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Fist Murphy is a human Flaming Fist fighter stationed at the entrance to the Basilisk Gate Barracks in the Lower City of Baldur's Gate. He is balancing on one leg, as a punishment for stealing a purse from the evidence room.

“Shh. I just have to last... a little longer.„
The party can talk to him as he is balancing on one leg, in which he will explain that he stole a purse from the evidence room and promised never to do it again. Blaze Liara Portyr didn't believe him and commanded him to stand on one leg until she did.
If Florrick is executed, he will suddenly feel like his punishment is not so bad after all.
Attacks and abilities
Notable loot
Companion approval
- Pretend to push him
- You're a Flaming Fist - how dare you steal from the people you're supposed to protect?!
- [HALF-ORC] f you were truly sorry, you would be working night and day. You would be willing to die for forgiveness.
- [DROW] Were I your master I would make you cut off your own hand. Be grateful to this Portyr.
- [BARBARIAN] Such blind obedience. Stand up to this Portyr - prove to her that you are not a weakling.
- [MONK] A valuable discipline for a guard! Centre yourself on nothingness.