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override page:
None (5) 路
Aberration, Human (former) (1) 路
Cloaker (1) 路
Construct (1) 路
Copper dragonborn (1) 路
Doppelganger (2) 路
Dragonborn (3) 路
Drow (4) 路
Dwarf (23) 路
Elf (14) 路
Ghost (1) 路
Ghost, Elf (former) (1) 路
Giant Eagle (1) 路
Githyanki (17) 路
Gnoll (1) 路
Gnome (24) 路
Gold Dwarf (5) 路
Half-Elf (9) 路
Half-orc (8) 路
Half-Orc or Gold Dwarf or Tiefling (1) 路
Halfling (7) 路
Hobgoblin (1) 路
Human (101) 路
Imp (2) 路
Kuo-toa (1) 路
Mummy (3) 路
Shadar-Kai (1) 路
Tiefling (5) 路
Undead Human (1) 路
Vampire spawn (16) 路
Werewolf (6)
None (221) 路
Battle Master (5) 路
Battlemaster (2) 路
Beast Master (2) 路
Berserker (2) 路
Champion (1) 路
Circle of the Moon (1) 路
Conjuration School (6) 路
Draconic Bloodline (1) 路
Evocation School (6) 路
Hunter (1) 路
Life Domain (1) 路
Necromancy School (2) 路
Tempest Domain (1) 路
War Domain (1) 路
Way of Shadow (1) 路
Way of the Four Elements (4) 路
Way of the Open Hand (6) 路
Wildheart (3)
None (245) 路
A Patriar's Attendant (2) 路
A Patriar's Bodyguard (1) 路
Bouncer at the Elfsong Tavern (1) 路
Guard (4) 路
Guard for the Baldur's Mouth Gazette (3) 路
Head Banker of The Counting House (1) 路
High Priestess of Umberlee (1) 路
Leader of the Dead Eyes (1) 路
Necromancer of Myrkul (6) 路
Owner of The Blushing Mermaid (1) 路
Vampire Hunter (1)
None (181) 路
Bludgeoning resistant nm (19) 路
Piercing resistant nm (19) 路
Slashing resistant nm (19) 路
Necrotic resistant full (17) 路
Poison resistant full (17) 路
Poison immunity (9) 路
Psychic resistance full (8) 路
Lightning resistant full (7) 路
Necrotic immunity (7) 路
poison resistance full (7) 路
Bludgeoning Immunity nm (4) 路
Fire resistant full (4) 路
Lightning Resistance full (4) 路
Piercing Immunity nm (4) 路
Piercing resistance full (4) 路
poison full (4) 路
Slashing Immunity nm (4)
None (212) 路
Astral Gravity (7) 路
Aura of Bloodthirst (1) 路
Aura of Murder (Aura) (7) 路
Bhaalspawn Essence: Illasera (1) 路
Blinded (1) 路
Blurred (1) 路
Burden of Time Aura (1) 路
Caustic Retort (1) 路
Charmed (3) 路
Clown Face-Paint (1) 路
Dead (1) 路
Death Ward (8) 路
Drenched (1) 路
Elixir of Viciousness (2) 路
Ephemeral Whispers (1) 路
Eternally Bound (7) 路
Freedom of Movement (2) 路
Infernal Binding (1) 路
Longstrider (2) 路
Mage Armour (11) 路
Projected Image (1) 路
Sanctuary (1) 路
See Invisibility (1) 路
Shadow-Cursed Undead (1) 路
Undead Ward (1) 路
Undead Ward Aura (1)
Opportunity Attack (260) 路
Extra Attack (143) 路
Darkvision (92) 路
Dwarven Resilience (29) 路
Fey Ancestry (24) 路
Gnome Cunning (24) 路
Shortened Stride (23) 路
Land's Stride: Difficult Terrain (18) 路
Evasion (17) 路
Mobile (16) 路
Mobile: Evade Difficult Terrain (16) 路
Mobile: Evade Opportunity Attack (16) 路
Sunlight Hypersensitivity (16) 路
Vampire Regeneration (16) 路
Crossbow Expert: Point-Blank (15) 路
Tactical Discipline (15) 路
Danger Sense (14) 路
Fast Movement (14)
Showing below up to 250 results in range #1 to #250.
- Abby
- Aideen Ni Chuirc
- Allandra Grey
- Aminah
- Ancient Giant Eagle
- Ancient Servant
- Andrik
- Anouk
- Antinia
- Antinnia
- Antwun Dufay
- Arnell Hallowleaf
- Arrinye
- Arthus
- Aurelia
- Avery Sonshal
- Avgarioletta
- Baalfe
- Baff Elkhorn
- Bagdog
- Bala Ofran
- Balthazar
- Bearclaw
- Bel
- Blaird
- Blaise Hhune
- Blunt Skuncher
- Blurg
- Bombasto
- Bor
- Bradi'ith
- Bumpnagel
- Dadger
- Dalyria
- Darbonna
- Darragh
- Dart Dirtwood
- Displacer beast (illusion)
- Don't-Call-Me-Runt
- Dorikel
- Dribbles
- Droo Falbo
- Duckie Verish
- Duver Rillyn
- Glist
- Gloommask
- Godfrey Mordels
- Gondlemead
- Gonfalon
- Goodge
- Gracie Scyre
- Gravedigger Karcen
- Greymon
- Grice
- Grimlark
- Grindo Biggs
- Guardian of Faith (creature)
- Gudrun
- Gur Hunter Warrior (Handaxe)
- Gur Hunter Warrior (Scimitar)
- Gurira
- Gydd
- Gyordi
- Hangfar
- Hapdim
- Harper Archer
- Havkelaag
- He Who Was
- Heen
- Helena
- Helenia
- Hellrider Cleric
- Hivune
- Hogi Nuners
- Hope
- Horriss
- Hr'ack'la
- Hyrald
- Hyrriet
- Lady Ague
- Lady Durinbold's Attendant
- Lady Lockjaw
- Lady Oberon's Bodyguard
- Lady Quinsy
- Lamona
- Lanpos Biggs
- Leafsong
- Leon
- Limeleech
- Lobo Denysse
- Lora Bergauz
- Lord Amber's Bodyguard
- Lord Portyr's Bodyguard
- Lord Shattershield's Attendant
- Loretta
- Lorroakan's Projection
- Lowa
- Lu La Forza
- Lurianna Sauvage
- Sarabayle
- Scarpers
- Sebastian
- Sh'ari
- Sherrill
- Sigurd
- Skeeve Stabwell
- Skoona
- Sledge Pettifeet
- Slick Inatra
- Slog
- Smathers
- Somi
- Sparks Musgravel
- Sulian
- Susdera
- Syllving
- Tairn
- Talli
- Teebs
- Terse Torvalt
- Thadwick
- Thamberg
- The Warden
- Theoda
- Thudd
- Thunder (Flaming Fist)
- Triava
- Tusgront