulet of Greater Health
- Amulet of Misty Step
- Amulet of Restoration
- Amulet of Selûne's Chosen
- Amulet of Silvanus
- Amulet of Windrider
- Amulet of the Absolute
- Amulet of the Devout
- Amulet of the Drunkard
- Amulet of the Harpers
- Amulet of the Unworthy
- Amulets
- An Alternative Perspective: The Weave
- An Apple a Day
- An Archduke's Leadership: Decorum
- An Archduke's Leadership: Discipline
- An Archduke's Leadership: Protection
- An Archduke's Leadership: Public Works
- An Archduke's Leadership: Surveillance
- An Archduke's Leadership: Verification
- An Assurance
- An End to Suffering
- An History of the Society of Brilliance as Told by Its Members
- An Offer
- An Open Heresy
- An Open Letter on Oppression and Peacocks
- An Opportunity from the Society of Brilliance
- An Overdue Reunion
- An Unexpected Talent
- Anarchic Blue Outfit
- Anarchic White Outfit
- Ancient Giant Eagle
- Ancient Grudges
- Ancient Grudges (Condition)
- Ancient Lair
- Ancient Mausoleum
- Ancient Mausoleum Key
- Ancient Mud Mephit
- Ancient Scroll
- Ancient Selûnite Journal
- Ancient Servant
- Ancient Sigil Circle
- Ancient Temple
- Anders
- Andorn
- Andrick
- Andrik
- Angelclocker Knuckles
- Angelic
- Angelic Plume Helmet
- Angelic Scion Outfit
- Angleiron's Cellar
- Animal Friendship
- Animal Handling
- Animalistic Vitality (Condition)
- Animate Dead
- Animate Dead: Flying Ghoul
- Animate Dead: Flying Ghoul Flock
- Animate Dead: Ghoul
- Animate Dead: Ghoul Pack
- Animate Dead: Skeleton
- Animate Dead: Skeleton Squad
- Animate Dead: Zombie
- Animate Dead: Zombie Batallion
- Animate Dead (Balthazar)
- Animate Dead (Duergar)
- Animate Dead (disambiguation)
- Animated Armour
- Animating Spores
- Animus Screech
- Anita Fischer
- Anna Lidwin
- Annotated Ship's Manifest
- Anointed in Splendour (Condition)
- Anomalous Coral
- Anonymous letter
- Anouk
- Ansur
- Ansur's Finest Recruitment Poster
- Ansur's Ire (Condition)
- Ansur/Combat
- Anti-Hag Support Group
- Anti-Hag Support Group Poster
- Antidote
- Antimagic Susceptibility
- Antinia
- Antinnia
- Antique Key
- Antony
- Antwun Dufay
- Anya
- Anything Spare?
- Ao
- Arabella
- Arabella's Shadow Entangle
- Arabellan Dry
- Arachnid Compulsion
- Arachnid Jump
- Aradin's Key
- Aradin Beno
- Araj Oblodra
- Aranea
- Aranea Aculeata
- Aranea Major
- Arcagh
- Arcana
- Arcane
- Arcane Absorption
- Arcane Absorption Dagger
- Arcane Acuity (Condition)
- Arcane Ammunition
- Arcane Ammunition (Condition)
- Arcane Archer
- Arcane Ashes
- Arcane Battery
- Arcane Battery (Condition)
- Arcane Charge (Condition)
- Arcane Critical
- Arcane Critical (Condition)
- Arcane Cultivation
- Arcane Echomalefaction
- Arcane Enchantment (+1)
- Arcane Enchantment (+2)
- Arcane Gate
- Arcane Harpoon Arrow
- Arcane Hunger (Condition)
- Arcane Lock
- Arcane Lock (Condition)
- Arcane Radiance
- Arcane Recovery
- Arcane Shot: Banishing Arrow
- Arcane Shot: Beguiling Arrow
- Arcane Shot: Bursting Arrow
- Arcane Shot: Enfeebling Arrow
- Arcane Shot: Grasping Arrow
- Arcane Shot: Piercing Arrow
- Arcane Shot: Seeking Arrow
- Arcane Shot: Shadow Arrow
- Arcane Synergy (Condition)
- Arcane Tower
- Arcane Tower (Map)
- Arcane Trickster
- Arcane Turret
- Arcane Vampirism
- Arcane Vehemence
- Arcane Vivaciousness
- Arcane Ward
- Arcane Ward (Condition)
- Arcanely Honed (Condition)
- Archducal Coronation - Admission Pass
- Archer's Eye
- Archer Velicia
- Archery
- Archibald Ravenshade
- Archivist
- Arctic
- Arden
- Ardent
- Ardent Apostle (Condition)
- Arduous Flame Blade
- Area level
- Areas
- Arensen
- Arfur's Mansion
- Arfur's Private Musings
- Arfur Gregorio
- Argram
- Argument Solver
- Arka
- Arkhen's Hoard
- Arkleia Oloril
- Armbrust's Home
- Armbrust's Ledger
- Arming Enhancement
- Armour
- Armour Class
- Armour Trader Table
- Armour of Agathys
- Armour of Agathys (Condition)
- Armour of Agility
- Armour of Devotion
- Armour of Hexes
- Armour of Landfall
- Armour of Moonbasking
- Armour of Persistence
- Armour of Shadows
- Armour of Uninhibited Kushigo
- Armour of the Sporekeeper
- Armour of the Swarm (Condition)
- Armoured Crab
- Armoured Owlbear
- Arms of Hadar
- Arms of Hadar (Condition)
- Army Arcana
- Arnell Hallowleaf
- Arnell Hallowleaf/Transcript
- Arrinye
- Arron
- Arrow
- Arrow of Aberration Slaying
- Arrow of Acid
- Arrow of Arcane Interference
- Arrow of Beast Slaying
- Arrow of Celestial Slaying
- Arrow of Construct Slaying
- Arrow of Darkness
- Arrow of Dragon Slaying
- Arrow of Elemental Slaying
- Arrow of Fey Slaying
- Arrow of Fiend Slaying
- Arrow of Fire
- Arrow of Giant Slaying
- Arrow of Humanoid Slaying
- Arrow of Ice
- Arrow of Ilmater
- Arrow of Ilmater (Condition)
- Arrow of Lightning
- Arrow of Many Targets
- Arrow of Monstrosity Slaying
- Arrow of Ooze Slaying
- Arrow of Piercing
- Arrow of Plant Slaying
- Arrow of Roaring Thunder
- Arrow of Salving
- Arrow of Sparrow Slaying
- Arrow of Transposition
- Arrow of Undead Slaying
- Arrows
- Arsonist's Oil
- Arsonist's Oil (Condition)
- Art Appraisal
- Art Cullagh
- Art Show Schedule
- Artefact Mission: Agent Roster
- Artefact Mission: Challenges
- Arthus
- Artificer's Lore
- Artificial Leech
- Artificial Leech (+1)
- Artificial Sight
- Artimezt
- Arves
- As Per My Last Letter
- Ascendant Bite
- Ascended Fiend (Condition)
- Ash
- Ashaba Dusk
- Asharak
- Ashes of Balsam
- Ashes of Daggerroot
- Ashes of Dragon Egg Mushroom
- Ashes of Dried Fey Flower
- Ashes of Fire Amber
- Ashes of Hyena Ear
- Ashes of Imp Patagium
- Ashes of Mephit Magma
- Ashes of Worg Fang
- Ashes of Wyvern Stinger
- Ask the Goblin Priestess for Help
- Asparagus Mhallie
- Aspect of Athkatla
- Aspect of the Beast: Bear
- Aspect of the Beast: Chimpanzee
- Aspect of the Beast: Crocodile
- Aspect of the Beast: Eagle
- Aspect of the Beast: Elk
- Aspect of the Beast: Honey Badger
- Aspect of the Beast: Stallion
- Aspect of the Beast: Tiger
- Aspect of the Beast: Wolf
- Aspect of the Beast: Wolverine
- Aspect of the Elk
- Aspect of the Elk (Condition)
- Aspect of the Elk Aura (Condition)
- Aspect of the Stallion (Condition)
- Aspect of the Wolf
- Aspect of the Wolf (Condition)
- Aspect of the Wolf Aura (Condition)
- Aspen Lamentation
- Assassin
- Assassin's Alacrity
- Assassin's Blood
- Assassin's Folly
- Assassin's Instructions
- Assassin's Shortsword
- Assassin's Touch
- Assassin of Bhaal Cowl
- Assassinate: Ambush
- Assassinate: Initiative
- Astarion
- Astarion's Eccentric Clothes
- Astarion's Underwear
- Astarion/Approval
- Astarion/Banter
- Astarion/Romance
- Astoundo the Greater
- Astoundo the Lesser
- Astral-Touched Tadpole
- Astral Conduit (Condition)
- Astral Gravity (Condition)
- Astral Knowledge
- Astral Knowledge: Charisma
- Astral Knowledge: Charisma (Condition)
- Astral Knowledge: Dexterity
- Astral Knowledge: Dexterity (Condition)
- Astral Knowledge: Intelligence
- Astral Knowledge: Intelligence (Condition)
- Astral Knowledge: Strength
- Astral Knowledge: Strength (Condition)
- Astral Knowledge: Wisdom
- Astral Knowledge: Wisdom (Condition)
- Astral Knowledge (Condition)
- Astral Plane
- Astral Prism
- Astral Rift
- Astral Step
- Astyl
- Aubree
- Augmented Shield of Thralls
- Augur Harxkellan
- Auntie's Trickery
- Auntie Ethel
- Auntie Ethel's Charm
- Auntie Ethel's Hair
- Auntie Ethel's Special Brew (Condition)
- Auntie Ethel/Combat
- Aura (disambiguation)
- Aura of Bloodthirst (Condition)
- Aura of Brutality (Condition)
- Aura of Conquest (Condition)
- Aura of Courage
- Aura of Courage (Aura) (Condition)
- Aura of Courage (Condition)
- Aura of Devotion
- Aura of Devotion (Aura) (Condition)
- Aura of Devotion (Condition)
- Aura of Hate
- Aura of Hate (Aura) (Condition)
- Aura of Hate (Condition)
- Aura of Murder (Aura) (Condition)
- Aura of Murder (Condition)
- Aura of Murder (class action)
- Aura of Murder (passive feature)
- Aura of Penance
- Aura of Possibility (Aura) (Condition)
- Aura of Possibility (Condition)
- Aura of Protection
- Aura of Protection (Aura) (Condition)
- Aura of Protection (Condition)
- Aura of Terror
- Aura of Terror (Aura) (Condition)
- Aura of Terror (Condition)
- Aura of Vile Oblivion (Condition)
- Aura of Warding
- Aura of Warding (Aura) (Condition)
- Aura of Warding (Condition)
- Aurelia
- Authority
- Automaton
- Automaton Component
- Autumncrocus
- Ba'akreth
- Baalfe
- Baalor Ale
- Baby Blue and Gold Dye
- Babyjowls
- Backbreaker
- Backgrounds
- Backgrounds (Legacy)
- Backless Extravaganza
- Backpack
- Bad Omen
- Bad Twin Bubbins
- Badger
- Baelen's Alchemical Notes
- Baelen's Pack
- Baelen Bonecloak
- Baff Elkhorn
- Bag of Moulding
- Bagdog
- Bagel
- Bagida's Diary
- Baguette
- Bail Report
- Bailey
- Bakshi
- Bakshi's Chest Key
- Bal
- Bala Ofran
- Balance
- Baldur's Bones
- Baldur's Gate
- Baldur's Gate 3
- Baldur's Gate 3 - Original Soundtrack
- Baldur's Gate Books Table
- Baldur's Gate Protectors
- Baldur's Gate Stone
- Baldur's Gate Temple Of Bhaal
- Baldur's Gate and the Dialectics of Plunder
- Baldur's Grape
- Baldur's Mouth
- Baldur's Mouth 1492 DR Issue 83
- Baldur's Mouth Basement Key
- Baldur's Mouth Chest Key
- Baldur's Mouth Gazette
- Baldur's Mouth Storage Key
- Balduran
- Balduran's Favour
- Balduran's Giantslayer
- Balduran's Vitality
- Balduran Founds a City
- Balduran the Sailor
- Baldurian Mash
- Baldurian Seafood Stew
- Baleful Knowledge (Condition)
- Ball
- Ballista Arrow
- Ballroom Invitation
- Balm of the Moonmaiden
- Balsam
- Balthazar
- Balthazar's Experiment
- Balthazar's Notes
- Balthazar's Room Key
- Balthazar, the Fifth
- Balthazar Personal Notes: 2
- Balthazar Personal Notes: 3
- Banana
- Band of the Mystic Scoundrel
- Bandit's Armour
- Bandit's Key
- Bane
- Bane's Book of Admonitions
- Bane's Brutality (Condition)
- Bane's Command (Condition)
- Bane's Wrath
- Bane (Condition)
- Bane (God)
- Bane (spell)
- Baneful Bond
- Baneful Strike
- Baneful Strike (Condition)
- Banished
- Banished (Condition)
- Banishing Smite
- Banishing Smite (Melee)
- Banishing Smite (Ranged)
- Banishment
- Banite Request Form
- Bank Pass
- Bao'ek'nuk
- Barbarian
- Barbarian Clothes
- Barbarian set
- Barbed Arrow
- Barbed Device
- Barbed Vine
- Barber Shears
- Barber kit
- Barcus' Log
- Barcus Wroot
- Bard
- Bard set
- Bardic Attack
- Bardic Defence
- Bardic Inspiration
- Bardic Inspiration (Condition)
- Bardic Inspiration (passive feature)
- Bardic Roll
- Bareki
- Barely-Legible Letter
- Baretha
- Barkskin
- Barkskin (Condition)
- Barkskin Armour
- Barkskin Recipe
- Barnabus' Collar
- Barnz
- Baron Bormul's Will
- Barracks
- Barracks Office Key
- Barrel-Aged Callidyrran
- Barren's Coop
- Barsik
- Barth
- Barton
- Basement Key (Forge of the Nine)
- Basic Poison
- Basics of Beginner's Dwarvish
- Basilisk Gate Barracks
- Basilisk Oil
- Bat
- Battered Lute
- Battered Note
- Battle-Ready Owlbear
- Battle-Worn Blade
- Battle Acuity
- Battle Master
- Battle Plans
- Battleaxe
- Battleaxe +1
- Battleaxes
- Battlemage's Power
- Baxta
- Baz Hopbank
- Be Wary of Foreigners!
- Beach House Hatch Key
- Beach at Dusk
- Beacon of Hope
- Beacon of Hope (Condition)
- Beak Attack
- Beak Attack (Dire Raven)
- Beak Attack (Dire Raven Companion)
- Beak Attack (Raven Familiar)
- Beak Attack (Shadow-Cursed Raven)
- Bear
- Bear's Endurance
- Bear's Endurance (Condition)
- Bear (wild shape)
- Bear Claw
- Bear Companion
- Bear Heart
- Bearclaw
- Beast Cage Key
- Beast Master
- Beast Speech
- Beast Tamer
- Beastmaster's Chain
- Beating the House: Divination and Gambling
- Beatrice Provoss
- Beckoning Darkness
- Beckoning Darkness (Condition)
- Become Our Friend
- Become the Bulwark
- Bed Linen
- Bedi
- Bedroll
- Beehive General Goods
- Befuddled (Condition)
- Beggar's Portrait
- Beguiled (Condition)
- Beguiling Defences
- Beguiling Influence
- Beguiling Rebuke
- Beheading the Bitterroots
- Behir Scales
- Behold Protection's Future: The Steel Watch!
- Beholder
- Beholder Iris
- Beholder Ray
- Bel
- Beldron
- Belford Willoughby
- Bell
- Bella
- Bella (Bloomridge Park)
- Bella (Wyrm's Rock Fortress)
- Belladonna
- Bellar
- Bellora Truscott
- Bellows
- Belm
- Beloved Sons
- Belub
- Belynne Stelmane
- Ben Golewits
- Bend Luck
- Bend Luck: Ability Check Bonus
- Bend Luck: Ability Check Bonus (Condition)
- Bend Luck: Ability Check Penalty
- Bend Luck: Ability Check Penalty (Condition)
- Bend Luck (passive feature)
- Benign Transposition: Spent (Condition)
- Benign Transposition: Teleport
- Benji
- Bennel
- Benryn
- Benryr's Key
- Benta
- Beorn Wunterbrood
- Beregost Blue Wedge
- Beregost Blue Wheel
- Bernard
- Bernyr
- Berry Tart
- Berserk
- Berserk (Condition)
- Berserker
- Bert Adams
- Bertram Kostaka
- Bestial Fury
- Bestow Curse
- Bestow Curse: Additional Damage
- Bestow Curse: Attack Disadvantage
- Bestow Curse: Charisma Disadvantage
- Bestow Curse: Constitution Disadvantage
- Bestow Curse: Dexterity Disadvantage
- Bestow Curse: Dread
- Bestow Curse: Intelligence Disadvantage
- Bestow Curse: Strength Disadvantage
- Bestow Curse: Wisdom Disadvantage
- Bewildering Adventurer's Pack
- Bex
- Bex's Handmade Cookies
- Bez
- Bhaal
- Bhaal's Edict
- Bhaal's Edict (Condition)
- Bhaal's Murderous Mark (Condition)
- Bhaal's Power Word Kill Ritual
- Bhaal Butler's Checklist – Morning
- Bhaal Cult Resurgence
- Bhaal Temple
- Bhaalist Armour
- Bhaalist Gloves
- Bhaalist Ritual Target (Condition)
- Bhaalist set
- Bhaalspawn
- Bhaalspawn Essence: Abazigal (Condition)
- Bhaalspawn Essence: Amelyssan (Condition)
- Bhaalspawn Essence: Illasera (Condition)
- Bhaalspawn Essence: Sendai (Condition)
- Bibberbang
- Bibberbang Spores
- Bicorne of the Sea Beast
- Bided Time
- Big Delivery
- Big Pig (Condition)
- Bigboy's Chew Toy
- Bill
- Bill's Chest Key
- Billy
- Billyum
- Bind Hexed Weapon
- Bind Pact Weapon
- Bird
- Birka
- Birta Grougg
- Birthright
- Biscotti
- Biscuit
- Bite
- Bite (Alioramus)
- Bite (Badger)
- Bite (Bat)
- Bite (Bulette)
- Bite (Cloaker)
- Bite (Dilophosaurus)
- Bite (Dire Wolf)
- Bite (Ghost Dogs)
- Bite (Gnoll)
- Bite (Gremishka)
- Bite (Hyena)
- Bite (Mimic)
- Bite (Mother's Loathing)
- Bite (Panther)
- Bite (Phase Spiderling)
- Bite (Rat)
- Bite (Rat Combatant)
- Bite (Sabre-Toothed Tiger)
- Bite (Scratch)
- Bite (Sharran Spider)
- Bite (Sharran Wolf)
- Bite (Spectator)
- Bite (Spider)
- Bite (Squire)
- Bite (Sword Spider)
- Bite (Tiny Spider)
- Bite (Vampire Spawn)
- Bite (Wolf)
- Bite (Worg)
- Bite (dog)
- Bitey Buddy
- Bitter Divorce
- Bixa Root
- Black Diamond
- Black Fist Enforcers
- Black Flare Leather Outfit
- Black Gauntlet of Bane
- Black Hole
- Black Hole (Condition)
- Black Mass Scroll
- Black Oleander
- Black Pudding Platter
- Black Tentacles
- Black Tentacles (Condition)
- Black and Azure Dye
- Black and Furnace Red Dye
- Black and Jade Green Dye
- Black and Summer Green Dye
- Blacked Out (Condition)
- Blackguard's Gauntlets
- Blackguard's Greaves
- Blackguard's Plate
- Blackguard's Sword
- Blackguard set
- Blackmail Letter
- Blackplume Helm
- Blacksmith's Chest Key
- Blacksmith's Note
- Blacksmith's Tongs
- Blackstaff
- Blade Barrier
- Blade Barrier (Condition)
- Blade Barrier (area)
- Blade Flourish
- Blade Ward
- Blade Ward (Condition)
- Blade of Oppressed Souls
- Blade of Rime
- Blades Bakstir
- Bladesinging
- Bladesinging (Condition)
- Bladesong
- Bladesong Climax
- Bladesong Damage Charge (Condition)
- Bladesong Healing Charge (Condition)
- Bladesong Impeded (Condition)
- Blaird
- Blaise Hhune
- Blank Canvas
- Blarson Throaks
- Blasphemous Acolyte
- Blast Mine
- Blaze Portyr's Ceremonial Flaming Fist Helm
- Blazer of Benevolence
- Blazing Hide
- Blazing Retaliation
- Blazing Retaliation (Condition)
- Bleeding (Condition)
- Bleeri
- Bless
- Bless (Condition)
- Blessed Healer
- Blessed Mercy
- Blessing of Authority (Condition)
- Blessing of Selûne (Condition)
- Blessing of the Trickster
- Blessing of the Trickster (Condition)
- Blessings for the Refugees
- Blessings of Knowledge
- Blevindall
- Blight
- Blight (race)
- Blightbringer
- Blightbringer (passive feature)
- Blighted Actor
- Blighted Barman
- Blighted Patron
- Blighted Troubador
- Blighted Village
- Blind Immunity
- Blind Terror
- Blind the Absolute
- Blinded (Condition)
- Blinded (status group)
- Blinded Elf
- Blinding Ambush
- Blinding Shot
- Blinding Smite
- Blindness
- Blindsight
- Blingdenstone Blush
- Blink
- Blink-of-an-eye Bolt
- Blink: Teleport
- Blink (Condition)
- Blink (class action)
- Blink Dog
- Blinked to the Ethereal Plane (Condition)
- Bliss Spores (Condition)
- Bloated (Condition)
- Bloated Hyena
- Blocked Warrens (Condition)
- Blocked by Bhaalist Mischief (Condition)
- Blood-Bound Blade
- Blood-Curdling Emission
- Blood-Envy for the Unworthy
- Blood-Filled Bowl
- Blood-Sapped (Condition)
- Blood-Smeared Logbook
- Blood-Stained Warning
- Blood-draw Sickness (Condition)
- Blood-scent Frenzy (Condition)
- Blood-stained Note
- Blood (disambiguation)
- Blood (surface)
- Blood Bank Log
- Blood Frenzy
- Blood Merchant's Chest Key
- Blood Money
- Blood Sacrifice
- Blood Skeleton Slam
- Blood Thirst
- Bloodbank Bottle
- Blooded Greataxe
- Bloodfang
- Bloodfest
- Bloodguzzler Garb
- Bloodied Journal
- Bloodied Note
- Bloodied Note (Lower City)
- Bloodied Shrine
- Bloodless (Condition)
- Bloodless Pig Meat
- Bloodletting
- Bloodlust (Condition)
- Bloodlust (Redcap)
- Bloodmarrow Skeleton
- Bloodmopper
- Bloodrender
- Bloodrender (Condition)
- Bloodstained Note
- Bloodstained Parchment
- Bloodstone
- Bloodthirst
- Bloodthirst (Condition)
- Bloody Amulet
- Bloody Bonesaw
- Bloody Favour (Condition)
- Bloody Journal
- Bloody Message
- Bloody Plum Dye
- Bloody Signet Ring
- Blooming Dead (Condition)
- Blooming Drow Head
- Bloomridge Park
- Bloris Meadhoney
- Bludgeon the Weak
- Bludgeon the Weak (Condition)
- Bludgeoning
- Blue-stained Research
- Blue Apex
- Blue Dye
- Blue Flare Leather Outfit
- Blue Jay
- Bluecap
- Bluejay corpse
- Bluenail
- Blunder Bob
- Blunt Skuncher
- Blur
- Blurg
- Blurred (Condition)
- Blushcap Mushroom
- Blythe
- Boar
- Boar Charge
- Boar Companion
- Bobby
- Body Aid
- Bogdan Vortleson
- Boiled Beholder Eyestalks
- Boiled Potato
- Bolstering Brew (Condition)
- Bolstering Critical
- Bolstering Magic: Boon
- Bolstering Magic: Boon (Condition)
- Bolstering Magic: Level 1 Spell Slot
- Bolstering Magic: Level 2 Spell Slot
- Bolstering Magic: Level 3 Spell Slot
- Bolstering Overflow
- Bolstering Smite
- Bolt
- Bolt of Celestial Light
- Bolts of Doom
- Bombasto
- Bombasto's Journal
- Bonded By Love - Husband's Diary
- Bonded By Love - Wife's Diary
- Bone
- Bone-shaking Thunder
- Bone (Uncommon)
- Bone Chill
- Bone Chilled (Condition)
- Bone Key
- Bonecap
- Bonecloak
- Bonecloak's Apothecary
- Bonecloak Apothecary's Chest Key
- Bones
- Bonesaw
- Bonesaw (+1)
- Bonespike Boots
- Bonespike Garb
- Bonespike Gloves
- Bonespike Helmet
- Bonespike set
- Boney
- Bonna
- Boo
- Book Draft - Volume I
- Book Draft - Volume II
- Book Draft - Volume III
- Book Draft - Volume IV
- Book of Ancient Secrets
- Book of Dead Gods
- Book of Final Breath
- Book of Poetry
- Books
- Books by Author
- Books by Subject
- Bookshop Chest Key
- Boom, Bang, Blast: The joy of fireworks
- Booming Blade
- Booming Blade (Condition)
- Booming Blows
- Boon of Bhaal
- Boon of Servitude
- Boon of Servitude (Condition)
- Boon of the Hag
- Boon of the Raven Queen
- Boon of the Unstoppable
- Boot of the Giants
- Boots Variation Table
- Boots of Aid and Comfort
- Boots of Apparent Death
- Boots of Arcane Bolstering
- Boots of Brilliance
- Boots of Elemental Momentum
- Boots of Genial Striding
- Boots of Persistence
- Boots of Psionic Movement
- Boots of Speed
- Boots of Stormy Clamour
- Boots of Striding
- Boots of Uninhibited Kushigo
- Boots of Very Fast Blinking
- Booze Remedy
- Bor
- Boreal Blue Dye
- Bored Ox
- Borgus Elamin
- Boris
- Borislav Slavov
- Born into Darkness
- Born to be Wild
- Borri Paver
- Bosk
- Bosses
- Bosun Gannet
- Bottle
- Bottle Rack
- Bottled Blooms
- Bottled Breath
- Bottled Breath (Condition)
- Bottled Eye
- Bottled Solvent
- Bottled Tentacles
- Boudoir Invitation
- Bound (Condition)
- Bound Weapon (Condition)
- Bounty Hunter
- Bounty List - Current Tenday
- Bout of Storms
- Bow
- Bow of Awareness
- Bow of the Banshee
- Bowl
- Bowl (Clutter)
- Bowl (Valuable)
- Box of Oddfire Fireworks
- Brace (Melee)
- Brace (Ranged)
- Braced (Condition)
- Bracers of Defence
- Bracing Band
- Bradi'ith
- Brain
- Brain-Starved (Condition)
- Brain Jar
- Brain Mapping Puzzle
- Brainchant
- Braindrain Cape
- Braindrain Gloves
- Brakkal
- Bramble
- Brammels
- Brand of the Absolute
- Brand of the Silverlight (Condition)
- Brand the Weak
- Branding Smite
- Branding Smite (Condition)
- Branding Smite (Melee)
- Branding Smite (Ranged)
- Branthos
- Brass City Scrangle
- Brass Locket
- Brathwen
- Brave
- Brave (Liara Portyr)
- Brave (Note)
- Breaching Pikestaff
- Break Illusion
- Break Yurgir's Contract
- Break of Dawn
- Break the Unbroken
- Break the Unbroken (1d10)
- Breaker of War
- Breastplate
- Breastplate +1
- Breastplate +2
- Breathless Lungs (Condition)
- Breezeswift Speed
- Breezy Sandals
- Breg
- Brek
- Brelal'reth
- Brem
- Breva Brightmoon
- Brew Sickness (Condition)
- Brewed-Up Bellyglummer (Condition)
- Brewing Ladle
- Brian
- Bright Flare Leather Outfit
- Brilgor
- Brilliant Retort
- Brimmed Hat
- Brine Barrel
- Brine Bulb
- Brinn
- Brinna Brightsong
- Briskwind Boots
- Brithvar
- Brittle (Condition)
- Broadhorn
- Broken Cane
- Broken Club
- Broken Cogwheel
- Broken Lute
- Broken Machinery
- Broken Moonlantern
- Broken Padded Armour
- Broken Parasite Jar
- Broken Pike
- Broken Promises
- Broken Promises (Condition)
- Broken Shield
- Broken Wand of Fireballs
- Broken spear
- Broko
- Bronte
- Bronze Chalice
- Bronze Goblet
- Bronze Ingot
- Bronze Keg
- Bronze Necklace
- Bronze Pendant
- Bronze Ring
- Broodmother's Revenge
- Broom
- Broom and Bucket
- Brottor
- Brounce
- Browbeaten
- Browbeaten (Condition)
- Browbeaten Circlet
- Brown Alabaster Dye
- Bruc and Pishe's Emporium
- Bruno Indomicus
- Brutal Critical
- Brutal Leap
- Brutal Servitude
- Brute
- Bryanne
- Brynna
- Bubbling Cauldron
- Bucket
- Bucket of Fish
- Bucket of Water
- Buff Tanner
- Bufotoxin
- Bufotoxin (Condition)
- Bug Bludgeon
- Bugbear
- Bugbear Assassin
- Bugthimble
- Builds
- Bulbous Fungus
- Bulette
- Bull's Strength
- Bull's Strength (Condition)
- Bull's Strength (passive feature)
- Bull Rush
- Bullywug Trumpet
- Bulwark Rebuke
- Bumpnagel
- Bunch of Horseradish
- Bundle of Incense
- Bundle of Letters
- Burden of Time (Condition)
- Burden of Time Aura (Condition)
- Burlap Sack
- Burned Alive
- Burned Out Optics (Condition)
- Burning (Condition)
- Burning Acid (Condition)
- Burning Age
- Burning Avarice
- Burning Claws
- Burning Fiercely (Condition)
- Burning Fury
- Burning Hands
- Burning Overflow
- Burning Reflux (Condition)
- Burnished Necklace
- Burnished Ring
- Burnt Journal
- Burrock
- Burrow
- Burrow (Badger)
- Burrow (Bulette)
- Burrow (Earth Myrmidon)
- Burrow (Shadow Creeper)
- Burrow Hole
- Burst of Accuracy (Condition)
- Burst of Speed
- Bursting Brood
- Bursting Sinew
- Business Proposal
- Butchered Mind
- Buthir
- Buthir's Wrath
- Buthir's Wrath (Condition)
- Butter Bun
- Butterflies in the Stomach
- Butterfly on Skull
- Cabbage
- Cabin in Motion
- Cabinet Key
- Cacophony
- Caerdwyn
- Cage Key
- Cage Key (Gribbo)
- Caitiff's Restoration
- Caitiff Staff
- Caitlin
- Caitriono
- Cal
- Calishem Awaits
- Call Consort
- Call Lightning
- Call Lightning (Condition)
- Call for Help
- Call of the Blood
- Call of the Crustacean
- Call of the Damned
- Call of the Dark Lady (Condition)
- Callaway
- Callem Bormul
- Callie
- Calling Reinforcements (Condition)
- Calling for Help
- Calliope Blingsdorf
- Callira
- Callous Glow
- Callous Glow Ring
- Calm Emotions
- Calmed (Condition)
- Cambion
- Cambion (Planar Ally)
- Camp Chest Key
- Camp Clothing
- Camp Events
- Camp Supplies
- Camp Supply Sack
- Camp followers
- Campaign Report
- Campsite
- CanAreaDamageEvade (spell flag)
- Candle
- Candulhallow's Tombstones
- Canteen
- Canticles of the Dark Mistress
- Cantrip set
- Cap and Bells
- Cap of Curing
- Cap of Wrath
- Cape of the Red Prince
- Captain Sleam
- Captives of Shar
- Capture Isobel the Selûnite Cleric
- Capture Orders
- Carafe of Water
- Carafe of Wine
- Caralee Grollo
- Caravan Strongbox
- Care for Creatures of the Astral Plane
- Careful Veil
- Careful What You Wish For
- Caretaker's Care
- Cargo Shipment
- Carlorina the Wolf
- Carm's Garm
- Carmen Pennygood
- Carnelia Vanthampur
- Carnelian Ring
- Carnival Squash
- Carpal
- Carrion's Explosive Cloudkill
- Carrion Crawler Tentacle
- Carrot
- Carrying capacity
- Cartilaginous Chest
- Carys
- Case File 846
- Cassivora Dophir
- Castigate Heartform
- Castigated By Divinity (Condition)
- Casual Sandals
- Cat
- Cat's Grace
- Cat's Grace (Condition)
- Cat's Grace (passive feature)
- Cat (wild shape)
- Catatonic (Condition)
- Cattle Prattle (Condition)
- Cauldron
- Caustic
- Caustic Band
- Caustic Brew (Condition)
- Caustic Brine
- Caustic Brine (Condition)
- Caustic Bulb
- Caustic Overflow
- Caustic Reprisal
- Caustic Retort (Condition)
- Caustic Strikes
- Cauteriser
- Caution Before the Seelie
- Cautionary Note
- Cautious Healer
- Cave Bear
- Cazador's Dungeon
- Cazador Szarr
- Cazador Szarr/Combat
- Caïros
- Caïros' Warning
- Cefrey
- Celebrate the Brave Heroes Who Slew General Ketheric
- Celestial
- Celestial Haste
- Celestial Haste (Condition)
- Celestial Sandals
- Cell
- Cemetery-Blue Torch
- Central Wall Chest Key
- Central Watch Tower
- Cerebral Aquarium
- Cerebral Citadel Armour
- Cerebral Citadel Gloves
- Ceremonial
- Ceremonial Battleaxe
- Ceremonial Longsword
- Ceremonial Mace
- Ceremonial Practices for Initiate Umberlants
- Ceremonial Warhammer
- Ceremorphosis
- Ceres Olsin
- Cerys
- Ch'guth
- Ch'kk'ch
- Ch'r'ai
- Chadd
- Chain Lightning
- Chain Mail
- Chain Mail +1
- Chain Mail +2
- Chain Shirt
- Chain Shirt +1
- Chain Shirt +2
- Chain of Liberation
- Chain of Tyranny (Condition)
- Chains of Karsus (Condition)
- Chalara
- Chalice Healing
- Challenge to Duel
- Chamberlain's Private Room Key
- Champion
- Champion's Chain
- Champion Challenge
- Champion Challenge (Condition)
- Champion of Mahkloompah
- Chancer's Carcanet
- Chandelier-Style Embroidered Ensemble
- Channel Divinity
- Channel Divinity: Cloak of Shadows
- Channel Divinity: Cloak of Shadows (Condition)
- Channel Divinity: Guided Strike
- Channel Divinity: Touch of Death
- Channel Divinity: War God's Blessing
- Channel From Hell
- Channel Oath
- Channeler's Trunks
- Channelling Karsus' Compulsion (Condition)
- Chaos
- Chaos Flail
- Chapel Entrance
- Chapel Records
- Character creation
- Character level
- Charcoal
- Charge
- Charge-Bound Warhammer
- Charge (Minotaur)
- Charged Lightning: Tempest Steps (Condition)
- Charger
- Charger: Shove
- Charger: Weapon Attack
- Charisma
- Charismatic Sentinel
- Charlatan
- Charm
- Charm Animals and Plants
- Charm Person
- Charmed (Condition)
- Charmed (status group)
- Charming Latham
- Charming Little Egg
- Charred Key
- Charred Prayer Book
- Charter of Tabernacle Donations
- Chasm Creeper
- Chatterbox's Tabard
- Chatterteeth
- Cheater's Folly (Condition)
- Cheeky Nora
- Cheeky Tipple
- Cheese
- Cheese Record
- Cheese Wheel
- Cheesy Smell
- Chelo Khoresh
- Chelvin
- Chenti
- Chervis
- Chessa
- Chessa's Practice Sword
- Chest Trauma (Condition)
- Chest of Grateful Words
- Chest of the Mundane
- Chevon
- Chicken Chaser (Condition)
- Chicken Egg
- Child's Diary
- Child's Drawing
- Child of the Moonmaiden
- Chill of the Mountain
- Chilled (Condition)
- Chilling Counter
- Chilling Grace
- Chilling Grace (Condition)
- Chilling Overflow
- Chilling Strike
- Chilling Strikes
- Chock
- Chocolatier Style Doublet
- Choking Wail
- Chop
- Chopped-Up Pig
- Chorizo
- Chost
- Chromatic Orb
- Chromatic Orb: Acid
- Chromatic Orb: Cold
- Chromatic Orb: Fire
- Chromatic Orb: Lightning
- Chromatic Orb: Poison
- Chromatic Orb: Thunder
- Chromatic Scale
- Chronicles of the Gur People
- Chult Alioramus
- Chult Alioramus Colossa
- Chultan Fireswill
- Churg Elvek
- Chy'raagh
- Cilarea
- Cinder Shoes
- Cindermoth Cloak
- Cinderous Swipe
- Cinders
- Cindersnap Gloves
- Cindersnap Reflexes (Condition)
- Cinnamon
- Cinnamon Roll
- Cinta Golewits
- Circle of Bones
- Circle of Death
- Circle of the Emerald Grove
- Circle of the Land
- Circle of the Moon
- Circle of the Spores
- Circle of the Stars
- Circlet
- Circlet of Blasting
- Circlet of Fire
- Circlet of Hunting
- Circlet of Mental Anguish
- Circlet of Psionic Revenge
- Circuitry Interface
- Circus Ensemble
- Circus of the Last Days
- Circus of the Last Days: Employees
- Cirian
- Cirrus
- City of Brass Outfit
- Civil Militia
- Clack
- Clamshell
- Clan Flameshade
- Clan Ironhand
- Clasped Book
- Clasped Book (Moonrise Towers)
- Clasped Book (The Glitter Gala)
- Classes
- Claws
- Claws (Badger)
- Claws (Bear)
- Claws (Bear Companion)
- Claws (Bear Wild Shape)
- Claws (Cat)
- Claws (Cave Bear Wild Shape)
- Claws (Crawling Claw)
- Claws (Flying Ghoul)
- Claws (Ghoul)
- Claws (Hag)
- Claws (Harpy)
- Claws (Imp)
- Claws (Intellect Devourer)
- Claws (Malus Thorm)
- Claws (Meazel)
- Claws (Meenlock)
- Claws (Owlbear)
- Claws (Quasit)
- Claws (Raphael)
- Claws (Vampire)
- Claws (action)
- Cleaning Staff Note
- Cleansing Touch
- Clear Area (Condition)
- Cleave
- Cleaver
- Clements
- Clench of the North Wind
- Clerebold Rillyn
- Cleric
- Cleric set
- Clerk's Letter
- Cleverly Cobbled Boots
- Click Heels
- Click Heels (Condition)
- Client List
- Clinging Shadows (Condition)
- Clipping: Baldur's Mouth
- Clive
- Cloak
- Cloak of Avarice
- Cloak of Cunning Brume
- Cloak of Displacement
- Cloak of Elemental Absorption
- Cloak of Protection
- Cloak of Shadows
- Cloak of Shadows (Condition)
- Cloak of the Weave
- Cloaker
- Cloaks
- Cloister Budget
- Cloister of Sombre Embrace
- Clore Falson
- Closed Library Section
- Closed Mind
- Cloth Armour
- Cloth of Authority
- Clothes
- Clothing
- Clothing Chest
- Clotilde
- Cloud Giant Finger
- Cloud giant
- Cloud of Daggers
- Cloud of Daggers (Condition)
- Cloud of Daggers (area)
- Cloud of Jellyfish
- Cloud of Jellyfish: Attack
- Cloud of Jellyfish: Mighty Shocking Sting
- Cloud of Jellyfish: Mighty Teleport
- Cloud of Jellyfish: Shocking Sting
- Cloud of Jellyfish: Teleport
- Cloudkill
- Cloudkill (Condition)
- Cloudkill (cloud)
- Clouds
- Clover
- Clovia Throaks
- Clown
- Clown's Severed Arm
- Clown's Severed Foot
- Clown's Severed Hand
- Clown's Severed Head
- Clown's Severed Leg
- Clown's Severed Pelvis
- Clown's Severed Torso
- Clown Face-Paint (Condition)
- Clown Hammer
- Club
- Club +1
- Club of Hill Giant Strength
- Clubs
- Coal Bucket
- Coast
- Coated in Arsonist's Oil (Condition)
- Coated in Basic Poison (Condition)
- Coated in Brewed-up Bellyglummer (Condition)
- Coated in Crawler Mucus (Condition)
- Coated in Diluted Oil of Sharpness (Condition)
- Coated in Drow Poison (Condition)
- Coated in Malice (Condition)
- Coated in Oil of Bane (Condition)
- Coated in Oil of Combustion (Condition)
- Coated in Oil of Diminution (Condition)
- Coated in Oil of Freezing (Condition)
- Coated in Purple Worm Toxin (Condition)
- Coated in Serpent Venom Toxin (Condition)
- Coated in Toxin (Condition)
- Coated in Wizardsbane Oil (Condition)
- Coated in Wyvern Toxin (Condition)
- Coating Table
- Coatings
- Cobalt Dye
- Cobbler's Ledger
- Cocoon
- Cocooned (Condition)
- Codicilliary Rules of Engagements for the Flaming Fist
- Coerced (Condition)
- Coffee
- Cogwheel
- Coin Armour
- Coin Cuirass (Condition)
- Coin Cuisse (L) (Condition)
- Coin Cuisse (R) (Condition)
- Coin Halberd
- Coin Helmet (Condition)
- Coin Vambrace (L) (Condition)
- Coin Vambrace (R) (Condition)
- Coin of Mammon
- Cold
- Cold Brew (Condition)
- Cold Damage
- Cold Embrace
- Cold Hallucination
- Cold Infusion (Condition)
- Cold Reflux (Condition)
- Cold Resistance (Condition)
- Cold Resistance Aura (Condition)
- Cold Room Chest Key
- Cold Snap
- Cold set
- Coldbrim Chill
- Coldbrim Hat
- Colfax's Compendium of Consecrated Creatures
- Collection Records
- College of Glamour
- College of Lore
- College of Swords
- College of Valour
- Colossal Onslaught
- Colossus Slayer
- Colour Spray
- Colour Spray (Condition)
- Combat Inspiration
- Combat Inspiration (Condition)
- Combat Regeneration
- Combat Wild Shape
- Combination Axe
- Combustible Coins
- Combustion Belly Spiderling
- Comeback Handaxe
- Comfortable Ashmeadow Outfit
- Comfortable Autumnal Outfit
- Comfortable Blue-Red Outfit
- Comfortable Red Shirt
- Comina
- Command
- Command: Approach
- Command: Approach (Condition)
- Command: Approach (Undead)
- Command: Drop
- Command: Drop (Undead)
- Command: Flee
- Command: Flee (Condition)
- Command: Flee (Undead)
- Command: Grovel
- Command: Grovel (Condition)
- Command: Grovel (Undead)
- Command: Halt
- Command: Halt (Condition)
- Command: Halt (Undead)
- Commander's Strike
- Commander's Strike (Attack)
- Commander Lightfeather
- Commission for Formalwear
- Common Alchemy Supply Table
- Common Mushroom Supply Table
- Common Mushroom Table
- Common Music Instrument Subtable
- Common Races Books Table
- Common Special Arrow Subtable
- Common Table-Wine
- Community Creator Corner
- Community Updates
- Companion's Bond
- Companions
- Compelled Duel
- Compelled Duel (Condition)
- Compelled to Duel (Condition)
- Conall
- Concentrated Blast
- Concentration
- Concerning My Debt
- Concerning Orin the Red
- Concerning the Future of Baldur's Gate
- Conch Shell
- Concussion Grenade
- Concussive Burst
- Concussive Smash
- Concussive Smash (Spiritual Weapon)
- Condemnation
- Conditions
- Conductive Strikes
- Conduit of Kereska's Ice (Condition)
- Cone of Cold
- Confessions, Vol. 1, Father Lorgan
- Confidant of a Duke
- Confiscated Book
- Confront the Elder Brain
- Confronting the False Heart
- Confused (Condition)
- Confused Stupor (Condition)
- Confusion
- Confusion Ray
- Congratulations, Son!
