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Baz Hopbank

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Baz Hopbank is in the Lower City of Baldur's Gate during Act Three.

Portrait Baz Hopbank.png
One blow! One blow and she drops like she's dead! Maybe she is.

Involvement[edit | edit source]

Act Three[edit | edit source]

Baz Hopbank can be found near the entrance of Stormshore Tabernacle at X: 113 Y: -47. Baz and Goosequill Scribe Goosequill are defending Gulster Boyes Gulster Boyes, who was knocked unconscious by a Steel Watcher. Gummidge Gummidge claims that Gulster is a thief and her name was on a list, but both Bez and Gulster insist on her innocence.[1]

Idle banter[edit | edit source]

Baz Hopbank: That thing damn near busted her skull! I didn't see her make no trouble.

  • Scribe Goosequill: I know her, that's Gulster, she's no thief!
    • Fist Gummidge: Stay back and stay calm, I'm warning you. She was on the list.

Baz Hopbank: Come on! At least let us take her to a doctor!

  • Scribe Goosequill: That's my friend's niece! Let her go!
    • Fist Gummidge: Back off. She goes into the clink unless Lord Gortash tells us otherwise.

If the Steel Watch Foundry is destroyed:
Baz Hopbank: Whoa, that metal monster don't look so big now.

  • Scribe Goosequill: The Watchers are history! Think for yourself and show some mercy.
    • Fist Gummidge: I still have my duty. Now step back, I know how to use this bow.

If Gortash is dead:
Baz Hopbank: Let her go! Lord Gortash is dead, you have no right to hold her now!

  • Fist Gummidge: How does the death of Gortash change anything? Duty is duty.
    • Baz Hopbank: Yeah, but orders are orders, and whoever is in charge now must have new orders for you. Right?

Notes and references[edit | edit source]

  1. In the game files Gulster is referenced as "S_LOW_SWS_BasiliskGate_Criminal".