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Act One/Approval
![]() | Spoiler warning: The following content contains unhidden spoilers for Act 1. | ![]() |
Overview | Approval |
This page contains known companion approval that can be gained or lost within Act one. The approval is organised by event or character, grouped by subregions which in turn are grouped by regions.
Meeting Shadowheart:
Ravaged Beach
Approaching Shadowheart:
Scroll of Revivify on Lae'zels soul echo if she died on the nautiloid:
- All right, we journey together. Let's find this crèche.
- Wait at my camp. We can speak there.
- Fine - we can try working together.
Attempting to recruit Shadowheart if Lae'zel is in the party:
DC 7 Intimidation check I'm far worse than her, but you need us both.
DC 10 Perception check I'm not worried about a traitor. I'm worried about these tadpoles.
DC 15 Deception check We'll just keep her in front as arrow fodder. How about that?
DC 12 Persuasion check Look around - do you really have any better prospects?
- Leave.
- Would you like me to craft you a stunning tale? Lock your memory in legend forever?
- Are there any rites you'd like performed over your body?
- Your body will attract scavengers. Should I bury you?
Meeting Astarion:
- Apology accepted. I might have done the same were the roles reversed.
- The Dark Urge Can't blame you - I was looking forward to seeing yours.
- You'd better have more to offer than 'apologies'.
Interacting with the scared boar:
DC 10 Animal Handling check Raise your palms to calm the boar.
- Calm down. I won't hurt you.
Roadside Cliffs
Interacting with the unstable ancient sigil:
- The Dark Urge Fantasise about hacking off the hand.
DC 7 Strength check Pull.
- Pass:
- Fail:
- The Dark Urge
DC 7 Strength check Pull again, as hard as you can.
- Karlach
DC 12 Strength check Take a deep breath. Stay calm and cool. When you're sure your flames won't hurt him, pull again.
DC 7 Strength check Muster your strength and yank harder.
- The Dark Urge
- Pass:
Approaching Damays and Nymessa discussing about the captured githyanki:
DC 10 Deception check This creature is dangerous. Get out of here - leave it to me!
DC 5 Persuasion check Shoot the trap down. We must kill it before it harms someone.
- The Dark Urge or
DC 5 Intimidation check If you value your life, walk away.
DC 10 Deception check Oh, gods! You've caught a scout; the gith invasion force is right behind me - save yourselves!
- Attack the tieflings.
Speaking with Lae'zel while she is still in the cage after dealing with Damays and Nymessa, tell her to say 'please'. +1
Speaking with Lae'zel after being freed from the cage, agree to travel together. +1
Overgrown Ruins
Chapel Entrance
Approaching Gimblebock and Taman directly:
- The Dark Urge
DC 5 Strength check I don't want to hurt you, but provoke me, and I'll keep stabbing long after you're dead.
- Astarion
DC 10 Intimidation check Just grin, baring your fangs.
DC 10 Persuasion check That ship is full of monsters. I wouldn't go near it.
DC 12 Deception check I think that ship's an invasion force. Run while you can!
DC 10 Intimidation check The only thing you own is your life. Leave before I take that, too.
DC 10 Intimidation check Not yours - mine. Leave. Now.
DC 10 Insight check Your loud words hide fear, confusion. Looting that ship will bring you no peace.
DC 10 Intimidation check Selfish cur - there might be survivors, yet you think only of loot. Leave before I make you leave.
- Take your best shot - you'll only get one.
- That ship's full of poisonous vapours. Probably demonic. I'd stay away.
- Nothing's yours but your life - and I can take that from you just as easily.
- Attack.
Dank Crypt
Reading the Book of Dead Gods:
Approaching Gimblebock and Taman when exiting from the chapel door:
DC 12 Deception check You have awoken me from my slumber - now I crave your blood!
DC 10 Intimidation check It's mine now. Leave, before things get ugly.
DC 10 Intimidation check Mine now. Leave.
DC 10 Detect Thoughts check Read the gnome's mind.(Leave, before I gut you like I gutted Mari and Barton.
- Attack.
Emerald Grove
Approaching Zevlor and Aradin Beno during their argument:
- Where there's one goblin, there's ten. I'm leaving before the hoard shows up.
- Druid? Those goblins didn't take any prisoners.
- You can cough up the payment any time now.
- Stop squealing like hatchlings or settle this matter in blood.
- I've seen bloodier battles than this. Consider yourselves lucky.
DC 7 Insight check (passive)
- Pass: *The human's eyes twitches. He's about to blow.*
DC 17 Melee Attack check Take a swing at the tiefling.
DC 16 Melee Attack check Aim a blow at the human.
DC 15 Persuasion check More violence won't bring back those you lost. Stop and think.
+1 (If Gale is not in the party
DC 10 Intimidation check If you want me to take both of you down, I will. Otherwise, knock it off.
- Stand back and watch.
- Pass: *The human's eyes twitches. He's about to blow.*
- One fight just ended, and now you're picking another? Relax.