- Congratulations (And a Surprise!)
- Conical Flask
- Conjuration
- Conjuration School
- Conjure Barrage
- Conjure Barrage: Melee Weapon
- Conjure Barrage: Ranged Weapon
- Conjure Elemental
- Conjure Elemental: Air Elemental
- Conjure Elemental: Air Myrmidon
- Conjure Elemental: Earth Elemental
- Conjure Elemental: Earth Myrmidon
- Conjure Elemental: Fire Elemental
- Conjure Elemental: Fire Myrmidon
- Conjure Elemental: Water Elemental
- Conjure Elemental: Water Myrmidon
- Conjure Elemental (disambiguation)
- Conjure Minor Elemental
- Conjure Minor Elemental: Azer
- Conjure Minor Elemental: Ice Mephits
- Conjure Minor Elemental: Mud Mephits
- Conjure Murder of Crows
- Conjure Shadow Lantern Wraith
- Conjure Us
- Conjure Woodland Being
- Conjured Cat
- Conjured Crab
- Conjured Frog
- Conjured Imp
- Conjured Quasit
- Conjured Rat
- Conjured Spider
- Conjured Spider (Find Familiar)
- Connor Vinderblad
- Conquered (Condition)
- Conquering Presence
- Consider Gortash's Bargain
- Consolation of the Dark
- Constitution
- Constitution Saving Throws
- Constrict
- Constricted (Condition)
- Constricting (Condition)
- Construct
- Consumables
- Consume Life Essence
- Consume Souls
- Consume Souls (explorer)
- Consume Souls (tactician)
- Consume the Faithful
- Consumed Shadow Weave
- Contagion
- Contagion: Blinding Sickness
- Contagion: Filth Fever
- Contagion: Flesh Rot
- Contagion: Mindfire
- Contagion: Seizure
- Contagion: Slimy Doom
- Contagion Poisoned (Condition)
- Containers
- Continual Flame (Condition)
- Contract: Mol
- Contractor's Record
- Control Centre Guards
- Control Lever Key
- Control Undead
- Control the Elder Brain
- Controlled (Condition)
- Controlled Chaos
- Controlling Undead (Condition)
- Cook Trader Table
- Cooked Food Supply Table 10
- Cooked Food Supply Table 15
- Cooked Food Supply Table 20
- Cooked Food Supply Table 5
- Cooked Food Supply Table 8
- Cooking Pot
- Copper Band
- Copper Brazier
- Copper Coin Pile
- Copper Jewelry Subtable
- Copper Necklace Jewelry Subtable
- Copper Plate
- Copper Ring
- Copper Ring Jewelry Subtable
- Cora Highberry
- Cordrane
- Cordula Eltan
- Corellon's Grace
- Corellon's Guiding Hand
- Corellon Larethian
- Corinna
- Corinye
- Corliss Undertump
- Corlos
- Cormyrian Seafood Soup
- Cormyte Shipment Box
- Corniche
- Coronation Behavourial Missive
- Corpse Rose
- Corpsegrinder
- Corpulent Rage
- Correspondence
- Correspondence Report
- Correspondence from Lady Esther
- Correspondence from Theodore Thistlewhistle
- Corrosive Age
- Corrosive Flail
- Corrosive Phlegm
- Corrosive Spit
- Corrosive Spit (Condition)
- Corrosive Strike
- Corsairs of Luskan
- Coruscation Ring
- Corvid Token
- Corvus
- Corvus Celer
- Corvus Major
- Cosmic Omen
- Cosmic Omen: Ability Check
- Cosmic Omen: Ability Check (Condition)
- Cosmic Omen of Weal: Attack Roll
- Cosmic Omen of Weal: Saving Throw
- Cosmic Omen of Woe: Attack Roll
- Cosmic Omen of Woe: Saving Throw
- Cosy Blue Shirt
- Counsellor Florrick's Sentence
- Countercharm
- Countercharm (Condition)
- Countermeasure
- Countershock
- Counterspell
- Counting House Accounts - Number 47
- Counting House Artillerist
- Counting House Enforcer
- Counting House Family Vault List
- Counting House Safe n°1 Key
- Counting House Safe n°2 Key
- Counting House Safe n°3 Key
- Counting House Safe n°4 Key
- Counting House Safe n°5 Key
- Counting House Safe n°6 Key
- Counting House Safe n°7 Key
- Counting House Safe n°8 Key
- Counting House Vault Rules
- Counting House Vault n°1 Key
- Counting House Vault n°2 Key
- Counting House Vault n°3 Key
- Counting House Vault n°4 Key
- Counting House Vault n°5 Key
- Counting House Vault n°6 Key
- Counting the Conchs
- Courgette
- Court Register
- Covert Cowl
- Covert Critical
- Covert Critical (Condition)
- Crab
- Cracked Helm of Shar
- Cracked wall
- Crackling Resonance
- Crackling with Kereska's Lightning (Condition)
- Crag Spider
- Cragbender
- Cranium Rat
- Crate
- Craterflesh Gloves
- Craterous Wounds
- Craven Heart (Condition)
- Crawler Mucus
- Crawler Mucus (cloud)
- Crawler Mucus Poison Recipe
- Crawling Claw
- Crawling Gnaw (Condition)
- Creased Letter
- Creased Missing Poster
- Creased Page
- Create Lava
- Create Sorcery Points
- Create Spell Slot
- Create Undead
- Create Water
- Create Water (variant)
- Create or Destroy Water
- Creation's Echo
- Creature size
- Creatures
- Credo of the Rack-Stricken Lord
- Creekrider
- Crescent Moon Earring
- Cressida Flint
- Crime
- Crimes of the Moonmaiden
- Criminal
- Crimson
- Crimson Draughts
- Crimson Draughts' Hatch Key
- Crimson Mischief
- Crimson Weapon
- Critical Hit! (Condition)
- Critical Swiftness
- Critical Virtuoso
- Critical hit
- Crooked Wand of Fireballs
- Cross-Crest Sandals
- Crossbow Expert: Point-Blank
- Crossbow Expert: Wounding
- Crossbow Shot
- Crossbow of Arcane Force
- Crosse
- Crowbar
- Crown of Karsus
- Crown of Madness
- Crown of Madness (Condition)
- Crowning Glory
- Crowning Strike
- Crub
- Crude Chest
- Crude Frenzy
- Crude Mace
- Cruel Shove
- Cruel Sting
- Crumbling File
- Crumbling Journal
- Crumpled Letter
- Crumpled Note
- Crumpled Note Scrawled in Blood
- Cruor
- Crusader's Mantle
- Crusader's Mantle (Condition)
- Crusader's Mantle Aura (Condition)
- Crusher
- Crusher's Ring
- Crushing Blows
- Crushing Flight
- Cry
- Crypt Lord Ring
- Crystal
- Crystal Ball
- Crystal Skin (Condition)
- Crystalline Lens
- Crèche K'liir
- Crèche Y'llek
- Cuddleface
- Culk
- Cull the Weak
- Cull the Weak (Drider)
- Culling Strikes
- Cultist Brand
- Cultural references
- Cunning Action: Dash
- Cunning Action: Disengage
- Cunning Action: Hide
- Cunning Brume
- Cunning Combo
- Cup
- Cup of Oil
- Cup of Water
- Curative Antidote (Condition)
- Curdled Liver (Condition)
- Cure Wounds
- Cure the Poisoned Gnome
- Curfew (Confidential Orders)
- Curious Book
- Curled Missing Poster
- Curled Paper
- Current Orders
- Curriculum of Strategy: Artistry of War
- Curse-breakers or Curse-makers?
- Curse of Regret
- Curse of Regret (Condition)
- Curse of Terror
- Curse of the Dire Raven (Condition)
- Curse of the Sired (Condition)
- Cursed: Additional Damage (Condition)
- Cursed: Attack Disadvantage (Condition)
- Cursed: Charisma (Condition)
- Cursed: Constitution (Condition)
- Cursed: Dexterity (Condition)
- Cursed: Dread (Condition)
- Cursed: Intelligence (Condition)
- Cursed: Strength (Condition)
- Cursed: Wisdom (Condition)
- Cursed (disambiguation)
- Cursed (status group)
- Cursed Imp
- Cursed Kuo-Toa (melee)
- Cursed Kuo-Toa (ranged)
- Cursed Kuo-Toa Chief
- Cursed Skull
- Cursed Skull (Condition)
- Cursed Thorns
- Cursed Vengeance
- Cursed Vengeance (Condition)
- Curving Shot
- Custard and Pink Rose Dye
- Cut and unimplemented content
- Cutest Cat You've Ever Seen
- Cutter Violet
- Cutting Board
- Cutting Words
- Cutting Words (passive feature)
- Dad's Axe
- Daddy
- Daddy's Lecture
- Dadger
- Dagger
- Dagger +1
- Dagger +2
- Dagger Specialist
- Dagger Thrower
- Dagger of Shar
- Daggerroot
- Daggerroot Bundle
- Daggers
- Dain
- Daine
- Dairow Vin
- Dal Lightspark
- Dale Shipment Trunk
- Dalthar
- Dalyria
- Dalyria's Journal
- Damage
- Damage mechanics
- Damaged Dark Justiciar Armour
- Damaged Journal
- Damaged Scale Mail
- Damaged Vase
- Damays
- Dame Guisarme
- Dammon
- Dammon's Journal
- Dammon's Special Brew (Condition)
- Damp Aegis
- Damp Missing Poster
- Dampen Elements
- Damsel in Distress
- Dancing Lights
- Dancing Lights (Condition)
- Dancing Lights (Deep Rothé)
- Dancing Lights (area)
- Dandi Thistlepetal
- Danger Sense
- Dangerous Tunes
- Danis
- Danna
- Danse Macabre
- Danthelon's Dancing Axe
- Danton
- Danzo Arkwright
- Daralyne Nikley
- Darbonna
- Daredevil Gloves
- Daredevil Proximity
- Daredevil Proximity (Condition)
- Dark Amethyst
- Dark Amethyst Dye
- Dark Breaker
- Dark Currents
- Dark Deliverance
- Dark Devotion
- Dark Displacement Gloves
- Dark Journal
- Dark Justiciar
- Dark Justiciar's Journal
- Dark Justiciar's Plea
- Dark Justiciar Boots
- Dark Justiciar Gauntlets
- Dark Justiciar Gauntlets (Rare)
- Dark Justiciar Gauntlets (Uncommon)
- Dark Justiciar Half-Plate
- Dark Justiciar Half-Plate (Rare)
- Dark Justiciar Half-Plate (Very Rare)
- Dark Justiciar Helm
- Dark Justiciar Helmet
- Dark Justiciar Mail
- Dark Justiciar Mask
- Dark Justiciar Set
- Dark Lady's Awareness (Condition)
- Dark Lady's Erudition (Condition)
- Dark Lady's Fool (Condition)
- Dark Lady's Grace (Condition)
- Dark Lady's Ire (Condition)
- Dark Lady's Reckoning (Condition)
- Dark Mind
- Dark One's Blessing
- Dark One's Blessing (Condition)
- Dark One's Own Luck
- Dark Ring
- Dark Vengeance
- Darkfire Shortbow
- Darkmaw the Wicked
- Darkness
- Darkness (cloud)
- Darkness Cloak
- Darkveil Precision
- Darkveil Precision (Condition)
- Darkvision
- Darkvision (Condition)
- Darkvision (Third Eye) (Condition)
- Darkvision (spell)
- Darlie
- Darra
- Darragh
- Dart
- Dart +1
- Dart +2
- Dart Dirtwood
- Darts
- Dash
- Dash (Condition)
- Dash (bonus action)
- Dashkent's Key
- Dashkent Moliver
- Daughter of Darkness
- Dauntless
- Dauntless Amulet
- Dawnbreaker
- Dawnburst Strike
- Dawnmaster's Crest
- Dawnmaster Stockhold, Master of his Craft
- Dawsen Kiltmaker's Confession
- Daylight
- Daylight: Enchant Item
- Daylight: Sphere
- Daylight (Condition)
- Daylight (area)
- Dazed (Condition)
- Dazing Echo
- Dazing Smite
- Dazzling Blows
- Dazzling Breath
- Dazzling Ray
- Dazzling Ray (Condition)
- De Hurst's Diary
- Dead (Condition)
- Dead Drow
- Dead Druid's Journal
- Dead Eyes
- Dead Fisher
- Dead Mind Flayer (Goblin Camp)
- Dead Myconid Sprout
- Dead Pixie
- Dead Three
- Dead Tiefling
- Dead Toll Collector
- Dead or Alive
- Deadlier than Arsenic
- Deadly Channeller Gloves
- Deadly Derivation
- Deadly Leap
- Deadly Orders
- Deadly Orders (Condition)
- Deal with the Devil
- Deal with the Gnomes
- Dear Ansur
- Dear Mam
- Dear Missus Priest
- Dear Quil
- Dear Sis...
- Dearest Elminster
- Dearest Fireliia
- Dearest Gyldro
- Death's Head of Bhaal
- Death's Promise
- Death & Divinity: A Godly Guide
- Death Burst
- Death Burst: Cold
- Death Burst: Fire
- Death Burst: Force
- Death Burst (Cold)
- Death Burst (Fire)
- Death Burst (Mud)
- Death Domain
- Death Drinker
- Death Knight
- Death Saving Throw
- Death Shepherd
- Death Shriek
- Death Ward
- Death Ward (Condition)
- Death Wish (Condition)
- Deathbringer's Legacy
- Deathbringer's Legacy (Condition)
- Deathbringer's Sight
- Deathbringer Assault
- Deathbringer Assault (Orin)
- Deathly Slumber
- Debilitating Shot
- Debin
- Debin's Chest Key
- Debt Consolidation
- Debtor's Attire
- Decanter of Nearly Endless Water
- Deception
- Decide Minthara's Fate
- Decoded Field Report
- Decorated Barrel
- Decrepit Sanctuary
- Decrepit Village
- Dedications to the Pantheon
- Deed of Ownership
- Deedle Ofran
- Deep Delver
- Deep Lilac Dye
- Deep Rothé
- Deepen the Wound
- Deepened Pact
- Deepflesh Slice
- Deera
- Defeat Ketheric Thorm
- Defeat the Duergar Intruders
- Defeat the Goblins
- Defence
- Defender Flail
- Defender Greataxe
- Defensive Attack
- Defensive Attack (passive feature)
- Defensive Duellist
- Defensive Flourish (Condition)
- Defensive Flourish (Melee)
- Defensive Flourish (Ranged)
- Defensive Protocol: Bulwark
- Defensive Protocol: Bulwark (Condition)
- Defensive Stance (Condition)
- Defier's Rejuvenation
- Defiled Temple
- Definitely a Broom of Flying
- Deflect Missiles
- Deflect Missiles (Return)
- Deflect Missiles (passive feature)
- Defy Villainy
- Deities
- Delcan
- Delicate Shoes
- Delicately Constructed Outfit
- Deliver Nere's Head
- Dellinjah Dax
- Dellys
- Delverdenn
- Delwaer Jeth
- Delyarna
- Demir
- Demonic Bite
- Demonspirit (Condition)
- Demonspirit Aura
- Demonspirit Aura (Condition)
- Demonspirit Madness (Condition)
- Denying the Prying Heart
- Deranged Force Curtain
- Derivation Cloak
- Derryth's Journal
- Derryth Bonecloak
- Derysia
- Desert
- Despair: Apathy (Condition)
- Despair: Dread (Condition)
- Despair: Madness (Condition)
- Despair (Condition)
- Despair of Athkatla
- Destitute Clothes
- Destroy Undead
- Destroy Water
- Destroy the Ancient Tome
- Destroy the Elder Brain
- Destroyed Kill Collar
- Destructive Wave
- Destructive Wave: Necrotic
- Destructive Wave: Radiant
- Destructive Wrath
- Detailed Ledger
- Detailed Report
- Detainee Census
- Detect Evil and Good
- Detect Evil and Good (Condition)
- Detect Thoughts
- Detect Thoughts (Condition)
- Detecting Presence (Condition)
- Dethrone
- Detonate
- Detonation Impending! (Condition)
- Deva
- Deva Mace
- Devella Fountainhead
- Devil's Den
- Devil's Fee
- Devil's Fee Observer's Report
- Devil's Sight
- Devil Don't Rhyme - A Verse Epic
- Devilfoil Mask
- Devilishly Strong (Condition)
- Devotee's Mace
- Devotee of Mahkloompah
- Devour
- Devour (Animate Dead Ghoul)
- Devour (Ghoul)
- Devour (Shadow-Cursed Shambling Mound)
- Devour (Shambling Mound)
- Devour Intellect
- Devour Soul
- Devoured Eternal Debtor
- Devoured Intellect (Condition)
- Devouring Brain (Condition)
- Dexterity
- Dextor
- Dextrous Evasion
- Dez Kanshaw
- Diabolic Chains
- Diadem of Arcane Synergy
- Diallo
- Dialogue
- Diamond
- Diamond-Stitch Sandals
- Diamond Blue Doublet
- Diamond Pattern Garb
- Diamond Scales (Condition)
- Diamondsbane
- Diary, 1492DR, Ffion Goldgrind
- Diary of Ketheric Thorm, Vol 1
- Diary of Ketheric Thorm, Vol 2
- Diary of Ketheric Thorm, Vol 3
- Diary of a Mage
- Dice rolls
- Dickon
- Die designs
- Difficult Terrain
- Difficult Terrain: Vines (Condition)
- Difficult Terrain (Condition)
- Difficulty
- Dig
- Dig Deep
- Digestive Juices (Condition)
- Digestive Sap
- Digital Deluxe Upgrade
- Dillard Portyr
- Dilophosaurus
- Diluted Oil of Sharpness
- Dimension Door
- Dimples Backster
- Dinner Planning
- Dinner at Candlekeep?
- Dinu
- Diomira Trellis
- Dion
- Dip
- Dipped in Fire (Condition)
- Dipped in Poison (Condition)
- Dire Raven
- Dire Raven Companion
- Dire Wolf
- Dire Wolf (wild shape)
- Direct Complaint to Fist Koltz
- Dirge of the Unholy Assassin
- Dirty Advantage (Condition)
- Dirty Trick: Flick o' the Wrist
- Dirty Trick: Sand Toss
- Dirty Trick: Vicious Mockery
- Disable the Steel Watch
- Disappearances in the City
- Disarmed (Condition)
- Disarming
- Disarming Attack (Melee)
- Disarming Attack (Ranged)
- Disarming Strike
- Discarded Journal
- Discarded Wine Bottle
- Disciple of Life
- Disconcerting Visage
- Disconcerting Visage (Tactician)
- Discoria
- Discover the Artefact's Secrets
- Discover the History of Prince Orpheus
- Diseased (status group)
- Diseases of the Blood
- Disengage
- Disengage: Bonus Action
- Disengage (Condition)
- Disguise Kit
- Disguise Self
- Disguise Self: Femme Dragonborn
- Disguise Self: Femme Drow
- Disguise Self: Femme Dwarf
- Disguise Self: Femme Elf
- Disguise Self: Femme Githyanki
- Disguise Self: Femme Gnome
- Disguise Self: Femme Half-Elf
- Disguise Self: Femme Half-Orc
- Disguise Self: Femme Halfling
- Disguise Self: Femme Human
- Disguise Self: Femme Strong Drow
- Disguise Self: Femme Strong Elf
- Disguise Self: Femme Strong Half-Elf
- Disguise Self: Femme Strong Human
- Disguise Self: Femme Strong Tiefling
- Disguise Self: Femme Tiefling
- Disguise Self: Masc Dragonborn
- Disguise Self: Masc Drow
- Disguise Self: Masc Dwarf
- Disguise Self: Masc Elf
- Disguise Self: Masc Githyanki
- Disguise Self: Masc Gnome
- Disguise Self: Masc Half-Elf
- Disguise Self: Masc Half-Orc
- Disguise Self: Masc Halfling
- Disguise Self: Masc Human
- Disguise Self: Masc Strong Drow
- Disguise Self: Masc Strong Elf
- Disguise Self: Masc Strong Half-Elf
- Disguise Self: Masc Strong Human
- Disguise Self: Masc Strong Tiefling
- Disguise Self: Masc Tiefling
- Disguise Self (Condition)
- Dishevelled Chicken
- Disintegrate
- Disintegrating Corpse (Condition)
- Disintegrating Journal
- Disintegrating Night Walkers
- Dislocated Shoulder (Condition)
- Dismiss: Slayer
- Dismiss Arcane Lock
- Dismiss Blink
- Dismiss Construct Mode
- Dismiss Displacer Beast Shape
- Dismiss Gaseous Form
- Dismiss Pact Weapon
- Dismiss Shapechanger
- Dismiss Vampire Bat Form
- Dismiss Wild Shape
- Dismissal of Staff
- Disorders of the Nerves and Mind: A Treatise
- Dispatches Ledger
- Dispel Disguise
- Dispel Evil And Good
- Dispel Evil And Good: Break Enchantment
- Dispel Evil and Good (Condition)
- Dispel Identity
- Dispel Magic
- Displace
- Displace (Condition)
- Displace (Displacer Beast)
- Displaced (Condition)
- Displacement
- Displacer Beast Form (Condition)
- Displacer Beast Shape
- Displacer beast
- Displacer beast (illusion)
- Disrobing Blinkstep
- Dissonant Whispers
- Distracted (Condition)
- Distracting Strike (Melee)
- Distracting Strike (Ranged)
- Distressed (Condition)
- Distressed Patient
- Divination
- Divination School
- Divine Allegiance
- Divine Bone Shard
- Divine Favour
- Divine Favour (Condition)
- Divine Guardian
- Divine Guardian (Condition)
- Divine Health
- Divine Intervention
- Divine Intervention: Arm Thy Servant
- Divine Intervention: Golden Generosity
- Divine Intervention: Miracle of Refuge (Condition)
- Divine Intervention: Opulent Revival
- Divine Intervention: Sunder the Heretical
- Divine Intervention: Sunder the Heretical (Viconia DeVir)
- Divine Rapture of Ilmater
- Divine Retaliation
- Divine Revelry
- Divine Sense
- Divine Sense (Condition)
- Divine Smite
- Divine Smite (reaction)
- Divine Strike
- Divine Strike: Cold (Melee)
- Divine Strike: Cold (Ranged)
- Divine Strike: Elemental Fury
- Divine Strike: Fire (Melee)
- Divine Strike: Fire (Ranged)
- Divine Strike: Lightning (Melee)
- Divine Strike: Lightning (Ranged)
- Divine Strike: Necrotic
- Divine Strike: Necrotic (Melee)
- Divine Strike: Necrotic (Ranged)
- Divine Strike: Poison
- Divine Strike: Poison (Melee)
- Divine Strike: Poison (Ranged)
- Divine Strike: Radiant
- Divine Strike: Radiant (Melee)
- Divine Strike: Radiant (Ranged)
- Divine Strike: Thunder
- Divine Strike: Thunder (Melee)
- Divine Strike: Thunder (Ranged)
- Divine Strike: Weapon
- Divine Strike: Weapon (Melee)
- Divine Strike: Weapon (Ranged)
- Diving Strike
- Do Not Fail
- Docktower Key
- Dog
- Dog Collar
- Dogaletto
- Doggy
- Dohna
- Dokksill
- Dollay
- Dolly Dolly Dolly
- Dolor
- Dolor Amarus
- Dolor Amarus (passive feature)
- Domain Spells
- Dominate Beast
- Dominate Person
- Dominated (Condition)
- Dominated (Dominate Beast) (Condition)
- Dominated Red Dragon
- Dominated Will (Condition)
- Dominica Arsetz
- Domovoi Invocation
- Don't-Call-Me-Runt
- Don't Mess With Djinnies
- Don't Prod the Specimen
- Don't Sniff the Specimen
- Don't Swallow the Specimen
- Donation Chest Key
- Donation Record
- Doni
- Donner
- Donnick
- Donnick's Chest Key
- Doo
- Doober
- Doom Axe
- Doom Hammer
- Doom Lobber
- Doora Thumbfoot
- Doozy the Dunce
- Doppelganger
- Doppelganger (class action)
- Dor'il
- Dorikel
- Dormitory Roster
- Dorrich Manne
- Dostrealt's Piccolo
- Downed (Condition)
- Downfall of the Iron Throne
- Dowry Ring
- DraconicAncestryTable
- Draconic Ancestry
- Draconic Ancestry: Black (Acid)
- Draconic Ancestry: Blue (Lightning)
- Draconic Ancestry: Brass (Fire)
- Draconic Ancestry: Bronze (Lightning)
- Draconic Ancestry: Copper (Acid)
- Draconic Ancestry: Gold (Fire)
- Draconic Ancestry: Green (Poison)
- Draconic Ancestry: Red (Fire)
- Draconic Ancestry: Silver (Cold)
- Draconic Ancestry: White (Cold)
- Draconic Ancestry (Acid)
- Draconic Ancestry (Cold)
- Draconic Ancestry (Fire)
- Draconic Ancestry (Lightning)
- Draconic Ancestry (Poison)
- Draconic Bloodline
- Draconic Elemental Weapon
- Draconic Elemental Weapon: Acid
- Draconic Elemental Weapon: Cold
- Draconic Elemental Weapon: Fire
- Draconic Elemental Weapon: Lightning
- Draconic Elemental Weapon: Thunder
- Draconic Prowess: Acid (Condition)
- Draconic Prowess: Fire (Condition)
- Draconic Prowess: Frost (Condition)
- Draconic Prowess: Lightning (Condition)
- Draconic Prowess: Poison (Condition)
- Draconic Resilience
- Draft Letter to Lord Whitburn
- Dragon's Grasp
- Dragon Egg Mushroom
- Dragonborn
- Dragonfire Fists
- Drained (Condition)
- Draining Kiss
- Draining Kiss (Haarlep)
- Drake General Dye
- Drakethroat Glaive
- Drar
- Drarra
- Dravo Flymm
- Dread Ambusher
- Dread Ambusher: Hide
- Dread Ambusher (Condition)
- Dread Ambusher (Melee)
- Dread Ambusher (Ranged)
- Dread Embrace
- Dread Hollow
- Dread Iron Ambush
- Dread Iron Dagger
- Dreadful Aspect
- Dreadful Glare
- Dreadful Hewer
- Dreadful Word
- Dream Guardian
- Dream Guardian/Combat
- Dream Mist
- Dream Mist Apparitions (Condition)
- Dreamlike Aura: Acid
- Dreamlike Aura: Cold
- Dreamlike Aura: Fire
- Dreamlike Aura: Lightning
- Dreamlike Aura: Poison
- Dreamsome Boots
- Dreamwalker Plate
- Drenched (Condition)
- Drenn
- Dresten
- Dresten's Chest Key
- Dribbles
- Drider
- Dried Beef Sausage
- Dried Pork Sausage
- Dried Rope Sausage
- Dried Sausage Links
- Drim
- Drim's Key
- Dringo
- Drink Supply Table
- Drinking Horn
- Drongo Bixworth
- Droo Falbo
- Dror Ragzlin
- Dror Ragzlin's Key
- Droralias' Teddy Bear
- Droralias Dryselis
- Drow
- Drow's Letter
- Drow Leather Boots
- Drow Leather Gloves
- Drow Magic
- Drow Outfit
- Drow Poison
- Drow Poison Cloud
- Drow Studded Leather Armour
- Drow Weapon Training
- Druggag
- Druid
- Druid Books Table
- Druid Leather Armour
- Druid Note
- Druid Notebook
- Druid Quarterstaff
- Druid set
- Druidic Armour
- Druidic Bracers
- Druidic Trance (Condition)
- Druids' Chambers
- Druids' Ledger
- Druk
- Drunk-Purple Torch
- Drunk (Condition)
- Drunkard's Luck
- Drunken Cloth
- Drunken Inhale
- Drunken Performance
- Drunken Technique
- Drunken Technique (Condition)
- Drussuvissill
- Dryad
- Dryad (Conjure Woodland Being)
- Drybeldiyx
- Dryfle Doon
- Dual Wielder
- Dual Wielder: Bonus Armour Class
- Duckie Verish
- Duddy Dudderken
- Duel: Murder's Chosen (Condition)
- Dueller's Enthusiasm
- Duelling
- Duelling Gloves
- Duellist
- Duellist's Prerogative
- Duergar Antidote
- Duergar Antidote (Condition)
- Duergar Resilience
- Dufay's Diary
- Dugg
- Duke Ravengard's Longsword
- Duke Stelmane's Hand
- Dulbers Frint
- Dullwill
- Dungeon Delver: Perception
- Dungeon Delver: Resist Traps
- Dunnol
- Durable
- Durinbold Cheese Wedge
- Durinbold Mausoleum
- Durinbold Mausoleum Key
- Dusty Book
- Dusty Book (Campsite)
- Dusty Prayerbook
- Duver Rillyn
- Elaborate Reliquary
- Elaborate Slate
- Elarrathin Residence Backdoor Key
- Elda
- Elda (Flaming Fist)
- Elda (Night Blade)
- Eldaernth
- Elder's Journal
- Elder Brain
- Elder Brain Domination
- Elder Rothé
- Eldra Luthrinn
- Eldritch Blast
- Eldritch Invocation
- Eldritch Knight
- Eldritch Rune
- Eldritch Spear
- Eldritch Strike
- Eldritch Tablet
- Electric Blood
- Electric Veins
- Electrified Flail
- Electrified Reflux (Condition)
- Electrified Regurgitation
- Electrified Steam
- Electrified Water
- Electrify Water
- Electrocuted (Condition)
- Electrocution Immunity
- Elegant (+1)
- Elegant (+2)
- Elegant Blush-Filled Portrait
- Elegant Chest
- Elegant Duellist
- Elegant Robe
- Elegant Studded Leather
- Elegis
- Elemental
- Elemental Adept: Acid
- Elemental Adept: Cold
- Elemental Adept: Fire
- Elemental Adept: Lightning
- Elemental Adept: Thunder
- Elemental Affinity: Acid Resistance (Condition)
- Elemental Affinity: Cold Resistance (Condition)
- Elemental Affinity: Damage
- Elemental Affinity: Fire Resistance (Condition)
- Elemental Affinity: Lightning Resistance (Condition)
- Elemental Affinity: Poison Resistance (Condition)
- Elemental Affinity: Resistance
- Elemental Age
- Elemental Augmentation
- Elemental Cleaver
- Elemental Cleaver: Acid (Condition)
- Elemental Cleaver: Cold (Condition)
- Elemental Cleaver: Fire (Condition)
- Elemental Cleaver: Lightning (Condition)
- Elemental Cleaver: Thunder (Condition)
- Elemental Cleaver (acid)
- Elemental Cleaver (cold)
- Elemental Cleaver (fire)
- Elemental Cleaver (lightning)
- Elemental Cleaver (thunder)
- Elemental Infusion
- Elemental Momentum
- Elemental Resonance
- Elemental Retort
- Elemental Retort (passive feature)
- Elemental Siphon
- Elemental Warp
- Elemental Weapon
- Elemental Weapon: Acid
- Elemental Weapon: Acid (Condition)
- Elemental Weapon: Cold
- Elemental Weapon: Cold (Condition)
- Elemental Weapon: Fire
- Elemental Weapon: Fire (Condition)
- Elemental Weapon: Lightning
- Elemental Weapon: Lightning (Condition)
- Elemental Weapon: Thunder
- Elemental Weapon: Thunder (Condition)
- Elemental set
- Elements of an Epoch
- Elenna Thrinn
- Elerrathin's Home
- Elf
- Elfin Woodsoles
- Elfsong Room Key
- Elfsong Tavern
- Elias Fischer
- Elifer
- Elin
- Elindale
- Elixir Supply Table
- Elixir Table
- Elixir Table 1
- Elixir Table 1/Rows
- Elixir Table 2
- Elixir Table 2/Rows
- Elixir Table 3
- Elixir Table 3/Rows
- Elixir of Acid Resistance
- Elixir of Arcane Cultivation
- Elixir of Arcane Cultivation (Condition)
- Elixir of Barkskin
- Elixir of Barkskin (Condition)
- Elixir of Battlemage's Power
- Elixir of Battlemage's Power (Condition)
- Elixir of Bloodlust
- Elixir of Bloodlust (Condition)
- Elixir of Cloud Giant Strength
- Elixir of Cloud Giant Strength (Condition)
- Elixir of Cold Resistance
- Elixir of Darkvision
- Elixir of Darkvision (Condition)
- Elixir of Dragonborn Prowess: Acid
- Elixir of Dragonborn Prowess: Fire
- Elixir of Dragonborn Prowess: Frost
- Elixir of Dragonborn Prowess: Lightning
- Elixir of Dragonborn Prowess: Poison
- Elixir of Dwarven Resilience
- Elixir of Elven Elegance
- Elixir of Fire Resistance
- Elixir of Force Resistance
- Elixir of Githyanki Providence
- Elixir of Gnomish Ingenuity
- Elixir of Guileful Movement
- Elixir of Half-Elven Healing
- Elixir of Half-Orcish Fury
- Elixir of Halfling Luck
- Elixir of Health
- Elixir of Heroism
- Elixir of Heroism (Condition)
- Elixir of Hill Giant Strength
- Elixir of Hill Giant Strength (Condition)
- Elixir of Human Versatility
- Elixir of Lightning Resistance
- Elixir of Necrotic Resistance
- Elixir of Peerless Focus
- Elixir of Peerless Focus (Condition)
- Elixir of Poison Resistance
- Elixir of Psychic Resistance
- Elixir of Radiant Resistance
- Elixir of See Invisibility
- Elixir of Silvanus
- Elixir of The Colossus (Condition)
- Elixir of Thunder Resistance
- Elixir of Tiefling Vice
- Elixir of Universal Resistance
- Elixir of Viciousness
- Elixir of Viciousness (Condition)
- Elixir of Vigilance
- Elixir of Vigilance (Condition)
- Elixir of the Colossus
- Elixirs
- Elk Heart
- Ellice
- Ellie
- Elliot
- Ellis
- Ellswort
- Ellyka
- Elminster
- Elminster's Library
- Elminster by Cherish Holdomen
- Elonia
- Elsa
- Elthira Gossen
- Elturel
- Elven Agility
- Elven Chain
- Elven Chain (passive feature)
- Elven Elegance (Condition)
- Elven Eminence
- Elven Weapon Training
- Elwyn
- Elyna
- Emblazoned Plate of the Marshal
- Emboldening the Craven Heart
- Embrace Modernity
- Embrace Your Potential
- Embrace of the Inferno
- Embroidered Bycocket
- Embroidered Hat
- Emen
- Emerald Grove
- Emerald Ring
- Eminent Emerald Outfit
- Eminent Obsidian Outfit
- Emmeline Hallowleaf
- Emmeline Hallowleaf/Transcript
- Employee Pay Log
- Employment Opportunities
- Empowered Evocation
- Empowered Unarmed Strike
- Empty Bloodbank Jar
- Empty Brain Jar
- Empty Potion Bottle
- Empty Potion of Sleep
- Enchanted Me
- Enchanted Security (Condition)
- Enchantment
- Enchantment (school)
- Enchantment School
- Enclave Library
- Encrusted with Frost (Condition)
- Encumbered (Condition)
- Encyclopaedia Apotheca, by Sandre Toliar
- End Mystic Carrion's Immortality
- End Rage
- End of My Rope
- Endings
- Endless Rage
- Endless Rage (Condition)
- Endurance by Fire
- Enemy of Justice (Condition)
- Enervating Suffusion
- Enforcer Club
- Enforcer Helmet
- Enforcer Shield
- Engraved Key
- Engraved Key (Cellar)
- Engraved Key (Salazon)
- Engraved Pin
- Enhance Ability
- Enhance Leap
- Enhanced' Weapons - Sales Ledger
- Enhanced Armour Class (Condition)
- Enhanced Jump
- Eni
- Enlarge
- Enlarge/Reduce
- Enlarge (Duergar)
- Enlarged (Condition)
- Enough, Wretches!
