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Judge of the Damned
Judge of the Damned is written by Iphigen Mohgros on Kelemvor, the god of the dead.
This book is redolent with the enticing smell of paper and ink.
- Author: Iphigen Mohgros
- Rarity: Common
- Weight: 0.5 kg / 1 lb
- Price: 14 gp
Where to find
- On a bookshelf in Malus Thorm's office in House of Healing X: -195 Y: 72
- Stormshore Tabernacle X: 108 Y: -7
[An excerpt from the book in which Iphigen Mohgros discusses the strange theistic history of mortals becoming gods.] There have been many Lords of Death who cast judgement upon souls lost and found alike. Among them was Kelemvor, a hard man of harder convictions.
As a mortal man he was a mercenary with a paladin's stoic beliefs hidden under a crust of scowls and grumbles. As Lord of Death, he was forced to mellow both aspects of himself, for the impulses of a man and a god are not consummate.
Mortals are allowed caprice, but immortality wears that stone smooth quickly, and Kelemvor chose cool prudence over cold malice.