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For the class, see Bladesinging.

Bladesong is the signature ability of Bladesinger wizards


Invoke the Bladesong. You gain a +proficiency bonus to Armour Class and your movement speed increases by 3 m / 10 ft. You also gain Advantage Icon.png Advantage in Acrobatics and a +proficiency bonus to Constitution saving throws.

You also unlock Bladesong Climax Bladesong Climax and the ability to accumulate Bladesong charges in combat.

You can't wear Medium or Heavy Armour or Shields while Bladesinging
You must be wielding a Dagger, Longsword, Rapier, Scimitar, Shortsword, or Sickle.


 Bladesong Power

Condition: Bladesinging

Bladesinging Bladesinging

Duration: 10 turns

Condition: Bladesong Damage Charge

Bladesong Damage Charge Bladesong Damage Charge
  • A charge that will increase how much damage you deal to enemies by 1d6Damage TypesForce when using Bladesong Climax Bladesong Climax.
  • You can accumulate these charges by casting Level 1 spells or above that are not weapon attacks.

Condition: Bladesong Healing Charge

Bladesong Healing Charge Bladesong Healing Charge
  • A charge that will increase how much you heal yourself and your allies by 1d6hit points when using Bladesong Climax Bladesong Climax.
  • You can accumulate these charges by attacking with weapons.

Condition: Bladesong Impeded

Bladesong Impeded Bladesong Impeded
  • Bladesinging impeded by armour/shield/weapon. Until the armour/shield/weapon is removed, your Bladesong Bladesong won't grant any benefits or let you generate Bladesong Charges.

How to learn



  • Some recastable spells like Move Moonbeam Move Moonbeam do not count towards generating Bladesong Damage Charges Bladesong Damage Charges. However, the list of exclusions is not comprehensive and other free recasts do generate charges such as Activate Call Lightning Activate Call Lightning.[1]
  • The requirement to be wielding a dagger, longsword, etc. only applies to the main hand. You can equip any non-shield weapon in the offhand. For example, with the Dual Wielder Dual Wielder feat, you can use a longsword in the main hand and staff in the offhand and still be able to use Bladesong.[2]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. From the definition of IsRecastSpell() in Scripts/thoth/helpers/CommonConditions.khn.
  2. From the definition of BladesongAvailable() in Scripts/thoth/helpers/CommonConditions.khn.