- Enrage
- Enraged Throw
- Enraging Heart Garb
- Enriched Infernal Iron
- Ensnared (Condition)
- Ensnaring Shock
- Ensnaring Strands
- Ensnaring Strike
- Ensnaring Strike (Melee)
- Ensnaring Strike (Ranged)
- Entangle
- Entangle (Dryad)
- Entangle (Wood Woad)
- Entangled (Condition)
- Entangling Plants
- Entertainer
- Entharl Danthelon
- Enthrall
- Enthralled (Condition)
- Entombed Scribe
- Entombed Warrior
- Entranced Murderer (Condition)
- Entropic Ward
- Entropic Ward (Condition)
- Envenom
- Enver... Is your blood sweet?
- Enver Gortash
- Enver Gortash/Combat
- Environmental object
- Envoy's Amulet
- Envoys at Table
- Enwebbed (Condition)
- Escape the Deal
- Escape the Horde
- Escape the Nautiloid
- Eshvelt Guthmere
- Esmeltar Red
- Essence of Acorn Truffle
- Essence of Beholder Eye
- Essence of Crystalline Lens
- Essence of Ether
- Essence of Gremishka Tail
- Essence of Nightlight
- Essence of Planetar Feather
- Essence of Swarming Toadstool
- Essence of Sylvan Stone
- Essence of Timmask Spores
- Essence of Unicorn Horn
- Essius
- Esther
- Estra's Insights
- Estra Stir
- Eternal Carafe of Wine (Or Sometimes Acid)
- Eternal Cruelty
- Eternal Debtor
- Eternal Devotion
- Eternal Rat
- Eternally Bound (Condition)
- Ethel's Chest Key
- Ethel's Insect Plague
- Ethel's Lair Key
- Ethel's Twisted Blessing
- Ether-Essence Slumber (Condition)
- Ethereal
- Ethereal Escape
- Ethereal Escape (Condition)
- Ethereal Form
- Ethereal Jaunt
- Ethical Review of the Flaming Fist
- Ettercap
- Ettvard Needle
- Ettvard Needle's Silver Presentation Inkwell
- Evading the Elder Brain
- Evard's Black Tentacles
- Evasion
- Evasive Footwork
- Evasive Footwork (Condition)
- Evasive Instinct
- Evasive Shoes
- Ever Radiant (Condition)
- Ever Vigilant
- Everburn Blade
- Eversight Ring
- Everything Must Be Perfect
- Everything Soup
- Eviction Notice
- Evil's Ascent
- Evil evil evil
- Evocation
- Evocation School
- Excavation of the Enclave of Nhalloth
- Exceptional Plate
- Exceptional Training
- Exciting News!
- Executioner
- Executioner (Condition)
- Executioner Sword
- Exhausted (Condition)
- Exhort the Risen
- Exile
- Exoskeletal Endurance
- Exoskeletal Reinforcement
- Exotic Material
- Expeditious Retreat
- Expeditious Retreat (Condition)
- Experience
- Experienced And Deadly
- Experiment on Cruor
- Experimental Alchemy
- Expert Climber
- Expert Divination
- Expert Stitching
- Expertise (passive feature)
- Exploding Flumph (Condition)
- Exploit Weakness
- Exploits of the Order of Keen Strike
- Explore the Ruins
- Explorer's Ring
- Explosion Imminent! (Condition)
- Explosive Hoard (Condition)
- Explosive Icicle
- Explosive Retribution
- Exposing Bite
- Exposing Bite (Condition)
- Exquisite Focus
- Exterminator's Axe
- External Digestion
- Extinguished (Condition)
- Extinguishing Malice
- Extra Attack
- Extra Bonus Action (Condition)
- Extra Reach
- Extract Brain
- Extracts - The Rule of Three
- Extraplanar Summons
- Exude Mating Pheromones
- Exxvikyap
- Fable Books Table
- Fables of Faerûn I: The Dimwitted Drow
- Fables of Faerûn II: The Daring Duergar
- Fables of Faerûn III: The Enticing Elder
- Fables of Faerûn IV: The Magnanimous Miner
- Fables of Faerûn V: The Boy and the Beholder
- Fables of Faerûn VI: The Cheerful Deep Gnome
- Fables of Rashemi
- Fabricated Arbalest
- Face-Painting Kit
- Faceless Masquerade
- Facemaker's Boutique
- Facemaker, Tastemaker
- Facemaker Fashion Basement Key
- Faded Blueprints
- Faded Drow Leather Armour
- Faded Instructions
- Faded Logbook
- Faded Logbook (Selûnite, 124)
- Faded Logbook (Selûnite, 182)
- Faded Missing Poster
- Faded Note
- Faded Scroll of Reversal
- Faerie Fire
- Faerie Fire (Condition)
- Faerûn
- Faerûn Books Table
- Faewild Green and Dun Dye
- Failsafe Protocol
- Faithbreaker
- Faithwarden's Stride
- Faithwarden's Vines
- Fake Portrait of a Noble Before His Death
- Falael
- Falataeric Cli Lyre
- Falcäo
- Faldorn's Canticle: The Shadow Druids' Doctrine
- Falice's Chest Key
- Falla
- Fallen Gur Hunter
- Fallen Lover
- Falling damage
- False Heart (Condition)
- False Life
- False Life (Condition)
- False Spear of the Night
- Falten
- Faltering Will
- Faltering Will (Condition)
- Falura
- Family Ring
- Fanatic Retaliation
- Fancy Footwork
- Fancy Letter
- Fancy Trader Table
- Fangs of the Fire Snake
- Fangs of the Fire Snake (Condition)
- Fank
- Faona
- Far'aag
- Faril
- Farimorn
- Farlin
- Farsea Marshwine
- Fast Hands
- Fast Movement
- Fastidiously Perfect Outfit
- Father Lorgan's Hand
- Favourable Beginnings
- Favoured Enemy
- Favoured Spawn Ledger
- Favoured Weapon
- Favoured Weapon (Condition)
- Fear
- Fear Aura (Condition)
- Fear Ray
- Fear of Wolves
- Fearful (Condition)
- Feast Supplies
- Feather Fall
- Feather Fall (Condition)
- Feather Token
- Featherlight Boots
- Featherweight Falson
- Feats
- Features
- Feeble (Condition)
- Feeble Spectre
- Feed the Mind Flayer
- Feena
- Feign Death
- Feigning Death (Condition)
- Feinting Attack
- Felgi Diggums
- Feline Fall
- Feller of Monsters
- Felogyr's Fireworks
- Felogyr's Fireworks Cellar Key
- Feona
- Feral Instinct
- Ferg Drogher
- Fernhollow
- Ferr
- Fervent Flames
- Festering Frenzy (Condition)
- Festering Spores (Condition)
- Fetcher's Favour (Condition)
- Fetid Aura (Condition)
- Fetid Fumes (Condition)
- Fetid Ooze
- Fetish of Callarduran Smoothhands
- Feverish (Condition)
- Fevrokis
- Fey Ancestry
- Fey Life
- Fey Presence
- Fey Presence: Beguiling
- Fey Presence: Disturbing
- Fey Semblance Amulet
- Feywild Sparks
- Feywild Sparks (Condition)
- Fezk
- Fezzerk
- Field Report - Deathstalker Zumm
- Fiend
- Fiendish Alchemy
- Fiendish Ascension
- Fiendish Bestiary
- Fiendish Blessing
- Fiendish Charm
- Fiendish Fire
- Fiendish Flameblast
- Fiendish Obeisance: Kneel (Condition)
- Fiendish Obeisance (Condition)
- Fiendish Resilience
- Fiendish Resilience: Acid
- Fiendish Resilience: Acid (Condition)
- Fiendish Resilience: Bludgeoning
- Fiendish Resilience: Bludgeoning (Condition)
- Fiendish Resilience: Cold
- Fiendish Resilience: Cold (Condition)
- Fiendish Resilience: Fire
- Fiendish Resilience: Fire (Condition)
- Fiendish Resilience: Force
- Fiendish Resilience: Force (Condition)
- Fiendish Resilience: Lightning
- Fiendish Resilience: Lightning (Condition)
- Fiendish Resilience: Necrotic
- Fiendish Resilience: Necrotic (Condition)
- Fiendish Resilience: Piercing
- Fiendish Resilience: Piercing (Condition)
- Fiendish Resilience: Poison
- Fiendish Resilience: Poison (Condition)
- Fiendish Resilience: Psychic
- Fiendish Resilience: Psychic (Condition)
- Fiendish Resilience: Radiant
- Fiendish Resilience: Radiant (Condition)
- Fiendish Resilience: Slashing
- Fiendish Resilience: Slashing (Condition)
- Fiendish Resilience: Thunder
- Fiendish Resilience: Thunder (Condition)
- Fiendish Vice (Condition)
- Fiendish Vigour
- Fierce Golden Helm
- Fierce Perilous Stakes
- Fierce Perilous Stakes (Condition)
- Fiery Bolt
- Fiery Brew (Condition)
- Fiery Regurgitation
- Fiery Return
- Fig
- Figaro's Chest Key
- Figaro's Safe Key
- Figaro Pennygood
- Fighter
- Fighter set
- Fighting style
- File Under Diabolist
- Filigreed Feywild Bell
- Filro
- Filth Fever (Condition)
- Final Delivery
- Final Warning (Elerrathin's Home)
- Final Warning (Windmill)
- Find Arabella's Parents
- Find Doni
- Find Dribbles the Clown
- Find Explosives
- Find Familiar
- Find Familiar: Boo
- Find Familiar: Cat
- Find Familiar: Cheeky Quasit
- Find Familiar: Crab
- Find Familiar: Frog
- Find Familiar: Imp
- Find Familiar: Quasit
- Find Familiar: Rat
- Find Familiar: Raven
- Find Familiar: Scratch
- Find Familiar: Spider
- Find Ketheric Thorm's Relic
- Find Mol
- Find Mystic Carrion's Servant
- Find Rolan in the Shadows
- Find Your Belongings
- Find Zevlor
- Find a Cure
- Find a Way into Wyrm's Rock Fortress
- Find the 'Stern Librarian' Ffion
- Find the Blood of Lathander
- Find the Githyanki Crèche
- Find the Missing Boots
- Find the Missing Letters
- Find the Missing Shipment
- Find the Mushroom Picker
- Find the Nightsong
- Findal
- Findings from the Hinterlands - New Edition
- Fine Reports
- Fine at Home: A Cookery Book
- Finesse
- Finger of Death
- Finish the Masterwork Weapon
- Fire
- Fire-Spiced Chicken Sausages
- Fire (disambiguation)
- Fire (surface)
- Fire Acuity
- Fire Amber
- Fire Bolt
- Fire Breath (Cone)
- Fire Breath (Dragons)
- Fire Breath (Line)
- Fire Breath (Magma Mephit)
- Fire Breath (disambiguation)
- Fire Elemental
- Fire Explosive
- Fire Hallucination
- Fire Hallucination (creature)
- Fire Infusion (Condition)
- Fire Myrmidon
- Fire Resistance (Condition)
- Fire Resistance Aura (Condition)
- Fire Shield
- Fire Shield: Chill
- Fire Shield: Chill (Condition)
- Fire Shield: Warm
- Fire Shield: Warm (Condition)
- Fire set
- Fireball
- Firebolt?
- Fireheart
- Firellia Jannath
- Firestoker
- Firewine Barrel
- Firewine Belly (Condition)
- Firewine Explosion
- Fireworks Workshop Key
- Firm-Heeled Sandals
- Firm-Soled Boots
- First Blood
- First Draft - Characters
- First Draft - Story
- First Draft - World
- Firzu's Ring of Trading
- Fish
- Fish (Big)
- Fish (Disambiguation)
- Fish Barrel
- Fish Fillet
- Fish Head
- Fish Skeleton
- Fish Supply Table
- Fish Trader Table
- Fishbait Arno
- Fishfolk Faithful
- Fishing Rod
- Fishing Rod of Alertness
- Fist
- Fist (Glut)
- Fist (Spaw)
- Fist Attacker
- Fist Defender
- Fist of Bane
- Fist of Four Thunders
- Fist of Unbroken Air
- Fistbreaker Helm
- Fit to Burst
- Fitzy Relma
- Five
- Five (Or Six) Heroes
- Flail
- Flail +1
- Flail +2
- Flail of Ages
- Flail of Dread Skulls
- Flail of Madness
- Flail of Myrkul
- Flail of Pain
- Flail of Paralysis
- Flail of the Vortex
- Flails
- Flame-Feeble (Condition)
- Flame Blade
- Flame Blade (weapon)
- Flame Enamelled Armour
- Flame Strike
- Flame of Wrath
- Flamerule 1477
- Flames of Avernus
- Flames of Avernus (passive feature)
- Flames of Avernus (spell)
- Flames of the Phoenix
- Flaming Aura (Condition)
- Flaming Blade
- Flaming Fist
- Flaming Fist Archer
- Flaming Fist Company Applications Approved
- Flaming Fist Guisarmier
- Flaming Fist Healer
- Flaming Fist Helmet
- Flaming Fist History
- Flaming Fist New Recruit Booklet
- Flaming Fist Protector
- Flaming Fist Wizard
- Flaming Fist Writ of Command
- Flaming Fury
- Flaming Pete
- Flaming Revenge
- Flaming Shroud
- Flaming Sphere
- Flaming Sphere (Condition)
- Flaming Sphere (creature)
- Flammable Slime Bomb
- Flan Hawser
- Flange
- Flansy Thornwhist
- Flant Borlley
- Flashblinder
- Flask of Light
- Flawed Helldusk Armour
- Flawed Helldusk Gloves
- Flawed Helldusk Helmet
- Fleeing (status group)
- Fleer
- Fleet of Foot
- Fleetfingers
- Fleeting Dream
- Fleeting Protection (Condition)
- Flesh
- Flesh Golem
- Flesh Rot (Condition)
- Flesh to Gold
- Flesh to Stone
- Flesh to Stone: Restrained Stage 1 (Condition)
- Flesh to Stone: Restrained Stage 2 (Condition)
- Flesh to Stone: Restrained Stage 3 (Condition)
- Fleshmelter Cloak
- Fleshrender
- Flight (Condition)
- Flind
- Flinster Sunseeker
- Flintdigger's Abridged Dwarven History
- Flo-Flo
- Flo Hurlburl
- Flophouse Issues
- Flophouse Rules
- Flophouse Tenants Logs
- Flora of the Dalelands
- Florean Bixworth
- Floridor
- Florrick
- Florrick's Cohort
- Florrick's Demotion Notice
- Flourish
- Flow of the Chionthar
- Flower Preservation Notes
- Flowery Key
- Flowery Shite
- Fluffy Memory
- Flumph Mating Rituals
- Flurry of Blows
- Flurry of Blows: Push
- Flurry of Blows: Stagger
- Flurry of Blows: Topple
- Flurry of Moths
- Flurry of Moths: Attack
- Flurry of Moths: Blinding Swarm
- Flurry of Moths: Mighty Blinding Swarm
- Flurry of Moths: Mighty Teleport
- Flurry of Moths: Teleport
- Flute
- Fly
- Fly (Dire Raven Companion)
- Fly (Dragons)
- Fly (Illithid Power)
- Fly (bonus action)
- Fly (class action)
- Fly Trap
- Flyer advertising The Rivington General
- Flying Ghoul
- Flying Strike
- Flying Strike (Condition)
- Flymm's Cobblers
- Flymm Cargo
- Flytebon
- Focused Conjuration
- Focused Stride
- Foebreaker
- Fog
- Fog Cloud
- Folk Hero
- Folksongs of Faerûn
- Follgast
- Follow the Convoy
- Fond Caress
- Fonmara
- Font of Inspiration
- Food Supply Table 10
- Food Supply Table 12
- Food Supply Table 2
- Food Supply Table 3
- Food Supply Table 4
- Food Supply Table 5
- Food Supply Table 6
- Food Supply Table 7
- Foolish Little Pup (Condition)
- Footwear
- For'reth
- For Duke Stelmane
- For The Discerning Eyes of Oskar Fervas ONLY
- For the Attention of Volothamp Geddarm
- For the Eyes Of Lady Jannath ONLY
- For the Lord of Bones!
- Forbidden Knowledge
- Force
- Force Absorption
- Force Bravado
- Force Conduit (Condition)
- Force Resistance (Condition)
- Force Steadfast (Condition)
- Force Tunnel
- Force set
- Forced Manoeuvre
- Forced Manoeuvre (Condition)
- Forced Teleportation
- Forceful Throw
- Forest
- Forest (passive feature)
- Forest Aegis
- Forever Indebted
- Forever Indebted (passive feature)
- Forge
- Forge Construction Log
- Forge of the Nine
- Forgery Kit
- Forging Success
- Forging a Heart
- Forgotten Temple
- Fork
- Form H, Refusal of Admittance
- Form of Artifice (Condition)
- Form of Dread
- Form of Dread (Condition)
- Formidable Helmet
- Formless Slaughter
- Formless Slaughter (Condition)
- Formsculpt: Tressym
- Forstum
- Fortuno Dibbs
- Fossilised Shell
- Four
- Fox's Cunning
- Fox's Cunning (Condition)
- Fracture Psyche
- Fracture Psyche (Full-illithid)
- Fractured Psyche (Condition)
- Fractured Psyche (Full-illithid) (Condition)
- Fragrant Fungus Stew
- Franc's Hand
- Franc Peartree
- Francis
- Frantic Urgency
- Frayed Drow Hood
- Fraygo's Flophouse
- Fraygo's Flophouse Back Door Key
- Fred
- Freddo
- Fredrichk
- Free Counsellor Florrick
- Free Lae'zel
- Free Orpheus
- Free True Soul Nere
- Free the Artist
- Freecast
- Freedom of Movement
- Freedom of Movement (Condition)
- Freezing Claws
- Freida Oberon
- Frell Olsin
- Frenello
- Frenzied (Condition)
- Frenzied Charge
- Frenzied Fury
- Frenzied Fury (Condition)
- Frenzied Spores (Condition)
- Frenzied Strain (Condition)
- Frenzied Strike
- Frenzied Strike (Boar)
- Frenzy
- Fresh Mind
- Fried Rat Skewer
- Friend
- Friends
- Friends (Condition)
- Friends Until The End
- Frightened (Condition)
- Frightened (status group)
- Frightened Immunity
- Frightened Ox
- Frightful Presence
- Frigid Blade
- Fringe Philosophy, Vol. V
- Friol
- Frites
- Frode
- Frog
- From Zollerix, Counting House - To Tefoco, Bee Hive
- From the Desk of Rakath Glitterbeard, Head Banker
- Front and Centre: A Thespian's Memoir
- Frost
- Frost Breath
- Frost Prince
- Frost Salamander Tongue
- Frost of Dark Winter
- Frostbite (Condition)
- Frostbitten (Condition)
- Frosted Ear
- Frostkiss Ale
- Frothilda
- Frozen (Condition)
- Fruit Porridge
- Frumpy Hat
- Fry
- Fuffi Fuffers
- Fugitive (Condition)
- Fulfill the Deal
- Fulguro
- Full-illithid
- Full Body Depiction of a Tiefling
- Funerary Jar Form and Function
- Fungal Bamboozler
- Fungal Infestation
- Fungal Resistance
- Fungal Resistance (Condition)
- Fungal Resurrection (Condition)
- Fungal Zombie
- Funglesby
- Furbleston
- Furek
- Fury In The Marrow
- Fury of the Small
- Fustian
- Gai
- Gald
- Gale
- Gale's Austere Clothes
- Gale's Pouch
- Gale's Severed Hand
- Gale/Approval
- Gale/Banter
- Gale/Romance
- Gale (class action)
- Galem Meats
- Galerian Revelry (Condition)
- Galleass
- Galvanic Currents (Condition)
- Galvanise
- Game Over screens
- Gameplay mechanics
- Gan
- Gandrel
- Gandrel's Aspiration
- Gaping Wounds (Condition)
- Garb of the Land and Sky
- Gargantuan Cleave
- Gargoyle's Countenance
- Gargoyle Boots
- Gargoyle Head
- Gargoyle Statue
- Garias
- Garithon
- Garlic
- Garlow's Retirement Plan
- Garmin
- Garmor
- Garnet Ring
- Garret Dortmell
- Garrett
- Garri Orne
- Garrigan
- Garron Flintsplitter
- Garrotte
- Garrotte (Meazel)
- Garrotte (Meazel, tactician)
- Garrotte (Sorn Orlith)
- Garrotted (Condition)
- Garrotting (Condition)
- Gaseous Form
- Gaseous Form (Condition)
- Gaseous Form (creature)
- Gaseous Reflux (Condition)
- Gasper Throaks
- Gather Power
- Gather Your Allies (class action)
- Gather Your Allies (quest)
- Gathering Drumbeat (Condition)
- Gauntlet
- Gauntlet of Shar
- Gauntlet of the Tyrant
- Gauntlets of Hill Giant Strength
- Gauntlets of Surging Accuracy
- Gauntlets of the Warmaster
- Gauth Eyestalk
- Gaze of the Dead
- Geanne
- Gekh Coal
- Gem Valuables Table
- Gem of Restitution
- Gemini Gloves
- Gemless Ring
- Gemstone Categories
- Gemstone Categories/All
- Gemstone Categories/PreciousGem
- Gemstone Categories/PreciousGem 2
- Gemstone Categories/PreciousGem 3
- Gemstone Categories/PreciousGem 4
- Gemstone Categories/PreciousGem 5
- Gemstone Categories/PreciousGem 6
- Gemstone Categories/PreciousGem 7
- General Faerun Book Table
- General Streets Chest Key
- Generic Skeleton Drop Table
- Genial Strider
- Genshu Ofran
- Geraldus
- Gergerann
- Gerringothe's Logbook
- Gerringothe Thorm
- Gerringothe Thorm/Combat
- Gerson
- Get Gortash's Netherstone
- Get Help from Auntie Ethel
- Get Help from Healer Nettie
- Get Orin's Netherstone
- Get Past the Rubble
- Get to Baldur's Gate
- Giant
- Giant's Rage
- Giant's Rage (Condition)
- Giant (barbarian subclass)
- Giant (creature type)
- Giant Eagle
- Giant Form
- Giant Form (Condition)
- Giant Killer
- Giant Rat
- Giant Shadow Creeper
- Giant Skeleton
- Giant Spider
- Giant strength
- Giantbreaker
- Giantslayer
- Gibus of the Worshipful Servant
- Gift Note
- Gift from the Absolute
- Giftu Hudd
- Gigantic Endurance (Condition)
- Gilbert Irlentree
- Gilded Chest
- Gilded Hellsboar
- Gilded Imp
- Gilded Minotaur
- Gilded Mortar and Pestle
- Gimblebock
- Gipkins Jared
- Gira
- Gish
- Gish'ra (caster)
- Gish'ra (melee)
- Gish (hybrid) set
- Gith
- Gith Shard
- Githborn: Flying Boots
- Githborn Psionic Resistance
- Githborn Psionic Weapon
- Githborn Psionic Weapon (1d6)
- Githyanki
- Githyanki (Faction)
- Githyanki Boots
- Githyanki Breastplate
- Githyanki Crossbow
- Githyanki Egg
- Githyanki Greatsword
- Githyanki Greatsword (Psionic)
- Githyanki Half Plate
- Githyanki Longsword
- Githyanki Longsword (+1)
- Githyanki Longsword (Psionic)
- Githyanki Orders
- Githyanki Parry
- Githyanki Providence (Condition)
- Githyanki Psionics
- Githyanki Report
- Githyanki Shortsword
- Githyanki Shortsword (+1)
- Githyanki Slate
- Githyanki War Magic
- Githyanki War Magic (Condition)
- Githyanki vocabulary
- Githzerai
- Githzerai Mind Barrier (Condition)
- Gizelle Flintsplitter
- Glacial Age
- Gladitorial Sandals
- Glaive
- Glaive +1
- Glaives
- Glass Chalice
- Glass Cup
- Glass Goblet
- Glass Retort
- Gleamdance Dagger
- Gleamdance Dagger: Glowing
- Gleamdancer
- Gleeful Clong
- Glenvora
- Glimmer Whistleborn
- Glimmergad's Selgaunt Fiddle
- Glimpse of Freedom (Condition)
- Glingo
- Glist
- Glitter Gala Store Key
- Globe of Invulnerability
- Globe of Invulnerability (area)
- Glomp
- Glone
- Gloom Stalker
- Gloom Step
- Gloommask
- Gloomstrand Shield
- Gloomy Fentonson
- Glorious Pointy Hat
- Glory of the Absolute
- Glory to the House of Oblodra
- Glourik
- Gloves (Equipment)
- Gloves of Archery
- Gloves of Baneful Striking
- Gloves of Battlemage's Power
- Gloves of Belligerent Skies
- Gloves of Cinder and Sizzle
- Gloves of Crushing
- Gloves of Dexterity
- Gloves of Fire Resistance
- Gloves of Flint and Steel
- Gloves of Hail of Thorns
- Gloves of Heroism
- Gloves of Missile Snaring
- Gloves of Power
- Gloves of Soul Catching
- Gloves of Succour
- Gloves of The Duellist
- Gloves of Thievery
- Gloves of Uninhibited Kushigo
- Gloves of the Automaton
- Gloves of the Balanced Hands
- Gloves of the Growling Underdog
- Glowcap Mushroom
- Glowing Shield
- Glut
- Glutted Catacombs (Condition)
- Glynda Oltower
- Glyph of Warding
- Glyph of Warding: Acid
- Glyph of Warding: Cold
- Glyph of Warding: Detonation
- Glyph of Warding: Fire
- Glyph of Warding: Lightning
- Glyph of Warding: Sleep
- Glyph of Warding: Thunder
- Glyria
- Goaded (Condition)
- Goading Attack (Melee)
- Goading Attack (Ranged)
- Goading Roar
- Goblet
- Goblet With Dead Tadpoles
- Goblin
- Goblin's Drawing
- Goblin's Undoing
- Goblin Booyahg
- Goblin Boss
- Goblin Bow
- Goblin Brawler
- Goblin Camp
- Goblin Devout
- Goblin Sapper
- Goblin Scimitar
- Goblin Sharp-Eye
- Goblin Tracker
- Goblin Warlock
- Goblin Warrior
- Goblinbane Dagger
- Goblins: The Maglubiyet Gambit
- God Books Table
- God of Ambition (Condition)
- Godey
- Godfrey Mordels
- Godswill
- Golbraith's Cellar
- Golbraith's Chest Key
- Golbraith's Hatch Key
- Golbraith's Key
- Golbraith Stredivas
- Gold
- Gold Band
- Gold Chalice
- Gold Ingot
- Gold Jewelry Subtable
- Gold Key
- Gold Necklace
- Gold Necklace Jewelry Subtable
- Gold Pendant
- Gold Plating
- Gold Ring
- Gold Ring Jewelry Subtable
- Gold Wyrmling Staff
- Goldgloss Heraldic Helm
- Gomwick
- Gond
- Gond and Gripping Life By The Tongs
- Gondian Automaton Conversion
- Gondian Autoprinter Manual
- Gondian Research Report
- Gondian Steel Watcher
- Gondlemead
- Gonfalon
- Gong of the Summit
- Gontr Mael
- Gontr Mael: Glowing
- Goodberry
- Goodberry (Item)
- Goodge
- Goosequill
- Gordis
- Gordis' Dog Collar
- Gore (Deep Rothé)
- Gore (Minotaur)
- Gorgeous Maroon Dye
- Gorion Mausoleum
- Gorion Mausoleum Key
- Goris' Chest Key
- Goris Ballast
- Gorran Penghyst
- Gortash's Chest Key
- Gortash's Hand
- Gortash's Key
- Gortash's Netherstone
- Gortash Black List
- Gortash Coronation Poster
- Gossamer Tomb
- Gossamer Tomb (Condition)
- Got the Itch to Wander?
- Got the Shivering Fantods
- Gothric Rillyn
- Gowlan
- Gracie Scyre
- Grainne Jodhpur
- Grand Infernal Painting
- Grand Mausoleum
- Grand Mausoleum Offerings Key
- Grand Slam
- Granitdatter
- Grant Flight
- Grapple
- Grappled (Condition)
- Grappling (Condition)
- Grasp Essence (Condition)
- Grasp of the Forest
- Grasping Appendage
- Grasping Arrow: Entangled (Condition)
- Grasping Pull
- Grasping Vine
- Grasping Vine (creature)
- Grass House
- Grassland
- Grassley
- Grat
- Grave Magic
- Grave Shot
- Gravedigger Karcen
- Gravekeeper's Journal
- Gravely Wounded (Condition)
- Graverobbers' Spree
- Graveyard (Lower City)
- Graveyard Coiler
- Graveyard Diary
- Graveyard Door Key
- Grease
- Grease (surface)
- Grease Bottle
- Grease Elemental
- Grease Mephit
- Greaseball
- Greasy Discharge
- Great Weapon Fighting
- Great Weapon Master: All In
- Great Weapon Master: Bonus Attack
- Great Weapon Master: Bonus Attack (Condition)
- Great Weapon Master: Bonus Attack (attack)
- Great Wyrm's Scales
- Greataxe
- Greataxe +1
- Greataxe +2
- Greataxe Slash
- Greataxes
- Greatclub
- Greatclub (Minotaur)
- Greatclub +1
- Greatclubs
- Greater Arcane Hunger (Condition)
- Greater Elixir of Arcane Cultivation
- Greater Elixir of Arcane Cultivation (Condition)
- Greater Invisibility
- Greater Invisibility (Condition)
- Greater Kushigo Counter
- Greater Restoration
- Greater Toughness (Condition)
- Greater Wyrm's Scales
- Greater Zombie
- Greatsword
- Greatsword +1
- Greatsword +1 (Common)
- Greatsword Slash
- Greatswords
- Green Bed Regeneration
- Green Bed Regeneration (Condition)
- Green Dye
- Green Flare Leather Outfit
- Green Grapes
- Greenfern
- Greez
- Gregarious Caster
- Gregory Bright
- Gremishka
- Gremishka Tail
- Grenade Impeller
- Grenades
- Grent Grintly
- Grenywald
- Gresh
- Gretta
- Grey Harbour Docks
- Grey Scout's Journal
- Greymask
- Greymon
- Greyward
- Gribbo
- Grice
- Grief Key
- Grievous Retribution
- Griff
- Grikka
- Grilled Cormorant
- Grilled Miniature Giant Space Hamster
- Grilled Pork Belly
- Grilled Pork Leg
- Grilled Rothé Ribs
- Grilled Steak
- Grim Harvest
- Grim Irony
- Grim Visage
- Grimlark
- Grimlark Verse 1
- Grimlark Verse 2
- Grimlark Verse 3
- Grimlark Verse 4
- Grimlark Verse 5
- Grimlark Verse 6
- Grimlark Verses
- Grimoire Bound in Imp Skin
- Grimy Chest
- Grimy Report
- Grindo Biggs
- Grip of Shadows
- Gripped by Kereska's Flame (Condition)
- Griska
- Griska's Key
- Grisselda Dibbs
- Gristle
- Grit
- Gronag
- Gronch
- Grotesque Distention (Condition)
- Grotpoll
- Grounded Thunder Strike
- Groundskeeper's Hatch Key
- Grout
- Grove Annals
- Grove Artefacts
- Grovetender Boots
- Grub
- Grubby Key
- Grubby Map
- Gruel
- Grukkoh
- Grumm
- Grundril
- Gruntman
- Grush
- Gruz
- Grym
- Grymforge
- Grymforge: A History
- Grymskull Helm
- Guard Rotation
- Guardian
- Guardian Wraiths (Condition)
- Guardian of Faith
- Guardian of Faith (creature)
- Guardian of Faith (disambiguation)
- Guardian of Faith (passive feature)
- Gudrun
- Guest Log
- Guestbook of Rosymorn Abbey
- Guex
- Guidance
- Guidance (Condition)
- Guide to Taming Worgs
- Guided Strike
- Guided Strike: Active (Condition)
- Guiding Bolt
- Guiding Bolt (Condition)
- Guiding Light
- Guild Artisan
- Guild Hall Hatch Key
- Guild Ring
- Guildhall
- Guildhall Entrance
- Guildmaster's Orders
- Guildmaster Keene's Fixers
- Gujj
- Gulster Boyes
- Gulthmeran Reserve
- Gummidge
- Gur
- Gur Camp
- Gur Hunter Sharpshooter
- Gur Hunter Warrior (Handaxe)
- Gur Hunter Warrior (Scimitar)
- Gur Huntwardens
- Gurd
- Gurgon
- Gurira
- Gurk
- Gurza
- Gushing Air
- Gust of Wind
- Gustav
- Gut
- Haarlep
- Habits of Patriars
- Habor Koltz
- Hadar
- Haemorrhaged (Condition)
- Haeril Birch
- Hag
- Hag's Bane
- Hag's Pawn (Condition)
- Hag's Ring
- Hag's Trickery (Condition)
- Hag Pregnancy (Condition)
- Hag Research Notes
- Hag Spy's Note
- Hag Spy's Note (Mayrina dead)
- Haggis
- Hahns Rives
- Hail of Thorns
- Hair
- Hair-Growing Tonic
- Hairy Henry
- Hairy Henry's Journal
- Halberd
- Halberd +1
- Halberd Slash
- Halberd of Vigilance
- Halberds
- Half-Eaten Apple
- Half-Elf
- Half-Orc
- Half-Orcish Fury (Condition)
- Half-Torn Note
- Half Plate Armour
- Half Plate Armour +1
- Half Plate Armour +2
- Halfar
- Halfling
- Halfling Luck
- Halfling Luck (Condition)
- Halfred's Note
- Hallucinating (Condition)
- Hallucination Spores
- Halo of Spores
- Halsin
- Halsin's Grove Garments
- Halsin's Journal, Vol I
- Halsin's Journal, Vol II
- Halsin's Pipe
- Halsin's Underwear
- Halsin/Approval
- Halsin/Banter
- Halsin/Location Remarks
- Halsin/Romance
- Hamarhraft
- Hamate
- Hammer
- Hammer of the Just
- Hammergrim Mist Amulet
- Hamstring Shot
- Hamstrung (Condition)
- Hand-Drawn Map
- Hand Bag
- Hand Crossbow
- Hand Crossbow (Yurgir)
- Hand Crossbow +1
- Hand Crossbow +2
- Hand Crossbows
- Hand Drum
- Hand Me My Leech
- Hand Me My Saw
- Hand Me My Syringe
- Hand Me My Trepan
- Handaxe
- Handaxe +1
- Handaxes
- Handmaiden's Mace
- Hands Off, Petal (Condition)
- Handsaw
- Handwear
- Handwritten Note
- Hangfar
- Hans Feather
- Hapdim
- Happy (Condition)
- Happy Birthday
- Happy Birthday Homer!
