Some reach enlightenment by languid meditation - others do so in the heat of battle. Monks manipulate ki to empower their own strikes and debilitate their foes.
Monks are unarmed combatants capable of spending Ki Points to perform special abilities. Monk's key ability scores are Wisdom, Dexterity, and Constitution, and their core ability is Unarmed Strike.
Monk weapons are melee weapons the Monk has Proficiency with, and which do not have the Two-Handed property. Versatile weapons count as Monk weapons even if they are wielded with both hands. Monks can use Dexterity for those weapons, even if they do not have the Finesse property. Some Monk abilities, such as Martial Arts: Bonus Unarmed Strike, are limited to Monk weapons.
Spellcasting ability
Wisdom for the effective use of items, scrolls, and equipment.
You can spend these points to fuel various Monk abilities. Ki abilities which incorporate an unarmed attack use the higher of Dexterity or Strength for attack rolls and save DCs. This includes all offensive abilities outside of the Way of the Four Elements subclass.
Way of the Four Elements Monks use Wisdom for their offensive abilities which do not incorporate an unarmed attack (this includes abilities like Fist of Unbroken Air which have a punching aesthetic but do not technically cause you to make an unarmed attack). Some of these abilities imitate the effects of spells but they are not considered spells: for example, they can be used while Silenced and a multi-class Monk/Barbarian can use them while raging.
Your reflexes are as effective as any armour. While not wearing armour or a shield, you add your Wisdom Modifier to your Armour Class. This feature does not stack with Mage Armour, nor the Barbarian version of Unarmoured Defence (Barbarian).
Use your Reaction to reduce the damage from a ranged weapon attack by 1d10 + your Dexterity Modifier + your monk level. If the damage is reduced to 0, you can use a Ki Point to return the missile back to the sender.
Level 4
Ki Points: 5
You gain an additional Ki Point to fuel your monk techniques.
Your agility lets you dodge out of the way of certain spells. When a spell or effect would deal half damage on a successful DexteritySaving Throw, it deals no damage if you succeed, and only half damage if you fail.