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Grey Harbour Docks

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Lower City
The Lodge
Steel Watch Foundry Grey Harbour Docks Flymm Cargo
Water Queen's House
Grey Harbour Docks is a Location within the Lower City in Act Three of Baldur's Gate 3.

Overview[edit | edit source]

This area consists of several docks and ships. There are several locations that are considered restricted throughout the Act Three, but still might be entered and explored. The major points of interest in the location are as described below (listed from the bottom-left corner, up and right, along the piers' line).

Locations[edit | edit source]

The map screen showing the Docks' layout

Lustrous Lass[edit | edit source]

The Lustrous Lass is a ship found at X: -193 Y: -233 with the dead crew on it and towed into the docks for investigation.

Passenger dock pier[edit | edit source]

The dock pier can be found at X: -208 Y: -188. Upon visiting the docks for the first time, the party can find here a citizen by the name of Dharin Brislen Dharin Brislen, arguing with Captain Sleam Captain Sleam over smuggling his family of four out of the city. Unfortunately, the family is short of money, being able to pay only for three places aboard. The party can help the family by convincing Captain Sleam to take them all or by paying her the sum the Brislens are lacking. Helping the family by any means gains approval from Gale Gale, Wyll Wyll, Karlach Karlach, Shadowheart Shadowheart and Halsin Halsin.

If having successfully resolved the conflict, after a long rest another group of characters can be encountered (Trader Djingo Trader Djingo and his clients). They can be spoken with, too, but these interactions bear no possible further interactions for the party.

Far end of the pier adjoins through a wooden stairs with the entrance to the Water Queen's House (X: -229 Y: -199).

Grey Harbour Docks Waypoint[edit | edit source]

Near it, at the pier, at X: -219 Y: -155, the party can find two sailors, brother and sister Gowlan Gowlan and Fleer Fleer. Talking to Gowlan advances the Avenge the Drowned Avenge the Drowned quest, providing the party with some information about circumstances of the death of Holli Dylford Holli Dylford.

Loading dock of the Steel Watch Foundry (secured)[edit | edit source]

The ship moored at this pier at X: -208 Y: -134 is guarded by two Steel Watcher Steel Watchers, patrolling the small footway back and forth. The entrance to the pier is marked by Flaming Fist "Restricted Area" triangle stands. However, if any party member manages to make their way onto the ship's deck, they can find a disguised container at the stern X: -203 Y: -124. To detect it, a DC 20 Investigation check must pe passed on two adjacent long wooden crates (but actually if the check is failed, a direct attempt to loot any of these takes the guise off). The crates come to be a single container of clearly illithid design, resembling a closed nursery (as shown in the intro cutscene of the game). It can be looted for 6 Mind Flayer Parasite Specimens, accompanied by the Cargo Shipment from Ketheric Thorm Ketheric Thorm. The container remains unclaimed throughout Act Three, hence the party might loot it freely after completing Disable the Steel Watch Disable the Steel Watch.

Stairs to the Steeps district[edit | edit source]

This is one of several possible points to approach the Docks for the first time. If the party come to the Docks for the first time down from Lady Jannath's Estate, approximately at X: -230 Y: -145 they are engaged in the dialogue with Volo Volo, Churg Elvek Churg Elvek and allies of the latter, who are preparing to execute the writer.

Smugglers' corner[edit | edit source]

This point of interest can be approached only by walking along the high stone-paved embankment due to part of dock pier is secured and guarded , as described above. In the end of embankment there is a ladder that leads down to the smugglers' boats. Near the ladder, approximately at X: -221 Y: -109, the automated dialogue with Huido Big Huido, the leader of the gang under the Guild protection, starts. Throughout the conversation, the player character may choose to convince Huido to surrender his cargo to them, or to fight the gang and loot the shipment afterwards, or simply walk away and let the smugglers be. Various ways to resolve the interaction might gain approval from several companions, depending on the player's decisions.

Perch under the balcony of the Lodge[edit | edit source]

Walking along it, any party member might succeed a DC 10 Perception check and detect a Loose Plank at X: -188 Y: -98, which conceals a bottle of wine and a Sailor's Key. The key opens a wooden chest nearby, however, both the stash and the chest are red-outlined, and looting them without any concealing means leads to unwanted attention of a group of Flaming Fist guards standing nearby. The chest contains a Trap Disarm Toolkit, a Thieves' Tools set, a Gold Ingot and minor amount of gold.

Fishermen pier[edit | edit source]

This is the footway forming the right bank of the docks. All containers here are red-outlined. However, at X: -179 Y: -101 between two interactable Drying Racks lies Pile of Rotten Fish (a unique type of Dirt Mound). It can be spotted as an active object by passing a DC 10 Perception check, but is available to loot even without it. Digging up the pile requires a DC 15 Strength check. Among the fish a Reeking Pouch is buried, containing a Map to Buried Treasure and a Key to Buried Treasure, along with some gold and random alchemic components. The map leads to X: 88 Y: -140, a piece of beach near Vonayn's Home and isolated from the rest of the dock. The chest must be dug up manually, as there is no Perception check or Survival check to find it.

Flymm Cargo[edit | edit source]

The Flymm Cargo building is a large warehouse with several entrances, all locked and restricted (red-outlined). However, getting in is crucial for accomplishing several quests, like Avenge the Drowned Avenge the Drowned, Retrieve Omeluum Retrieve Omeluum and some others. Two of the entrances are in the plain sight of the Flaming Fist patrol accompanied by a Steel Watcher, hence sneaking inside from the docks might turn out to be not a simple task.

Watchtower[edit | edit source]

This part of the dock piers is considered a restricted area, as it is directly connected to the Counting House docks to the east. Despite being locked, the tower itself promises little interest to the party, except two Smokepowder Barrels on its upper ground and an excellent view on the docks and on the Sea of Swords beyond the mouth of the river Chionthar. The pier can be reached from the deck of the Lustrous Lass or from the berth aroung the Flymm Cargo. However, the footway is constantly patrolled by two Steel Watchers and two of the Cashguards. Being spotted here results in an encounter with a Cashguard, which may end in teleporting to the entrance bridge of The Counting House or, in worse case scenario, lead to a fight.

Dock cranes[edit | edit source]

One of these is standing near the stairs to the Lower City on the left bank, and two more near the Flymm Cargo. All of these have Metal Crates clutched in their hooks. Despite being Sturdy Sturdy, the hooks can be easily destroyed, and the crates fall down. Inside some common items and / or food supplies can be found.

Waypoints[edit | edit source]

This location contains the following Waypoint Waypoint:

  • caption = Grey Harbour Docks Grey Harbour Docks X: -219 Y: -155

Related locations[edit | edit source]

Characters[edit | edit source]

External links[edit | edit source]