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Status properties/IsInvulnerableVisible

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IsInvulnerableVisible is a status property.

List of conditions with IsInvulnerableVisible[edit source]

Condition Effects

Eternally Bound (Condition) Eternally Bound

  • Cazador will not let this spawn die - it is Immune to all damage.

Invulnerable (Condition) Invulnerable

  • Immune to all damage
  • Can still be afflicted with status effects

Malfunctioning (Condition) Malfunctioning

Possessing (Condition) Possessing

  • The affected entity cannot be targeted by spells or attacks until the creature it has Possessed Possessed dies or is Turned Turned.

Projected Image (Condition) Projected Image

  • This magical projection cannot be targeted or attacked.

Shadow Visage (Condition) Shadow Visage

  • This visage is floating in shadowy limbo. It cannot be damaged until drawn into combat.

Silvered Bulwark (Condition) Silvered Bulwark

  • Affected entity is Immune to all damage. This protection is shared by every creature and object within the barrier.