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Sarin's Skeleton
Level 1












Bg3 content hr.png
Creature Race Icon.png  Race Human Human
Creature Type Icon.png  Type Humanoid / Skeleton
HP Icon.png  HP 24
Creature AC Icon.png  AC 13
Creature Speed Icon.png  Movement Speed 0m / 0ft
Creature Size Icon.png  Size Medium
Weight Icon.png  Weight 0m / 0lbs
Initiative Icon.png  Initiative 3
Passive features
Resistant to Non-Magical SlashingResistant to Non-Magical PiercingResistant to Non-Magical BludgeoningResistant to all AcidResistant to all ThunderImmune to all NecroticResistant to all FireResistant to all LightningResistant to all ColdImmune to all PoisonVulnerable to Radiant
Character information
Location Lower City Sewers, Undercity Ruins
Allies Aelis Siryasius, Bareki
Experience on kill 320

Sarin is a dead, skeletal NPC located in the Lower City Sewers.


Sarin was murdered by her allies who suspected she was part of the cult of the Absolute. Her allies became paranoid after she hid their spoils in an attempt to keep them from getting caught, as described in a Scorched Book and Incomplete Journal.

Act Three

A grease mage, Aelis Siryasius, can be found protecting a coffin containing Sarin's Skeleton in the Lower City Sewers X: -125 Y: 829. Aelis will only allow the player to pass freely through his immediate area once if convinced the player is not working with the Absolute before he initiates combat.

Upon inspection of the skeleton in the coffin, Sarin's head has been removed. You may interact with the body to reattach Sarin's skull to her skeleton.

Sarin's Skull

Concentration Icons.png Spoiler warning! This section reveals details about the story of Baldur's Gate 3.

To solve Sarin's skeleton puzzle, find Sarin's Skull in a pouch in the Undercity Ruins X: -156 Y: 946 behind Voiceless Penitent Bareki.

Once the skull is picked up, a Headless Ghost will begin to follow the party while they remain in the sewers, and will disappear when the party leaves the area or the skull is sent to camp. Headless Ghost can not be interacted with and there is nothing to pickpocket.

Return to the skeleton in the Lower City Sewers to reattach her body to her skeleton. Sarin's ghost will bow and reward the player with Magic Amulet. If you do this in turn based mode, you can kill Sarin's ghost and obtain exp, but you will not receive the amulet and there is no available loot on the body.