DC 7 Insight check (passive)
- Pass: *You see the tiefling's jaw clench. He's about to erupt.*
DC 5 Intimidation check
DC 17 Melee Attack check Take a swing at the tiefling.
DC 15 Strength check Aim a blow at the human, trying to knock him flat on his back.
DC 15 Persuasion check More violence won't bring back those you lost. Stop and think.
+1 (If Gale is not in the party
- "He's human - malice comes as naturally as breathing. Just show him you're the better man."
+8 (If Gale is not in the party
- Pass: *You see the tiefling's jaw clench. He's about to erupt.*
DC 7 Insight check (passive)
- Fail (Both scenarios):
DC 15 Persuasion check More violence won't bring back those you lost. Stop and think.
DC 10 Intimidation check If you want me to take both of you down, I will. Otherwise, knock it off.
- Stand back and watch.
- Fail (Both scenarios):
Speaking with Zevlor after the argument:
- I'll see what I can do.
- I'll find her. And I'll speak to Kagha while I'm there.
- The Dark Urge I want to try and help. I'll do what I can.
- I'm sorry. I've got my own problems.
- Enough about the ritual. I have my own problems.
- The Dark Urge My head's a wreck. I've got too much else to deal with right now.
Interacting with Timber:
DC 10 Dexterity check Kick the squirrel.
- The Dark Urge It came right at me!
- The Dark Urge My instincts are sharp, daggered things. Stay out of their way.
Speaking with Elegis:
- You're scared of a few goblins? Pathetic.
- If a few goblins scare you, you don't deserve to survive.
- Best get to digging your own graves then.
Speaking with Nadira:
DC 5 Deception check
Advantage You got me. Hand the coin and I'll be on my way.
DC 5 Persuasion check A mind flayer abducted me, and it's ship went straight to Avernus.
DC 10 Intimidation check
Advantage No, I don't. But that coin of yours is mine.
DC 5 Intimidation check How about this? You give me the coin. Now.
DC 5 Intimidation check
Advantage The coin, now. Or you can be alone in your grave.
The Hollow
Speaking with Arron:
- Seems like most are tieflings. They'll be fine. They have devilish powers.(Tieflings are not given this choice)
Speaking with Rolan, Lia, and Cal:
- Say they should leave.
DC 10 Persuasion check or class options to convince them to stay.
Meeting Wyll while he is training Umi:
Speaking with Asharak and children:
Speaking with Guex:
- Offering to give advice: Use any of the class-specific options or succeed on
DC 12 Athletics check,
DC 10 Insight check, or
DC 10 Intelligence check.
Talking to Zorru:
- Talk to him while Lae'zel is in the party.
- After the conversation:
Talking to Rolan after convincing him to stay in the Grove earlier:
Talking to Auntie Ethel:
- Defend Meli from Barth over stealing the locket.
- Choose to not get involved.
- Tell Meli to hand over the locket and when he says he doesn't have it, tell him he's on his own.
- If you get his locket back from Meli, have Barth pay you for handing over the locket.
- If Arabella has died, "Better do what he says, boy. There's already one thief to bury today."
Talking to Lakrissa:
Talking to Mattis (and Silfy):
Talking to Pandirna:
- Offer to heal her.
- Offer to heal her for a price.
- Offer to heal her for a price, but pocket the money and leave.
- or
DC 10 Intimidation check Tell her to hush or you will snap her neck
Makeshift Prison
- Let her shoot Sazza
- Stand between Arka and Sazza.
+8 (works also if Gale has been recruited but is not an active member of your party)
- Tell Arka to seek vengeance and spill some goblin blood over Kanon's death.
Talking to Sazza after saving her from Arka:
- Tell her that you will free her from her cage.
- Free her from her cage and tell her to follow you.
Talking to Aradin:
Secluded Chamber
Talking to Zevlor:
- Agree to help convince Kagha after refusing or ignoring him the first time.
- Agree to kill the goblin horde's leaders without requiring compensation.
- Refuse to kill the goblin horde's leaders.
After fighting the Shadow Druids:
At the end of Defeat the Goblins:
- Talk to Zevlor after defeating the goblin leaders.
Underground Passage
Talking to Findal
Tiefling Hideout
Talking to Mol for the first time:
Talking to Mol after stealing the Idol of Silvanus
Talking to Mirkon after you save him:
Sacred Pool
Talking to Arabella's parents Locke and Komira:
- Tell them that you'll speak to the druids.
- Tell them that it's their fault and they should have tried parenting her.
- If Arabella has died, lie that Kagha will release her soon.
Talking to Topaz:
- Say its nest is dull.
+1 (Hidden)
Animal Handling check Kick the bird.
Talking to squirrels near Alfira:
Talking to Alfira:
- Play along with Alfira or help her to finish her song.
- Take her lute out of her hands and smash it.
- Tell her she should give up on her song.
- Steal Alfira's extra lute.
