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Revision as of 18:24, 13 September 2023 by Chronofreak (talk | contribs) (Added two lists for quick reference: spells that require concentration and those that do not. If this should be formatted differently or moved to a different page, feel free to edit.)
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Template:Up to date Concentration is a special Resource used by certain Spells. A spell with the Concentration Concentration tag requires the caster to focus on that spell for its duration.

A caster may only maintain the effect of one Concentration Concentration spell at a time.

Losing Concentration

There are several ways to lose focus and drop the effects of a Concentration Concentration spell:

Concentration Saving Throw

Taking damage while concentrating on a spell forces you to make a Concentration Saving Throw (sometimes referred to as a 'Concentration Check'), a special type of Constitution Saving throw.

To determine Difficulty Class of this saving throw:

  • If halved of taken damage is equal to or less than 10, then DC: 10
  • If halved of taken damage is more than 10, then DC: Damage taken/2

If this saving throw succeeds, concentration is maintained. If it fails, concentration is lost and the spell's effect ends.

Concentration Spells

These Spells require Concentration Concentration to cast and maintain.


  • Cantrips are Spells that do not cost Spell Slots to cast.

Level 1 Spells

  • Ico knownSpells lvl 01.png Level 1 Spells are Spells that consume Level 1 Spell Slots when cast.

Level 2 Spells

  • Ico knownSpells lvl 02.png Level 2 Spells are Spells that consume Level 2 Spell Slots when cast.

Level 3 Spells

  • Ico knownSpells lvl 03.png Level 3 Spells are Spells that consume Level 3 Spell Slots when cast.

Level 4 Spells

  • Ico knownSpells lvl 04.png Level 4 Spells are Spells that consume Level 4 Spell Slots when cast.

Level 5 Spells

  • Ico knownSpells lvl 05.png Level 5 Spells are Spells that consume Level 5 Spell Slots when cast.

Level 6 Spells

  • Ico knownSpells lvl 06.png Level 6 Spells are Spells that consume Level 6 Spell Slots when cast.

Non-Concentration Spells

These Spells do not require Concentration Concentration to cast.


  • Cantrips are Spells that do not cost Spell Slots to cast.

Level 1 Spells

  • Ico knownSpells lvl 01.png Level 1 Spells are Spells that consume Level 1 Spell Slots when cast.

Level 2 Spells

  • Ico knownSpells lvl 02.png Level 2 Spells are Spells that consume Level 2 Spell Slots when cast.

Level 3 Spells

  • Ico knownSpells lvl 03.png Level 3 Spells are Spells that consume Level 3 Spell Slots when cast.

Level 4 Spells

  • Ico knownSpells lvl 04.png Level 4 Spells are Spells that consume Level 4 Spell Slots when cast.

Level 5 Spells

  • Ico knownSpells lvl 05.png Level 5 Spells are Spells that consume Level 5 Spell Slots when cast.

Level 6 Spells

  • Ico knownSpells lvl 06.png Level 6 Spells are Spells that consume Level 6 Spell Slots when cast.

Level 9 Spells

Special NPC Spells

Special Item Spells

  • These are special spells granted by equipping certain magic items.