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Lakrissa is one of the tiefling refugees seeking shelter at the Emerald Grove in Act One.

Portrait Lakrissa.png
We're tougher than we look. We've survived persecution. Survived Avernus.
Lakrissa on her fellow refugees


Act One

Lakrissa is usually above the Secluded Chamber in the Grove, guarding one of the secret entrances into the sanctuary.

If the party speaks with her, Lakrissa responds with a sarcastic-pessimist attitude, saying their chances of survival are low. If the party obliges her, they can bet 10 Gold on whether they survive the trip to Baldur's Gate.

If still alive after the goblin leaders are killed, she can be found at the celebration conversing with Alfira Alfira. Lakrissa assures the player character she has not forgotten of their bet (if they made one), but tells them her people have not reached the city yet. The player character can then tell her to forget the bet and invite Lakrissa and Alfira to a drink instead, once they reach the city.

If travelling to the Mountain Pass or Shadow-Cursed Lands before resolving Kagha Kagha's ritual the Rite of Thorns, the tieflings are expelled from the Grove and Lakrissa's corpse can be found among the pile of refugees near the bridge to the Blighted Village.

Act Two

Lakrissa can be found in the Moonrise Towers Prison with several other tieflings. Rescuing them from the prison advances Rescue the Tieflings Rescue the Tieflings. If Alfira survived Act One, reuniting them reveals they are dating, and Alfira rewards the party with the Potent Robe.

If Lakrissa is not freed from Moonrise Towers before the party deals with the Nightsong, or if the party visits Last Light Inn after releasing the prisoners but before Lakrissa makes it safely to the inn, then her corpse can be found in the Oubliette, together with those of all the other prisoners.

Act Three

If Lakrissa survives into Act Three, she is found waiting tables at the Elfsong Tavern. If the party succeeded in their bet in Act One, they are granted Inspiration Icon.pngA Bet Is a Bet for folk heroes. If Alfira also survives, the two of them meet on the roof and share news of their relationship with the party.


Attacks and abilities

Brace Ranged.webp
Brace (Ranged) Brace (Ranged) ( 6 m / 20 ft)
Spend 6 m / 20 ft of your movement. For the rest of your turn, roll ranged damage twice and use the highest result.
Recharge: Short rest
Hamstring Shot.webp
Hamstring Shot Hamstring Shot ()
Normal weapon damage

Shoot an enemy in the thigh and possibly reduce their Movement Speed by 50%.

CON Save
 Range: Normal weapon range
Recharge: Short rest
Ranged Attack.webp
Ranged Attack Ranged Attack ()   –  Longbow
Damage: 3~10
D8 Piercing.png
1d8 + 2Damage TypesPiercing

Make a ranged attack with your equipped weapon.

 Range: 18 m / 60 ft


Idle banter

If the Grove prepare for a goblin raid during Act One, Lakrissa and Kaldani attempt to build a barricade together:

  • Lakrissa: Right. Should hold together.
    • Kaldani: Should?
      • Lakrissa: Well. We won't be long finding out, I suppose.
  • Lakrissa: Goblins better bloody show up, after all this effort we're putting in.
    • Kaldani: Yup. Murderous is one thing, but late? Beshaba pass over.
  • Lakrissa: You think it'll make any difference?
    • Kaldani: What?
      • Lakrissa: All this. Getting ready, like.
        • Kaldani: I... I don't know.
  • Lakrissa: Think... I'm getting... the hang of this...

If the Grove prepare for a goblin raid during Act One, Lakrissa and Rikka visit Dammon for supplies:

  • Rikka: I do need some armour, you know.
    • Lakrissa: Me too.
      • Dammon: Can't outfit all of you at once.
  • Dammon: Anything else?
    • Lakrissa: Yes. A stiff drink.
      • Rikka: Make that two.
  • Rikka: I'm worried. I don't think we're ready.
    • Lakrissa:' Ready as we'll ever be.
      • Dammon: Lakrissa's right. Can only do what we can.

Related quests

External links