After stealing the Idol of Silvanus, if confronted by Druids:
Inner Sanctum
Talking to Kagha while she's holding Arabella:
- Save Arabella by persuading Kagha.
DC 12 Nature check "Don't druids cherish harmony? Jailing the girl disrupts nature's balance."
DC 12 Persuasion check "Release her. I'll see that she stays out of trouble."
DC 15 Persuasion check "A seed nobly sown renders the sweetest fruit. Be noble - set her free"
DC 15 Persuasion check "Silvanus was more concerned with 'nobly sown seeds' than punishing children, was He not?"
- Save Arabella by other conversation routes:
- By speaking to the viper with during the conversation.
DC 10 persuasion check "You act rashly - as a cornered viper would. Free the child or more tieflings will interrupt you."
- Save Arabella by failing the first persuasion attempt but succeed on a secondary
DC 15 Intimidation check.
Talking to Kagha after Arabella is gone:
- Say that you would have killed Arabella outright.
- Say you just wanted to see what would happen.
- Say that it was quite a show.
- "You killed a child in cold blood."
- "Only a monster would threaten a child."
- "You're protecting your own."
- Say you don't threaten/kill children.
- Attack her.
Talking to Rath after Arabella is gone:
Confronting Kagha after Shadow Druid questline:
Talking to Silver:
Talking to Nettie's bird:
Talking to Nettie:
Secluded Cove
Finding Mirkon:
- Pick his pockets while he is charmed by the harpies.
- Save him.
- After saving him, tell him to "Stop snivelling or they'll be back."
Raid the Emerald Grove
Talking to Zevlor (or Asharak):
- Confirm you're turning on the Grove.
- Tell Mirkon you are not here to save them.
- If you start attacking the tieflings before Minthara arrives, betray her while speaking to her.
- Betray the Grove after blowing the horn.
- Convince Memnos to join the fight against the goblins.
- Refuse to open the gate for Minthara.
- Attack the tieflings.
During Encounter with Brynna and Andrick:
- Tell them to find the Owlbear and avenge their brother.
- Tell them you're a survivor of the crash.
- Tell them to forget the owlbear and go away.
- After sending them off express distrust towards the power the parasite grants.
- Crush the tadpole leaving True Soul Edowin. [Needs Verification]
While talking to Aradin on the bridge:
- Say you don't waste your time with devil spawn
- of Mystra Say a prayer over the corpses.
- of Shar Say a prayer over the corpses.
- of Selûne Say a prayer over the corpses.
- of Helm, Ilmater, Oghma, Tempus, or Tyr Say a prayer over the corpses.
- of Bhaal, Bane, or Myrkul Say a prayer over the corpses.
Talking to Scratch near Gomwick's body:
- Tell him to follow your scent to the camp.
- Start shouting at Gomwick to prove he is dead.
Owlbear Nest
Altar to Selûne:
- Agree with Shadowheart to not loot the Selûnite chest.
- Loot the chest and fail the
Sleight of Hand check after promising not to loot it.
- Loot the chest and fail the
- Fail to convince Shadowheart to loot the Selunite chest.
Owlbear and Owlbear Cub encounter:
- Convince the Owlbear to let you go without fighting.
- 'Attack' or Anger the Owlbear.
- Kill the Owlbear, but spare its cub.
- Kill the cub.
Blighted Village
Entering through the East Gate:
- Convince the goblin booyang to let you in.
- Intimidate the goblin booyang to let you in.
Persuasion, or Performance check Convince the goblins to be allowed inside.
Entering through the South Gate:
DC 20 Persuasion check "It's a fine day, my friend. Why spoil it with killing?"
DC 15 Intimidation check "Nice town. I'll wipe my feet on your corpse before entering."
Encounter with Fezzerk and Barcus:
- Convince Fezzerk to leave peacefully.
- Pay Fezzerk a lot of gold to let you pass.
- Attack the goblins.
If Barcus was saved:
Talking to Lump the Enlightened and the Ogres:
Interacting with Buthir and Grukkoh in the barn east of the village:
- Interrupt the them in the barn.
- Let Astarion interrupt them.
Apothecary's Cellar
Talking to the Ornate Mirror:
Intimidation check Make it let you pass
Finding the Necromancy of Thay:
- Read the tome.
- Give the tome to Astarion.
- Give the tome to Gale.
- Drop and prepare to destroy the tome.
The Risen Road
- Looks like you found your mark, Wyll. Let's send your devil back to the Hells.
- Gods, you're stubborn. Karlach's not a devil, and you know it.
- You saw her thoughts. She poses no danger to the Sword Coast.
- You're right. Cut her down before she causes trouble.
When dealing with the dying hyena:
- Good/Neutral or a non- Successfully bless the dying hyena.
- Mercy-kill the dying hyena.
- "Destroy the abomination."
Toll House
Talking to Cyrel:
Talking to Anders without recruiting Karlach:
Talking to Anders after recruiting Karlach:
DC 11 Intelligence check Discover he plans to kill Karlach (on Success), then "You don't fear Karlach; you want to kill her on Zariel's behalf.".
