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Fytz the Firecracker is a weapons trader found in the Lower City in Act Three. She is also an old friend of Karlach.

“My weapons won't be beat. Tell your friends - hells, tell your enemies if you like.„
Act Three
Fytz is a small-time weapons retailer located in Stormshore Armoury of Baldur's Gate at X: -38 Y: -83. Talking with her as Karlach, or with Karlach in the party, yields special dialogue. She reveals that she once worked for Gortash alongside Karlach, but left once she became concerned with his increasingly cruel methods. Fytz went on to get married and have children, whom she invites Karlach and the party to come meet in the future.
Fytz's attitude towards the party may change depending on the outcome of .
Notable loot
Notable Items Sold
Some listed items may not available after every restock.
Corresponds to LOW_SteepsTrader_Weapons