- Happy Hands
- Happy Hoarson
- Har'rak
- Hardily Constructed Boots
- Hargin Jooli
- Harlequin Black and White Dye
- Harm
- Harm (Condition)
- Harmonic Dueller
- Harmonised (Condition)
- Harmonium Halberd
- Harmony of Fire and Water
- Harold
- Haroldish Doom
- Harp-Shaped Pin
- Harp-stamped Letter
- Harper's Map
- Harper's Notebook
- Harper's Testimonial
- Harper Archer
- Harper Blade
- Harper Interrogation Transcript
- Harper Journal
- Harper Key
- Harper Report: No Leads
- Harper Sacredstriker
- Harper Stash
- Harpers
- Harping By Moonlight: An Approach To Life
- Harpy
- Harpy Feather
- Harrowed (Condition)
- Harrowing Painting
- Harrowing Presence
- Hartlebury
- Harvard Willoughby
- Harvest of Memory
- HasHighGroundRangeExtension (spell flag)
- Haseid
- Haskinn Xhesilaphin
- Hasmet Hudd
- Hastar Biggs
- Haste
- Haste Helm
- Haste Spore Flask
- Haste Spore Grenade
- Haste Spores
- Haste Spores (Condition)
- Haste Spores (cloud)
- Hastened (Condition)
- Hastening Spores
- Hastily-Written Note (Dead Eyes)
- Hastily Written Note
- Hastily Written Note (Druids Grove)
- Hastily Written Note (Morphic Pool)
- Hastily Written Note (Night Orchid Cave)
- Hat Of Uproarious Laughter
- Hat of Eminent Giggles
- Hat of Fire Acuity
- Hat of Storm Scion's Power
- Hat of Uninhibited Kushigo
- Hat of the Sharp Caster
- Haunted Approach (Condition)
- Haunted One
- Haunting Aura (Condition)
- Havard
- Have Nice Gift!
- Havkelaag
- Havkelaag's Journal
- Havkelaag's Key
- Havkelaag's Notes
- He Who Was
- Head of Lettuce
- Head of a Broken Spear
- Headbutt
- Headcrack
- Headless Fish
- Headline Brainstorming
- Headwear
- Heal
- Healer's Log
- Healers' Ledger
- Healing
- Healing Incense (Condition)
- Healing Incense Aura
- Healing Incense Aura (Condition)
- Healing Pearl (Condition)
- Healing Potion Table
- Healing Radiance
- Healing Radiance (Condition)
- Healing Vapours
- Healing Word
- Healing set
- Heapside Armoury Key
- Heapside Prison
- Hear My Prayer. Please?
- Hear the Finest Shanties at the Blushing Mermaid
- Heart
- Heart-Shaped Rock
- Heart Ablaze
- Heart of Ice
- Heart of Iron
- Heart of Stone
- Heart of Stone (Condition)
- Heart of the Storm
- Heart of the Storm: Lightning
- Heart of the Storm: Resistance
- Heart of the Storm: Thunder
- Heartform Mapped (Condition)
- Heartform Terror: Ceremorphosis (Condition)
- Heartform Terror: Spider (Condition)
- Heartform Terror: Wolf (Condition)
- Hearthlight Bomb
- Heartstopper
- Heartwrench
- Hearty Dinner
- Heat (Condition)
- Heat Convergence
- Heat Convergence (Condition)
- Heat Metal
- Heat Metal: Reapply Damage
- Heat Metal: Reapply Damage (Condition)
- Heat Metal (Condition)
- Heat Set
- Heavily Armoured
- Heavily Encumbered (Condition)
- Heavily Obscured
- Heavily Obscured (Condition)
- Heavy (weapon property)
- Heavy Armour Master
- Heavy Backpack
- Heavy Book
- Heavy Boots
- Heavy Chest
- Heavy Crossbow
- Heavy Crossbow +1
- Heavy Crossbows
- Heavy Hitter
- Heavy Key
- Heavy Key (Blighted Village)
- Heavy Magic Armour Trader Table
- Heavy Spiked Club
- Heavy Stone
- Heavy Supply Pack
- Heder Cross
- Hedge Wanderer Armour
- Heen
- Hegira
- Heightened Awareness
- Heightened Manoeuvre
- Heightened Necromancy
- Helag
- Helena
- Helena Anchev
- Helenia
- Helia
- Hell Books Table
- Hell Sphere
- Hellbeard Halberd
- Hellcrawler
- Helldusk Armour
- Helldusk Armour (passive feature)
- Helldusk Boots
- Helldusk Gloves
- Helldusk Helmet
- Helldusk set
- Hellfire
- Hellfire (disambiguation)
- Hellfire Cambion (Condition)
- Hellfire Curse
- Hellfire Curse (Condition)
- Hellfire Engine Crossbow
- Hellfire Exhaust
- Hellfire Greataxe
- Hellfire Hand Crossbow
- Hellfire Missiles
- Hellfire Orb
- Hellfire Watcher
- Hellflame Cleave
- Hellish Landscape
- Hellish Rebuke
- Hellish Rebuke (passive feature)
- Hellish Resistance
- Hellish Sphere (Aura) (Condition)
- Hellish Sphere (Condition)
- Hellrider's Pride
- Hellrider Cleric
- Hellrider Longbow
- Hellrider Paladin
- Hellrider Platoon
- Hellriders
- Hellsboar
- Hellstalker
- Hellstalker Yurgir
- Helm
- Helm's Protection
- Helm-Embossed Journal
- Helm (God)
- Helm of Arcane Gate
- Helm of Balduran
- Helmet
- Helmet of Arcane Acuity
- Helmet of Autonomy
- Helmet of Grit
- Helmet of Smiting
- Help
- Help (bonus action)
- Help Kith'rak Voss
- Help Omeluum Investigate the Parasite
- Help Your Protector
- Help the Devilish Ox
- Help the Hag Survivors
- Help the Spirit of the Amulet
- Helsik
- Helsik's Diary
- Helsik's Key
- Hendly
- Henk
- Her Love For it Was Like A Plum
- Her Voice: Commanding (Condition)
- Her Voice: Transforming (Condition)
- Her Voice: the End of All (Condition)
- Herb Supply Table
- Herb Table
- Herbalist's Gloves
- Heroes' Feast
- Heroic (Condition)
- Heroic Portrait of Gortash
- Heroism
- Heroism (Condition)
- Hertvor Dremble
- Hervyl
- Hex
- Hex (Charisma)
- Hex (Constitution)
- Hex (Dexterity)
- Hex (Intelligence)
- Hex (Strength)
- Hex (Wisdom)
- Hex Warrior
- Hexblade's Curse
- Hexblade's Curse (Condition)
- Hexed: Charisma (Condition)
- Hexed: Constitution (Condition)
- Hexed: Dexterity (Condition)
- Hexed: Intelligence (Condition)
- Hexed: Strength (Condition)
- Hexed: Wisdom (Condition)
- Hexed Weapon (Condition)
- Hextra
- Hey Dez
- Hi from Boareskyr Bridge! (We're alright)
- Hidden Room
- Hidden Vault
- Hide
- Hide-Bound Journal
- Hide Armour
- Hide Armour +1
- Hide Armour +2
- Hide in Plain Sight
- Hide in Plain Sight (Condition)
- Hideous Laughter (Condition)
- Hiding (Condition)
- Hiemal Strike
- Hiero Lue
- High Hall Key
- High Heralds
- High Security Vault n°1 Key
- High Security Vault n°2 Key
- High Security Vault n°3 Key
- High Security Vault n°4 Key
- High Security Vault n°5 Key
- High Security Vault n°6 Key
- High Security Vault n°7 Key
- High Security Vault n°8 Key
- High Security Vault n°9 Key
- High Spellcasting (+1)
- High Spellcasting (+2)
- High Spirits (Condition)
- High ground rules
- Highberry's Home
- Highberry's Strongbox Key
- Highcliff's Blueprints
- Highcliff's Journal
- Highsun Liqueur
- Hiila
- Hilario Varota
- Hildeh
- Hill Giant's Might (Condition)
- Hill Giant Finger
- Hill giant
- Hill giant strength
- Hirelings
- His Holy Blood, Vol. 1, Dawnmaster Dovaer
- His Holy Blood, Vol. 2, Paladin Vaseid
- His Holy Blood, Vol. 3, Dawnmaster Vaseid
- His Majesty
- History
- History Books Table
- Hit points
- Hivune
- HoH
- Hoarding Energy (Condition)
- Hoarding Merregon
- Hoarfrost Balance
- Hoarfrost Boots
- Hobgoblin
- Hogi Nuners
- Hold Monster
- Hold Monster (Condition)
- Hold Person
- Hold Person (Condition)
- Holli Dylford
- Hollow's Staff
- Hollow Armour
- Hollow Shell
- Hollyphant
- Holvik
- Holy Fire
- Holy Fire (Condition)
- Holy Hand Soap
- Holy Lance Helm
- Holy Rebuke
- Holy Rebuke (Condition)
- Holy Water
- Home Post Dispatch: Fist Krill
- Homely Clothes
- Homing Weapon
- Homing Weapons
- Honest Vendor
- Honey Comb
- Honeyed Ham
- Honeyed Paws
- Honk
- Hood of the Weave
- Hoof-Trodden Diary
- Hook
- Hook (class action)
- Hook Horror
- Hookah
- Hoots' Hooch
- Hoots' Hooch: Bad Breath (Condition)
- Hoots' Hooch: Beast Tongue (Condition)
- Hoots' Hooch: Blackout (Condition)
- Hoots' Hooch: Gifted (Condition)
- Hoots' Hooch: Photosensitivity (Condition)
- Hoots' Hooch: Size Instability (Condition)
- Hoots' Hooch: Stoned (Condition)
- Hoots' Hooch (Condition)
- Hoots' Hooch table
- Hoots Hooligan
- Hope
- Hoppy
- Horde Breaker
- Horde Breaker (Condition)
- Horde Breaker (Melee)
- Horde Breaker (Ranged)
- Horde Breaker Follow-Up (Melee)
- Horde Breaker Follow-Up (Ranged)
- Hordestrike
- Horn
- Horn Shell
- Horns of the Berserker
- Horrific Visage
- Horriss
- Horseradish
- Horst
- Hospital Library Key
- Hostage Census
- Hostel Registry
- Hostile
- Hot Little Hands
- Hound's Omen (Condition)
- Hound of Ill Omen
- Houndmaster's Mark
- Houndmaster's Prey (Condition)
- Hourglass
- House Rules of the Bee Hive
- House in Deep Shadows
- House of
- House of Grief
- House of Healing
- House of Healing Morgue
- House of Hope
- Household Prayer
- How to Build a Watcher
- How to Kill a Hag
- How to Track an Illithid
- Howl of the Dead
- Huido
- Huk
- Human
- Human Versatility
- Human Versatility (Condition)
- Humbletoes
- Humbly Cobbled Shoes
- Humboldt
- Humgoole
- Hunger of Hadar
- Hunger of Hadar (Aura) (Condition)
- Hunger of Hadar (Condition)
- Hunger of Hadar (area)
- Hungover (Condition)
- Hunna
- Hunt Completed (Condition)
- Hunt the Devil
- Hunted (Condition)
- Hunter
- Hunter's Camouflage
- Hunter's Dagger
- Hunter's Eye
- Hunter's Mark
- Hunter's Mark Quarry (Condition)
- Hunting Shortbow
- Hurk
- Hurl Grease
- Hush You!
- Illasera, the First
- Illithid Arcanist
- Illithid Euphoria
- Illithid Expertise
- Illithid Manuscript
- Illithid Persuasion
- Illithid Protection
- Illithid Record
- Illithid powers
- Illuminating Shot
- Illusion
- Illusion Quickening
- Illusion School
- Illusory Copy
- Illusory Self
- Ilmatari Combat Manual
- Ilmater
- Ilmater's Aid
- Ilyn Toth
- Immiscibility of Fluids
- Immolating Gaze
- Immortal Eternal Debtor
- Immortality (Practically)
- Immune to Control Undead
- Immutable Existence
- Immutable Form
- Imp
- Imp Patagium
- Impaled (Condition)
- Impenetrable Shadow
- Impenetrable slumber (Condition)
- Imperial Retaliation
- Impractical Magic, Volume 1
- Impractical Magic, Volume 2
- Impress the Murder Tribunal
- Improved Abjuration
- Improved Bardic Inspiration
- Improved Combat Superiority
- Improved Critical
- Improved Critical Hit
- Improved Divine Smite
- Improved Elemental Casting
- Improved Extra Attack
- Improved Minor Illusion
- Improved Minor Illusion (passive feature)
- Improved Warding Flare
- Improved Wild Strike
- Improvised Melee Weapon
- Improvised Melee Weapon (Bonus Action)
- Imprudence
- Impulse Blast
- Impurto Nexim
- Imwise
- In-progress Essay
- In Case of Death...
- In Search of the Nightsong
- In Service of the Night
- In Surgery (Condition)
- In the Mode of Masters
- Incandescent Staff
- Incapacitated (Condition)
- Incapacitated (status group)
- Incense
- Incense Bowl
- Incinerate
- Incinerate (Incineration Caster)
- Incineration Caster
- Incineration Caster: Overheat
- Incise Ligaments
- Inciting Howl
- Inciting Howl (Condition)
- Inciting Howl (Wolf)
- Incomplete Journal
- Incorporeal Movement
- Incubate Death
- Incubating (Condition)
- Incubus Charm
- Incubus Charmed (Condition)
- Indigo Dye
- Indomitable
- Indora Ralston
- Indra
- Induced Rage (Condition)
- Inert Astral Prism
- Inescapable Destruction
- Inevitable Resolve
- Inevitable Resolve (Condition)
- Infected (Condition)
- Infectious Bite
- Infectious Bite (Rat)
- Infectious Bite (Wolf Companion)
- Infectious Greed
- Infectious Greed (Condition)
- Infectious Madness
- Infernal
- Infernal Acuity
- Infernal Alloy
- Infernal Armoury
- Infernal Binding (Condition)
- Infernal Burning (Condition)
- Infernal Contracts And Bargains
- Infernal Dagger
- Infernal Diamond
- Infernal Evasion
- Infernal Fury (Condition)
- Infernal Iron
- Infernal Legion
- Infernal Legion (Condition)
- Infernal Longsword
- Infernal Mace
- Infernal Mace (Uncommon)
- Infernal Marble
- Infernal Mask
- Infernal Mason
- Infernal Metal
- Infernal Rapier
- Infernal Retribution
- Infernal Robe
- Infernal Salve
- Infernal Sight
- Infernal Spear
- Infernal Stun (Condition)
- Infernal Touch
- Infernal Warhammer
- Infernal Weapon
- Infernal Weapon (merregon)
- Infested
- Infested (Condition)
- Infiltrate Moonrise Towers
- Infiltration Expertise
- Infiltration Expertise (Condition)
- Infirmary Key (Crèche Y'llek)
- Infirmary Records
- Inflict Wounds
- Ingested Poisoned Beer (Condition)
- Ingram
- Initiate Collar Detonation
- Initiative
- Inject Nostrum
- Ink-Spattered Journal
- Ink-Spattered Key
- Ink Pot
- Ink Pot and Quill
- Inkblot
- Inklings
- Inku Neza
- Innate Fortitude
- Innate Invisibility
- Inner Peace: The Path to Perfection
- Inner Sanctum
- Innkeeper's Journal
- Innkeeper's Key
- Innkeeper's Lockbox
- Inocente Bramm
- Inoculated: Basic Poison (Condition)
- Inoculated: Crawler Mucus (Condition)
- Inoculated: Drow Poison (Condition)
- Inoculated: Malice (Condition)
- Inquisitor
- Inquisitor's Might
- Inquisitor's Might (Condition)
- Inquisitor's Prerogative - A Reminder
- Inquisitor of the Absolute
- Inroads by Arms Dealer Gortash
- Insanity's Kiss
- Insanity's Kiss (Condition)
- Inscribed Githyanki Slate
- Inscribed Githyanki Slate (Astral Prism)
- Inscrutable Journal
- Insect Plague
- Insect Plague (Aura) (Condition)
- Insect Plague (Condition)
- Insect Plague (area)
- Insect Plague (disambiguation)
- Insidious Cold
- Insight
- Inspect Moonlantern
- Inspector's Memo
- Inspiration
- Inspiring Leader
- Inspiring Resolve (Condition)
- Installation Report
- Instinctive Charm
- Instinctive Charm: Unaffected (Condition)
- Instructions for Donation
- Instructions for Receipt of Chest
- Instructions from B
- Instrument of Loss: Bonesaw (Condition)
- Instrument of Loss: Leech (Condition)
- Instrument of Loss: Syringe (Condition)
- Instrument of Loss: Trepan (Condition)
- Intellect Devourer
- Intellect Devourer (Weakened)
- Intellect Devourer Cerebellum
- Intellect Glutton
- Intelligence
- Intelligence concerning the weapon
- Intelligent Sentinel
- Intense Adamantine Backlash
- Interplanar Slayer
- Interrogation Log
- Interrogation in Three Levels
- Intestines
- Intimate Embrace
- Intimidating Presence
- Intimidation
- Into the Feywild
- Intoxicating Strike
- Intransigent Warhammer
- Intricate Key
- Inured to Undeath
- Invasion Plans for Baldur's Gate
- Invasion Plans for Baldur's Gate (Moonrise Towers)
- Invasion Plans for Elturgard (Emerald Grove)
- Invasion Plans for Elturgard (Lower City)
- Invasion Plans for Elturgard (Moonrise Towers)
- Invasion Plans for the Sword Coast
- Invasion Plans for the Sword Coast (Moonrise Towers)
- Inventory Report
- Inventory of Offerings
- Inventory of Takings
- Investigate Cazador's Palace
- Investigate Kagha
- Investigate the Beach
- Investigate the House of Grief
- Investigate the Murders
- Investigate the Selûnite Resistance
- Investigate the Suspicious Toys
- Investigation
- Investigation Notes
- Investigation Priorities
- Investment Opportunities
- Invigorated Thrall (Condition)
- Invigorating Fanaticism (Condition)
- Invigorating Flame
- Invisibility (Air Myrmidon)
- Invisibility (Duergar)
- Invisibility (Imp)
- Invisibility (Quasit)
- Invisibility (class action)
- Invisibility (disambiguation)
- Invisibility (spell)
- Invisible (Condition)
- Invisible (spell flag)
- Invisible Weapon
- Invisible Weapon (Condition)
- Invitation to Lord Gortash
- Invocation of Eternal Debt
- Invoice
- Invoice: Flooding Repairs
- Invoke Duplicity
- Invoke the Black Hand
- Invoker of Bhaal
- Invulnerable (Condition)
- Inwe
- Irenya
- Iridescent Shell
- Iron-Banded Shield
- Iron-Banded Shield +1
- Iron Bowl
- Iron Cell Key
- Iron Consul of Bane
- Iron Flask
- Iron Key
- Iron Key (Garias)
- Iron Mind
- Iron Pan
- Iron Throne
- Iron Throne - Windup and Shutdown
- Ironbound Pursuit
- Ironfinger
- Ironhand Gnomes: Our Grievances
- Ironhand Grenadier
- Ironhand Grenadiers
- Ironvine
- Ironvine Shield
- Ironwood Breastplate
- Ironwood Club
- Ironwood Harmony (Condition)
- Jacek
- Jacelyn
- Jacinth
- Jack of All Trades
- Jacko
- Jacob
- Jade
- Jagged Spear
- Jagic
- Jaheira
- Jaheira's Chest Key
- Jaheira's Family
- Jaheira's Respectable Clothes
- Jaheira's Underwear
- Jaheira/Approval
- Jaheira/Banter
- Jaheira (doppelganger)
- Jaheira’s Boots
- Jake's Encyclopaedia of Eels
- Jannath's Hat
- Jar of Coagulated Blood
- Jar of Mystic Carrion's Brain
- Jar of Mystic Carrion's Heart
- Jar of Mystic Carrion's Liver
- Jar of Mystic Carrion's Lungs
- Jara
- Jarg
- Jarlath
- Jaryd
- Jasin
- Jason
- Jatlo
- Javelin
- Javelin +1
- Javelins
- Jawn
- Jaxbock
- Jaymes
- Johl
- Jol's Chest Key
- Jolted (Condition)
- Jonah
- Jord
- Jorgoral's Greatsword
- Journal
- Journal Log of True Soul Korliss
- Journal of Enver Gortash
- Journal of Gyldro Angleiron
- Journal of High Initiate Jarrus
- Journal of Magthew Budj
- Journal of Past Adventurers N°1
- Journal of Past Adventurers N°2
- Journal of Past Adventurers N°3
- Journal of Past Adventurers N°4
- Journal of Past Adventurers N°5
- Journal of a Novice Monk
- Journey Through The Jungle
- Joyous Trumpet
- Judge of the Damned
- Jug
- Jug of Water
- Jugular Strike
- Juicy Apple
- Jump
- Jump (Condition)
- Jump (Frog)
- Jump (Running)
- Jungle
- Just Look At Those Cheekbones! (Condition)
- Just So You Don't Forget
- Justen
- Justiciar's Greatshield
- Justiciar's Scimitar
- Justiciar Avenger
- Justiciar Crusader
- Justiciar Crusader (archetype)
- Justiciar Nightweaver
- Justiciar Soulhunter
- Kagha
- Kagha's Key
- Kagran
- Kaldani
- Kale Dorriacks
- Kali Hammerhand
- Kanon
- Kanon's Belongings
- Kanon's Handkerchief
- Kansif
- Kar'niss
- Karabasan's Gift
- Karabasan's Poison
- Karad
- Karlach
- Karlach's Boots
- Karlach's Head
- Karlach's Infernal Trousers
- Karlach's Underwear
- Karlach/Approval
- Karlach/Banter
- Karlach/Romance
- Karol
- Karoline
- Karrik
- Karrow
- Karsite Grip
- Karsus' Compulsion
- Kass
- Kass' Practice Sword
- Katana
- Katelyn Lerskin
- Kavell
- Keen Attack
- Keen Senses
- Keep an Eye on Rugan
- Keeper's Fee
- Keeper of the Veil
- Keeping Up Appearances
- Keepings of the Vaults
- Keepsake Gem
- Keepsake Ring
- Kelemvor's Kiss Branch
- Kelemvor's Mercy
- Kepli
- Kepso
- Keren
- Kereska's Favour
- Kereska's Favour table
- Keris
- Kerz
- Ketheric's Netherstone
- Ketheric's Shield
- Ketheric's Warhammer
- Ketheric Thorm
- Ketheric Thorm/Combat
- Kethk
- Kettel
- Kevo Phogge
- Key (Clover)
- Key (Crèche Hatchery)
- Key (Crèche Y'llek)
- Key (Dringo)
- Key (Falcäo)
- Key (Gloomy Fentonson)
- Key (Philgrave's Mansion)
- Key From Raphael's Safe
- Key of the Ancients
- Key to Buried Treasure
- Key to Cazador's Dungeon
- Key to Ramparts Door
- Key to the Kennel
- Key to the Murder Tribunal
- Keychain
- Ki-Empowered Strikes
- Ki-Rin Hair
- Ki Resonation: Blast
- Ki Resonation: Punch
- Ki Resonation: Punch (bonus action)
- Ki Restoration
- Ki Restoration (Greater)
- Ki Restoration (Lesser)
- Kiam Goda's Kilat Drum
- Kibbles for Snicker
- Kick Up Muck
- Kill Collar
- Kill Kagha
- Kill Order
- Kill Raphael's Old Enemy
- Kill Switch Protocol
- Kill Two Birds With One Gnome
- Killer's Sweetheart
- Kimmeral
- King's Knife
- Kira
- Kirgrath
- Kirz
- Kith
- Kith'raki Inferno
- Kiwi
- Knife
- Knife (Clutter)
- Knife of the Undermountain King
- Knights of the Shield
- Knights of the Shield Hideout
- Knights of the Shield Report
- Knock
- Knock Knuckle Gloves
- Knock Unconscious
- Knockdown Jaws
- Knocked Out (Condition)
- Knocked Out (Temporary) (Condition)
- Know Your Enemy
- Knowledge Domain
- Knowledge of the Ages
- Knowledge of the Ages: Charisma
- Knowledge of the Ages: Charisma (Condition)
- Knowledge of the Ages: Dexterity
- Knowledge of the Ages: Dexterity (Condition)
- Knowledge of the Ages: Intelligence
- Knowledge of the Ages: Intelligence (Condition)
- Knowledge of the Ages: Strength
- Knowledge of the Ages: Strength (Condition)
- Knowledge of the Ages: Wisdom
- Knowledge of the Ages: Wisdom (Condition)
- Known Enemy (Condition)
- Known locations of the weapon
- Lacerate
- Lacerate (Spiritual Weapon)
- Lacie and the Modrons
- Laculite
- Lacy Dancer
- Ladle
- Ladle Sweet Anguish
- Lady Ague
- Lady Croup
- Lady Durinbold's Attendant
- Lady Durinbold's Bodyguard
- Lady Flux
- Lady Jannath's Estate
- Lady Jannath's Journal
- Lady Lockjaw
- Lady Oberon's Bodyguard
- Lady Quinsy
- Lae'zel
- Lae'zel's Clothes
- Lae'zel's Underwear
- Lae'zel/Approval
- Lae'zel/Banter
- Lae'zel/Romance
- Lair Magic (Condition)
- Lakrissa
- Lamona
- Lance Charge
- Lanceboard
- Land's Stride
- Land's Stride: Advantage
- Land's Stride: Difficult Terrain
- Land's Stride: Plants
- Landscape
- Lann Tarv
- Lanni
- Lanpos Biggs
- Lantern
- Larca Mena
- Larethian
- Larethian's Wrath
- Large Bottle
- Larger Giant Spider
- Larian Studios
- Laridda
- Larys
- Lassandra
- Last Hope
- Last Light Detention Cell Key
- Last Light Inn
- Last Light Inn - Cellar
- Last Light Side Entrance Key
- Last Notes of a Monk
- Last Stand
- Last Warning
- Lathander
- Lathander's Blessing
- Lathander's Light
- Lathander's Light (Condition)
- Launch Protocol: Bola
- Lava
- Lava Elemental
- Lavender Dye
- Lavernica's Home
- Lay Bare Their Weakness
- Lay on Hands
- Lay on Hands: Cure
- Lay on Hands: Greater Healing
- Lay on Hands: Lesser Healing
- Leadership
- Leadership (Condition)
- Leadership Aura (Condition)
- Leafsong
- Leander Gist
- Leap to Your Feet
- Leaping Static
- Least Expected
- Leather-Bound Book
- Leather Armour
- Leather Armour +1
- Leather Armour +2
- Leather Boots
- Leather Boots (Barbarian)
- Leather Bracers
- Leather Gloves
- Leather Helmet
- Leather Secondary Armour Trader Table
- Leatherstring Helmet
- Leathery Garb
- Leave Ethereal Plane
- Leave No One Behind
- Ledger: Blood Donors
- Ledger of Production: Explosives
- Ledger of Production: Motivators
- Ledger of Waterdeep Debts
- Left Coin Whip
- Leg of Mutton
- Legacy Ledger
- Legacy of Avernus: Searing Smite
- Legacy of the Masters
- Legal Notice on Import Restrictions
- Legendary Action: Adamantine Reverberation
- Legendary Action: Adamantine Reverberation (Condition)
- Legendary Action: Beguiling Rebuke
- Legendary Action: Beguiling Rebuke (Condition)
- Legendary Action: Bhaal's Edict
- Legendary Action: Bhaal's Edict (Condition)
- Legendary Action: Blinding Ambush
- Legendary Action: Blinding Ambush (Condition)
- Legendary Action: Call Consort
- Legendary Action: Call Consort (Condition)
- Legendary Action: Devoted Galvanism
- Legendary Action: Devoted Galvanism (Condition)
- Legendary Action: Draconic Fury
- Legendary Action: Draconic Fury (Condition)
- Legendary Action: Draconic Wrath
- Legendary Action: Draconic Wrath (Condition)
- Legendary Action: Fanatic Retaliation
- Legendary Action: Fanatic Retaliation (Condition)
- Legendary Action: Gaze of the Dead
- Legendary Action: Gaze of the Dead (Condition)
- Legendary Action: Gossamer Tomb
- Legendary Action: Gossamer Tomb (Condition)
- Legendary Action: Grasping Appendage
- Legendary Action: Grasping Appendage (Condition)
- Legendary Action: Heartwrench
- Legendary Action: Heartwrench (Condition)
- Legendary Action: Hordestrike
- Legendary Action: Hordestrike (Condition)
- Legendary Action: Leaping Static
- Legendary Action: Leaping Static (Condition)
- Legendary Action: Mind-Claw of Tu'narath
- Legendary Action: Murderous Retort
- Legendary Action: Murderous Retort (Condition)
- Legendary Action: Ocular Nightmare
- Legendary Action: Ocular Nightmare (Condition)
- Legendary Action: Overflowing Brew
- Legendary Action: Overflowing Brew (Condition)
- Legendary Action: Psionic Visage
- Legendary Action: Psionic Visage (Condition)
- Legendary Action: Ptarian Dogma
- Legendary Action: Ptarian Dogma (Condition)
- Legendary Action: Sanctuary of Loss
- Legendary Action: Sanctuary of Loss (Condition)
- Legendary Action: Sanguine Lash
- Legendary Action: Sanguine Lash (Condition)
- Legendary Action: Shredding Scales
- Legendary Action: Shredding Scales (Condition)
- Legendary Action: Soul Ascension
- Legendary Action: Soul Ascension (Condition)
- Legendary Action: Soul Sacrifice
- Legendary Action: Soul Sacrifice (Condition)
- Legendary Action: Spectral Aspect
- Legendary Action: Spectral Aspect (Condition)
- Legendary Action: Sublimation
- Legendary Action: Sublimation (Condition)
- Legendary Action: The Dead Wastes
- Legendary Action: The Dead Wastes (Condition)
- Legendary Action: Torrential Undeath
- Legendary Action: Torrential Undeath (Condition)
- Legendary Action: Tu'narath's Embrace
- Legendary Action: Tu'narath's Embrace (Condition)
- Legendary Action: Tyrannical Branding
- Legendary Action: Tyrannical Branding (Condition)
- Legendary Action: Vampiric Swarm
- Legendary Action: Vampiric Swarm (Condition)
- Legendary Action: Vengeful Playmate
- Legendary Action: Vengeful Playmate (Condition)
- Legendary Action: Wail of Loss
- Legendary Action: Wail of Loss (Condition)
- Legendary Action: Weird Magic Surge
- Legendary Action: Weird Magic Surge (Condition)
- Legendary Action: Wretched Growth
- Legendary Action: Wretched Growth (Condition)
- Legendary Actions Available (Condition)
- Legendary Mobility
- Legendary Persistence
- Legendary Protection
- Legendary Resistance: Crowd Control (Condition)
- Legendary Resistance: Incapacitation (Condition)
- Legendary Resistance (Condition)
- Legendary actions
- Legion of Bees
- Legion of Bees: Attack
- Legion of Bees: Knockback
- Legion of Bees: Mighty Knockback
- Legion of Bees: Mighty Teleport
- Legion of Bees: Teleport
- Legions of Bone (Aura) (Condition)
- Legions of Bone (Condition)
- Leistine
- Lemon
- Lenore De Hurst
- Lens
- Leon
- Leon's Diary
- Lesser Hellsboar
- Lesser Imp
- Lesser Infernal Retribution
- Lesser Infernal Touch
- Lesser Oil of Sharpness Recipe
- Lesser Restoration
- Lessons for Sensible Living IV: Cities and How to Survive Them
- Lessons for Sensible Living XII: Zariel's Fall
- Lessons from the Boiler
- Lessons of Helm
- Let The Undead Blanch With Fear
- Let the Slaughter Begin
- Lethal Concealment (Condition)
- Lethal Leech
- Lethal Weapon (Bludgeoning)
- Lethal Weapon (Piercing)
- Lethal Weapon (Slashing)
- Lethargic (Condition)
- Letter
- Letter about Taxes
- Letter concerning Gravenhollow
- Letter from 'M'
- Letter from 'The Apothecary'
- Letter from 'The Fulfilled Heart'
- Letter from Alfira
- Letter from Amarith
- Letter from Arabella
- Letter from Arabella (Camp)
- Letter from Arabella (Epilogue)
- Letter from Araj
- Letter from Arnell Hallowleaf
- Letter from Art
- Letter from Auntie Ethel
- Letter from Barcus
- Letter from Counsellor Florrick
- Letter from Dame Aylin
- Letter from Dammon
- Letter from Devella
- Letter from Elminster
- Letter from Elminster (Epilogue)
- Letter from Emmeline Hallowleaf
- Letter from Ethel
- Letter from Ettvard
- Letter from Figaro
- Letter from Florrick
- Letter from Haarlep
- Letter from Halsin
- Letter from Hope
- Letter from Ironfinger
- Letter from Isobel
- Letter from Kagha
- Letter from Lady Jannath
- Letter from Lorroakan (Epilogue)
- Letter from Lorroakan (Rolan)
- Letter from Mayrina
- Letter from Mayrina (Epilogue)
- Letter from Mol
- Letter from Morgan
- Letter from Mother
- Letter from Naaber
- Letter from Nine-Fingers
- Letter from Nocturne
- Letter from Orin
- Letter from Ravengard
- Letter from Sarevok
- Letter from Sebastian
- Letter from Sylai
- Letter from Valeria
- Letter from Viconia
- Letter from Voss
- Letter from Zevlor
- Letter from the Docker's Guild
- Letter from the Field
- Letter from the Gur
- Letter of Apology
- Letter of Resignation
- Letter of Surrender
- Letter of Thanks
- Letter of complaint
- Letter to 'Mister Sonsal'
- Letter to Ethel
- Letter to Kagha
- Letter to Ketheric
- Letter to Mamzell Amira (draft)
- Letter to Mrel Alkam
- Letter to Oskar Fervas
- Letter to Rion
- Letter to Voss
- Letter to Yrre
- Letter to the Absolute
- Letter with Sticky Red Blots
- Level Up Your Life
- Lever Handle
- Levitate (Illithid Power)
- Levitating (Condition)
- Lewis Morell
- Leysin
- Leythim
- Li'l Fezmor
- Lia
- Lia's To-Do List
- Liadan
- Liam
- Liara Portyr
- Liberated Spellcasting
- Liberated Spellcasting (Condition)
- Librarian Eternal Debtor
- Lich
- Lickspittle's Alertness
- Lid
- Lieges of the Underdark Blessing (Condition)
- Life Domain
- Life Drain
- Life Drain (Condition)
- Life Essence (Condition)
- Life Essence Active (Condition)
- Life Essence Harvest
- Life Stealing Critical
- Life of Beaky
- Life of the Party
- Life of the Party (Condition)
- Lifecharger
- Lifedrinker
- Lift the Shadow Curse
- Light
- Light (Condition)
- Light (weapon property)
- Light Blue Dye
- Light Crossbow
- Light Crossbow +1
- Light Crossbow of Speed
- Light Crossbows
- Light Domain
- Light Hammer
- Light Hammer +1
- Light Hammers
- Light Magic Armour Trader Table
- Light Sensitivity
- Light Sources
- Light of Creation
- Lightly Armoured
- Lightly Obscured
- Lightly Obscured (Condition)
- Lightning
- Lightning Absorption
- Lightning Arrow
- Lightning Aura
- Lightning Aura (Condition)
- Lightning Blast
- Lightning Blast (Condition)
- Lightning Bolt
- Lightning Breath
- Lightning Breath (Ansur)
- Lightning Charges (Condition)
- Lightning Hallucination
- Lightning Infusion (Condition)
- Lightning Jabber
- Lightning Resistance (Condition)
- Lightning Resistance Aura (Condition)
- Lightning Strikes
- Lightning set
- Ligus
- Lihala's Lute
- Lilineth
- Lilly Beanbottom
- Lime, Lemon, and Lichen Dye
- Limeburn Sphagwood
- Limeleech
- Limeleech's Chest Key
- Lin'a'an
- Linebreaker Boots
- Linsella
- Lionel
- Lionheart Green-Pink Outfit
- Lionheart Outfit
- Lionheart Teal Outfit
- Lir'i'c
- List of 1st level spells
- List of 2nd level spells
- List of 3rd level spells
- List of 4th level spells
- List of 5th level spells
- List of 6th level spells
- List of Arcane Trickster spells
- List of Bard spells
- List of Bosses
- List of Cleric spells
- List of Debtors
- List of Druid spells
- List of Eldritch Knight spells
- List of Healing spells
- List of Missing Goods
- List of NPC spells
- List of Paladin spells
- List of Ranger spells
- List of Ritual spells
- List of Rules
- List of Sorcerer spells
- List of Vicious Mockery insults
- List of Warlock spells
- List of Wizard spells
- List of all item or variant spells
- List of all non-player character spells
- List of all spells
- List of all spells (sortable)
- List of bugged conditions
- List of bugged equipment
- List of bugged passives
- List of bugged spells
- List of camp supplies by cost efficiency
- List of cantrips
- List of characters
- List of common weapons
- List of creature types
- List of equipment sets
- List of equipment that affect Spell Save DC
- List of equipment that affects ability scores
- List of features and items that affect AC
- List of features and items that affect attack rolls
- List of features and items that affect melee attack rolls
- List of features and items that affect saving throws
- List of features and items that interact with unarmed strikes
- List of features that work in Slayer Form
- List of features that work in Wild Shape
- List of legendary weapons
- List of locations
- List of martial weapons
- List of melee weapons
- List of ranged weapons
- List of rare weapons
- List of references to previous Baldur's Gate games
- List of simple weapons
- List of sources of additional resources
- List of sources of advantage and disadvantage on attack rolls
- List of sources of movement speed
- List of sources of resistances
- List of spell saving throws
- List of summoned familiars
- List of traders
- List of uncommon weapons
- List of very rare weapons
- List of weapons with global passives
- Listelia Dryselis
- Living Shadow
- Living Shadow (Condition)
- Liya
- Lizabett
- Lo
- Lo! A Most Joyous Sensation!