Talking to Karlach after killing Anders and his companions:
Encounter with Flind the Gnoll warlord:
DC 2 Illithid Persuasion check Order Flind to attack the survivors in the cave instead of you.
DC 2 Illithid Persuasion check Order Flind to feast on other Gnolls.
After the other gnolls/hyenas are killed:
DC 10 Wisdom check, then
DC 15 Wisdom check Order Flind to kill herself.
- Save Rugan, then
DC 15 Persuasion check convince him to sell his employer's wares.
Waukeen's Rest
Meeting Counsellor Florrick:
- "I'll rescue Duke Ravengard. You have my word."
- "You'll have to find somebody else for the job."
Encountering Benryn in the the burning building.
on Mirileth, retrieve the Dowry Ring, and then:
Talking to the Zhent, who guards the hatch to the Zhentarim Basement.
Intimidation check Intimidate the guard.
Zhentarim Basement
Encounter at the Gate:
Intimidation, or Persuasion check Convince the Zhentharim to turn off the traps. [Needs Verification]
When dealing with Brem and Oskar:
- Free the artist.
- Buy Oskar from Brem
DC 20 Intimidation, or Persuasion check Convince Brem to give you a discount or Oskar for free.
- Give Oskar an extra 200 gold after freeing him.
- Tell Oskar he is your slave now and that you're not joking.
- Buy Oskar from Brem
Talking to Zarys:
- Tell Zarys you're here to help find the missing shipment.
Persuasion check Tell Zarys you're just here to trade.
Intimidation check Tell Zarys you, "Go where you please."
- Kill Rugan when Zarys asks you to do so.
- Refuse to kill Rugan when Zarys tells you to.
Mountain Pass
Encounter with Ellyka:
Encounter with Voss and the patrol:
- Let Lae'zel speak.
- Speak with the patrol instead of letting Lae'zel speak.
- When the artifact comes up:
DC 10 Persuasion check Mouth a silent command to Lae'zel: 'play along."
- Produce the odd artefact. "You're looking for this, I take it?"
- Pass the
DC 12 Deception check.
Talk to Lae'zel after meeting the patrol:
Sunlit Wetlands
Encounter with Ethel, Johl and Demir:
- Tell the brothers, "Lower your weapons, I know this lady." or "I won't let you hurt Auntie Ethel."
- Tell the brothers, "This is nothing to do with me. Goodbye." or "I'm not getting involved."
- Ask Ethel what she did with Mayrina.
After Ethel leaves:
- "Trust a more experienced soul."
- "You're on your own. I have enough problems."
- "Let me - I'll bring Mayrina home."
When entering the Sunlit Wetlands:
- Pass the
DC 20 Investigation check to break the illusion.
Speaking with the redcaps:
Talking to Gandrel:
- Let Astarion kill Gandrel
- Don't let Astarion kill Gandrel.
- Reveal Astarions identity to Gandrel.
Interacting with the well outside the teahouse:
Riverside Teahouse
Talking to Ethel inside:
- Disagree with Ethel and tell her you believe Mayrina is in trouble.
- Tell Mayrina that Ethel killed Demir and Johl. (Must find them in the swamp)
- Let Ethel have your eye to 'cure' the parasite.
After saving Mayrina from Ethel:
- Reject her reward for saving her. (Must not pickpocket the locket beforehand.)
- Accept her reward.
- Find the wand.
- Keep the wand.
- Give her the wand.
- Attack her husband.
- Tell Astarion that it was funny.
- Tell Astarion that it was funny.
- Keep the wand.
Overgrown Tunnel
Talking to Lorin:
Talking to Gnarled Door:
- Ask for another way in, then
DC 10 Intimidation check to "Open up."
When Ethel surrenders:
- Tell her to let Mayrina go.
- Accept the deal to let her go for the power.
DC 20 Intimidation, or Deception check Convince Ethel to give you the reward and leave Mayrina behind.
- Reject the deal to get her hair.
Goblin Camp
Forest Road Checkpoint
Stopped at checkpoint:
- Deceive the goblins, say 'you can't be serious', then fling poo at them.(This will start a fight with the guards.)
- Tap once on the War Drum at the front gate.
Performance check Play a rhythm on the War Drum at the front gate.[Needs Verification]
Watching Volo's performance:
Talking to Grikka:
- "Save me a piece."
- Tell her that you will "get answers for them" when discussing their prisoners.
Talking to Krolla:
- Agree to play Chicken Chase:
- Take Shadowheart to the Chicken Chase and tell her not to be hasty.
- Take Shadowheart to the Chicken Chase and tell her not to be hasty.
- During the Chicken Chase with a Dishevelled Chicken:
DC 20 Persuasion check Urge her to attack them.
- "Oh shut up and play."
- "I'll help. Just run through the posts, and you'll be free."
- During the Chicken Chase with the Owlbear Cub:
DC 15 Persuasion check Tell the cub to run to the goal posts.
