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Champion Challenge

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Champion Challenge is a Channel Oath action available to Oath of the Crown paladins which penalizes the challenged target with Disadvantage Icon.png Disadvantage on attacks when attacking anyone but the paladin.


Challenge the enemies around you, compelling them to attack only you. Any attacks they might make against other targets have Disadvantage Icon.png Disadvantage.


Bonus action +  Channel Oath Charge
AoE: 9 m / 30 ft (Radius)
WIS Save (Spell save DC)

Condition: Champion Challenge

Champion Challenge Champion Challenge

Duration: 10 turns

Spell save DC  Wisdom saving throw

  • Affected entity is compelled to attack the paladin that challenged them. Any attacks they might make against targets other than the paladin have Disadvantage Icon.png Disadvantage.
  • Condition ends if the entity moves 9 m / 30 ft away from the paladin.

How to learn
