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Force Conduit (Condition)

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  • Damage TypesBludgeoning, Damage TypesPiercing, and Damage TypesSlashing damage against the affected entity is reduced by 1 per turn remaining.
  • If the entity takes damage while it has 5 or more turns remaining, it deals 1d4Damage TypesForce damage in a 6 m / 20 ft radius.
  • Force Conduit has a maximum Duration: 7 turns.



If already applied If already applied: add to duration

More properties More properties:

Conditions with the same stack ID

Conditions with the stack ID MAG_ZOC_FORCE_CONDUIT, only one of these can be applied at the same time:

Condition Effects

Force Conduit (Condition) Force Conduit

  • Damage TypesBludgeoning, Damage TypesPiercing, and Damage TypesSlashing damage against the affected entity is reduced by 1 per turn remaining.
  • If the entity takes damage while it has 5 or more turns remaining, it deals 1d4Damage TypesForce damage in a 6 m / 20 ft radius.
  • Force Conduit has a maximum Duration: 7 turns.

Sources of Force Conduit