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Rolan's Projection
Rolan's Projection is a programmed facsimile of Rolan, that greets and trades with guests in Sorcerous Sundries. Since it is a projected image, it cannot be targeted or attacked.

“Congratulations - you have been banned from Sorcerous Sundries. You will now be escorted outside.„
Involvement[edit | edit source]
This projection is only present if Lorroakan is dead and Rolan has taken up residence in Ramazith's Tower. It takes the place of Lorroakan's Projection at the front desk one long rest after Lorroakan has been killed. The magical equipment formerly sold by either Rolan or Lorroakan's Projection is not sold by this projection - instead Rolan has those items on his person in Ramazith's Tower. Being a projection, it does not react to failed pickpocketing, allowing unlimited attempts and providing a good source to stockpile gold and powerful spells.
Notable Items Sold[edit | edit source]
Some items listed may not be available on every merchant restock.
Corresponds to LOW_SorcerousSundries_Trade_Magic
Equipment[edit | edit source]
Scrolls[edit | edit source]
Scroll of Chain Lightning
Scroll of Circle of Death
Scroll of Cloudkill
Scroll of Cone of Cold
Scroll of Disintegrate
Scroll of Dominate Person
Scroll of Eyebite
Scroll of Flesh to Stone
Scroll of Globe of Invulnerability
Scroll of Hold Monster
Scroll of Otiluke's Freezing Sphere
Scroll of Otto's Irresistible Dance
Scroll of Planar Binding
Scroll of Seeming
Scroll of Sunbeam
Scroll of Telekinesis