- Lo Blank
- Loading Dock Chest Key
- Lobo Denysse
- Lobotomised (Condition)
- Location of Reserve Supplies
- Lochan
- Lockbox Key
- Locke
- Locked in Single Combat (Condition)
- Lockhorn
- Lodge Dormitory Key
- Lofty Sorcerer's Amulet
- Lofty Sorcery
- Log of Visitors to Rosymorn Monastery
- Logbook XII: 1371
- Logbook of Sendings
- Loic
- Lolo Fuzzletoes
- Lolth
- Lolth's Candle
- Lonely Left Boot of Elvenkind
- Long rest bonuses
- Longbow
- Longbow +1
- Longbow +2
- Longbows
- Longstrider
- Longstrider (Condition)
- Longsword
- Longsword +1
- Longsword +2
- Longsword Mould
- Longswords
- Loose Plank
- Looters' Trunk
- Lora
- Lora's House
- Lora's Key
- Lora (goblin)
- Lora Bergauz
- Lord Amber's Bodyguard
- Lord Jannath's Bodyguard
- Lord Portyr's Attendant
- Lord Portyr's Bodyguard
- Lord Shattershield's Attendant
- Lord Shattershield's Bodyguard
- Loretta
- Lorgan
- Lorgan's Chest Key
- Lorin
- Lorlarrio
- Lorna Esthelian
- Lorroakan
- Lorroakan's Contract
- Lorroakan's Firestorm
- Lorroakan's Projection
- Lorroakan/Combat
- Loryss
- Losiir
- Lost Time
- Lost Time (Condition)
- Lost Training Hall Key
- Loudstone
- Loudstone's Chest Key
- Love Letter Notes
- Lovely Assistant
- Lovely Malty Beer
- Lover's Avarice
- Lover's Avarice (Condition)
- Loviatar's Love (Condition)
- Loviatar's Scourge
- Loving Note
- Loving Protection
- Low HP set
- Lowa
- Lower City
- Lower City Pass
- Lower City Sewers
- Lower City and Upper City
- Loyal Eternal Debtor
- Lu La Forza
- Luan
- Lucille
- Luck of the Far Realms
- Lucky
- Lucky: Reroll Attacker's Die
- Lucky: Reroll with Advantage
- Lucretious
- Ludd
- Lugarrio
- Luke
- Lumbar
- Luminous Armour
- Luminous Arrow
- Luminous Gloves
- Luminous set
- Lump
- Lump's Command
- Lump's Nemesis (Condition)
- Lump's War Horn
- Lump Hammer
- Lump of Myconid Flesh
- Lunar Bestial Fortitude
- Lunar Bestial Vitality
- Lunar Blessing
- Lunar Bulwark
- Lunar Dark Lies
- Lunar Flare
- Lunar Legionary (Condition)
- Lunar Mend
- Lunar Protection (Condition)
- Lunar Radiance (Condition)
- Lunar Smite
- Lunar Vitality (Condition)
- Lunging Bite
- Lunkbug
- Lupine Slash
- Lupperdiddle Swires
- Lupus
- Lupus Major
- Lupus Optumus
- Lur Fu
- Lur Jox
- Lur Otan
- Lur Xanta
- Lured (Condition)
- Lurgan
- Lurianna Sauvage
- Luring Song
- Luring Song (Condition)
- Lush Burgundy
- Lustrous Lass
- Lute
- Lute String Tests
- Lute of the Merryweather Bard
- Ma'aryk
- Ma'athal
- Ma Festina
- Mace
- Mace +1
- Mace +2
- Mace Mould
- Maces
- Madalitso
- Maddala Deadeye
- Madeline
- Madeline's Ledger
- Madeline Whitburn
- Madigan
- Madness (Condition)
- Madstene
- Maeve
- Mage's Friend
- Mage-Animated (Condition)
- Mage Armour
- Mage Armour (Condition)
- Mage Breaker
- Mage Hand
- Mage Hand (creature)
- Mage Hand Legerdemain
- Mage Slayer: Attack Caster
- Mage Slayer: Break Concentration
- Mage Slayer: Saving Throw Advantage
- Maggie's Recipe for Perfect Cookies
- Maggie Ni Chuirc
- Maggoty Jim
- Maggran
- Maghtew Budj
- Magic Allergy: Chaotic Offence
- Magic Allergy: Force explosion
- Magic Allergy: Gremishka Spawn
- Magic Allergy: Ice Bloom
- Magic Allergy: Panther Polymorph
- Magic Allergy: Panther Polymorph (Condition)
- Magic Allergy (Condition)
- Magic Armour Trader Table
- Magic Arrow
- Magic Awareness
- Magic Awareness (Condition)
- Magic Awareness Aura (Condition)
- Magic Books Table
- Magic Club
- Magic Initiate: Bard
- Magic Initiate: Cleric
- Magic Initiate: Druid
- Magic Initiate: Sorcerer
- Magic Initiate: Warlock
- Magic Initiate: Wizard
- Magic Melee Weapon Trader Table
- Magic Mirror
- Magic Missile
- Magic Ranged Weapon Trader Table
- Magic Resistance
- Magic Weapon
- Magic Weapon (Condition)
- Magic of the Weave - An Introduction
- Magical Ambush
- Magical Ambush (Condition)
- Magical Durability (+1)
- Magical Durability (+2)
- Magical Hand Crossbow
- Magical Histories, Volume 1: The Origins of Mystra
- Magical Histories, Volume 2: The Spellplague
- Magical Histories, Volume 3: The Second Sundering
- Magical Histories, Volume 4: The Chosen of Mystra
- Magical Pike
- Magical Plate (-1)
- Magical Plate (-2)
- Magical Secrets
- Magical Walnut
- Magma Mephit
- Magmar
- Magmar's Record
- Magmatic Disturbance (Condition)
- Magmatic Regeneration (Condition)
- Magnificently Realised Ensemble
- Magnifying Glass
- Magnolia
- Magpie Davys
- Magron
- Magus, Be Warned
- Mahrin
- Maid with Duster
- Maimed (Condition)
- Maiming Pinch
- Maiming Strike
- Main Hand Attack
- Main Hand Attack (Steel Watcher)
- Main Page
- Maintain Hypnotic Gaze
- Maintain Intimidating Presence
- Maireadh
- Majjo
- Make Big Money by Trading with Adventurers
- Makeshift Bow
- Makeshift Ladle
- Makeshift Prison
- Makeshift Spear
- Malachite
- Malefic Excretion
- Malefic Funghi
- Malefic Possession (Condition)
- Malek Stones
- Malfunctioning (Condition)
- Malfunctioning Shell of Resistance
- Malfunctioning Shell of Resistance (Condition)
- Malice
- Malice (cloud)
- Malik (iron consul)
- Malik (zealot)
- Malta
- Malus Thorm
- Malus Thorm/Combat
- Mammon's Hold (Condition)
- Mammon's Tax
- Mamzell Amira's Gilded Hand Mirror
- Man's Best Friend
- Management Warning
- Mandii Harvestmoon
- Mango
- Manifestation of Body
- Manifestation of Mind
- Manifestation of Soul
- Manifestation of Tyranny
- Manifesto
- Manipulations and Motivations: Amputation
- Manipulations and Motivations: Illusion
- Manipulations and Motivations: Sacrifice
- Manoeuvres
- Manoeuvring Attack (Condition)
- Manoeuvring Attack (Melee)
- Manoeuvring Attack (Ranged)
- Manser Biggs
- Mantle of Inspiration
- Mantle of Inspiration (Condition)
- Mantle of Majesty: Approach
- Mantle of Majesty: Command
- Mantle of Majesty: Drop
- Mantle of Majesty: Flee
- Mantle of Majesty: Grovel
- Mantle of Majesty: Halt
- Mantle of Majesty (Condition)
- Mantle of the Holy Warrior
- Mantras and Meditations of the Sun Soul
- Manual of Hilaritie for the Trulie Unfunnie
- Manus
- Manuscript
- Manzarde
- Map
- Map of Moonhaven
- Map of Murder
- Map of the Sewers
- Map of the Shadow-Cursed Lands
- Map of the Shadowlands
- Map to Bhaal Temple
- Map to Buried Treasure
- Mapped Terror
- Mapped Terror: Betrayal
- Mapped Terror: Ceremorphosis
- Mapped Terror: Darkness
- Mapped Terror: Disease
- Mapped Terror: Powerlessness
- Mapped Terror: Spiders
- Mapped Terror: Wolves
- Mapping of the Heart
- Mar'hyah
- Marble Plate
- Marcoryl
- Marcus (dead fisher)
- Marcus Falgor
- Margolenn
- Mari
- Marilla
- Marjoram
- Mark of Putrefaction
- Mark of Putrefaction (Condition)
- Mark of the Shifter (Condition)
- Marked for Negation (Condition)
- Markiza
- Markoheshkir
- Marksmanship
- Marksmanship Hat
- Marlono Rhandle
- Marls
- Marpha Golewits
- Marsember Ice Wine
- Marshal Undead (Condition)
- Marshalled Undead (Condition)
- Marten
- Marten (Dead Toll Collector)
- Marten (iron consul)
- Martial Adept
- Martial Advantage
- Martial Arts: Bonus Unarmed Strike
- Martial Arts: Deft Strikes
- Martial Arts: Dextrous Attacks
- Martial Arts: Unarmed Strike (Condition)
- Martial Bravery
- Martial Catechism
- Martial Exertion
- Martial Exertion (Condition)
- Martial Exertion Gloves
- Martial Melee Weapon Subtable
- Martial Melee Weapon Subtable +1
- Martial Prodigy
- Martial Ranged Weapon Subtable
- Martial Ranged Weapon Subtable +1
- Martialling Cry (Condition)
- Martina Kostaka
- Masha's Wedding Vows
- Mashed Potatoes
- Mask
- Mask of Many Faces
- Mask of Regret (Overgrown Tunnel)
- Mask of Servitude (Overgrown Tunnel)
- Mask of Servitude (The Blushing Mermaid)
- Mask of Soul Perception
- Mask of Terror (Overgrown Tunnel)
- Mask of Terror (The Blushing Mermaid)
- Mask of Vengeance (Overgrown Tunnel)
- Mask of Vengeance (The Blushing Mermaid)
- Mask of the Shapeshifter
- Mask of the Wild
- Mason's Guild
- Mason's Journal
- Mason's Letter
- Mason's Log
- Mass Cure Wounds
- Mass Healing Word
- Master Metzil's Karabasan's Gift
- Masters of the Painterly Arts
- Masterwork
- Mastodonian Memoirs, Vol. 1, Investigator Valeria
- Mating Frenzy (Condition)
- Matriarch's Call
- Mattis
- Maude
- Maul
- Maul +1
- Maul Blow
- Mauls
- Mayrina
- Mayrina's Locket
- Meadows
- Meazel
- Mechanical Diagrams
- Mechanical Key
- Medicine
- Meditations, Vol. 1, Father Lorgan
- Meditations of a Vampire Lord
- Medium Armour Master
- Medium Hat Table
- Medium Magic Armour Trader Table
- Medium Toughness (Condition)
- Medrash
- Meem Grayling
- Meenlock
- Meenlock Fear (Condition)
- Meerna
- Megthanet
- Melancholy Heart (Condition)
- Melee Caster
- Melee Weapon Trader Table
- Melf's Acid Arrow
- Melf's Acid Arrow (Condition)
- Melf's First Staff
- Meli
- Mellow Black Shirt
- Mellow Fruit Dye
- Mellow Harmony
- Melodia Thorm
- Melt the Earth (Condition)
- Melting (Condition)
- Memnos
- Memoir Notes with Recent Addenda
- Memoirs, Vol 1, Sister Clarwen
- Memoirs of My Death
- Memory Book
- Memory Shard
- Menaced (Condition)
- Menacing
- Menacing Attack (Melee)
- Menacing Attack (Ranged)
- Menacing Howl
- Menalda
- Mental Debilitation
- Mental Fatigue (Condition)
- Mental Inhibition
- Mental Instruction
- Mental Instruction (Condition)
- Mental Interference
- Meow
- Mephistopheles
- Mephit
- Mephit Heart
- Mercer
- Merchant's Almanac: The Coast Way
- Merchant's Almanac: The Trade Way
- Merciless Crush
- Mergrass
- Mergrass Bundle
- Merim
- Mermaid
- Mermaid Whiskey
- Merony
- Merregon
- Merregon (disambiguation)
- Merregon Halberd
- Merregon Legionnaire
- Merregon Potion
- Merri Fairweather
- Merry Revelry
- Meshtoe Sandals
- Mesmerising Circus Outfit
- Messenger Rat
- Metal Crate Key
- Metal Fork
- Metal Pipe
- Metal Secondary Armour Trader Table
- Metal Shield
- Metallic Boots
- Metallic Gloves
- Metamage Persecutor
- Metamagic
- Metamagic: Careful Spell
- Metamagic: Distant Spell
- Metamagic: Empowered Spell
- Metamagic: Extended Spell
- Metamagic: Heightened Spell
- Metamagic: Quickened Spell
- Metamagic: Subtle Spell
- Metamagic: Twinned Spell
- Meticulous Notes
- Meygan
- Mezzka
- Mian
- Miasmic Mists (Condition)
- Miasmic Mists Aura (Condition)
- Mibbs
- Micromodron Force Curtain
- Mig
- Mighty Impel
- Mighty Swarm
- Mijah
- Mikki Kori
- Miklaur
- Miklaur's Ledger
- Milil
- Milk
- Milk Can
- Milk bowl
- Miller
- Milon Tillerturn
- Mimic
- Mind
- Mind-Claw of Tu'narath
- Mind-Claw of Tu'narath (class action)
- Mind-Claws Available (Condition)
- Mind Blast
- Mind Flayer Blood
- Mind Flayer Brain
- Mind Flayer Colony
- Mind Flayer Domination
- Mind Flayer Form (Condition)
- Mind Flayer Parasite Specimen
- Mind Flayer Pod
- Mind Flayer Tadpole
- Mind Flayer Tadpole (creature)
- Mind Mastery
- Mind Mastery (Condition)
- Mind Sanctuary
- Mind Sanctuary: Depleted (Condition)
- Mind Sanctuary (area)
- Mind Screech
- Mind Spike
- Mind Sundering Dagger
- Mind Tax
- Mind flayer (nautiloid wreck)
- Mind flayer (prologue)
- Mind flayer (windmill)
- Mind flayers
- Mindbreak
- Mindbroken (Condition)
- Mindless Rage
- Mindreader
- Mindreader (Condition)
- Mindsteal Link
- Mindsteal Link (Source) (Condition)
- Mindsteal Link (Target) (Condition)
- Mindsteal Tempest
- Mindstruck (Condition)
- Minions of Chaos
- Mino
- Minor Conjuration: Create Water
- Minor Illusion
- Minotaur
- Minsc
- Minsc's Fantastical Relaxation Garb
- Minsc's Underwear
- Minsc/Approval
- Minsc/Banter
- Minsc Cloak
- Minthara
- Minthara's At-Ease Clothes
- Minthara's Underwear
- Minthara/Approval
- Minthara/Banter
- Minthara/Combat
- Minthara/Romance
- Mir'ic
- Mire the Mind
- Mirg
- Mirie
- Mirileth
- Mirkon
- Mirkon's Story
- Mirror
- Mirror (Clutter)
- Mirror Image
- Mirror Image (Condition)
- Mirror of Ageing
- Mirror of Loss
- Mirrored (Condition)
- Mirth-Wracked (Condition)
- Mirthis
- Mirtul 1477
- Mirya'al
- Miscellaneous
- Misha
- Missed Payment
- Missile Snaring
- Missing Pets
- Missing Pets (Condition)
- Missive From Moonrise
- Missive from Gortash
- Missive from Ketheric
- Missive from the Emperor
- Missive from the Grove
- Missive to Prinski
- Missives of Candlekeep
- Mist Form (Condition)
- Mist Stance
- Mistress of Souls
- Mistress of Souls' Research Log
- Mistress of the Night and Friends
- Misty Escape
- Misty Escape (Cazador Szarr)
- Misty Escape (Vampire Ascendant)
- Misty Escape (disambiguation)
- Misty Presence
- Misty Step
- Mitchia
- Mithral Ingot
- Mithral Ore
- Mixed Coffee
- Mizora
- Mizora, Agent of Avernus
- Moan
- Mobile
- Mobile: Evade Difficult Terrain
- Mobile: Evade Opportunity Attack
- Mobile Flourish: Teleport
- Mobile Flourish (Condition)
- Mobile Flourish (Melee)
- Mobile Flourish (Ranged)
- Mobile Flourish Target (Condition)
- Mobile Shot
- Mocking Eternal Debtor
- Moderately Armoured
- Moderately Inebriated (Condition)
- Mofty
- Mohan
- Mohlen
- Moke
- Mol
- Mol's Eyepatch
- Mola
- Molly
- Momentum (Condition)
- Monastery Firewine
- Monastic Boots
- Monastic Robes
- Monk
- Monk's Manifestation
- Monk/KiText
- Monk/Navbox
- Monk set
- Monster Races Books Table
- Monster Slayer Glaive
- Monsterslayer
- Monteith
- Moon Devotion Robe
- Moonbeam
- Moonbeam (Aura) (Condition)
- Moonbeam (Condition)
- Moonbeam (area)
- Moonblade
- Moondrop Pendant
- Moonfire (Condition)
- Moonhaven Logbook
- Moonlantern
- Moonlight Butterflies
- Moonlight Butterflies (Condition)
- Moonlight Butterflies (area)
- Moonlight Glaive
- Moonlight Glaive: Glowing
- Moonlight Sliver
- Moonmote
- Moonrise Diagram
- Moonrise Guard's Key
- Moonrise Towers
- Moonrise Towers Prison
- Moonrise Towers Prisoner Log
- Moonrise Towers Rooftop
- Moonshae Strait Shipping Report
- Moonshield (Condition)
- Moonstone
- Moorcombe
- Moosk
- Moral Confinement
- Morann
- Morbus
- More food please!
- Morgan
- Morghal
- Morgue
- Morgue Cage Key
- Morgya
- Morninglord's Bulwark (Condition)
- Morninglord's Radiance (Condition)
- Morningstar
- Morningstar +1
- Morningstars
- Morphic Ambush
- Morphic Ambush (passive feature)
- Morphic Brine Explosion
- Morphic Evasion
- Morphic Pool
- Morra
- Mortal Reminder
- Mortal Uncoiling
- Mortally Wounded (Condition)
- Mortar and Pestle
- Mortuary
- Moss
- Moss-Covered Chest
- Moss-Covered Key
- Mossy Myconid
- Mother's Loathing (Condition)
- Mother Dearest
- Mother of Halflings
- Motivator
- Mottled Key
- Mould
- Moulded Cheese Wedge
- Mountain
- Mountain Pass
- Mountainous Poise
- Mourning Frost
- Move Moonbeam
- Moxy's Mixology Manual
- Moy
- Muck to Metal
- Mucoid Shell
- Mud
- Mud-Drenched (Condition)
- Mud Breath
- Mud Elemental
- Mud Fling
- Mud Mephit
- Mud Mephit Wing
- Muddy (Condition)
- Muddy Claws
- Muddy Note
- Muddy Red Dye
- Mug
- Mug of Beer
- Mugwort
- Mugwort Bundle
- Multiattack
- Multiattack: Bloodlust
- Multiattack: Enraged
- Multiattack: Enwebbed
- Multiattack: Frightened
- Multiattack: Last Resort
- Multiattack: Lured
- Multiattack: Morphic Ambush
- Multiattack: Muddy
- Multiattack: Prone (Glut)
- Multiattack: Prone (Hook Horror)
- Multiattack: Prone Restrained or Maimed
- Multiattack: Spores
- Multiattack: Static Discharge
- Multiattack: Wounded (Malus Thorm)
- Multiattack: Wounded (Werewolf)
- Multiattack: Wounded Target
- Multiattack (Air Elemental)
- Multiattack (Ansur)
- Multiattack (Bernard)
- Multiattack (Cave Bear Wild Shape)
- Multiattack (Cloaker)
- Multiattack (Cloaker) (passive feature)
- Multiattack (Doppelganger)
- Multiattack (Drider)
- Multiattack (Earth Elemental)
- Multiattack (Ettercap)
- Multiattack (Fire Elemental)
- Multiattack (Flesh)
- Multiattack (Flind)
- Multiattack (Giant Eagle)
- Multiattack (Giant Eagle) (passive feature)
- Multiattack (Glut)
- Multiattack (Gnoll)
- Multiattack (Harpy)
- Multiattack (Hook Horror)
- Multiattack (Lava Elemental)
- Multiattack (Malus Thorm)
- Multiattack (Mud Elemental)
- Multiattack (Mummy)
- Multiattack (Owlbear)
- Multiattack (Ranged)
- Multiattack (Raphael)
- Multiattack (Raphael, tactician)
- Multiattack (Red Dragon)
- Multiattack (Redcap)
- Multiattack (Sahuagin)
- Multiattack (Shadow-Cursed Shambling Mound)
- Multiattack (Shadow Druid)
- Multiattack (Slayer)
- Multiattack (Spaw)
- Multiattack (Steel Watcher Titan)
- Multiattack (Tormented Soul)
- Multiattack (Tormented Soul, tactician)
- Multiattack (Vampire)
- Multiattack (Vampire Spawn)
- Multiattack (Vengeful Soul)
- Multiattack (Water Elemental)
- Multiattack (Werewolf)
- Multiattack Defence
- Multiattack Defence (Condition)
- Multiplayer
- Multitasking
- Mummy
- Mummy's Lullaby
- Mummy (Create Undead)
- Mummy (wraith)
- Mummy Lord
- Mummy Rot (Condition)
- Mundane Spectre
- Municipal Sanitation Notice
- Munish
- Munition Chest Key
- Murder, Be My Muse
- Murder Hungry
- Murder Tribunal
- Murderous Cloud of Daggers
- Murderous Cloud of Daggers (area)
- Murderous Crow
- Murderous Cut
- Murderous Dagger Cloud (Condition)
- Murderous Retort
- Murderous Sight
- Murderous Strikes (Condition)
- Murky Stew
- Murmath
- Murphy
- Muscular
- Mushroom Circle
- Mushroom Soup
- Music Box
- Music Instrument Subtable
- Music and Lyrics: 'Bard Dance'
- Music and Lyrics: 'Old Time Battles'
- Music and Lyrics: 'The Power'
- Musical Instruments
- Mutilated Carapace
- Mutiny Loves Company
- Muttonchops Dorryss
- Muzul
- Muzz
- My Darling Dufay
- My Dear Madame Nortale
- My Dearest Wife
- My Good Friend Ettvard
- My Gratitude
- My Own Deal
- My Safe Deposit Box
- My Thanks, Cora
- Myconid
- Myer Ravenshade
- Myrkul
- Myrkul's Call (Condition)
- Myrkul's Gift (Condition)
- Myrkul's Presence (Condition)
- Myrkulite Scourge
- Myrmidon
- Myrmidon's Immolation
- Myrnath
- Myshka
- Mysterious Artefact
- Mysterious Elixir
- Mysterious Liquid
- Mysterious Moonshae
- Mysterious Potion
- Mysterious Sharran Wound (Condition)
- Mystic Arcanum
- Mystic Carrion
- Mystic Carrion's Blinding Curse (Condition)
- Mystic Carrion's Poisoned Curse (Condition)
- Mystic Carrion's Restraining Curse (Condition)
- Mystic Carrion's Vile Curse
- Mystra
- Mystra's Benevolence (Condition)
- Mystra's Blessing
- Mystra's Blessing (Gale) (Condition)
- Mystra's Blessing (Staff of Arcane Blessing) (Condition)
- Mystra's Grace
- Myth Drannan Amphigory
- Naaber
- Nadi
- Nadira
- Nafula
- Nail: Status Report
- Naiske
- Nalira
- Nansi Gretta
- Naoise Nallinto
- Narcoleptic Toxins (Condition)
- Narvass
- Nass
- Natural Explorer
- Natural Pugilist
- Natural Recovery
- Naturally Stealthy
- Nature
- Nature's Embrace
- Nature's Snare
- Nature's Step
- Nature's Step (Condition)
- Nature's Vengeance
- Nature's Ward
- Nature's Wrath
- Nature's Wrath (Condition)
- Nature Domain
- Nauseated (Condition)
- Nauseous (Condition)
- Nautiloid
- Nautiloid (Creature)
- Nautiloid Tank
- Nautiloid Wreck
- Naysa
- Nayzeem
- Ne'er Misser
- Nealos Bright
- Neatly-Written Note
- Nebulous Black Hole
- Necklace of Elemental Augmentation
- Necromancy
- Necromancy School
- Necromancy of Thay
- Necromantic Codexes, Their Enigmas
- Necromantic Evasion
- Necromantic Restraints (Condition)
- Necromite
- Necrosis (Condition)
- Necrotic
- Necrotic Aura (Condition)
- Necrotic Bite
- Necrotic Claws
- Necrotic Claws (Shadow)
- Necrotic Laboratory
- Necrotic Laboratory Spare Key
- Necrotic Rat
- Necrotic Resistance (Condition)
- Necrotic Veil (Condition)
- Necrotic set
- Ned'Cirannis
- Neddio
- Needle's Points: Tips for Top Stories
- Needle Burst
- Needle Burst (passive feature)
- Needle of the Outlaw Rogue
- Needles
- Needlestorm
- Neem
- Nelburn Frust
- Neogi Claws
- Neogi Rolls
- Nere
- Nere's Head
- Nesha's Hand
- Nesha Leesha
- Nessa
- Nestor
- Nestor's Warning
- Net
- Netherese Briefs
- Netherese Orb Blast
- Netheril
- Netherstone-Studded Gauntlet
- Netherstone (disambiguation)
- Nettie
- Nettie's Gloves
- Nettie/Transcript
- Neverwinter Stew
- Newborn (Condition)
- Newborn Gnoll
- Newborn Zombie (Condition)
- Newly Condemned Criminals
- News Hawker Float
- Next Steps
- Ni'ima
- Nickelow
- Nickels
- Night-Night, Pirate Ship
- Night Blade
- Night Orchid
- Night Shift Report
- Night Walker
- Nightbringer's Beloved (Condition)
- Nightbringer's Shadow Adepts
- Nightdome
- Nightlight Frond
- Nightmist
- Nightsinger's Favour (Condition)
- Nightsinger's Half-Plate
- Nightsinger's Reply
- Nightsong's Armour
- Nightsong Boots
- Nightsong Gloves
- Nightsong Helmet
- Nightsong Point
- Nik-Nuk
- Nimba'as
- Nimble
- Nimble Alchemist
- Nimble As a Cat
- Nimble Attack
- Nimble Escape
- Nimblefinger
- Nimblefinger Gloves
- Nimbus
- Nimias
- Nina Dortmell
- Nine-Fingers Keene
- Nine Hells
- Nipawa
- Niram
- No More Social Calls
- No Price Too High
- No Rest for the Wicked
- No Word from Balthazar
- No one will publish me!
- Noble
- Nobleman Regards Us
- Noblestalk
- Noblestalk Piece
- Nobster
- Nocturne
- Nocturne's Journal
- Nola
- Non-Demoninational Prayer of Peace
- Non-Invasive Procedure
- Non-Lethal Damage (Condition)
- Non-Lethality
- Non-player characters
- Nonabune
- Nonexistence
- Norffe
- Nortale's Hostel
- Nortale's Hostel - House Rules
- Norya Baker
- Norys
- Notar Esojac
- Note
- Note (Bakshi)
- Note (Infernal Mason)
- Note (Selûnite)
- Note About the Shield of Silvam
- Note for Thulda
- Note from Director Gortash
- Note from Estra
- Note from Gortash (Moonrise Towers)
- Note from Gortash (Morphic Pool)
- Note from Helsik
- Note from Isobel
- Note from Kingpin Rilsa
- Note from Mol
- Note from Skarai
- Note from the Mason
- Note to All Knights of the Shield members
- Note to Caïros
- Note to Sanitation Workers
- Note to Self
- Note to Self (Baldur's Mouth)
- Note to Self (Bloodstains)
- Note to the Kitchen Staff
- Note to the Next Dawnmaster
- Notes
- Notes by Author
- Notes from a Soothsayer
- Notes on Drow Parasite
- Notes on Mind Flayer Anatomy
- Notes on Stelmane's Murder
- Notes on Tea
- Nothic Eye
- Notice (Bonecloak)
- Notice (Malus Thorm)
- Notice of Condemnation
- Notice of Termination
- Notice to Varsh Ko'kuu
- Nov Shmoz
- Noxious Fumes
- Noxious Fumes (Bibberbang) (Condition)
- Noxious Fumes (Condition)
- Noxious Myconid
- Noxious Spore Grenade
- Nozk
- Olak
- Olam
- Olam's Journal
- Old Architectural Collection
- Old Backpack
- Old Baldur's Mouth Letters Page
- Old Flake-Eyes
- Old Floppy Hat
- Old Garlow's Basement Backroom Key
- Old Garlow's Place
- Old Key
- Old Ledger
- Old Letter
- Old Maintenance Records
- Old Schoolbook
- Old Troutman
- Old notes
- Olfaith Olumssdottir
- Oliver
- Oliver's Diary
- Oliver Quarlic
- Oliver Tefoco
- Olly
- Olodan
- Oloric Witmirth
- Olys
- On Antidotes
- On Black Wings
- On Death & Resurrection
- On Educating the Faithful
- On Goblins: My Life Among the Conquering Host
- On Illithids, Volume XXVI
- On Potions and Elixirs
- On Psionic Manipulations and Countermeasures
- On Receiving Her Grace
- On Serpent Venom Toxin
- On Sloth, Gluttony, and Vice
- On The Greater Healing Potion
- On Weapon Coatings
- On the Inevitability of Moral Decay and its Benefits
- On the Matter of Soups and Starvation
- On the Origins of Evil
- On the Origins of the Zhentarim
- On the Subject of Gond and Progress
- On the Weary, Vol. 1, Father Lorgan
- One
- One-Eye
- One Becomes Many
- One Foot, Two Feet, Well Met, We'll Meet
- One Night in Nashkel
- One with Shadows
- One with Shadows (class action)
- One with the Shadows (Condition)
- Ongoing Murder Investigations
- Onilla
- Onion
- Onion Soup
- Onus of Battle (Condition)
- Onyx
- Onyx Ring
- Opalescent Outfit
- Open Call for Adventurers on Behalf of the Society
- Open Hand Technique: Staggered (Condition)
- Open Hand Temple
- Open Hand Temple Cellar
- Open Investigation
- Open Warrens (Condition)
- Open Wound (Condition)
- Open Wounds
- Open Your Scars
- Opening a Hell Gate
- Opportune Predator
- Opportunity Attack
- Opportunity to work with a master artisan
- Options
- Opulent Chest
- Oral Histories of Faerûn: Gith and Mind Flayers
- Oral Histories of Faerûn: Paladin Oathbreakers
- Oral Histories of Faerûn: The Spellplague
- Orange
- Orange Dye
- Orb
- Orb of Darkvision
- Orb of Negation
- Orc
- Orcs of the Trielta Hills
- Order 251: Tethyr
- Order of Ilmatari Service
- Order of Nature
- Order of the Gauntlet: On Matters of Law and Justice
- Orders
- Orders (Shadow-Cursed Lands)
- Orders (Upper City)
- Orders for Archivist
- Orders for Staff
- Orders from B
- Orders from Duke Ravengard
- Orders from J
- Orders from Jaheira
- Orders to Black Gauntlet Rives
- Organ Rearranger
- Organic Shield
- Orgarth
- Origins
- Orik
- Orin
- Orin's Chest Key
- Orin's Netherstone
- Orin's Ritual Note
- Orin/Combat
- Oriona
- Oriona's Chest Key
- Ormn
- Ormo
- Ormont
- Ornate Chest
- Ornate Key
- Ornate Letter
- Ornate Mirror
- Orpheus
- Orpheus, Prince of the Comet, Part One: Betrayal
- Orpheus, Prince of the Comet, Part Three: Resurrection
- Orpheus, Prince of the Comet, Part Two: Sacrifice
- Orpheus/Combat
- Orphic Favour (Condition)
- Orphic Favour Aura (Condition)
- Orphic Hammer
- Orphic Ring
- Orthon Explosive
- Orthonic Handbomb
- Otherworldly Leap
- Otherworldly Miasma (Condition)
- Otherworldly Miasma (Githyanki) (Condition)
- Otiluke's Conveniently Portable Freezing Sphere
- Otiluke's Freezing Sphere
- Otiluke's Freezing Sphere (Launch)
- Otiluke's Resilient Sphere
- Otiluke's Resilient Sphere (Condition)
- Otterdance Fenton
- Otto's Irresistible Dance
- Otto's Irresistible Dance (Condition)
- Otto Ott
- Pacified (Condition)
- Pacified (Ptaris) (Condition)
- Pacifying Spores
- Pacifying Spores (cloud)
- Pack Tactics
- Pack Tactics (Condition)
- Pact Boon
- Pact Weapon (Condition)
- Pact of the Blade
- Pact of the Blade: Battleaxe
- Pact of the Blade: Glaive
- Pact of the Blade: Greatsword
- Pact of the Blade: Rapier
- Pact of the Blade: Trident
- Pact of the Blade: Warhammer
- Pact of the Blade (passive feature)
- Pact of the Chain
- Pact of the Tome
- Pactbound Battleaxe
- Pactbound Glaive
- Pactbound Greatsword
- Pactbound Rapier
- Pactbound Trident
- Pactbound Warhammer
- Pactsplitter
- Padded Armour
- Padded Armour +1
- Padded Armour +2
- Padlock Key
- Padulla
- Pagnola
- Paid the Price (Condition)
- Painted Bust
- Painted Chest
- Painted Key
- Painted Skull
- Painting of Gortash
- Painting of Lady Jannath
- Painting of a Noble Before His Death
- Painting of a Smiling Maiden
- Painting of an Elegant Noble
- Paladin
- Paladin set
- Pale Green Dye
- Pale Mint
- Pale Oak
- Pale Orange Dye
- Pale Pink Dye
- Pale Widow Gloves
- Pammella Nortale
- Pan
- Panache
- Panache: Disadvantage (Condition)
- Pandirna
- Pandirna's Diary
- Panel from Hell
- Panicked Sentinel (Condition)
- Pantella
- Panther
- Paragon of Charisma
- Paragon of Intelligence
- Paragon of Wisdom
- Paralysed (Condition)
- Paralysed (Karabasan's Gift) (Condition)
- Paralysing Critical
- Paralysing Ray
- Paralyzing Ray
- Paramidious
- Paranoid Dreams (Condition)
- Parchment
- Parchment (Goblin Camp)
- Parchment (Jaheira's Home)
- Parchment (Jannath's Estate)
- Parchment (Last Light Inn)
- Parchment (Lower City)
- Parchment (Lower City Sewers)
- Parchment (Mind Flayer Colony)
- Parchment (Serpent)
- Parchment (Steel Watch Foundry)
- Parchment (Undercity Ruins)
- Parchment from Sazza
- Pard
- Park Chest Key
- Park Keeper's Chores
- Park Keeper's Journal
- Parried (Condition)
- Parry
- Part of the Flock
- Part the Flesh
- Partial-illithid
- Partial Ceremorphosis
- Party Planner
- Pass Without Trace
- Pass Without Trace (Condition)
- Pass Without Trace Aura (Condition)
- Passage of Penitence
- Passive feature
- Past Due Invoice
- Patch Notes
- Patched-Together Sack
- Patched Parchment
- Patient Defence
- Patient Defence (Condition)
- Patient Log: Duke Belynne Stelmane
- Patients' Registry
- Patriar's Letter
- Patriar Correspondence
- Patriars, A Homegrown Aristocracy
- Patriars Journal
- Patrick
- Patrons of our Hero
- Pavel
- Peach and Apricot Dye
- Pear
- Pearl
- Pearl Necklace
- Pearl of Power Amulet
- Pearlescent Restoration
- Pearlescent Restoration Level 1
- Pearlescent Restoration Level 2
- Pearlescent Restoration Level 3
- Pearlspore Bell
- Pearlspore Outbreak
- Peartree's Chest Key
- Peartree's Hatch Key
- Peartree House
- Peculiar Clothing Chest
- Peculiar Flower
- Peer Review
- Pegasus Feather
- Peil Hullhollyn
- Pelorsun Blade
- Pending Tab: Investigator Valeria
- Penumbral Armour
- Perception
- Perfect Eternal Debtor
- Perfect Sentry
- Perfectly Balanced Strike
- Perform 'Bard Dance'
- Perform 'Of Divinity and Sin'
- Perform 'Old Time Battles'
- Perform 'Sing for Me'
- Perform 'The Power'
- Perform 'The Queen's High Seas'
- Perform (Drum)
- Perform (Flute)
- Perform (Lute)
- Perform (Lyre)
- Perform (Violin)
- Perform (Whistle)
- Perform (disambiguation)
- Performance
- Performer
- Performing 'Bard Dance' (Condition)
- Performing 'Of Divinity and Sin' (Condition)
- Performing 'Old Time Battles' (Condition)
- Performing 'Sing for Me' (Condition)
- Performing 'The Power' (Condition)
- Performing 'The Queen's High Seas' (Condition)
- Perfumed Days, Passionate Nights
- Perfumed Letter
- Periapt of Wound Closure
- Peridot
- Peridot Ring
- Perilous Stakes
- Perilous Stakes (Condition)
- Periwinkle Undergarments
- Permanent Mind Sanctuary
- Permanent Mind Sanctuary (Condition)
- Permanent bonus table
- Permanent bonuses
- Permanently Armed
- Permit Passage
- Perseverance
- Personal Account
- Personal Note
- Personal Note (Gomwick)
- Personal Note (L)
- Personal Portrait
- Personal Space
- Persuasion
- Perturbing Visage
- Pest Control
- Petras
- Petric Amber
- Petrified (Condition)
- Petrified (status group)
- Petrifying Sting
- Phalanx Formation
- Phalar Aluve
- Phalar Aluve: Melody
- Phalar Aluve: Shriek
- Phalar Aluve: Sing
- Phantaizha
- Phantasm
- Phantasmal Force
- Phantasmal Force (Condition)
- Phantasmal Killer
- Phantasmal Killer (Condition)
- Phantasms
- Pharnilla
- Phase
- Phase Optimizer
- Phase Optimizer Active (Condition)
- Phase Spider Matriarch
- Phase Spiderling
- Phase spider
- Phasmid Cloak
- Phibs Brogan
- Philgrave's Mansion
- Philomeen
- Phinn Truscott
- Phlanders Hort
- Phoebelia
- Phoenix Lubbins
- Phostlethwaite
- Phrennog
- Phubbs
- Phylle
- Phyria Gollus
- Pickaxe
- Pickpocket's Bag
- Piddle
- Pierce
- Pierce the Weak
- Pierce the Weak (Condition)
- Piercing
- Piercing Counter
- Piercing Growl
- Piercing Shot
- Piercing Strike
- Piercing Strike (Spiritual Weapon)
- Pig
- Pig's Head
- Pigeon Available for Collection
- Pike
- Pike +1
- Pikes
- Pile of Books
- Pile of Stained Towels
- Pilgrim's Curse
- Pilgrim's Prayer
- Pilgrim's Prayer (Harrison)
- Pilgrim's Prayer (Woman)
- Pillar of Souls
- Pin Down
- Pinched (Condition)
- Pink and Leaf Green Dye
- Pinned-up Note
- Pinned (Condition)
- Pinned Down (Condition)
- Pinta
- Pistle
- Pitcher of Beer
- Pitchfork
- Pitted Key
- Pivot to New Target
- Pixie
- Pixie Blessing (Condition)
- Pizza
- Plagg
- Plague-Green Torch
- Plain Boots
- Planar Ally
- Planar Ally: Cambion
- Planar Ally: Deva
- Planar Ally: Djinni
- Planar Binding
- Planes Books Table
- Planeslayer Flail
- Planetar Feather
- Plant
- Plant Growth
- Plant Growth (Condition)
- Plant Growth (surface)
- Plate (Clutter)
- Plate (Valuable)
- Plate (disambiguation)
- Plate Armour
- Plate Armour +1
- Plate Armour +2
- Play the Spider's Lyre
- Plea of Rest
- Pleading Letter
- Please, understand
- Plig
- Ploughman Zakk
- Pluck Soul
- Plum Fizz
- Podd
- Poem for Lanpos
- Poet Unveils Review
- Point Buy
- Pointed-Toe Shoes
- Poison
- Poison Branch
- Poison Breath
- Poison Cloud
- Poison Hallucination
- Poison Mist
- Poison Resistance (Condition)
- Poison Resistance Aura (Condition)
- Poison Set
- Poison Spore
- Poison Spray
- Poison Table
- Poison Trails
- Poisoned (Condition)
- Poisoned (Suspicious Poison) (Condition)
- Poisoned (status group)
- Poisoned Apple
- Poisoner's Gloves
- Poisoner's Kit
- Poisoner's Ring
- Poisoner's Robe
- Poisonous Fumes (Condition)
- Poisonous Slime Bomb
- Poisonous Synergy
- Pol
- Polandulus
- Polearm Master: Bonus Attack
- Polearm Master: Opportunity Attack
- Polished Dagger
- Polished Necklace
- Polished Ring
- Political Influence Plan
- Pollo the Muscle
- Polma
- Polma's Wrath
- Polma's Wrath (Condition)
- Poltergeist
- Polymorph
- Polymorph: Dire Raven
- Polymorph (Condition)
- Polymorph Self (Condition)
- Polymorphed: Dire Raven (Condition)
- Polymorphed (Condition)
- Polymorphed (Tressym) (Condition)
- Polymorphed (status group)
- Pommel Strike
- Pompton Norvath
- Poo-Scraper
- Pookums
- Pooldripp
- Poole
- Poor Performance (Condition)
- Poor Trader Table
- Popdrakes
- Popper
- Poppy Flower
- Populism and Propaganda
- Pork Loin
- Pork Shoulder
- Portal Sherry
- Portent
- Portent Die
- Portrait of Fane
- Portrait of Ifan ben-Mezd
- Portrait of Lohse
- Portrait of Marcus Miles
- Portrait of Sebille Kaleran
- Portrait of a Bored Girl
- Portrait of a Bored Girl (Playing Music)
- Portrait of a Fur-Shouldered Noble
- Portrait of a Noble Before His Death
- Portrait of a Snowy-Brownbeard
- Portrait of a Tiefling
- Portrait of a Trademaster
- Portrait of a Woman
- Portrait of an Elven Poet
- Portrait of the Red Prince
- Possessing (Condition)
- Possession
- Post-House Dog's Log
- Post-House Pigeon Poster
- Post House Delivery Complaints
- Posted Scroll
- Postmaster Badger
- Postmaster Shipment Enquiry
- Postmaster Shipment Enquiry (Bundle)
- Pot Lid
- Potato
- Potato Porridge
- Potato Scone Platter
- Potato Wedges
- Potent
- Potent Cantrip
- Potent Concentrated Blast
- Potent Healing
- Potent Mist Form (Condition)
- Potent Misty Escape
- Potent Robe
- Potent Spellcasting
- Potion
- Potion Bottle
- Potion Catalogue
- Potion Table
- Potion of Angelic Relief (Condition)
- Potion of Angelic Reprieve
- Potion of Angelic Slumber
- Potion of Angelic Slumber (Condition)
- Potion of Animal Speaking
- Potion of Animal Speaking Recipe
- Potion of Everlasting Vigour
- Potion of Feather Fall
- Potion of Flying
- Potion of Gaseous Form
- Potion of Glorious Vaulting
- Potion of Glorious Vaulting (Condition)
- Potion of Greater Healing
- Potion of Greater Healing (cloud)
- Potion of Healing
- Potion of Healing (cloud)
- Potion of Healing Recipe
- Potion of Invisibility
- Potion of Mind Reading
- Potion of Mind Reading Recipe
- Potion of Misty Step
- Potion of Sleep
- Potion of Speed
- Potion of Superior Healing
- Potion of Superior Healing (cloud)
- Potion of Supreme Healing
- Potion of Supreme Healing (cloud)
- Potion of Universal Resistance
- Potion of Vitality
- Potion or Coating Table
- Potions
- Potter's Chest Key
- Pouch
- Pounce
- Pounce (Alioramus)
- Pounce (Dilophosaurus)
- Pounce (Hook Horror)
- Pounce (disambiguation)
- Poutine
- Power Structure of Baldur's Gate
- Power Word: Ruin
- Power Word Kill
- Practice Sword
- Prayer for Forgiveness
- Prayer of Healing
- Prayer to Lathander
- Prayer to Tempus
- Prayers of Repent
- Preciosa
- Precious delivery
- Precision Attack
- Precision Attack (Condition)
- Predator Essence (Condition)
- Predator Werewolf
- Prepare
- Prepared (Condition)
- Preperations - prepared!
