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Gorion Mausoleum
Gorion Mausoleum is a location in the Lower City of Baldur's Gate in Act Three. It can be accessed through the Graveyard of the Lower City. The aboveground to the mausoleum is through a locked gate beneath the graveyard's willow tree.
A sarcophagus holds the remains of Lord Gregorian Gorion, First High Constable of Baldur's Gate. Gorion was known for his heroism, sage mind, and kind heart.
The hole west of the sarcophagus is used to access Durinbold Mausoleum, while the crumbling wall on the east end can be destroyed to access Hhune Mausoleum.
Here lies Lord Gregorion Gorion, First High Constable of Baldur's Gate, the city's protector.
Notable loot
Elixir of Heroism looted from Lord Gorion's sarcophagus
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