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Derryth Bonecloak
Derryth Bonecloak is a gold dwarf and trader in Ebonlake Grotto.

“Look at that. Got my useless old man back.„
Act One
She can be found impatiently waiting near the western entrance of the Myconid Colony for her husband, Baelen, to return from picking mushrooms. When speaking to her for the first time, she asks if the party has seen her husband. If not, the party can ask about Baelen, which reveals — alongside her low opinion of him — that she sent Baelen on an errand that he is yet to return from. She welcomes the party to find him, but refuses to pay a ransom if he is found and returned.
If Baelen is rescued, then Derryth rewardd the party with the Gloves of Uninhibited Kushigo. She begrudgingly thanks the party and explains that she and her husband arrived in the Underdark to collect
Noblestalk, a mushroom with incredible restorative abilities. She needs it to save their shop in Baldur's Gate because Baelen had nearly bankrupted the store to purchase alcohol. If the party mentions that they found a Noblestalk, Derryth asks for the mushroom but offers nothing in return. If the party gives Derryth the Noblestalk, she thanks them and encourages the party to visit her at Bonecloak's Apothecary when they reach The Gate.
Alternatively, the party can withhold the mushroom from Derryth, asking her to beg. Selecting and passing one of the following options will result in Derryth offering her wedding ring, a Tarnished Ring:
- [INTIMIDATION] Not good enough. Give me something, or I'll toss you into a chasm. (DC 10)
- [ROGUE] [PERSUASION] Not good enough. Give me something, or this noblestalk disappears right before your eyes. (DC 10
- [BARBARIAN] [INTIMIDATION] I know exactly what you owe. Pay up. (DC 10
Act Three
If Baelen was rescued in the Underdark, he and Derryth can be found at Bonecloak's Apothecary in the Lower City.
If Baelen was not rescued, then Derryth manages the store alone, melancholic of her late husband and lamenting that they both deserved better. She believes that Baelen's soul found its way to The City of Judgement, wasting away unclaimed as a faithless. The party can encourage one of three cats near the store — Barsik, Malta, or Myshka — to join Derryth in her shop so that she is less lonely.
If Derryth obtained a Noblestalk in the Underdark, then she sells 2-3 Noblestalks in her shop, which is refreshed after every long rest. Unlike the Noblestalk found in the Underdark, the ones in her store cannot restore lost memories for Shadowheart or the Dark Urge.
Otherwise, if Baelen was rescued and the party used the Noblestalk to heal him, he manages the store alone and has no Noblestalk to sell. Derryth can be found in the Elfsong Tavern, where she thanks the party for healing Baelen because it caused her to finally leave him forever. She comments that she does not have much to her name now but that the freedom and peace of mind are worth it.
Corresponds to UND_MycoVillage_AlchemistDwarf_Trade
Notable items sold
Noblestalk - only in Act 3 and only if the party gave her the Noblestalk in Act 1
- Various alchemical ingredients
Related Quests
Related literature
Written by Derryth
- After obtaining the
Noblestalk, Derryth mentions that she'll be on her way and informs her husband that they're leaving. Despite this, they do not actually leave Ebonlake Grotto during Act 1.
- Derryth has always had a secret desire for an unseen character named Glumbor.
- In previous updates, it was possible to give the Noblestalk to Derryth, pickpocket it back, and then use it for another NPC (Baelen, Thulla, Shadowheart, etc), while still retaining the later gains of the Noblestalk that Derryth could supply in Act 3. This is no longer possible without the use of mods or cheats. Derryth will still hand off the quest reward for giving her the Noblestalk, but upon arrival at her store, she will be in dire straits, and there will be a dialogue option to give Derryth the Noblestalk, if the party still possesses it. Upon doing so, Derryth will then sell the additional three (3) Noblestalk as if the party had never pickpocketed it from her.