- Preserve Life
- Preserved Mind Flayer Parasite
- Press the Advantage
- Prey's Scent
- Prey's Scent (Swarmkeeper)
- Prey Decelerator
- Prey Essence (Condition)
- Prey Upon the Weak
- Priestess' Key
- Primal Stampede
- Primal Strike
- Prime Aegis of Fire
- Prime Target (Condition)
- Primer on Calimshan
- Primordial Gales
- Primordial Spectre
- Prison
- Prison Entrance Key
- Prison Key
- Prison Key (Emerald Grove)
- Prison Key (Moonrise)
- Prison Key (Plig)
- Prison Log
- Prisoner's Journal
- Pristine Letter
- Pristine Meshtoe Sandals
- Pritt Yellowbreath
- Private Shipment
- Produce Flame
- Produce Flame: Dismiss
- Produce Flame: Hurl
- Produce Flame (Condition)
- Profane Scourge
- Profane Womb
- Profane Womb-Bound (Condition)
- Proficiency
- Profiling Methods
- Profoundly Intoxicated (Condition)
- Projected Image (Condition)
- Projected Ward
- Promise
- Promise of Wealth
- Promise of Wealth (Condition)
- Promised Victory
- Prone (Condition)
- Prone (status group)
- Propelling Strike
- Prophecy
- Prophecy: A Blunt Tool (Condition)
- Prophecy: A Little Help (Condition)
- Prophecy: A Little Prick (Condition)
- Prophecy: Burn After Reading (Condition)
- Prophecy: Changes (Condition)
- Prophecy: Cutting Edge (Condition)
- Prophecy: Dead Right (Condition)
- Prophecy: Delivering Alms (Condition)
- Prophecy: Evocative (Condition)
- Prophecy: Feign Surprise (Condition)
- Prophecy: Forceful Insistence (Condition)
- Prophecy: Frosty Reception (Condition)
- Prophecy: Grave Fate (Condition)
- Prophecy: Guarded (Condition)
- Prophecy: Headache (Condition)
- Prophecy: Holy Epiphany (Condition)
- Prophecy: Melting Pot (Condition)
- Prophecy: Predictable (Condition)
- Prophecy: Reap Rewards (Condition)
- Prophecy: Shocking Revelation (Condition)
- Prophecy: Spellbinding (Condition)
- Prophecy: Thunderous Applause (Condition)
- Prophecy: Venomous Words (Condition)
- Prophecy: Well-Read (Condition)
- Proselyte of Mahkloompah
- Protection
- Protection from Energy
- Protection from Energy: Acid
- Protection from Energy: Acid (Condition)
- Protection from Energy: Cold
- Protection from Energy: Cold (Condition)
- Protection from Energy: Fire
- Protection from Energy: Fire (Condition)
- Protection from Energy: Lightning
- Protection from Energy: Lightning (Condition)
- Protection from Energy: Thunder
- Protection from Energy: Thunder (Condition)
- Protection from Evil and Good
- Protection from Evil and Good (Condition)
- Protection from Missiles
- Protection from Poison
- Protection from Poison (Condition)
- Protective Plate
- Provender Ledger
- Prowl
- Prowling (Condition)
- Proximity Explosive
- Prying Heart (Condition)
- Psalms to the Old Oak
- Pseudopod
- Pseudopod (Greaseball)
- Pseudopod Lash
- Psionic Backlash
- Psionic Backlash (passive feature)
- Psionic Dominance
- Psionic Dominance (passive feature)
- Psionic Drain (Condition)
- Psionic Empowerment
- Psionic Enrichment (Condition)
- Psionic Overload
- Psionic Pull
- Psionic Retribution
- Psionic Revenge
- Psionic Skin
- Psionic Suggestion: Drop
- Psionic Suggestion: Flee
- Psionic Suggestion: Grovel
- Psionic Suggestion: Halt
- Psionic Suggestion: Hush
- Psionic Visage
- Psionic Visages (Condition)
- Psionic Ward
- Psionic Ward (Condition)
- Psionic Ward (passive feature)
- Psionic Ward Armour
- Psionic Ward Aura (Condition)
- Psionic Weakening (Condition)
- Psychic
- Psychic Leech
- Psychic Missiles
- Psychic Rend
- Psychic Rend (Condition)
- Psychic Resistance (Condition)
- Psychic Resonance
- Psychic Scream
- Psychic Spark
- Psychic Steel Virtuoso
- Psychic Vengeance
- Psychic set
- Psychically Dominated (Condition)
- Puce
- Puff Pastry Braid
- Puli
- Pulling Web
- Pumler Grejit
- Pumpkin
- Pumpkin Soup
- Punch
- Punch-Drunk Bastard
- Punch Drunk
- Punish Divinity
- Punish Divinity (Condition)
- Punish the Wicked
- Punkins
- Purity of Body
- Purple Dragon Blush
- Purple Dye
- Purple Fluorite Shard
- Purple Grapes
- Purple Worm Gullet
- Purple Worm Poison
- Purple Worm Toxin
- Purple Worm Toxin (Condition)
- Pursuit Protocol (Condition)
- Pushing Attack (Melee)
- Pushing Attack (Ranged)
- Pushing Attack (Titanstring Bow)
- Putrefied Tumour
- Qu'th
- Qua'nith: Alert Active (Condition)
- Qua'nith Psionic Detector
- Quake
- Quarterstaff
- Quarterstaff +1
- Quarterstaff +2
- Quarterstaves
- Quasit
- Qudenos
- Queelia's Key
- Queelia Arvis
- Queen of Kingpins
- Queen of Ravens
- Quelenna
- Quenora Grisly
- Quests
- Quickening Incantation (Condition)
- Quickly Ticking Mine (Condition)
- Quickspell Flinger
- Quickspell Flinger (Condition)
- Quickspell Gloves
- Quickstitch
- Quil Grootslang
- Quill
- Quirkilious' Chest Key
- Quirkilious' Stockroom Key
- Quite Fashionable Boots
- Qun'irel
- Quothe
- Ra'gur
- Ra'jak
- Raagg
- Races
- Racha
- Radiance of the Dawn
- Radiant
- Radiant Resistance (Condition)
- Radiant Retort (Condition)
- Radiant Shockwave
- Radiant Strike
- Radiant set
- Radiating Orb (Condition)
- Radiating Orb Gloves
- Radiating Shockwave
- Radija
- Raffish Bronze-Red Outfit
- Raffish Chestnut Outfit
- Raffish Garb
- Raffish Metallic-Shaded Outfit
- Raffish Midnight Outfit
- Rage
- Rage: Bear Heart
- Rage: Bear Heart (Condition)
- Rage: Eagle Heart
- Rage: Eagle Heart (Condition)
- Rage: Elk Heart
- Rage: Elk Heart (Condition)
- Rage: Tiger Heart
- Rage: Tiger Heart (Condition)
- Rage: Wild Magic
- Rage: Wolf Heart
- Rage: Wolf Heart's Prey (Condition)
- Rage: Wolf Heart (Condition)
- Rage (Boar)
- Rage (Boar) (Condition)
- Rage (Condition)
- Rage Becomes Frenzy
- Rage Impeded (Condition)
- Rage Queller
- Ragged Diary
- Raging Vortex
- Raging Vortex (Condition)
- Raging Vortex (area)
- Rags
- Rags Deelarma
- Raheni
- Rahir
- Raid the Emerald Grove
- Raider
- Rain Dancer
- Rainforest's Chest Key
- Rainforest's Home
- Rakath Glitterbeard
- Rakish Audacity
- Rakish Sneak Attack (Melee)
- Rakish Sneak Attack (Ranged)
- Rallied (Condition)
- Rallied (Endgame) (Condition)
- Rally
- Raloric Windbane
- Ram
- Ram (Hell Sphere)
- Ramazith's Tower
- Ramazith (book)
- Ramona Flintsplitter
- Rampage
- Rampage (Condition)
- Rampart Aura
- Rampart Aura (Condition)
- Rancer
- Rancid Note
- Randolf Vammas
- Ranged Attack
- Ranger
- Ranger's Companion
- Ranger Knight
- Ranger set
- Ransom Note
- Raphael
- Raphael's Diary - Chapter 1
- Raphael's Diary - Chapter 2
- Raphael's Diary - Chapter 3
- Raphael's Notes
- Raphael's Notes (deal made)
- Raphael/Combat
- Rapid Caster
- Rapier
- Rapier +1
- Rapier +2
- Rapiers
- Rapport Spores (Condition)
- Rapture (Condition)
- Rare Dye Table
- Rare Herb Supply Table
- Rare Herb Table
- Rare Mushroom Supply Table
- Rare Mushroom Table
- Rare Music Instrument Subtable
- Rare Special Arrow Subtable
- Rare book request
- Rascal Borys
- Raspberry
- Rat
- Rat (albino)
- Rat Bat
- Rat Catcher
- Rat Trouble?
- Rath
- Ratin Sesescor
- Ravaged Beach
- Ravaging Inferno
- Raven
- Raven (white)
- Raven Gloves
- Raven Sight
- Ravengard's Scourger
- Raw Steak
- Ray of Enfeeblement
- Ray of Fear
- Ray of Frost
- Ray of Frost (Condition)
- Ray of Sickness
- Raylen Jannath
- Rays of Fire
- Rays of Fire (Cantrip)
- Razor Claw
- Razor Gale
- Reach from Beyond
- Reactions (disambiguation)
- Reactive Restoration (Condition)
- Read Thoughts
- Ready to Parry (Condition)
- Ready to Parry (Supreme) (Condition)
- Reagan Splint
- Really, Gozz?
- Reanimated Corpse
- Reap Soul
- Reaper
- Reaper's Embrace
- Reaper's Reward (Condition)
- Reaper's Rigidity
- Reaper's Scythe
- Reaper of Bhaal
- Reapply Hex
- Reapply Hex (Charisma)
- Reapply Hex (Condition)
- Reapply Hex (Constitution)
- Reapply Hex (Dexterity)
- Reapply Hex (Intelligence)
- Reapply Hex (Strength)
- Reapply Hex (Wisdom)
- Reapply Hunter's Mark
- Reason's Grasp
- Rebound Battleaxe
- Rebuke of the Mighty
- Recast Dazzling Ray
- Recast Speak with Dead
- Recast Speak with Dead (Condition)
- Recast Sunbeam
- Receipt
- Receipt for Painting
- Recharging (Condition)
- Rechel
- Recipe for Fiddlehead Soup
- Recipe of Drow Poison
- Recipe of Elixir of Arcane Cultivation
- Recipe of Elixir of Darkvision
- Recipe of Elixir of Necrotic Resistance
- Recipe of Wyvern Toxin
- Reckless Attack
- Reckless Attack (Condition)
- Reckless Roar
- Reckless Roar (Condition)
- Reckless Warcry
- Reckless Warcry (Condition)
- Reclaim the Blue Jay's Nest
- Reconciling the Jealous Heart
- Reconfigured: Undead (Condition)
- Reconstituted Arcanist
- Reconstituted Duellist
- Reconstituted Marksman
- Record of Complaints
- Record of Operations in Neverwinter
- Record of Ownership
- Record of Shipment
- Record of the Honoured
- Records of the Deceased
- Recovering (Condition)
- Recruiting Gnolls
- Recruitment Poster
- Rectus
- Red Apple
- Red Carmine Mask
- Red Dragon
- Red Dye
- Red Pepper
- Redcap
- Redcap (creature)
- Redcap Blood Sage
- Redcap Boatswain
- Redcap Mystic Cannoneer
- Redesigned Shadowheart content
- Redhammer
- Redhammer's Journal
- Redirect Attack
- Reduce
- Reduce (Duergar)
- Reduced (Condition)
- Reduced (Duergar) (Condition)
- Redvein Savagery
- Reeling (Condition)
- Refined Vaulting
- Reflections Upon the Mirror of Loss
- Reflections of a Gullible Prick
- Reflective Mucus (Action)
- Reflective Mucus (Condition)
- Reflective Shell
- Reflective Shell (Condition)
- Reflectoguard
- Reflectoguard Active (Condition)
- Refreshed (Condition)
- Refugee's Journal
- Refugee (The Risen Road)
- Refugee Arrival Record
- Regain Hit Points
- Regal Helm
- Regarding Portrait Production
- Regarding Prayer Monitoring
- Regarding Strange Riders in These Parts
- Regarding the Gondian Gnomes
- Regarding the Slayer
- Regards Missing Painters
- Regeneration
- Regeneration (Condition)
- Region
- Register of Goods Received
- Register of Temple Deadspeakers
- Registry of Citizens' Complaints
- Regret
- Reinforced Greatsword
- Reinforced Helmet
- Reithwin Graveyard
- Reithwin Necrology
- Reithwin Tollhouse
- Reithwin Town
- Rejection Letter
- Rejuvenating Miasma (Condition)
- Rejuvenating Takedown
- Reklan
- Relentless Avenger
- Relentless Avenger (Condition)
- Relentless Endurance
- Relentless Lunge
- Relentless Rage
- Relentless Revenge
- Reliable Talent
- Reliably Built Boots
- Relics of Deep Duerra's rebellious children
- Religion
- Remarkable Athlete: Jump
- Remarkable Athlete: Proficiency
- Remedial Potion
- Remedial Rhymes
- Reminder to Self
- Reminder to fire Malek
- Remira
- Remove Curse
- Renan
- Rend Vision
- Rend Vision (Dire Raven Companion)
- Rend Vision (Dire Raven Wild Shape)
- Rend Vision (Raven Familiar)
- Rend With White Lightning
- Rended Flesh (Condition)
- Render of Mind and Body
- Render of Scrumptious Flesh
- Repair Matrix (Condition)
- Repairs Payment
- Repelling Blast
- Repelling Protocol
- Report for Raphael
- Report on Activities of Enver Gortash
- Report on Moonrise Towers
- Report on Old Garlow's
- Reports from the Battlefield
- Reposition Malefactor
- Reprimand
- Repulsion Mine
- Repulsor (Dror Ragzlin)
- Repulsor (Illithid Power)
- Request Surgical Instrument
- Request for Alms
- Request for further Consultation
- Request to Join the Hag Survivors
- Request to the Landlord
- Requisitioned Barn
- Rescue Orin's Victim
- Rescue Volo
- Rescue Wulbren
- Rescue the Druid Halsin
- Rescue the Gnome
- Rescue the Grand Duke
- Rescue the Illithids' Captive
- Rescue the Tieflings
- Rescue the Trapped Man
- Research Notes
- Research Notes (Apothecary)
- Research Notes (Balthazar)
- Research Notes (House of Healing)
- Research Notes (Waning Moon)
- Resilient: Charisma
- Resilient: Constitution
- Resilient: Dexterity
- Resilient: Intelligence
- Resilient: Strength
- Resilient: Wisdom
- Resistance (Cantrip)
- Resistance (Condition)
- Resistances
- Resistant to Acid Damage (Condition)
- Resistant to Cold Damage (Condition)
- Resistant to Fire Damage (Condition)
- Resistant to Lightning Damage (Condition)
- Resistant to Necrotic Damage (Condition)
- Resistant to Poison Damage (Condition)
- Resistant to Radiant Damage (Condition)
- Resisted the Song (Condition)
- Resolve the Abduction
- Resonance Stone
- Resonating Ki (Condition)
- Resources
- Resting
- Restless Myconid
- Restoration
- Restore Bardic Inspiration
- Restore Soul
- Restore Vitality
- Restrained (Condition)
- Restrained (status group)
- Retaliation
- Retinue of the Vampire Lord
- Retributive Brainquake
- Retributive Justice (Condition)
- Retrieve Omeluum
- Return Rakath's Gold
- Return at Once
- Return the Locket
- Returning Pike
- Revealed (Condition)
- Revenant's Ire
- Revenant Scourge
- Reverbaration set
- Reverberation (Condition)
- Reverse Rain Cloak
- Revitalising Gore (Condition)
- Revitalising Strike
- Revivify
- Revoke Guest Status
- Reynash
- Ri'zel
- Ribald Shanties for the Discerning Whoreson
- Ribcage
- Ribcage (Clutter)
- Rich Arcanist Helmet
- Rich Clock
- Richter
- Ricks Garven
- Ride the Wind
- Ride the Winds
- Rigg
- Right Behind You
- Right Coin Whip
- Righteous Clarity
- Righteous Clarity (Condition)
- Rikka
- Rindle
- Ring Mail Armour
- Ring Mail Armour +1
- Ring Mail Armour +2
- Ring of Absolute Force
- Ring of Arcane Synergy
- Ring of Beguiling
- Ring of Being Really Invisible
- Ring of Blink
- Ring of Colour Spray
- Ring of Crabsight
- Ring of Elemental Infusion
- Ring of Evasion
- Ring of Evasion (Reaction)
- Ring of Exalted Marrow
- Ring of Feywild Sparks
- Ring of Fire
- Ring of Flinging
- Ring of Free Action
- Ring of Geniality
- Ring of Gorgeous Bolts
- Ring of Infinite Wishes
- Ring of Jumping
- Ring of Mental Inhibition
- Ring of Mind-Shielding
- Ring of Murderous Opportunity
- Ring of Poison Resistance
- Ring of Protection
- Ring of Regeneration
- Ring of Resistance to Ants
- Ring of Restorative Gravity
- Ring of Salving
- Ring of Self Immolation
- Ring of Shadows
- Ring of Spiteful Thunder
- Ring of Truthfulness
- Ring of Twilight
- Ring of Veracity
- Ring of the Lekinesus
- Ringless Gem
- Ringmaster's Key
- Rings
- Rion
- Riposte
- Riposte (passive feature)
- Riposte (weapon action)
- Rippling Force Mail
- Risky Attack
- Risky Ring
- Rite of Thorns (disambiguation)
- Rite of Thorns (ritual)
- Rite of Thorns (scroll)
- Rite of the Timeless Body
- Rites for the Passing
- Ritual Axe
- Ritual Caster: Free Spells
- Ritual Chant: Bhaal's Power Word Kill (Condition)
- Ritual Component (Condition)
- Ritual Dagger
- Ritual Dagger of Shar
- Ritual Diagram
- Ritual Drain: Astarion (Condition)
- Ritual Drain: Violet (Condition)
- Ritual Drain: Yousen (Condition)
- Ritual Pouch
- Ritual Sources (Condition)
- Ritual Staff
- River Chionthar
- River Goes
- Riverside Teahouse
- Rives' Failures as a Banite
- Rivington
- Rivington General
- Rivington Well
- Road-Dust Grey Clothes
- Roah Moonglow
- Roaring Belch
- Roast Beef Joint
- Roast Pork
- Roast Turkey
- Roasted Dwarf Belly
- Roasted Dwarf Leg
- Roasted Dwarf Ribs
- Robbin Datherswick
- Robe
- Robe of Exquisite Focus
- Robe of Spell Resistance
- Robe of Summer
- Robe of Supreme Defences
- Robe of the Weave
- Roberon Silt
- Robust Chain Shirt
- Robust Guardian
- Rockbreed
- Rocky
- Rocky's Dog Collar
- Rocky Crevice
- Rod of Resurrection
- Roger Gherkins
- Roger Highberry
- Rogue
- Rogue's Morsel
- Rogue set
- Roiling Hellfire (Condition)
- Rolan
- Rolan's Colour Spray
- Rolan's Firestorm
- Rolan's Journal (siblings dead)
- Rolan's Journal (siblings saved)
- Rolan's Mage Armour
- Rolan's Magic Missile
- Rolan's Projection
- Rolan's Thunderwave
- Roll
- Rolling Deck Rum
- Romance
- Roo
- Rope
- Rosanna
- Rosanna's Key
- Rose
- Rose's Chest Key
- Rosewood Desk
- Rosewood Desk Key
- Rossina
- Rosymorn Firewine
- Rosymorn Monastery
- Rosymorn Monastery Trail
- Rot
- Rothé Femur
- Rotten Banana
- Rotten Beregost Blue Wedge
- Rotten Beregost Blue Wheel
- Rotten Carrot
- Rotten Chicken Eggs
- Rotten Durinbold Cheese Wedge
- Rotten Fish
- Rotten Lemon
- Rotten Mushroom
- Rotten Reflux (Condition)
- Rotten Tomato
- Rotten Waterdhavian Cheese Wedge
- Rotten Waterdhavian Cheese Wheel
- Rotting (Condition)
- Rotting Basket
- Rotting Fist
- Rotting Regurgitation
- Roughly-Cut Ham
- Round Flask
- Roveer
- Roveer's Storehouse
- Row of Books
- Rowan
- Rowan (Bridge Fist)
- Rowan Elkfriend
- Royal Orders
- Rozzak
- Rua
- Ruby
- Ruby Ring
- Rudd
- Ruffled Noblewoman
- Rufflesome Blaggart Hat
- Rugan
- Rugger Shattershield
- Ruined Battlefield
- Ruintamer Heart
- Rules for Elfsong Customers
- Rules in This Bar
- Rules of the Reading Room
- Rull
- Rumbling with Kereska's Thunder (Condition)
- Rune Slate
- Rune of the Wolf
- Runepowder
- Runepowder Barrel
- Runepowder Bomb
- Runepowder Vial
- Runepowder and the Modern Gnome
- Running Jump
- Runt
- Rupture
- Ruptured (Condition)
- Rupturing
- Rupturing Blade
- Rurik
- Rush
- Rush (Boar)
- Rush (Hellsboar)
- Rush Attack
- Rush of the Gale Spirits
- Rusted Blade
- Rusted Key
- Rusted Key (Apothecary)
- Rustic Chest
- Rustic Dark Outfit
- Rusty Dagger
- Rusty Glaive
- Rusty Greatsword
- Rusty Halberd
- Rusty Handaxe
- Rusty Heavy Crossbow
- Rusty Key
- Rusty Key (Entharl)
- Rusty Longsword
- Rusty Mace
- Rusty Maul
- Rusty Morningstar
- Rusty Pike
- Rusty Scimitar
- Rusty Shortsword
- Rusty Sickle
- Rusty Spear
- Rusty Studded Shield
- Rusty Trident
- Ruth Linnacker
- SG Approaching
- SG CanBePickedUp
- SG Charmed Subtle
- SG Condition
- SG Confused
- SG DetectThoughts
- SG DifficultTerrain
- SG Disguise
- SG Dominated
- SG Doppelganger
- SG DropForNonMutingDialog
- SG Drunk
- SG Exhausted
- SG Helpable Condition
- SG HexbladeCurse
- SG Ignore AOO
- SG Invisible
- SG Light
- SG Mad
- SG None
- SG Paralyzed
- SG Poisoned Story Nonremovable
- SG Poisoned Story Removable
- SG Polymorph BeastShape
- SG Polymorph BeastShape NPC
- SG Possessed
- SG Rage
- SG RemoveOnRespec
- SG ScriptedPeaceBehaviour
- SG Sleeping
- SG Surface
- SG Taunted
- SG WeaponCoating
- STOP - Do Not Open
- Sabre-Tooth Tiger
- Sacred Defiance (Condition)
- Sacred Defiance Aura (Condition)
- Sacred Flame
- Sacred Munitions
- Sacred Munitions (Condition)
- Sacred Pool
- Sacred Shark Recipes
- Sacred Weapon
- Sacred Weapon (Condition)
- Sacrifice Soul
- Sacrificed Cultist
- Sacrificed Cultist (High Elf)
- Sacrificed Cultist (Human)
- Sacrificed Soul (Condition)
- Sacrificial Lamb (Condition)
- Sacrum
- Sadar Illanov
- Safe and Sound: a Guide to our Vaults
- Safeguard Shield
- Sage
- Sage Green Dye
- Sahuagin
- Sahuagin Champion
- Sahuagin Hunter
- Sahuagin Longbow
- Sahuagin Spear
- Sailor's Key
- Salamander
- Salami
- Salazon
- Salene Freig
- Sally Flymm
- Salmon Pie
- Salts of Carrion Crawler Tentacle
- Salts of Chasm Creeper
- Salts of Cloud Giant Fingernails
- Salts of Copper Shavings
- Salts of Corpse Rose
- Salts of Hill Giant Fingernails
- Salts of Mugwort
- Salts of Musk Creeper
- Salts of Rogue's Morsel
- Salts of Tree Bark
- Salts of Viridian Crystal
- Salts of Xorn Scales
- Salty Scimitar(rrr)
- Sampson
- Samwell Staxford
- Sanctified Stalker
- Sanctified Weapon
- Sanctuary
- Sanctuary (Condition)
- Sanctuary Blocked (Condition)
- Sanctuary of Loss
- Sanctuary of Loss (Condition)
- Sandthief's Ring
- Sanguine Animation
- Sanguine Blade
- Sanguine Explosive
- Sanguine Lash
- Sanguine Vent
- Sanseverina
- Santoria
- Sapped (Condition)
- Sapphire
- Sapping Curse (Condition)
- Sapping Images
- Sapping Strike
- Sarabayle
- Sarevok's Golden Key
- Sarevok's Horned Helmet
- Sarevok's Wretched Armour
- Sarevok Anchev
- Sarevok Anchev/Combat
- Sarevok Anchev: A Study in Suffering
- Sarin
- Sarin's Skull
- Sarken Eomane
- Saunder
- Savage Attacker
- Savage Attacks
- Savage Howl
- Savage Howl (Condition)
- Savage Seawind
- Save Arabella
- Save Hope
- Save Mayrina
- Save Vanra
- Save the First Druid
- Save the Goblin Sazza
- Save the Gondians
- Save the Grymforge Gnomes
- Save the Refugees
- Saving throws
- Saviour's Allure
- Savora
- Sazza
- Scabby Pugilist Circlet
- Scale
- Scale Mail
- Scale Mail +1
- Scale Mail +2
- Scale Mail Armour +1
- Scale Mail Mould
- Scale Mail of Devotion
- Scale Mail of Vengeance
- Scale Mail of the Ancients
- Scaled Scions of Abeir
- Scalpel
- Scalpspike Helm
- Scar of Dark Thirst
- Scar of Fury
- Scar of Mirages
- Scar of the Agave
- Scar of the Dunes
- Scar of the Sand Eclipse
- Scar of the Sirocco
- Scarab of Protection
- Scare
- Scared Boar
- Scarlet Feast
- Scarlet Leather Armour
- Scarlet Regeneration
- Scarlet Remittance
- Scarlet Remittance +1 (Condition)
- Scarlet Remittance +2 (Condition)
- Scarlet Remittance +3 (Condition)
- Scarlet Saturation
- Scarlet Saturation (Condition)
- Scarlet Stupor
- Scarlet Stupor (Condition)
- Scarpers
- Sceleritas Fel
- Scented Letter
- Scenting Blood
- Schematic Compendium
- Schematics for Subsurface Vessel
- Schools of Magic: Abjuration
- Schools of Magic: Conjuration
- Schools of Magic: Divination
- Schools of Magic: Enchantment
- Schools of Magic: Evocation
- Schools of Magic: Illusion
- Schools of Magic: Necromancy
- Schools of Magic: Transmutation
- Scimitar
- Scimitar (Akabi)
- Scimitar (Sharran)
- Scimitar +1
- Scimitar +2
- Scimitar Mould
- Scimitar of Cinder
- Scimitars
- Scintillating
- Scorched Book
- Scorching Ray
- Scorching Siphon (Condition)
- Scorching Street - A Flaming Fist Ruleset
- Scorching Strike
- Scorpion Helmet
- Scourge of Pests
- Scout's Note
- Scouting for Kingpins
- Scrap and Shrapnel Grenade
- Scrap of Paper
- Scrapbook of Letters
- Scrapbook of Love Letters
- Scrappy Order Book
- Scrapwood Shield
- Scratch
- Scratch's Ball
- Scratch's Sniff (Condition)
- Scratchy
- Scrawled Note
- Scrawled Note (Phubbs)
- Scrawled Note (Sewers, coin)
- Scrawled Note (Sewers, crown)
- Scrawled Note (Sewers, gem)
- Scrawled Note (Sewers, sword)
- Scrawny Bugbear
- Scribbled Note
- Scribbled Note (Druid Grove)
- Scribbled Note (Grymforge)
- Scribbled Note (Last Light Inn)
- Scribbled Note (Lower City)
- Scribbled Notes
- Scribbled Scrap
- Scroll
- Scroll (Amphol dossier)
- Scroll (Edwynna dossier)
- Scroll (Gale's Pouch)
- Scroll (Hoots Hooligan dossier)
- Scroll (Lady Durinbold dossier)
- Scroll (dossier)
- Scroll Table
- Scroll of Acid Splash
- Scroll of Aid
- Scroll of Animal Friendship
- Scroll of Animate Dead
- Scroll of Arcane Eye
- Scroll of Arcane Lock
- Scroll of Armour of Agathys
- Scroll of Artistry of War
- Scroll of Bane
- Scroll of Banishment
- Scroll of Barkskin
- Scroll of Bestial Communion
- Scroll of Bestow Curse
- Scroll of Blade Ward
- Scroll of Bless
- Scroll of Blight
- Scroll of Blindness
- Scroll of Blink
- Scroll of Blur
- Scroll of Bone Chill
- Scroll of Burning Hands
- Scroll of Chain Lightning
- Scroll of Charm Person
- Scroll of Chromatic Orb
- Scroll of Circle of Death
- Scroll of Cloud of Daggers
- Scroll of Cloudkill
- Scroll of Colour Spray
- Scroll of Cone of Cold
- Scroll of Confusion
- Scroll of Conjure Elemental
- Scroll of Conjure Minor Elemental
- Scroll of Counterspell
- Scroll of Crown of Madness
- Scroll of Cure Wounds
- Scroll of Darkness
- Scroll of Darkvision
- Scroll of Detect Thoughts
- Scroll of Dethrone
- Scroll of Dimension Door
- Scroll of Disguise Self
- Scroll of Disintegrate
- Scroll of Dispel Magic
- Scroll of Dominate Person
- Scroll of Enlarge
- Scroll of Evard's Black Tentacles
- Scroll of Evidence
- Scroll of Expeditious Retreat
- Scroll of Eyebite
- Scroll of False Life
- Scroll of Fear
- Scroll of Feather Fall
- Scroll of Feign Death
- Scroll of Find Familiar
- Scroll of Fire Bolt
- Scroll of Fire Shield
- Scroll of Fire Shield: Chill
- Scroll of Fireball
- Scroll of Flame Blade
- Scroll of Flaming Sphere
- Scroll of Flesh to Stone
- Scroll of Fly
- Scroll of Fog Cloud
- Scroll of Gaseous Form
- Scroll of Globe of Invulnerability
- Scroll of Glyph of Warding
- Scroll of Goodberry
- Scroll of Grease
- Scroll of Greater Invisibility
- Scroll of Guiding Bolt
- Scroll of Gust of Wind
- Scroll of Haste
- Scroll of Healing Word
- Scroll of Heat Metal
- Scroll of Hold Monster
- Scroll of Hold Person
- Scroll of Hypnotic Pattern
- Scroll of Ice Knife
- Scroll of Ice Storm
- Scroll of Inflict Wounds
- Scroll of Invisibility
- Scroll of Jump
- Scroll of Knock
- Scroll of Lesser Restoration
- Scroll of Lightning Bolt
- Scroll of Longstrider
- Scroll of Mage Armour
- Scroll of Magic Missile
- Scroll of Magic Weapon
- Scroll of Melf's Acid Arrow
- Scroll of Mirror Image
- Scroll of Misty Step
- Scroll of Moonbeam
- Scroll of Names
- Scroll of Otiluke's Freezing Sphere
- Scroll of Otiluke's Resilient Sphere
- Scroll of Otto's Irresistible Dance
- Scroll of Phantasmal Force
- Scroll of Phantasmal Killer
- Scroll of Planar Binding
- Scroll of Polymorph
- Scroll of Prayer of Healing
- Scroll of Protection from Energy
- Scroll of Protection from Evil and Good
- Scroll of Protection from Poison
- Scroll of Ray of Enfeeblement
- Scroll of Ray of Frost
- Scroll of Ray of Sickness
- Scroll of Remove Curse
- Scroll of Resistance
- Scroll of Revivify
- Scroll of Scorching Ray
- Scroll of See Invisibility
- Scroll of Seeming
- Scroll of Shatter
- Scroll of Shield of Faith
- Scroll of Shocking Grasp
- Scroll of Silence
- Scroll of Sleep
- Scroll of Sleet Storm
- Scroll of Slow
- Scroll of Speak with Dead
- Scroll of Spike Growth
- Scroll of Stinking Cloud
- Scroll of Stoneskin
- Scroll of Summon Quasit
- Scroll of Sunbeam
- Scroll of Tasha's Hideous Laughter
- Scroll of Telekinesis
- Scroll of Thunderwave
- Scroll of True Resurrection
- Scroll of Vampiric Touch
- Scroll of Wall of Fire
- Scroll of Wall of Ice
- Scroll of Wall of Stone
- Scroll of Web
- Scroll of Witch Bolt
- Scrolls
- Scruffy Vagabond Clothes
- Scrying Eye
- Scuffed Manifest
- Sculpt Spells
- Sculptor of Flesh
- Scythe of Myrkul
- Sea Green Dye
- Sea Plague (Condition)
- Seafood Bouillabaisse
- Search the Cellar
- Searing Blood
- Searing Smite
- Searing Smite (Azer)
- Searing Smite (Condition)
- Sebastian
- Secluded Chamber
- Secluded Cove
- Second-Story Work
- Second-Story Work: Climbing
- Second-Story Work: Jumping
- Second Chance
- Second Marriage
- Second Marriage (class action)
- Second Wind
- Secondary Armour Trader Table
- Secret Chamber
- Secret Societies of the Sword Coast: Exposed
- Secrets of the Talis
- Security Breach
- Security First!