DC 15 Persuasion check Tell the cub to attack the goblins.
- After playing Chicken Chase:
- When talking to the cub at the finish line, offer for the cub to join you at camp.
DC 2 Illithid Persuasion check Make Krolla pay you if you win.
- When talking to the cub at the finish line, offer for the cub to join you at camp.
Talking to Klagga:
DC 10 Persuasion check,
DC 5 Deception check, or Convince him to give you the Dwarf's Poem.
DC 9 Intelligence check "Ah, you're a secret poetry-lover. How cute."
Talking to Crusher:
DC 15 Intimidation check "How about you kiss my feet instead?"
DC 15 Intimidation check "You better kiss my foot. Now."
Illithid Persuasion check "You will obey me. Kneel."
DC 9 Intelligence check Scan his mind and then blackmail him to kiss your foot.
- Kiss his foot and get it over with.
- Give his foot a long lick.
DC 10 Sleight of Hand check Kiss his foot - and try to slide the ring off his toe.
- Keep insulting Crusher until he attacks.
Talking to Piddle:
- Convince him to give you the book he's reading without using
Illithid Persuasion check.
Shattered Sanctum
Talking to the torturers:
- Tell Torturer Spike to let you show him how it's done.
After the torturer and guard leave, talk to the prisoner:
- Tell the prisoner to keep trying, he'll figure out how to escape on his own.
- Tell the prisoner you'll leave him to rot.
Talking to Abdirak:
Talking to Priestess Gut:
In the Throne room:
- Tell Gut you're here to spill her guts on the floor.
- Allow Gut to brand you. (Dark Urge option avoids disapproval.)
In Gut's Chambers:
- "Change of plan. I'm going to kill you."
- Tell Priestess Gut you are ready to clear your head. (Approval can apply twice if you agree with the companions in the room, and then agree again when they have left.)
Talking to Larger Giant Spider and Smaller Giant Spider in the spider pit:
DC 10 Persuasion check Convince the spiders to attack the goblins instead of you.
Talking to Roah Moonglow:
- Tell her that you killed her friends in the Zhentarim Hideout.
Talking to Ragzlin:
- Move in for the kill or attack the hobgoblin.
- Don't talk back when he orders you to report to Minthara.
Talking to Minthara:
- Agree to raid the Grove with Minthara.
- Tell her that the prisoner escaped and pass a check to withhold the grove's location.
- Tell her the prisoner already told you everything, then
DC 5 Deception check point to a different location on the map.
- Suggest visiting the prisoner yourself.
- Attack Minthara.
- If Sazza was freed:
Talking to Dror Ragzlin:
- Ask the mind flayer, "Who killed you?"
- After questioning the mind flayer, "Consider it done."
- Attack.
Talking to Brakkal in his cage:
Worg Pens
Encounter with imprisoned bear:
- When the goblin children throw rocks at jailed Halsin, tell them to use sharper stones, to keep at it, or throw a rock yourself.
- Attack the goblins.
Talking with Halsin after the fight:
- Agree to help Halsin kill the goblin leaders.
- Turn down his request to help him save the grove in favour of saving yourself first.
- "I'll deal with this. You get to safety."
Rosymorn Monastery Trail
Lady Esther's Camp
Talking to Lady Esther:
- Agree with Lae'zel and attack Esther for trying to Steal a Githyanki Egg.
Crèche Y'llek
Entering through the front:
- Let Lae'zel speak for the group when you enter the Crèche and are questioned by Gish Far'aag.
- Show Far'aag the Mysterious Artefact to gain entry into the Crèche.
Portrait of Vlaakith:
Talking to Ghustil Stornugoss
Using the Zaith'isk:
- Approach the Zaith'isk.
- Let Lae'zel use the Zaith'isk.
- Succeed a
DC 30 Persuasion check or
DC 30 Wisdom check to have her get out of it before it harms her.
- Succeed a
DC 21 Wisdom check or
DC 30 Deception check followed by a
DC 21 Persuasion check to have her get out of it during the second phase. Will permanently lower Lae'zel's INT by 2.
- Succeed a
DC 30 Wisdom check,
DC 30 Arcana check, or
DC 21 Constitution check followed by a
DC 21 Persuasion check to have her get out of it during the third phase Will permanently lower Lae'zel's INT and WIS by 2.
- Encourage her to endure the procedure. Can be done twice.
+1 Will permanently lower Lae'zel's CON, WIS and INT by 2
- Succeed a
- Demand to use the Zaith'isk first, reminding her that she would not be here without your guidance.
- "Will it hurt me?"
- DC 12
Intelligence saving throw Follow the doctor's instructions. Seek the tadpole.
- DC 15
Wisdom saving throw Stay calm. Guide the device closer.
- Succeed on DC 18
Constitution saving throw, DC 18
Intelligence saving throw, or DC 18
Charisma saving throw.
- "Will it hurt me?"
Talking to Sa'varsh and Varrl:
DC 21 Persuasion check Convince Sa'varsh to spare Varrl.
