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Letter from Arnell Hallowleaf
Letter from Arnell Hallowleaf is a miscellaneous note found in the Epilogue.

A plain, unadorned note.
Author: Arnell Hallowleaf
Rarity: Common
Weight: 0.05 kg / 0.1 lb
Price: 14 gp
Where to find
Within the Chest of Grateful Words in the Epilogue. Contingent on Arnell Hallowleaf and Emmeline Hallowleaf surviving Act Three. If Shadowheart was chosen as Origin, then she has to decide to live with her parents during scene were she is the lying on the bed and contemplating the future right before the epilogue. Otherwise, if Shadowheart is Companion and romanced companion, it is necessary to break off the relationship during the romance resolution scene before the epilogue.
My dear Shadowheart,
I thought I might slip this into your satchel so you might find it upon the road. Enjoy the party, and give my best wishes to all your friends and comrades-at-arms. I shall take good care of the animals while you are gone. If you happen to come across any butcher upon your travels, I am sure that Buttons would appreciate a new bone to gnaw upon - at the rate he's growing, he'll soon need an ogre's shin bone to keep him occupied!
Also, should the opportunity arise, I have a new (well, old, but new to you) joke you could try:
What do you call a lycanthrope with no sense of time?
A when-wolf.
Trust me; I first came up with that one while I was courting your mother, and it has never failed me since.
Be well, and enjoy yourself,
Your loving Father,