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Rowan Elkfriend
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Rowan Elkfriend is a patron at the Elfsong Tavern in Act Three.

“On days like this I miss the forest. I used to scamper amongst my woodland friends, if you can believe it. Here? Not a squirrel in sight.„
Involvement[edit | edit source]
Act Three[edit | edit source]
Rowan Elkfriend is at one of the outdoor tables at the Elfsong Tavern in the Lower City. He laments the lack of wildlife in the area. Frenello occasionally chats with him about his job hunt.
Idle banter[edit | edit source]
Saer Frenello: Event planner for the Auld Patriars' Club! I'll never have a job that good again.
- Rowan Elkfriend: I know it. Everyone knows it. You won't shut up about it.
Saer Frenello: As my friend, you should help me find a new job.
- Rowan Elkfriend: Just because I lend you money sometimes doesn't make me your friend.
Saer Frenello: I know! I'll plan a jobs fair event so I can find myself a new job.
- Rowan Elkfriend: Whoa, Frenello, that's brilliant. Or stupid. One of those.
Rowan Elkfriend: I'm fed up with this brown-ass town. I'm going back to the woods.
- Saer Frenello: The woods! Do you think they could use an event planner there?
If Enver Gortash is killed:
Rowan Elkfriend: Did you hear that? Lord Gortash has been killed! Who would do such a thing?
- Saer Frenello: Whoever it was, they did me a big favour! The council is going to need to plan a state funeral.
- Rowan Elkfriend: Of course. And here you are, an event planner just looking for work.
- Saer Frenello: Exactly! As soon as I gather my wits, I'm off to Wyrm's Rock to offer my expert services.
- Rowan Elkfriend: Of course. And here you are, an event planner just looking for work.