- Tell Sa'varsh that he should kill Varrl himself.
- Offer to fight Varrl to the death
- Wait and watch Varrl be killed by a classmate, then praise them for killing him.[Needs Verification]
Talking to Varrl if he is alive and conscious:
- "Compassion? Kindness? I did it for the gold. Now pay up."
- If you found the first chapter in the Arcane Tower, talk about the story of Orpheus.
- Convince Varrl to give you his slate on Orpheus.
- Ask Lae'zel about the slate.
Talking to Varsh:
- When convincing him to give you the Githyanki egg:
Interacting with the Egg:
Captain's Quarters
Talking to Therezzyn:
- Give Therezzyn the Mysterious Artefact.
- Refuse to give her the artifact.
Approval is only given if you bring up the artifact, not Therezzyn.
Inquisitor's Chamber
Talking to Inquisitor Ch'r'ai:
- "How do you know so much about me?"
- "What do I get in return if I give it to you?"
- Bargain with him over the Mysterious Artefact.
- Produce the artefact.
- Refuse to hand over the artefact, then
DC 21 Persuasion check to convince Lae'zel to stand by your side.
Talking to Vlaakith:
- Kneel to her.
- Wave at her or remain standing.
- Accept her demands to enter the Mysterious Artefact.
- Refuse her demands to enter the Mysterious Artefact.
Talking to Lae'zel after returning from the Astral Plane:
- "All this, and you still stand by Vlaakith? You're as dull as you are stupid."
- "An impressive show of faith. Will it be enough for your queen?"
Astral Plane
After meeting the Dream Visitor:
- Open your mind, let Lae'zel into your memories.
DC 12 Wisdom check Close your mind to Lae'zel.
DC 12 Persuasion check "The Inquisitor is going to kill you, Lae'zel. Is that proof enough of my honour?"
Approaching the Bibberbang field and speaking to Baelen Bonecloak:
- Agree to help him in the field of Bibberbang mushrooms.
- Leave him to figure it out.
- Ask for compensation before throwing him a Misty Step scroll to escape.
Dread Hollow
Interacting with the grave overlooking the Arcane Tower:
Ebonlake Grotto
Speaking to the Restless Myconid at the eastern or western gate:
Talking to Derryth Bonecloak:
- Offer to look for Derryth's husband.
- Give her the noblestalk.
- Demand a reward in exchange for the noblestalk, then take the reward and keep the noblestalk.
Talking to Thulla:
- Give her an antidote.
- Steal her boots.
Talking to Spaw:
- Tell Spaw the truth about the parasite
- Agree to deal with the Duergar nearby.
- Tell him you killed Glut after he tried to usurp him.
Talking to Glut after killing the duergar:
- Tell Glut you will kill Spaw for him
- Tell Glut "I'll have no part of this" or "If you're so eager for blood..." option when asked to eliminate Spaw.
Talking to Omeluum:
Decrepit Village
Talking to Gekh Coal:
- Attack him at the beginning of the conversation.
- Tell him you will help him.
- After finishing the conversation, start a new conversation and immediately attack him.
The Festering Cove
Meeting BOOOAL, after revealing him:
- "I'll just kill you and claim it for myself."
- [To priest] "Well? Bow before BOOOAL's Chosen!"
- "I won't let you enslave them any longer."
When boarded by Greymon's patrol while heading to Grymforge:
Arriving at Grymforge and meeting Morghal and Orgarth:
- Tell Morghal and Orgath that them keeping slaves is not a problem for you.
- Tell Morghal you've got no use for slavers.
- Attack Morghal and Orgath after finding out they use slaves.
Talking to Magmar, Pistle and Skickpit:
- "Enslaving the meek? I see you live up to your cruel reputation."
- Tell Magmar that they're squandering the slave.
- "You disgust me, slaver. How do you live with yourself?"
- After interacting with the gate, talking about traveling to Moonrise Towers, choose "Moonrise Tower holds the answers we need"
- If Nere hasn't been rescued, agree that getting the Moonlantern from him is essential.
- Suggest that Nere is a distraction and to press on.
- If Nere hasn't been rescued, agree that getting the Moonlantern from him is essential.
Talking to Skickpit:
DC 5 Persuasion check "Last chance. You want me to kill your slavers or not?"
- After poisoning/killing Magmar, tell him to take the elevator to the surface.
- After poisoning/killing Magmar, tell him to hide.
Interacting with the dead deep gnomes:
Talking to Lunkbug
- Agree to help Lunkbug find Philomeen.
- "Excellent. I can add Philomeen's head to my collection."
Talking to Brithvar:
- Instigate a fight against him by either taunting him to take your gold or by suggesting involving Thrinn in the conspiracy against Nere.
- After fighting Nere:
Interacting with remains of Dark Justiciars:
Talking to Deep Rothé with Skarjall:
After finding the Idol of Shar:
After rescuing True Soul Nere:
- "Stop! No more innocents will die today, Nere."
- Tell him to finish the slaves or choose to say nothing.