- Security Guidelines
- Security Office Key
- See Invisibility
- See Invisibility (Condition)
- See Invisibility (class action)
- See Invisibility (spell)
- Seek Protection from the Shadow Curse
- Seeker Matrix
- Seekers
- Seeking Blood
- Seeking Letter of Credit
- Seeking Spell
- Seeking help
- Seeming
- Seeming (Condition)
- Seemingly Gleaming Ring
- Seething Fury
- Seething Fury (Condition)
- Seismic Strike
- Seismic Wrath
- Seize Soul
- Seized by Planar Binding (Condition)
- Sekolah Goblet
- Seldom Caught Unawares (+1)
- Seldom Caught Unawares (+2)
- Self-Detonate
- Self-Detonate (Steel Watcher Titan)
- Self-Detonation Protocol
- Self-Heal set
- Self-Same Trial (Condition)
- Self Immolation
- Selune's Blessing: Lunar Brand (Condition)
- Selune's Blessing: Moonsnare (Condition)
- Selûne
- Selûne's Blessing (Condition)
- Selûne's Blessing (passive feature)
- Selûne's Devotee
- Selûne's Dream
- Selûne's Ire
- Selûne's Ire (Condition)
- Selûne's Ire (spell)
- Selûne's Protection
- Selûne's Seal (Condition)
- Selûne's Spear of Night
- Selûnite Amulet
- Selûnite Brooch
- Selûnite Journal
- Selûnite Key
- Selûnite Necklace
- Selûnite Outpost
- Selûnite Prayer Book
- Selûnite Prayer Sheet
- Selûnite Rite
- Selûnite Robe
- Semblance of Fey
- Sendai, the Third
- Sending Shell
- Sense Hidden Presence
- Sentient Amulet
- Sentient Amulet (Rare)
- Sentient Amulet (Very Rare)
- Sentinel: Opportunity Advantage
- Sentinel: Snare
- Sentinel: Vengeance
- Sentinel Foe (Condition)
- Sentinel Shield
- Sentinel Weapon
- Separatory Funnel
- Septic (Condition)
- Seraphic Pugilist Gloves
- Serpent Fang Toxin
- Serpent Fang Toxin (Condition)
- Serpent Venom
- Serrik
- Serrik's Chest Key
- Servant of None
- Servants' Quarters
- Serving Spoon
- Servitor of the Black Hand Gloves
- Sethan
- Sethan: Reduce
- Sethan: Spiritual Greataxe
- Severe Arcane Hunger (Condition)
- Severed Arm
- Severed Eye
- Severed Foot
- Severed Hand
- Severed Head
- Severed Leg
- Severed Legs
- Severed Pelvis
- Severed Soul (Condition)
- Severed Torso
- Severn
- Severn's Sewer Key
- Sewage
- Seyama
- Sh'ari
- Shabby Wardrobe
- Shackled (Condition)
- Shadar-Kai
- Shade-Slayer Cloak
- Shadeclinger
- Shadeclinger Armour
- Shadespell
- Shadespell (Condition)
- Shadow
- Shadow-Animated (Condition)
- Shadow-Blinding
- Shadow-Cloaked Ring
- Shadow-Cursed Lands
- Shadow-Cursed Lands (Map)
- Shadow-Cursed Needle Blight
- Shadow-Cursed Raven
- Shadow-Cursed Shambling Mound
- Shadow-Cursed Undead (Condition)
- Shadow-Cursed Vine Blight
- Shadow-Cursed Vines
- Shadow-Cursed Vines (Condition)
- Shadow-Whiskers
- Shadow Ambush
- Shadow Arts: Darkness
- Shadow Arts: Darkvision
- Shadow Arts: Hide
- Shadow Arts: Pass Without Trace
- Shadow Arts: Silence
- Shadow Battleaxe
- Shadow Blade
- Shadow Blade (passive feature)
- Shadow Blade (weapon)
- Shadow Blade Ring
- Shadow Creeper
- Shadow Crossing
- Shadow Curse
- Shadow Curse (Condition)
- Shadow Druids
- Shadow Friend
- Shadow Lantern
- Shadow Magic
- Shadow Mastiff Alpha
- Shadow Plush
- Shadow Portal
- Shadow Possession (Condition)
- Shadow Pull
- Shadow Spear
- Shadow Stealth
- Shadow Step
- Shadow Step (Condition)
- Shadow Strike
- Shadow Strike: Unarmed
- Shadow Teleport (Meazel)
- Shadow Teleport (Meenlock)
- Shadow Teleportation
- Shadow Torrent
- Shadow Veil
- Shadow Veil (Condition)
- Shadow Vestige
- Shadow Visage (Condition)
- Shadow Walk
- Shadow mastiff
- Shadow of Menzoberranzan
- Shadowblend
- Shadowed Battlefield
- Shadowfell
- Shadowheart
- Shadowheart's Clothes
- Shadowheart's Underwear
- Shadowheart/Approval
- Shadowheart/Banter
- Shadowheart/Romance
- Shadowjaw Bite
- Shadowroot Sac
- Shadowsoaked Blow
- Shadowstep Boots
- Shadowthief
- Shadowy Claws
- Shaft of a Broken Spear
- Shah
- Shambling Mound
- Shameful Eternal Debtor
- Shanties for the Bitch Queen
- Shapechanged (Condition)
- Shapechanger
- Shapechanger (passive feature)
- Shapeshifter's Boon
- Shapeshifter's Boon Ring
- Shapeshifter Hat
- Shapeshifter Slayer
- Shaping of the Ice
- Shar
- Shar's Aegis
- Shar's Blessing: Barrier of Darkness (Condition)
- Shar's Blessing (Shar's Spear of Evening) (passive feature)
- Shar's Blessing (passive feature)
- Shar's Darkness
- Shar's Embrace (Condition)
- Shar's Protection
- Shar's Rules
- Shar's Sight
- Shar's Spear of Evening
- Shar's Sting
- Shar's Temptation
- Shar's Umbrae
- Shar-Stricken (Condition)
- Shar Headwear
- Share Untenable Secret
- Sharess' Caress
- Sharess' Caress Cellar Key
- Sharess' Caress Finances
- Sharess' Caress Rooms Key
- Sharess' Caress Voucher
- Sharlz Molar
- Sharp Caster
- Sharp Rock
- Sharpened Snare
- Sharpened Snare Cuirass
- Sharpshooter: All In
- Sharpshooter: Low Ground
- Sharran's Journal
- Sharran's Psalm
- Sharran Crossbow
- Sharran Fidelian
- Sharran Initiate's Notes
- Sharran Novice
- Sharran Registry
- Sharran Retribution (Condition)
- Sharran Sanctuary
- Sharran Sentry
- Sharran Spider
- Sharran Veil
- Sharran Wolf
- Shatter
- Shatter Psyche
- Shatter Psyche (Full-illithid)
- Shatter Visage
- Shattered (Condition)
- Shattered Flail
- Shattered Psyche (Condition)
- Shattered Psyche (Full-illithid) (condition)
- Shattered Sanctum
- Shears
- Sheep
- Sheet Music
- Sheet Music (Open Hand Temple Cellar)
- Sheet Music (Szarr Palace)
- Sheet Music (The Singing Lute)
- Shekt
- Shell of Resistance
- Shell of Resistance (Condition)
- Shelter
- Shelter of Athkatla
- Shelves (Container)
- Sherrill
- Shield
- Shield (Condition)
- Shield (Hope)
- Shield (spell)
- Shield +1
- Shield +2
- Shield Bash
- Shield Blow
- Shield Conduit
- Shield Master
- Shield Master: Block
- Shield Master: Shove
- Shield Master: Shove (Condition)
- Shield Mould
- Shield Shove
- Shield Steward Interrogation Log
- Shield Trader Table
- Shield of Devotion
- Shield of Devotion: Aid
- Shield of Faith
- Shield of Faith (Condition)
- Shield of Returning
- Shield of Scorching Reprisal
- Shield of Screams
- Shield of Screams (Condition)
- Shield of Shielding
- Shield of Thralls
- Shield of the Undevout
- Shielded (Condition)
- Shields
- Shift Log
- Shifting Corpus Ring
- Shifting Winds
- Shillelagh
- Shillelagh (Condition)
- Shillelagh (Strengthened) (Condition)
- Shimmer the AMAZING
- Shining Staver-of-Skulls
- Shiny Chest
- Shiny Key
- Shipment Ledger
- Shipment Loss Notice
- Shipment Notice
- Shipment Orders
- Shipments Registry
- Shirra Clarwen
- Shiv Dahlia
- Shocked (Condition)
- Shocking Bound
- Shocking Brew (Condition)
- Shocking Grasp
- Shocking Grasp (Condition)
- Shocking Overflow
- Shocking Sting
- Shockwave
- Shoe Slinger
- Shoes Variation Table
- Shooting Spider Companion
- Shortbow
- Shortbow +1
- Shortbows
- Shortened Stride
- Shortsword
- Shortsword (Yurgir)
- Shortsword +1
- Shortsword +2
- Shortsword of First Blood
- Shortswords
- Shove
- Shovel's Friend-Finder
- Shovel (Disambiguation)
- Shovel (familiar)
- Shovel (item)
- Shred Armour
- Shredded Armour (Condition)
- Shredding Scales
- Shrev
- Shroud Self
- Shrouded (Condition)
- Shrouded Sentence (Condition)
- Shrouded in Shadow
- Shunt Through Space
- Shuurga
- Sickened
- Sickened (Condition)
- Sickle
- Sickle (Redcap)
- Sickle of BOOOAL
- Sickles
- Sickly (Condition)
- Siggy
- Sightings Record
- Sights of the Seelie: Summon Deva
- Sign Me Up
- Sign of Ill Omen
- Signalling Cry
- Signed Trade Visa
- Sigurd
- Silas Silvertongue
- Silena
- Silence
- Silence (area)
- Silence Aura (Condition)
- Silenced (Condition)
- Silent
- Silfy
- Silifrey Sashenstar
- Silk Gland
- Silkroot
- Silkroot Euphoria (Condition)
- Silouv Yali
- Silvanus
- Silvanus' Blessing (Condition)
- Silver
- Silver Amulet
- Silver Band
- Silver Cake Stand
- Silver Chalice
- Silver Fork
- Silver Glass
- Silver Goblet
- Silver Harp Squadron
- Silver Ingot
- Silver Jewelry Subtable
- Silver Key
- Silver Key (Chamber of Loss)
- Silver Key (Szarr Palace)
- Silver Knife
- Silver Locket
- Silver Necklace
- Silver Necklace Jewelry Subtable
- Silver Pendant
- Silver Plate
- Silver Ring Jewelry Subtable
- Silver Spoon
- Silver Sword of the Astral Plane
- Silver Tray
- Silvered Bulwark
- Silvered Bulwark (Condition)
- Simple Boots
- Simple Jerkin
- Simple Letter
- Simple Melee Weapon Subtable
- Simple Melee Weapon Subtable +1
- Simple Poison Recipe
- Simple Ranged Weapon Subtable
- Simple Ranged Weapon Subtable +1
- Simple Robe
- Simple Toxin
- Simple Toxin (Condition)
- Simple Toxin (surface)
- Sina'zith
- Sinda
- Sinful Red on Bone White
- Singing (Condition)
- Singing Sword
- Singing Sword: Shriek (Condition)
- Singing Sword: Shrieking (Condition)
- Singing Sword: Singing (Condition)
- Singing Sword: Song (Condition)
- Single Scroll Supply Table
- Single Utility Scroll Supply Table
- Sinister Hooded Man
- Sinister Howl
- Sinister Lord (Condition)
- Sinister Painting
- Sinister Seal (Condition)
- Sir Fuzzalump
- Sizzling Cataclysm
- Slabjaw Determination
- Slack-Skinned Head
- Slam
- Slam (Animate Dead Zombie)
- Slam (Ansur)
- Slam (Brewer Zombie)
- Slam (Brewer Zombie, tactician)
- Slam (Doppelganger)
- Slam (Flesh)
- Slam (Grease Elemental)
- Slam (Greater Zombie)
- Slam (Grym)
- Slam (Lava Elemental)
- Slam (Mud Elemental)
- Slam (Ogre)
- Slam (Shadow-Cursed Vine Blight)
- Slam (Water Elemental)
- Slam (Zombie)
- Slash the Weak
- Slash the Weak (Condition)
- Slashing
- Slashing Flourish (Melee)
- Slashing Flourish (Ranged)
- Slashstrip Sandals
- Slatey Marven
- Slave Mind
- Slaver's Inventory
- Slay
- Slay the Wicked
- Slay the Wicked (Bludgeoning)
- Slayer
- Slayer's Extra Attack
- Slayer's Improved Extra Attack
- Slayer (class action)
- Slayer Form (Condition)
- Slayer Knowledge
- Sledge Pettifeet
- Sleep
- Sleeping (Condition)
- Sleet Storm
- Sleet Storm (area)
- Sleight of Hand
- Slice
- Slicing Shortsword
- Slick Inatra
- Slightly Drunk (Condition)
- Slightly Slimy Note
- Sling
- Slinging Shoes
- Slings
- Slippery Chain Shirt
- Slippery Slapsticky
- Slog
- Sloncha Owena
- Slow
- Slow-Boat Drubella
- Slow-Butt
- Slow Fall
- Slowed (Condition)
- Sluck
- Sludgy Sling
- Sluggardly (Condition)
- Small Klaw
- Small Portrait of Vlaakith
- Small Shovel
- Smaller Giant Spider
- Smarmy Swaggerer Boots
- Smathers
- Smelly Bag
- Smilin' Ginna
- Smite
- Smite the Graceless
- Smithwynn
- Smokepowder
- Smokepowder (surface)
- Smokepowder Arrow
- Smokepowder Barrel
- Smokepowder Bomb
- Smokepowder Satchel
- Smoking Pipe
- Smooth Start
- Smouldering Eternal Debtor
- Smouldering Touch
- Smuggler's Note
- Smuggler's Ring
- Smugglers' Manifesto
- Smut Books Table
- Smythin
- Soap Bar
- Soapstone
- Sobering Realisation
- Society of Brilliance
- Society of Brilliance Traveller's Chest
- Society of Brilliance Traveller's Chest Key
- Sod The Maimed God
- Sodalite Shell
- Soft-Step Trial Key
- Soft Letter
- Soft and Comfortable Shoes
- Soil-Clogged Slam
- Soldier
- Solemnity Outfit
- Solemnity Outfit in Blue
- Solemnity Outfit in Gold Medallions
- Solemnity Outfit in Green
- Solemnity Outfit in Purple
- Solution of Night Orchid
- Solve the Open Hand Temple Murders
- Some Comfort
- Somi
- Song of Defence
- Song of Rest
- Songs for Sailors, Soldiers, and Sirens
- Songs of the Wind
- Soot-Stained Letter
- Soothing Songs
- Soothing the Violent Heart
- Soporific Rat
- Sorcerer
- Sorcerer Robe
- Sorcerer set
- Sorcerous Sundries
- Sorcerous Sundries Basement Chest Key
- Sorcerous Sundries Mystery Door Key
- Sorcerous Sundries Office Key
- Sorcerous Vault
- Soreni
- Sorn Orlith
- Sororal Dance
- Sorrow
- Sorrowful Lash
- Soul
- Soul-Sworn Contract
- Soul Ascension
- Soul Ascension (area)
- Soul Branding
- Soul Branding (Condition)
- Soul Cage Research
- Soul Caged (Condition)
- Soul Catching
- Soul Catching Boon
- Soul Catching Prowess
- Soul Charges (Condition)
- Soul Coin
- Soul Coins: A Treatise
- Soul Drain
- Soul Echo (Condition)
- Soul Fist
- Soul Oath (Condition)
- Soul Offering
- Soul Overcharge (Condition)
- Soul Perception
- Soul Pillar Proximity
- Soul Pillar Proximity (Condition)
- Soul Reaper
- Soul Snare: Heal
- Soul set
- Soulbreaker
- Soulbreaker Greatsword
- Soulnumbed (Condition)
- Souls Sacrificed: 1 (Condition)
- Souls Sacrificed: 2 (Condition)
- Sources of Temporary Hit Points
- Sourdough Bread
- South Span Checkpoint
- Sovereign
- Sovereign's Protection (Condition)
- Soxx
- Spaceshunt Boots
- Spar
- Spark Blocker
- Sparks Musgravel
- Sparkstruck set
- Sparkswall Armour
- Sparky
- Spattered Diary
- Spatula
- Spaulder
- Spaw
- Speak with Animals
- Speak with Animals (Condition)
- Speak with Animals (disambiguation)
- Speak with Dead
- Speak your Loss
- Speak your Loss (Note)
- Spear
- Spear +1
- Spear +2
- Spear Thrust
- Spear of Night
- Spears
- Special Arrow Subtable
- Special Operation - Infernal Arms
- Spectator
- Spectator's Charm (Condition)
- Spectral Aspect
- Spectral Aspect (Condition)
- Spectral Flumph
- Speedy Reply
- Speedy Sparks
- Spell Amplification
- Spell Protection
- Spell Resistance
- Spell Rot (Condition)
- Spell Rot Necrosis (Condition)
- Spell Savant Amulet
- Spell Scribing
- Spell Slot Restoration
- Spell Slot Restoration Level 1
- Spell Slot Restoration Level 2
- Spell Slot Restoration Level 3
- Spell Slot Restoration Level 4
- Spell Slot Restoration Level 5
- Spell Slot Restoration Level 6
- Spell Sniper
- Spell flags
- Spellcrux Amulet
- Spellguard
- Spellmight
- Spellmight Gloves
- Spellplague
- Spells
- Spellseeking Gloves
- Spellthief
- Sphere of Elemental Balance
- Sphere of Elemental Balance: Acid
- Sphere of Elemental Balance: Cold
- Sphere of Elemental Balance: Fire
- Sphere of Elemental Balance: Lightning
- Sphere of Elemental Balance: Poison
- Sphere of Elemental Balance: Thunder
- Spicy Pork Sausage
- Spicy Sausage Links
- Spicy Shrimp Soup
- Spider
- Spider's Lyre
- Spider Egg Sac
- Spider Fall
- Spider Queen's Wrath
- Spider Queen's Wrath (Condition)
- Spider Step
- Spider meat
- Spidersilk Armour
- Spiderstep Boots
- Spiderstep Staff
- Spike
- Spike Growth
- Spike Growth (Condition)
- Spiked Bulb
- Spiked Shield
- Spikes
- Spilled Mashed Potatoes
- Spindleweb Fanatic (Condition)
- Spindleweb Fanaticism (Condition)
- Spindleweb Sanctuary
- Spindleweb Sanctuary (Condition)
- Spindleweb Skepticism (Condition)
- Spineshudder Amulet
- Spirit Guardians
- Spirit Guardians (Condition)
- Spirit Guardians (Necrotic)
- Spirit Guardians (Radiant)
- Spirit Guardians (disambiguation)
- Spirit Guardians Aura (Condition)
- Spirit of the Land (Condition)
- Spiritual Weapon
- Spiritual Weapon: Greataxe
- Spiritual Weapon: Greatsword
- Spiritual Weapon: Halberd
- Spiritual Weapon: Maul
- Spiritual Weapon: Spear
- Spiritual Weapon: Trident
- Spiritual Weapon (disambiguation)
- Spiritual Weapon (greataxe)
- Spiritual Weapon (greatsword)
- Spiritual Weapon (halberd)
- Spiritual Weapon (maul)
- Spiritual Weapon (spear)
- Spiritual Weapon (trident)
- Spiteful Suffering
- Spiteful Suffering (Condition)
- Spiteful Thunder
- Splatters Doolug
- Splendid Beige Outfit
- Splendid Blue Outfit
- Splendid Gold Outfit
- Splendid Green Outfit
- Splendid Outfit
- Splendid Purple Outfit
- Splendid Red Outfit
- Splendid Teal Outfit
- Splint Armour
- Splint Armour +1
- Splint Armour +2
- Splint Mould
- Splinter Shadow
- Splintered Shadow Hound
- Splinters of a Giant's Might
- Split Enchantment
- Split Pea Soup
- Splotched Palette
- Spoiled Brew (Condition)
- Spoiled Cabbage
- Spoiled Cheese Supply Subtable
- Spoiled Fish Supply Subtable
- Spoiled Supply Table
- Spoiled Treacle Tart
- Sponge
- Sponge Tray
- Spool
- Spoon
- Spoon of Saltiness
- Spore
- Spore Sacks
- Spore Servant (Condition)
- Spreading Spores
- Spreading Spores (Condition)
- Spreading Spores (area)
- Spreading Spores (passive feature)
- Spring Slimfit Outfit
- Springstep Boots
- Sprint
- Sprint (passive feature)
- Sprouting Necrosis
- Sprouting Necrosis (Condition)
- Spurred Band
- Stack of Books
- Staff
- Staff Betting Pool
- Staff of Accretion
- Staff of Arcane Blessing
- Staff of Cherished Necromancy
- Staff of Crones
- Staff of Interruption
- Staff of Spellpower
- Staff of a Mumbling Wizard
- Staff of the Emperor
- Staff of the Moonmaiden
- Staff of the Ram
- Staff of the Ram (passive feature)
- Stage Fright
- Stage Fright (Condition)
- Staggering Smite
- Staggering Smite (Condition)
- Stagswift Tonic
- Stained Book
- Stained Book (Night Orchid Cave)
- Stained Book (Thorm Mausoleum)
- Stained Book (Waukeen's Rest)
- Stained Journal Fragment
- Stained Letter
- Stained Letter (Lower City)
- Stained Towel
- Stained Towels Pile
- Stale Bread
- Stalker's Flurry
- Stalker Gloves
- Stalker Svignee
- Stalwart
- Stamped Handbill
- Stand Like Stone
- Star Map: Guiding Bolt
- Star Stolitti
- Starborn Auction Receipt
- Starburst Shandy
- Starfish
- Starrlet
- Starry Form
- Starry Form: Archer
- Starry Form: Archer (Condition)
- Starry Form: Chalice
- Starry Form: Chalice (Condition)
- Starry Form: Dragon
- Starry Form: Dragon (Condition)
- Stashed Note
- Stasis (Condition)
- Static Discharge: Electroshock (Condition)
- Static Discharge: Supercharge (Condition)
- Static Discharge Aura (Condition)
- Static Overdrive
- Statue
- Statue of the Gods
- Status groups
- Status properties/AllowLeaveCombat
- Status properties/AllowLeaveDisallowJoinCombat
- Status properties/ApplyToDead
- Status properties/Blind
- Status properties/BringIntoCombat
- Status properties/Burning
- Status properties/DisableCapabilitiesMessage
- Status properties/DisableCombatlog
- Status properties/DisableImmunityOverhead
- Status properties/DisableInteractions
- Status properties/DisableOverhead
- Status properties/DisablePortraitIndicator
- Status properties/ExcludeFromPortraitRendering
- Status properties/ExecuteFunctorsOnOwner
- Status properties/ForceNeutralInteractions
- Status properties/ForceOverhead
- Status properties/FreezeDuration
- Status properties/GiveExp
- Status properties/IgnoreResting
- Status properties/IgnoredByImmobilized
- Status properties/IndicateDarkness
- Status properties/InitiateCombat
- Status properties/IsChanneled
- Status properties/IsInvulnerable
- Status properties/IsInvulnerableVisible
- Status properties/LoseControl
- Status properties/LoseControlFriendly
- Status properties/MultiplyEffectsByDuration
- Status properties/NonExtendable
- Status properties/None
- Status properties/OverheadOnTurn
- Status properties/PeaceOnly
- Status properties/Performing
- Status properties/RemoveOnLongRest
- Status properties/TickingWithSource
- Status properties/Toggle
- Status properties/UnavailableInActiveRoll
- Status properties/UnsheathInstrument
- Staunch Blessing
- Staunch Tiefling Before Work
- Stay Tonight at the Elfsong!
- Steadfast
- Steadfast Maul
- Steadfast Strike
- Steal a Githyanki Egg
- Steal the Sacred Idol
- Stealing
- Stealth
- Stealth (spell flag)
- Stealthier
- Stealthier (Condition)
- Stealthy
- Stealthy Critical
- Steam Cloud
- Stedd's Virtues of Unions
- Steel Physiology
- Steel Watch Deliveries
- Steel Watch Foundry
- Steel Watcher
- Steel Watcher (creature)
- Steel Watcher Arm
- Steel Watcher Maintenance
- Steel Watcher Titan
- Steel Watcher Titan/Combat
- Steel Will
- Steelclaw
- Steelforged Sword
- Steelwatcher Helmet
- Steeped in Bliss (Condition)
- Steeped in Slaughter
- Stelmane's Portrait
- Stelmane Murder Tip
- Stench
- Stench (Condition)
- Stench of Death (Condition)
- Step of the Wind
- Step of the Wind: Dash
- Step of the Wind: Disengage
- Step of the Wind (Condition)
- Sterlac
- Sticky Dondo
- Stiffly-Shod Boots
- Stijin
- Stillmaker
- Stillness of Mind
- Stillness of Mind (passive feature)
- Stimk
- Sting
- Sting The Helpless
- Stinker
- Stinking Cloud
- Stinking Cloud (cloud)
- Stirring Execution
- Stiv's Wedding Vows
- Stivvo
- Stock Display: A Primer, by Sana Aeran
- Stock Haul For Armoury
- Stolen Chickens
- Stolen Property - Reward Offered!
- Stolen Vigour (Condition)
- Stolyarof's Table Lute
- Stone Camouflage
- Stone Inscription
- Stoneskin
- Stoneskin (Condition)
- Stoney
- Stool of Hill Giant Strength
- Stop the Presses
- Storage Box
- Storage Chest
- Storage Key
- Storage Key (Stylin' Horst)
- Storage Room Key
- Storehouse
- Storm's Fury
- Storm's Fury (passive feature)
- Storm Sorcery
- Stormheart Nova
- Stormheart Resolve (Condition)
- Stormshore
- Stormshore Armoury
- Stormshore Tabernacle
- Stornugoss
- Story items
- Stout Stew
- Strange Chunk of Amber
- Strange Conduit
- Strange Conduit Ring
- Strange Gas
- Strange Ox
- Strange Tendril Amulet
- Strange beggar
- Strangely Scented Note
- Strangledeath Manifesto
- Strangler Loses Again
- Streamhopper Loafers
- Strength
- Strength Drain
- Strength Drain (Condition)
- Strength in Suffering
- Strength of the Grave
- Strengthened Force Tunnel
- Strengthened Shillelagh
- Stricken With Blinding Sickness (Condition)
- Stricken With Filth Fever (Condition)
- Stricken With Flesh Rot (Condition)
- Stricken With Mindfire (Condition)
- Stricken With Seizures (Condition)
- Stricken With Slimy Doom (Condition)
- Stricken with Crawler Mucus (Condition)
- Stricken with Drow Poison (Condition)
- Stricken with Eldritch Inertia (Condition)
- Stricken with Malice (Condition)
- Strider Movement
- Strike in Bhaal's Name!
- Strike of the Guardian
- Strongbox
- Strongheart Resilience
- Stropes
- Struck Match
- Studded Leather Armour
- Studded Leather Armour +1
- Studded Leather Armour +2
- Studded Shield
- Studded Shield +1
- Studies of the Elder Brains
- Study of the Sword Coast
- Stuffed Bear
- Stuffed Bear (Big)
- Stuffed Bear (Container)
- Stuffed Bear (Faded)
- Stuffed Owlbear Toy
- Stug Minedale
- Stump under Autumn Tree
- Stun Immunity
- Stunned (Condition)
- Stunned (status group)
- Stunner Vent
- Stunning Gaze
- Stunning Strike (Melee)
- Stunning Strike (Unarmed)
- Stunning Strike (disambiguation)
- Sturdy (Condition)
- Stygian Empowerment
- Subclass
- Subject Mapping Results: Githyanki No. 7
- Sublimate of Autumn Crocus
- Sublimate of Behir Scales
- Sublimate of Belladonna
- Sublimate of Bloodstained Hook
- Sublimate of Eagle Feathers
- Sublimate of Frosted Ears
- Sublimate of Haste Spores
- Sublimate of Ki-Rin Hair
- Sublimate of Pegasus Feathers
- Sublimate of Poison Spores
- Sublimate of Tongue of Madness
- Sublimate of Wispweed
- Sublimation
- Submersible
- Submersible Maintenance
- Submersible Memorandum
- Subsume Shadow
- Subtle Swap
- Succubus/Incubus
- Succulent Pear
- Sudden Rush
- Sudden Rush (Condition)
- Sue
- Suelto's Ethics of War
- Suite Key
- Sul
- Sul (goblin)
- Sul (pilgrim)
- Sulian
- Sulphurous Note
- Sumera
- Summon
- Summon Gilded Hellsboar
- Summon Golem Bell
- Summon Mephit
- Summon Mephit (Fire)
- Summon Mephit (Grease)
- Summon Mephit (Mud)
- Summon Quothe the Raven
- Summon Us
- Summon coin halberd
- Sumptuous Blood Bath
- Sumptuously Drained (Condition)
- Sun-Dappled Paella
- Sun Sickness
- Sunbeam
- Sunbeam (Condition)
- Sunflower Seed Bun
- Sunlight
- Sunlight Hypersensitivity
- Sunlight Hypersensitivity (Condition)
- Sunlight Sensitivity
- Sunlight Weakness
- Sunlit Wetlands
- Sunmelon
- Sunmelon Half
- Sunmelon Piece
- Sunwalker's Gift
- Sunwalker's Gift (passive feature)
- Superheated (Condition)
- Superior Darkvision
- Superior Elixir of Arcane Cultivation
- Superior Elixir of Arcane Cultivation (Condition)
- Superior Material (-1)
- Superior Material (-2)
- Superior Padding (-1)
- Superior Padding (-2)
- Superior Plate (-1)
- Superior Plate (-2)
- Superior Potion of Healing Recipe
- Supernatural Attraction
- Supplication Scrapbook
- Supplications to Umberlee
- Supply Pack
- Supreme Defences (Condition)
- Supreme Elixir of Arcane Cultivation
- Supreme Elixir of Arcane Cultivation (Condition)
- Supreme Githyanki Parry
- Supreme Sneak
- Surfaces
- Surge Accuracy
- Surgeon's Chosen (Condition)
- Surgeon's Memorandum
- Surgeon's Research Notes
- Surgeon's Subjugation Amulet
- Surgery and Physiology: A Sharran's Primer
- Surgery kit
- Surprise-Based Teddy Bear
- Surprise (game mechanic)
- Surprised (Condition)
- Surrender Shadowheart to Viconia
- Surrender your Burdens
- Surveillance Notes
- Survival
- Survival Instinct
- Survival Instinct (Condition)
- Susdera
- Suspended Ceremorphosis
- Suspension of Bullywug Trumpet
- Suspension of Cerebrospinal Fluid
- Suspension of Frost Salamander Tongue
- Suspension of Gauth Eye
- Suspension of Laculite
- Suspension of Mergrass
- Suspension of Muddy Goo
- Suspension of Nothic Eye
- Suspension of Ochre Jelly
- Suspension of Purple Worm Slime
- Suspension of Snake Venom
- Suspension of Spider Silk
- Suspicious Meat
- Suspicious Poison
- Sussur
- Sussur Antimagic Field (Condition)
- Sussur Bloom
- Sussur Dagger
- Sussur Flower Antimagic Field (Condition)
- Sussur Greatsword
- Sussur Sickle
- Sussur Tree Bark
- Suttida Attana
- Suzailian Sweet
- Swamp
- Swamp Green Dye
- Swarmed (Condition)
- Swarming Toadstool
- Swarmkeeper
- Swarthy Wayfarer in Blue
- Swarthy Wayfarer in Cream
- Swarthy Wayfarer in Green
- Swarthy Wayfarer in Red
- Swashbuckler
- Swathed in Shadow
- Sweat-Stained Note
- Sweeping Attack
- Sweeping Cinder Strike
- Sweet Bloodletting
- Sweet Potato
- Sweet Stone Features (Condition)
- Sweetly Tailored Outfit
- Sweetplum Gales
- Swift Strides
- Swift as Wind (Condition)
- Swires' Sledboard
- Swiresy Shoes
- Sword
- Sword Coast Couriers
- Sword Coast Couriers Key
- Sword Coast Songbook
- Sword Mastery
- Sword Spider
- Sword Spider's Haste (Condition)
- Sword of Chaos
- Sword of Clutching Umbra
- Sword of Justice
- Sword of Life Stealing
- Sword of Screams
- Sword of the Emperor
- Sword of the Silverlight
- Swordmaster Gloves
- Tabernacle Hatch Key
- Table (Container)
- Tableau of Ibex and Rose
- Tablet Fragment
- Tablet Fragment (1)
- Tablet Fragment (2)
- Tablet Fragment (3)
- Tactical Discipline
- Tadpole Charm
- Tadpole Elixir
- Tadpoling Centre
- Taeglyn
- Tahan
- Taima
- Tairn
- Tak
- Taking the Groves Off the Table
- Tale
- Tales Of The Hells
- Talis
- Talis: Divination without Magic
- Talis Losers' List
- Talis Tactics - Ultimate Trick Book
- Talk to the Sentient Amulet
- Talkative
- Talli
- Talli Armbrust
- Talons
- Tam
- Taman
- Tamara
- Tambourine
- Tamia Domina
- Tamia Holzt
- Taming Hope: Part One
- Taming Hope: Part Two
- Tanglevine Form
- Tanner's Delight
- Tara
- Taraji
- Tarbell's Guide to Distractions
- Targeting Module
- Targeting Protocol: Hellfire Missiles
- Tarhun Mnemonis
- Tarnished Charm
- Tarnished Locket
- Tarnished Pendant
- Tarnished Ring
- Tarnished Silver Key
- Tarnished Wedding Ring
- Taron
- Tarsakh 1477
- Tasha's Hideous Laughter
- Taslim
- Tasteful Boots
- Tate
- Tattered Journal
- Tattered Notes
- Tattered Scroll
- Tavern Books Table
- Tavern Brawler
- Tea
- Teachings of Ilmater
- Teachings of Loss: Dark Justiciar
- Teachings of Loss: Endless Dark
- Teachings of Loss: Forgetting and Loss
- Teachings of Loss: Light's Love
- Teachings of Loss: Oblivion
- Teachings of Loss: Own Secret
- Teachings of Loss: The Nightsinger
- Teahouse Key
- Teal Slimfit Outfit
- Tear-stained letter
- Tecochi
- Tecothy
- Teddybears Ready for Collection
- Teebs
- Teela
- Tefoco's Basement Chest Key
- Tefoco's Hatch Key
- Teghun
- Telekinesis
- Telekinesis (Condition)
- Telekinetic Thrust
- Teleport to Submersible
- Teleporting Trap
- Tell no one
- Temperature Adjustment
- Tempest Domain
- Tempestuous Magic
- Tempestuous Magic: Flight
- Tempestuous Magic: Flight (Condition)
- Tempestuous Siphon (Condition)
- Temple Map
- Temple Trader's Key
- Temporarily Hostile (Condition)
- Temporary Hit Points (10) (Condition)
- Temporary Hit Points (15) (Condition)
- Temporary Hit Points (3) (Condition)
- Temporary Hit Points (4) (Condition)
- Temporary Hit Points (8) (Condition)
- Temporary Hit Points (Bolstering Smite) (Condition)
- Temporary Hit Points (Death Drinker) (Condition)
- Temporary Hit Points (Elixir of Bloodlust) (Condition)
- Temporary Hit Points (Ever Vigilant) (Condition)
- Temporary Hit Points (Remedial Rhymes) (Condition)
- Temporary Hit Points (Stirring Execution) (Condition)
- Temporary Hit Points (Well-Liked and Well-Fortified) (Condition)
- Temporary bonuses
- Tenacious Boots
- Tenacity
- Tenacity (passive feature)
- Tenets of the Broken God
- Tentacle
- Tentacle Aquarium
- Tentacle Lash
- Tentacle Whip (Displacer Beast)
- Tentacle Whip (Illithid)
- Terazul
- Terminate Bulwark Protocol
- Terradissia
- Terrifying Howl
- Terrifying Visage
- Terrifying Visage (Tactician)
- Territorial
- Terror Trepan
- Terse Torvalt
- Test Mission with Gortash
- Test Subject (Condition)
- Thadwick
- Thalamra Vanthampur
- Thamberg
- Thaniel
- Thank You for Dinner
- Tharchiate Vigour (Condition)
- Tharchiate Withering (Condition)
- That Which Guards
- That Which Lurks
- That Which Watches
- Thaumaturgy
- Thaumaturgy (Condition)
- Thauniel Rusk
- Thay
- Thayan Shipment Box
- The Absolute's Mercy
- The Absolute's Will
- The Absolute End
- The Adamantine Forge
- The Amiable Art of Necromancy
- The Amulet of Lost Voices
- The Annals of Baldur's Gate
- The Annals of Karsus
- The Apprentice's Companion, Book the Fifth
- The Apprentice's Companion, Book the First
- The Apprentice's Companion, Book the Fourth
- The Apprentice's Companion, Book the Second
- The Apprentice's Companion, Book the Third
- The Approachable East
- The Approachable East, Vol. 1
- The Approachable East, Vol. 2
- The Approachable East, Vol. 3
- The Approachable East, Vol. 4
- The Approachable East, Vol. 5
- The Approachable East, Vol. 6
- The Approachable East, Vol. 7
- The Archfey
- The Astral Prism Heist
- The Ballroom Door
- The Baneful
- The Bhaalspawn Saga: Part I
- The Bhaalspawn Saga: Part II
- The Bibliophile
- The Bibliophile Recommends
- The Big Book of Little Drinking Games
- The Blade Least Expected
- The Blade of Frontiers
- The Blade of Frontiers' Eye
- The Blade of Frontiers (passive feature)
- The Blast Pendant
- The Blood War
- The Blood of Lathander
- The Blushing Mermaid
- The Blushing Mermaid - Basement
- The Book of Cheesomancy
- The Book of Suitors
- The Book of Willing Souls
- The Butler's Cane Has A Knob On The End
- The Careful Art of Tir'su Ciphers
- The Chosen of Shar
- The Closed Fist of Bane
- The Clover
- The Collectanea Rubrum
- The Comeback
- The Counting House
- The Curse of the Vampyr
- The Dancing Breeze
- The Dark Urge
- The Dark Urge (Origin)
- The Darkening Hunt
- The Dead Shot
- The Dead Wastes
- The Dead Wastes (Condition)
- The Dead Wastes (area)
- The Deathstalker Mantle
- The Demonic Crisis
- The Devil You Know: An Autobiography
- The Diary of Lump the Enlightened
- The Dragon's Sanctum
- The Duke's Mouth?