- Side with Nere.
- Side with Brithvar and the rebels.
Talk to Barcus Wroot if he was rescued in the Blighted Village:
Party events
Meeting Raphael
- "I'll do anything to get rid of the tadpole."
- "I need to think this over."
- "You're mad if you think I'll make a deal with a devil."
- "Then fix it - or die by my hand."
After meeting Raphael
Talking to Astarion:
- Tell him that you are not the devil's plaything in regards to the devil's offer
- Tell him "You might not be able to outfox him, but I will."
- Warlock Say that he's "Only a cambion" and that you can handle him.
Talking to Gale:
Talking to Shadowheart:
- Tell her you trust the devil
- Tell her you would never trust him.
- "You're mad if you think I'll make a deal with a devil."
Talking to Lae'zel:
Talking to Wyll:
After using your illithid powers
- Use on Wyll while trying to learn about his eye.
- Use on Goblins in Blighted Village or Goblin Camp.
- Use on Brynna in the forest.
- "Such powers of manipulation could be useful."
- "If this power comes from these parasites, it can't be trusted."
After summoning Lump the Enlightened
- Tell Lump that your deal is done and let him have one lick.
Talking to Astarion
After finding out he's a vampire:
While speaking about Cazador:
- Tell him that you'll watch his back or that you'll keep each other safe.
- During the first conversation about Cazador, tell him he's on his own.
When speaking to him after reviving him if he died from the Blood of Lathander blast:
- "I brought you back, didn't I?"
- "I thought the mind flayer parasite protects you from light?"
- "I think I preferred you as a pile of ash."
Talking to Gale
Tell me a bit more about yourself:
When he reaches approval of 20, he will want to talk:
- Say you're gratified to hear he trusts you.
- Say enough with the flattery.
- "I'd be happy to help."
- "Sounds like no 'condition' I've ever heard of. I'd say you're fishing for loot."
- Use the tadpole's power to delve into Gale's mind for information and fail or confess you did.
Keeping Gale stable:
- Sacrifice a magic item to keep him stable.
- Tell him you're happy to help him find magic items to consume.
- If you do not give Gale enough magical artefacts and he tells the player they no longer need to give him any (because he's made a deal with Raphael), use the tadpole's powers to find out why.
When Gale offers help you experience the Weave:
When experiencing the Weave with Gale, and given a choice of what to imagine:
- Picture kissing him.
+10 starts romance
- Picture taking a romantic walk with him.
+5 starts romance
- Picture sharing a meal and friendship.
- Picture kicking him in the gut.
- Picture his head on a spike.
- When he tells you to "picture the concept of harmony", tell him that it's too abstract for your tastes.
When Gale says that Mystra "is all creation":
- Tell him you agree and that "there's no greater deity."
- of Mystra "No other god comes close to her divinity."
- When Gale says that Mystra "is all creation", tell him he's deluded.(Not available for sorcerers.)
- Tell him he is among friends when he says he has something to tell you.
- When you find Gale conjuring an image of Mystra, pass an
Insight check and say, "There's more to it than that."
- When Gale asks if the Weave feels the same way to you as it does to him, tell him you, "practise magic, not melodrama."
Talking to Shadowheart
When saying you should get to know each other better:
- "If that's what you prefer, I can respect that".
- "If you're not comfortable, I won't press you".
Confronting her about hiding information:
DC 18 Persuasion check,
DC 15 Intimidation check, or
DC 15 Intimidation check
- "I don't care who you worship. We have bigger problems."
- "It sounds evil."
- "I won't cast judgement on your beliefs." or "I'd be lying if I said it didn't sound convincing. You should tell me more some time."
- "I can't trust you. Best if we travel separately for now."(Shadowheart permanently leaves the party.)
- "I don't care who you worship. We have bigger problems."
When discussing her wound:
When discussing her faith:
DC 5 Persuasion check "I have no problems with Shar worshippers, if that's what concerns you."
DC 10 Persuasion check "You should trust me. We're in the same boat, after all."
- After asking more about Shar after successful persuasion:
When she talks about Night Orchids:
After finding the Noblestalk in the Underdark:
DC 12 Persuasion, or Intimidation check Convince her to eat the Noblestalk.
Talking about the tadpoles:
Persuasion check Convince her to explore the illithid powers.
Talking to Lae'zel
- "Do you know what happens if we don't find a cure?"
- Ask her if she's sure the Creche is the only way for a cure.
Romance Spoilers This section reveals details about romance and may contain mature themes.
Talking to Wyll
Speaking about Karlach after encountering her:
Ask him how he came to be the Blade of Frontiers +5
- Tell him that he must have been proud of saving a little boy from goblins.
- Be dismissive of him saving a little boy from goblins.
Ask if he lost his eye in battle.
- Tell Wyll you should rescue Duke Ravengard.
- When asking what it's like being the duke's son, say "Good wine? I'll toast to that."
- When discussing the tadpole and its lack of side-effects, choose any option besides the poison mushroom one.
- Ask him if he's worried about his father's abduction.
- When discussing the tadpole and its lack of side-effects, choose tell him you could probably dig up some poison mushrooms.
- After it is revealed he is Duke Ravengard's son, tell him you don't care about his lineage.
- Tell Lae'zel that "No one is dying tonight. We still have time."
Talking to Karlach
- Agree to use a Soul Coin on her to power up in combat.
- After the first upgrade of her heart tell her you still can't touch her and then "Of course I do."
+10 [Needs Verification]
Talking to Scratch
Talking to the Owlbear Cub
- Feed the cub when it first arrives at the Camp (requires food in inventory).
- Attack the cub when it first arrives at the Camp.
- Successfully heal the cub when it appears at Camp the second time.
- Yell at the cub when it appears at Camp the second time.
- Attack the cub when it arrives at Camp the second time.
- Pet the cub when it stays at the Camp.
Talking to Volo
Long rest events
Before crossing bridge or speaking to Zevlor:
Recommended order due to trigger issues: Lae'zel -> Astarion -> Gale -> Shadowheart
Speaking at the bonfire:
Gale is speaking to his Mirror Image and discusses with you the lack of ceremorphosis symptoms. No relationship change with Gale, however, speaking to others yields:
- Wyll:
- Astarion:
When she says to be careful with Lae'zel, say she's the one who has you concerned. -1
"You strike me as the reliable sort, but are you sure this is a good idea?":
- "Agreed. Our top priority, as far as I'm concerned."
- "This is unfamiliar territory. Rushing will only land us in more trouble than we can handle."
- "Don't question me."
*Available if any choice but "Don't question me." is selected.
First night:
- If you spoke to Gale or Lae'zel first:
- "Agreed. The sooner we find someone to help us, the better".
- "Let's not abandon all caution".
Shadowheart's hand flares up at night:
- Turn a blind eye and leave.
DC 18 Persuasion check
Disadvantage "Don't be sorry - just tell me what you're hiding."
DC 18 Wisdom check Use your shared connection. Enter her thoughts.
- Pass:
- "I don't care who you worship. We have bigger problems."
- "It sounds evil."
- "I won't cast judgement on your beliefs." or "I'd be lying if I said it didn't sound convincing. You should tell me more some time."
- "I can't trust you. Best if we travel separately for now."(Shadowheart permanently leaves the party.)
First night:
- Pick any option to Wyll's question about a noise worse than a banshee scream.
Mizora appears after sparing or killing Karlach:
- Threaten to kill Mizora.
- Tell Mizora not to lay a finger on Karlach.
- Flirt with Mizora.
- Ask Mizora if she will leave if you turn on Karlach.
Pact Dialogue
First night:
- Tell him you'll feel safer knowing he's keeping watch.
- Tell him you're not ready to turn your back on a stranger.
Catch Astarion trying to drink your blood:
- I do. I believe you.
- Attack him with a stake.(Astarion dies or leaves the party.)
- Tell him to leave the group. (Astarion leaves the party.)
- "Fine. But not a drop more than you need."
- "All right, but go too far and I'll drive a stake through your chest."
The next morning:
- If Astarion remains in the group:
- If Astarion leaves or is killed:
Talk about how you will feed him going forward:
- Agree with Astarion that him feeding on your enemies sounds good.
- Forbid him to drink blood from other people.
Lae'zel tries to kill you, believing you will turn soon:
After first visitor dream:
- Agree with Lae'zel that you should ignore the dream figure.
- Insist to Lae'zel you should continue using the illithid powers.
After second visitor dream: [Needs Verification]
- Insist to Shadowheart you should continue using the illithid powers.
- Tell Lae'zel you distrust the visitor too.
After Shadowheart and Lae'zel argue about the Artifact:
- Do nothing, (Lae'zel permanently dies) then afterwards tell her "It was always an uneasy pairing." or "I'm going to trust you had your reasons."
After fully advancing Discover the Artefact's Secrets at Crèche Y'llek:
- Encourage Lae'zel to listen to Voss or say you have her back.
- Encourage Lae'zel to kill Voss when he visits the camp.
Tiefling celebration
Talking to Karlach:
Romance Spoilers This section reveals details about romance and may contain mature themes.
Talking to Astarion:
Romance Spoilers This section reveals details about romance and may contain mature themes.
Talking to Barcus:
- At camp, promise Barcus that you will find his friend Wulbren at Moonrise Towers.
After the celebration, talking to Halsin:
- "I never thought I'd say this, but it sounds like the Underdark is the safer route."
+1(Does not need to be in active party)
Origin Exclusives
Playing as Astarion
At any time:
Getting caught as a vampire:
- Successfully explain why you didn't reveal your vampirism.
- Fail to explain why you didn't reveal your vampirism.
- Tell her secrets keep you safe.
- Swear that you are not a vampire after being caught biting.
Playing as The Dark Urge
Spoiler warning! This section reveals interactions with The Dark Urge.