- The Dukes of Baldur's Gate
- The Easy Life
- The Ecstasy of Murder
- The Egg-Duty Clan-Call
- The Elf Song
- The Emerald Enclave: Tenets
- The Emperor
- The Emperor/Combat
- The Enigmatic Art of Hemomancy
- The Escapades of Fundango Glovin
- The Ever-Seeing Eye
- The Evil Eye
- The Festering Cove
- The Fiend
- The Final Sacrifice of the Moon Daughter
- The First Protocol
- The Five Year War: A Diplomat's Record
- The Folly and the Fall
- The Folly of Zerthimon
- The Forge Key
- The Forgotten Forest
- The Fork-Lightning Fingers
- The Founding of Baldur's Gate
- The Gate's Pub Crawl Guide
- The Gate is Closed
- The Gauntlet of Shar
- The Genesis of Selûne and Shar
- The Githyanki Warrior
- The Glitter Gala
- The Glitter Gala - Glittering Baldur's Gate for over Twenty Years
- The Glitter Gala Stockroom Key
- The Glories of the Nightsinger
- The Graceful Cloth
- The Grand Design
- The Grand Duke
- The Great Furnace of Grymforge
- The Great Old One
- The Guild
- The Guild: Hidden Rulers of Baldur's Gate
- The Hag's Bane
- The Harpers
- The Hellion's Heart
- The Hells Unleashed
- The Hexblade
- The High Hall
- The High Harper
- The Hollow
- The Hound and the Hand
- The House of Wonders
- The House on Drench Lane and Other Stories
- The Hunter's Piercing Gaze
- The Illustrated Adventures of Balduran
- The Impaler
- The Joltshooter
- The Jolty Vest
- The Judge
- The Kobold Dinner Guide to Diplomacy
- The Landed Families of Tethyr
- The Last Will and Testament of Julio Facemaker
- The Lay of Larethian
- The Layperson's Guide To Holy Exorcism
- The Leadership of the Zhentarim
- The Legend of Ansur
- The Librarian
- The Lifebringer
- The Lodge
- The Lodge - Basement Docks
- The Long Arm of the Gur
- The Lord of Murder's Songbook
- The Lords of Madness, Vol 4: Yeenoghu
- The Lost Tomb of Khaem
- The Lustrous Lass
- The Many Faces of Gond
- The Many Tales of Mother Campestri
- The Mighty Cloth
- The Mortal View: Eyewitness Accounts of the Bhaalspawn Crisis
- The Most Holy Sermons of Lashbearer Catrine
- The Mountain Is You
- The Nautiloid Adventurers
- The Needled Book
- The Netherbrain
- The Netherbrain/Combat
- The Oak Father's Embrace
- The One that Got A Thay
- The Other Hand of Vecna
- The Pain Maiden's Blessing
- The Pain Maiden's Blessing (Condition)
- The Pale Elf
- The Parables of Dawnmaster Vaseid
- The Path to Elminster
- The Path to Karsus
- The Patriar Blackmail Files
- The Pilgrimage to Gravenhollow
- The Pointy Hat
- The Power of the Crown
- The Price of Pride
- The Prince of the Comet
- The Prince of the Comet (Quest)
- The Professor
- The Pronunciation of Common for Monstrous Species: A Guide for Pedagogues
- The Protecty Sparkswall
- The Ptarian Code
- The Purged Palate, Midwinter Edition
- The Quarta Sune
- The Real Sparky Sparkswall
- The Realm According to Bumpo
- The Red Knight's Final Strategem
- The Rest of My Life
- The Reviving Hands
- The Risen Road
- The Roads to Darkness
- The Rumour of Reithwin
- The Sacred Star
- The Scourge Mistress' Bane
- The Screed of the Willing
- The Scroll of Her Glory
- The Sea Queen's Wrath
- The Shadespell Circlet
- The Shadow Itself
- The Shadow Weave
- The Shattered Seldarine
- The Singing Lute
- The Skinburster
- The Snapping of Strings
- The Soul Forger
- The Sovereign's Key
- The Sparkle Hands
- The Sparkswall
- The Sparky Points
- The Spectator Eyes
- The Speedy Lightfeet
- The Spellsparkler
- The Stelmane Connection
- The Stone Lord's Sketches
- The Stone Lord: A New Threat
- The Suffering Masses
- The Superior Durability of Hardwood
- The Surprising Habits of Kara-Turian Warlords
- The Task at Hand.
- The Terazul Jitters (Condition)
- The Tharchiate Codex
- The Tharchiate Codex: Blessing
- The Time of the Patriars is Over!
- The Tourmaline Depths
- The Triad for Children
- The True Life of 'Lord' Gortash
- The True and Impossible Adventures of Tenebrux Morrow, Vol. 1
- The True and Impossible Adventures of Tenebrux Morrow, Vol. 2
- The True and Impossible Adventures of Tenebrux Morrow, Vol. 3
- The True and Impossible Adventures of Tenebrux Morrow, Vol. 4
- The Ultimate State
- The Unburdening
- The Unclaimed
- The Undead Bane
- The Urge
- The Vammas Elder Sisters
- The Vanthampur Brothers
- The Velkynvelve Pursuit
- The Velveteen Elixir
- The Waning Moon
- The Waning Moon: Consignments
- The War between Selûne and Shar
- The Warden
- The Warrior of Love
- The Wasting Quiet (Aura) (Condition)
- The Wasting Quiet (Condition)
- The Wasting Quiet (area)
- The Watch (class action)
- The Watch (faction)
- The Watch and the Steel Watch
- The Watcher's Guide
- The Water Caller
- The Watersparkers
- The Way of the Wanderer
- The Ways of the Heart: An Introduction
- The Well-Tended Garden
- The Whispering Promise
- The Wizard of Waterdeep
- The Wizard of Waterdeep (Origin)
- The Wonders of Phandalin
- The Would-Be Saint
- The Wyrmway
- Theda Grosz
- Thenar
- Theoda
- Theologist Eternal Debtor
- Therapeutics
- Therezzyn
- Thermoarcanic Gloves
- Thermodynamo
- Thermodynamo Axe
- Theskan Anthology of Goblin Poetry
- Thief
- Thief of Five Fates
- Thieves' Cant
- Thieves' Tools
- Thimble
- Thin-Soled Shoes
- Thindo Vintervur
- Third Eye: Darkvision
- Third Eye: See Invisibility
- This Won't Hurt A Bit
- Thisobald's Brewed-Up Bellyglummer
- Thisobald Thorm
- Thisobald Thorm/Combat
- Thodric Shedeveer
- Thokki
- Thomas C. Quirkilious
- Thonos
- Thorm
- Thorn Blade
- Thorn Whip
- Thorne
- Thoroughly Stuffed (Condition)
- Those Laid Bare (Condition)
- Thought Shield: Psychic Reflection
- Thought Shield: Psychic Resistance
- Thoughtless Brain (Condition)
- Thrastle Muria
- Threadbare Book
- Threat Assessment (Condition)
- Threatened (Condition)
- Threatening Letter
- Three
- Three-Piece
- Throat Punch
- Throw
- Throw Damage Immunity
- Throw Stone
- Throw Stone (Kobold)
- Throw Stone (Ogre)
- Throw Stone (disambiguation)
- Throwables Subtable
- Throwing: Lightning Damage
- Throwing Boost
- Thrown
- Thrumbo
- Thrumbo's Note
- Thudd
- Thuldra Thuldrin
- Thulla
- Thunder
- Thunder (Flaming Fist)
- Thunder Infusion (Condition)
- Thunder Resistance (Condition)
- Thunder set
- Thunderbolt Strike
- Thunderous Acuity
- Thunderous Conversion
- Thunderous Smite
- Thunderpalm Strikers
- Thunderskin Cloak
- Thunderwave
- Thwarted Consumption (Condition)
- Tides of Chaos
- Tides of Chaos (Condition)
- Tides of Chaos (passive feature)
- Tidy Slender Boots
- Tiefling
- Tiefling Hideout
- Tiefling Horn Models
- Tiefling refugees
- Tiger's Bloodlust
- Tiger Heart
- Tigermist
- Tightening Orbit
- Tightening Orbit Helm
- Till Death Do Us Part
- Tilses
- Timber
- Time Thoroughly Bided
- Time sensitive activities
- Timeline
- Timmask
- Timmask Spores (class action)
- Timmask Spores (cloud)
- Timmask Spores (disambiguation)
- Timmask Spores (ingredient)
- Timmy
- Tin Cup
- Tin Mine Report
- Tin Plate
- Tingmiaq
- Tinsy Ralpp
- Tiny (Goblin)
- Tiny Claws
- Tiny Trader Table
- Tippler's Rage
- Tippler's Rage (Condition)
- Tipplesome Patron
- Tissue and Organ Register
- Titan Weapon
- Titanstring Bow
- Tizg
- To 'One-Eye'
- To Baldur's Gate Book Club, with apologies
- To Bendobrus
- To Clotilda
- To Glumbor from Derryth
- To Hiring Manager, Steel Watch Foundry
- To Lily Chazman, Provoss Academy
- To Lord Haverford Gist
- To Malek Stones
- To Oliver Tefoco, The Bee Hive, Stormshore Street, Baldur's Gate
- To Orkan Toadbreath
- To Oskar Fevras
- To Take Control
- To the Best of Wives and Mothers
- To the Good Godly Folk of Faerûn
- To the Grey
- To the Puzzle Editor
- Toad Mode (Condition)
- Toad Teapot
- Toadbreath
- Toadbreath Stash Key
- Togarr
- Toggle Non-Lethal Attacks
- Toll Collector's Key
- Toll House
- Toll the Dead
- Tollhouse Basement Key
- Tollhouse Clerk's Key
- Tollhouse Ledger
- Tollhouse Ledger (Reithwin)
- Tollhouse Ledger (Risen Road)
- Tollhouse Master's Office Key
- Tolna Tome-Monger
- Tomato
- Tomboldt the Pallid
- Tombstone Shop Key
- Tombstone Shop Notes
- Tome of the Faith-leap Trial
- Tome of the Self-Same Trial
- Tome of the Soft-Step Trial
- Tongs
- Tongs Stoneheart
- Tongue of Madness
- Tongue of Madness (Condition)
- Tonight!
- Topaz (Blue Jay)
- Topaz (Gemstone)
- Topaz (disambiguation)
- Topple
- Topple the Big Folk
- Torch
- Torch of Revocation
- Torchstalk
- Torgga
- Torment Drinker Armour
- Tormented Soul
- Torn-Out Paper
- Torn Journal Fragment
- Torn Orders
- Toron
- Torrack
- Torrential Undeath
- Tortured (Condition)
- Torturer's Key
- Torturous Edges
- Touch of Death
- Touch of the Storm
- Tough
- Tough-Soled Shoes
- Tough Letter
- Tough Shoes
- Tough Sunrises
- Tourmaline Ring
- Towel
- Tower
- Tower-Shaped Key
- Town Crier's Announcements
- Toxic Reflux (Condition)
- Toxic Secretions
- Toxin Recipe
- Toy Block
- Toy Chest
- Toymaker's Basement Chest Key
- Toymaker's Basement Key
- Toymaker's House Key
- Tozad
- Tra'an
- Trader Djingo
- Trader gold tables
- Traders
- Trading and item pricing
- Training Shield
- Training in War and Song
- Tranquillity
- Transcribed Sending
- Transfer Request
- Transfuse Health
- Transmutation
- Transmutation School
- Transmuted To Steel (Condition)
- Transmuter's Stone
- Transmuter's Stone: Acid Resistance
- Transmuter's Stone: Acid Resistance (Condition)
- Transmuter's Stone: Cold Resistance
- Transmuter's Stone: Cold Resistance (Condition)
- Transmuter's Stone: Constitution
- Transmuter's Stone: Constitution (Condition)
- Transmuter's Stone: Darkvision
- Transmuter's Stone: Darkvision (Condition)
- Transmuter's Stone: Depleted Magic (Condition)
- Transmuter's Stone: Fire Resistance
- Transmuter's Stone: Fire Resistance (Condition)
- Transmuter's Stone: Lightning Resistance
- Transmuter's Stone: Lightning Resistance (Condition)
- Transmuter's Stone: Movement Speed (Condition)
- Transmuter's Stone: Speed
- Transmuter's Stone: Thunder Resistance
- Transmuter's Stone: Thunder Resistance (Condition)
- Transmuter's Stone (Acid)
- Transmuter's Stone (Cold)
- Transmuter's Stone (Constitution)
- Transmuter's Stone (Darkvision)
- Transmuter's Stone (Fire)
- Transmuter's Stone (Lightning)
- Transmuter's Stone (Speed)
- Transmuter's Stone (Thunder)
- Transmuter's Stone (disambiguation)
- Transmuter's Stone (passive feature)
- Transpositional Flux (Condition)
- Trap
- Trap Disarm Toolkit
- Trapped Beacon
- Travel-Worn Chest
- Travel through the Mountain Pass
- Travel through the Underdark
- Travel to Moonrise Towers
- Traveller's Chest
- Traveller's Guide to the Sword Coast Vol. IV: The Risen Road
- Traveller's Guide to the Sword Coast Vol. VIII: The Outer City
- Traveller's Guide to the Sword Coast Vol IX: Inns and Guesthouses
- Treacle Tart
- Treacleflow Amulet
- Treader by Twilight
- Treading Twilight (Condition)
- Treasured Map
- Treatise on the Antimagic Properties of Sussur Tree Flowers
- Trembling Legs (Condition)
- Trepan
- Trepan (+1)
- Trephination
- Tressym Collar
- Triava
- Tribunal Prison Key
- Trickery Domain
- Trident
- Trident +1
- Trident +2
- Trident Thrust
- Trident of the Depths
- Trident of the Waves
- Tridents
- Trina
- Trinoda
- Trinzas
- Trip Attack (Melee)
- Trip Attack (Ranged)
- Tripwire
- Tristan
- Triumphal Helm
- Triune Netherstone
- Troubadour's Wonder
- True Hero of Baldur's Gate
- True Love's Caress
- True Love's Embrace
- True Mind
- True Strike
- True Strike (Condition)
- True Strike Riposte
- Truffles Smythe
- Trumpet of Blasting
- Trumpet of Sparkles
- Trynn
- Tu'narath's Embrace
- Tu'narath's Embrace (Condition)
- Tud
- Tuffet
- Tugelnhorn
- Tumeril
- Turn-based mode
- Turn Resistance
- Turn Undead
- Turn the Faithless
- Turn the Tide
- Turn the Unholy
- Turned (Condition)
- Turned to Gold (Condition)
- Turnip
- Turnip Bubbs
- Tusgront
- Tusk
- Tusk Attack
- Tusk Attack (Boar)
- Tusk Attack (Gilded Hellsboar)
- Tusk Attack (Lesser Hellsboar)
- Tusky Grins
- Tut Thistlebog
- Un'n
- Unarmed Strike
- Unarmed Strike (Monk)
- Unarmed set
- Unarmoured Defence
- Unarmoured Defence (Barbarian)
- Unarmoured Defence (Monk)
- Unarmoured Movement
- Unbeating Heart (Condition)
- Unbridled Wrath (Condition)
- Uncanny Dodge
- Uncanny Sight (Condition)
- Unclean Eternal Debtor
- Uncommon Races Books Table
- Uncommon Special Arrow Subtable
- Unconscious (status group)
- Uncovered Mysteries
- Undead
- Undead Bane
- Undead Dragon
- Undead Fortitude
- Undead Fortitude (Condition)
- Undead Thralls: Additional Undead
- Undead Thralls: Animate Dead
- Undead Thralls: Better Summons
- Undead Ward
- Undead Ward (Condition)
- Undead Ward Aura (Condition)
- Undelivered Letter
- Under Operation (Condition)
- Under Temple Cave Area
- Undercity
- Undercity Ruins
- Undercity Ruins Chasm Door Key
- Underdark
- Underdark (passive feature)
- Underdog's Bravery
- Underground Passage
- Understanding Mod Folder Structure
- Underwater Facility Plans
- Underwear
- Underwear/Base Armour
- Underwear/Dragonborn
- Underwear/Drow
- Underwear/Dwarf
- Underwear/Elf
- Underwear/Githyanki
- Underwear/Gnome
- Underwear/Half-Elf
- Underwear/Half-Orc
- Underwear/Halfling
- Underwear/Helper
- Underwear/Human
- Underwear/Incubus
- Underwear/Tiefling
- Underwear Table
- Undying Fury (Condition)
- Unearthly
- Unfettered Fire
- Unfinished Love Letter
- Unfinished Sending
- Unfinished Stuffed Bear
- Unfinished Toy
- Unflinching Protection
- Unflinching Protector Amulet
- Unhampered Resistance
- Unicorn Horn
- Unilda Tiro
- Unimplemented spells
- Unlock the Ancient Tome
- Unlucky Thief's Gloves
- Unmovable (Condition)
- Unnatural Blot
- Unnatural Growth
- Unnerved (Condition)
- Unnerving Screech
- Unpaid Debts
- Unpetrification Ray
- Unpublished Portents
- Unrelenting Ferocity
- Unrelenting Storm (Condition)
- Unseen Culinary Specialist
- Unseen Menace
- Unsent Letter
- Unsent Letter (Ketheric Thorm)
- Unsent Letter (Oskar Fevras)
- Unsent Letter (robber)
- Unsent Sending
- Unsettling Visage
- Unshackling Strike
- Unsigned Trade Visa
- Unstable (Condition)
- Unstable Backlash
- Unstable Ballistics (Condition)
- Unstable Blood
- Unstable Blood (surface)
- Unstoppable (Condition)
- Untaken
- Untenable Secret
- Untenable Secret (Condition)
- Unusual Skull
- Unwanted Masterwork Gauntlets
- Unwanted Masterwork Greaves
- Unwanted Masterwork Scalemail
- Unwanted set
- Unwavering
- Unwavering Bull
- Unyielding Construct (Condition)
- Vacuum Missile
- Vagga
- Valarken's Failed Coup
- Valeria
- Valeria's Hookah
- Valeria's Snuff
- Valeria's Spare Pipe
- Valeria's Trunk Balm
- Valerian Flower
- Valiant Attack
- Valiant Damage
- Valiant Defence
- Valiant Roll
- Valley with Brook
- Valmorba
- Valmorba's Notebook
- Valuables
- Valuables Table
- Vampire
- Vampire Ascendant
- Vampire Bat Form
- Vampire Bat Form (Condition)
- Vampire Bite
- Vampire Regeneration
- Vampire Regeneration (Condition)
- Vampire spawn
- Vampires before Vellioth
- Vampiric Dagger
- Vampiric Duality
- Vampiric Gloves
- Vampiric Shout
- Vampiric Swarm
- Vampiric Touch
- Vampiric Touch (Condition)
- Vampiric Vermin
- Vance (Dead Toll Collector)
- Vanessa
- Vanja
- Vanra Bergauz
- Vaprak's Greed
- Varanna Sunblossom
- Varderola
- Varneela
- Varone
- Varrl
- Varsh Ko'kuu's Boots
- Vase
- Vase (Clutter)
- Vault Chest Key
- Vault Key
- Vault Pass Ledger
- Vault Visitor Log
- Vegetable Broth
- Vegetable Soup
- Veil of Shar (Condition)
- Veil of the Morning
- Veil of the Weird
- Veil of the Wind
- Velki
- Vellioth
- Velson Oakes
- Vengeful
- Vengeful Boar
- Vengeful Cambion
- Vengeful Father
- Vengeful Father (passive feature)
- Vengeful Guardian
- Vengeful Imp
- Vengeful Merregon
- Vengeful Playmate
- Vengeful Soul
- Vengeful Strike
- Venom Claws
- Venomous Bite
- Venomous Bite (Phase Spider)
- Venomous Bite (Phase Spider Matriarch)
- Venomous Bite (Spider Wild Shape)
- Venomous Bite (Wolf Spider Companion)
- Venomous Brew (Condition)
- Venomous Discharge
- Venomous Discharge (Addled Frog)
- Venomous Discharge (Phase Spider)
- Venomous Discharge (Phase Spider Matriarch)
- Venomous Fang
- Venomous Guilt
- Venomous Overflow
- Venomous Regurgitation
- Venomous Revenge
- Venomous Revenge (Condition)
- Vent
- Ver'yll Wenkiir
- Verdelite Ring
- Verik
- Verminsign
- Veronica Hamperclips and her Adventures Beyond The Washbasin
- Verres
- Verres Calamitosus
- Verres Major
- Verryn
- Versatile
- Versatile Sneak Attack (Melee)
- Very Heavy Greataxe
- Very Rare Dye Table
- Vessel Identified
- Vessel for Kereska's Poison (Condition)
- Vest of Soul Rejuvenation
- Veteran Gish
- Veteran Raider
- Veteran Warrior
- Veterinary Log
- Vez
- Vial of Blood
- Vicious Battleaxe
- Vicious Dragon Breath
- Vicious Mockery
- Vicious Mockery (Auntie Ethel)
- Vicious Mockery (Condition)
- Vicious Mockery (Milil)
- Vicious Mockery (disambiguation)
- Vicious Shortbow
- Viconia's Personal Chest Key
- Viconia's Priestess Robe
- Viconia's Walking Fortress
- Viconia DeVir
- Viconia DeVir/Combat
- Victoria
- Victoria's List
- Victoria's Note
- Vidor
- Vigilance
- Vikki
- Vilhelm
- Vilmina
- Vinnia
- Vinshent Fenteman
- Viola Silvertongue
- Violent Heart (Condition)
- Violet
- Violet's Diary
- Violin
- Viridian Crystal
- Virulent Venom
- Virulent Venom (Condition)
- Vis'kiir
- Visage of Cowardice
- Visage of Greed
- Visage of Guilt
- Visage of Heartlessness
- Visage of Obedience
- Visage of Regret
- Vision of the Absolute
- Visionary Eternal Debtor
- Visit the Emperor's Old Hideout
- Viss
- Vistra
- Vital Conduit
- Vital Conduit Boots
- Vitality Drain (Condition)
- Vitriol of Bonecap
- Vitriol of Divine Miasma
- Vitriol of Lolth's Candle
- Vitriol of Oleander
- Vitriol of Putrefied Tumour
- Vitriol of Shadowroot Sac
- Vitriol of Weavemoss
- Vivacious Cloak
- Vix
- Voice actors
- Voice of Command
- Voice of Reason (Condition)
- Voice of the Circle
- Voice of the Circle (Condition)
- Void
- Void Bulb
- Void Cloud (Condition)
- Vol
- Volatile Blood (Condition)
- Volatile Cluster
- Volatile Fungus
- Volatile Shield (Condition)
- Volgu Drak
- Volley
- Volo
- Volo's Complete Guide to the Behaviour of Nymphs
- Volo's Ersatz Eye
- Volo's Ersatz Eye (passive feature)
- Volo's Guide to Baldur's Gate
- Volo's Guide to Baldur's Gate (Signed)
- Volo's Guide to Monsters (Condition)
- Volo's Guide to Spirits and Spectres
- Volo's Jar of Moustache Wax
- Volo's Note
- Vonayn's Home
- Voss
- Voss' Raider
- Voss' Silver Sword
- Voss/Transcript
- Vow of Enmity
- Vow of Enmity (Condition)
- Voyeur Eternal Debtor
- Wail of Loss
- Wail of Loss (Assistant)
- Wake Art Cullagh
- Waking Mind
- Waldemar Prinski
- Waldo Walnut
- Wall of Fire
- Wall of Fire: Aura (Condition)
- Wall of Fire (Condition)
- Wall of Fire (area)
- Wall of Ice
- Wall of Ice (area)
- Wall of Stone
- Wall of Thorns
- Wall of Thorns (Condition)
- Wall of Thorns (area)
- Wall of the Faithless
- Walnut
- Waltzing Eternal Debtor
- Wand
- Wanda Tullermoor
- Wands
- Wanted Poster
- Wapira's Crown
- War Caster: Concentration
- War Caster: Opportunity Spell
- War Domain
- War Drum
- War God's Blessing
- War Magic
- War Map
- War Pick
- War Pick +1
- War Picks
- War Priest
- Warden's Workbook
- Warden of Vitality
- Warden of Vitality (Aura) (Condition)
- Warden of Vitality (Condition)
- Warding Bond
- Warding Bond (Caster) (Condition)
- Warding Bond (Target) (Condition)
- Warding Flare
- Warding Flare (passive feature)
- Warding Hands
- Warhammer
- Warhammer +1
- Warhammer +2
- Warhammers
- Warlock
- Warlock set
- Warming the Melancholy Heart
- Warning Letter
- Warning Poster
- Warped Headband of Intellect
- Warrior (githyanki)
- Warryn
- Wasp
- Wasteland Wanderer: Cold
- Wasteland Wanderer: Fire
- Wasteland Wanderer: Poison
- Wasting Brew (Condition)
- Wasting Mortal (Condition)
- Wasting Overflow
- Watch's Helmet
- Watcher's Shield
- Watcher Crossbow
- Watcher Crossbow Blueprint
- Watcher Greatsword
- Watcher Guardian
- Watchful Hunt
- Water
- Water-logged Letter
- Water (surface)
- Water Barrel
- Water Elemental
- Water Layer Protection (Condition)
- Water Myrmidon
- Water Queen's Cellar
- Water Queen's House
- Water Whip
- Water Whip: Knock Prone
- Water Whip: Pull
- Waterdeep
- Waterdhavian Cheese Wedge
- Waterdhavian Cheese Wheel
- Watersparks
- Watertight Chest
- Watery Guidance
- Watery Rejuvenation
- Waukeen's Guide to Commerce
- Waukeen's Imprisonment
- Waukeen's Rest
- Wavemother's Boots
- Wavemother's Cloak
- Wavemother's Robe
- Wavemother's Sickle
- Way of Shadow
- Way of the Drunken Master
- Way of the Four Elements
- Way of the Open Hand
- Way of the Profane Ki
- Wayne
- Wayward Heart (Condition)
- Wayward Undead (Condition)
- Weak Grip (Condition)
- Weakened
- Weakened Constitution
- Weakened Intelligence
- Weakened Wisdom
- Weakening Strike
- Wealth Offering to Bhaal
- Weapon Bond
- Weapon Dropped! (Condition)
- Weapon Master
- Weapon Stolen! (Condition)
- Weapon actions
- Weapons
- Wearne
- Weathered Chisel Set
- Weave
- Weave-Touched Robe
- Weave Eater
- Weave set
- Weavebound Vines (Condition)
- Weavemoss
- Weavewalker (Condition)
- Web
- Web-Covered Journal
- Web (Phase Spider)
- Web (Spider)
- Web (Spider Wild Shape)
- Web (disambiguation)
- Web (surface)
- Web Grenade
- Web Sense
- Web Walker
- Weeping Dawn
- Weight
- Weird Magic Surge
- Well-Liked and Well-Fortified
- Well Crated Helm
- Welso
- Wendel Ashgrove
- Weneg
- Wensleydale
- Werewolf
- Western Beach
- Wet (Condition)
- Wexford
- Whalebone Spiced
- What Abides Below
- Wheat
- When Love Fumbles
- Whipping Cane
- Whipping Up Booms
- Whirlwind
- Whirlwind-Barbarian
- Whirlwind (Condition)
- Whirlwind Attack
- Whirlwind Attack (Weapon Action)
- Whispering Depths
- Whispering Mask
- Whispers of Madness (Condition)
- Whispers of the Grave
- White Bishop - Orders
- White Bread
- White Knight - Orders
- White Mushroom
- White Pawn - Orders
- White and Scarlet Dye
- Whitemist
- Whittled Duck
- Whole Chicken
- Wholeness of Body
- Wholeness of Body (Condition)
- Whossa Large Fellow?
- Wicked Coercion
- Wicker Chest
- Wicky
- Wide-Brimmed Hat
- Wilbur
- Wild Magic
- Wild Magic: Action Surge
- Wild Magic: Blur
- Wild Magic: Bolt of Light
- Wild Magic: Bolt of Light (Activate)
- Wild Magic: Burning
- Wild Magic: Burning (Condition)
- Wild Magic: Cambion
- Wild Magic: Cat Form (Condition)
- Wild Magic: Cats and Dogs
- Wild Magic: Dark Tendrils
- Wild Magic: Dark Tendrils (Condition)
- Wild Magic: Dog Form (Condition)
- Wild Magic: Enchant Weapons
- Wild Magic: Enchant Weapons (Condition)
- Wild Magic: Enlarge/Reduce
- Wild Magic: Entangle
- Wild Magic: Explosive Healing
- Wild Magic: Explosive Healing (Condition)
- Wild Magic: Flight
- Wild Magic: Fog
- Wild Magic: Intangible Spirit
- Wild Magic: Intangible Spirit (Activate)
- Wild Magic: Intangible Spirit (Condition)
- Wild Magic: Light Bolt (Condition)
- Wild Magic: Magic Retribution
- Wild Magic: Magic Retribution (Condition)
- Wild Magic: Polymorph
- Wild Magic: Protective Lights
- Wild Magic: Protective Lights (Aura) (Condition)
- Wild Magic: Protective Lights (Condition)
- Wild Magic: Resilient Sphere
- Wild Magic: Shield
- Wild Magic: Slow
- Wild Magic: Sorcery Points
- Wild Magic: Sorcery Points (Condition)
- Wild Magic: Speak with Animals
- Wild Magic: Spike Growth
- Wild Magic: Summon Mephit
- Wild Magic: Swap
- Wild Magic: Swap (Condition)
- Wild Magic: Telekinesis
- Wild Magic: Telekinesis (Condition)
- Wild Magic: Teleport
- Wild Magic: Teleport (Activate) (Barbarian)
- Wild Magic: Teleport (Barbarian)
- Wild Magic: Teleport (Barbarian) (Condition)
- Wild Magic: Teleport (Condition)
- Wild Magic: Teleport (activate)
- Wild Magic: Turn Magic
- Wild Magic: Turn Magic (Condition)
- Wild Magic: Vine Growth
- Wild Magic: Vine Growth (Condition)
- Wild Magic: Weapon Infusion
- Wild Magic: Weapon Infusion (Condition)
- Wild Magic (barbarian subclass)
- Wild Magic (passive feature)
- Wild Magic (sorcerer subclass)
- Wild Magic Surge
- Wild Magic table (Barbarian)
- Wild Magic table (Sorcerer)
- Wild Shape
- Wild Shape: Air Myrmidon
- Wild Shape: Air Myrmidon (Condition)
- Wild Shape: Badger
- Wild Shape: Badger (Condition)
- Wild Shape: Badger table
- Wild Shape: Bear
- Wild Shape: Bear table
- Wild Shape: Boar
- Wild Shape: Boar (Condition)
- Wild Shape: Cat
- Wild Shape: Cat (Condition)
- Wild Shape: Cave Bear
- Wild Shape: Cave Bear (Condition)
- Wild Shape: Deep Rothé
- Wild Shape: Deep Rothé (Condition)
- Wild Shape: Dilophosaurus
- Wild Shape: Dilophosaurus (Condition)
- Wild Shape: Dilophosaurus table
- Wild Shape: Dire Raven
- Wild Shape: Dire Raven (Condition)
- Wild Shape: Dire Wolf (Condition)
- Wild Shape: Earth Myrmidon
- Wild Shape: Earth Myrmidon (Condition)
- Wild Shape: Fire Myrmidon
- Wild Shape: Fire Myrmidon (Condition)
- Wild Shape: Giant Spider (Condition)
- Wild Shape: Owlbear
- Wild Shape: Owlbear (Condition)
- Wild Shape: Owlbear table
- Wild Shape: Panther
- Wild Shape: Panther (Condition)
- Wild Shape: Panther table
- Wild Shape: Polar Bear (Condition)
- Wild Shape: Rat (Condition)
- Wild Shape: Sabre-Toothed Tiger
- Wild Shape: Sabre-Toothed Tiger (Condition)
- Wild Shape: Sabre-Toothed Tiger table
- Wild Shape: Spider
- Wild Shape: Spider table
- Wild Shape: Water Myrmidon
- Wild Shape: Water Myrmidon (Condition)
- Wild Shape: Wolf
- Wild Shape table (Druid)
- Wild Strike
- Wilderness
- Wildheart
- Williams
- Willing Mind
- Willing Whip
- Willinx Jindlebee
- Willow
- Wilted Dreams
- Wilted Dreams (Condition)
- Wim
- Wind Walk
- Windmill Key
- Wine
- Wine Cellar Key
- Wine Goblet
- Winery Records
- Winged Horror
- Winkling Gloves
- Winstra Hullhollyn
- Winter's Breath
- Winter's Clutches
- Winter's Clutches (passive feature)
- Winter Gala Doublet
- Wisdom
- Wise Sentinel
- Wish Me Luck, Old Man
- Wispweed
- Witch Bolt
- Witch Bolt (Condition)
- Witchbreaker
- Witchbreaker (passive feature)
- Withered Blue Petal
- Withered Sussur Petal
- Withering Barrier
- Withering Barrier (Condition)
- Withering Cut
- Withering Gift
- Withering Life Force (Condition)
- Withering Theft
- Withering Touch
- Withers
- Within the Mind Sanctuary (Condition)
- Witness (Condition)
- Wizard
- Wizard Hat
- Wizard Hat Supply Table
- Wizard Hat Table
- Wizard set
- Wizards of Note: Lorroakan (Editor's Edition)
- Wizardsbane Oil
- Wizardsbane Oil (Condition)
- Wizardsbane Oil Recipe
- Woad's Ensnaring Strike
- Wobb
- Woe
- Wogglims
- Wolf
- Wolf Companion
- Wolf Heart
- Wolf Spider Companion
- Wolves in Sheeps' Clothing
- Wondrous Gloves
- Wood Bark
- Wood Woad
- Wood Woad Shield
- Wooden Barrel
- Wooden Bowl
- Wooden Chest
- Wooden Crate
- Wooden Desk
- Wooden Shelf (Container)
- Wooden Shield
- Wooden Spoon
- Wooden Trunk
- Word from the Tribunal
- Worg
- Worg (white)
- Worg Companion
- Worg Dung
- Worg Fang
- Worg Pens
- Worgfang
- Worm
- Worn Key
- Worn Key (Toron)
- Worn Out (Condition)
- Worn Slashstrip Sandals
- Wound Closure
- Wound Closure (Condition)
- Wounded Bird
- Wounding Ray
- Wounding Ray (Spectator)
- Woyy
- Wraith
- Wrath
- Wrath (Condition)
- Wrath of the Storm
- Wrath of the Storm: Lightning
- Wrath of the Storm: Thunder
- Wrath set
- Wrathful Smite
- Wrathful Spirits (Condition)
- Wren
- Wretched Growth (Condition)
- Wrilda Gemfinder
- Wrinkled Note
- Wrint Sprigley
- Writ: High Alert
- Writhing Dance
- Writhing Souls (Condition)
- Writhing Tide
- Writhing Tide (Condition)
- Writin Exorcises
- Writings of a Wroot
- Wrong, Wrong, Wrong
- Wyll
- Wyll's Earthy Garb
- Wyll's Underwear
- Wyll/Approval
- Wyll/Banter
- Wyll/Romance
- Wyrm's Crossing
- Wyrm's Rock Fortress
- Wyrm's Rock Prison
- Wyrm's Rock Prison Cell Key
- Wyrm's Rock Prison Key
- Wyrm's Rock Security Audit
- Wyvern Poison
- Wyvern Poison (surface)
- Wyvern Stinger
- Wyvern Toxin
- Wyvern Toxin (Condition)
- Yonas
- Yonni
- Yoonce
- Yoshimo is Willing
- You're Not Wanted Here
- You're Right, They're Everywhere
- You've Got Friends in the Guild
- You Deserve To Feel Beautiful
- You need to hear this
- Young Boy In Plate Armour
- Young Grease Mephit
- Young Magma Mephit
- Young Mud Mephit
- Your Kind of Curiosity
- Your New Ring
- Yousen
- Youth