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Drilldown: creatures
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- voice actors (268)
- weapon types (33)
- weapons (421)
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None (372) ·
A Patriar's Attendant (3) ·
A Patriar's Bodyguard (1) ·
Bartender at Sharess' Caress (1) ·
Courtesan (1) ·
Courtesan at Sharess' Caress (1) ·
Guard for the Baldur's Mouth Gazette (3) ·
Head Banker of The Counting House (1) ·
Leader of the Dead Eyes (1) ·
Looter (1) ·
Owner of Sharess' Caress (1) ·
Owner of The Blushing Mermaid (1)
None (260) ·
Lightning resistant full (28) ·
poison immunity (25) ·
poison resistant full (25) ·
Fire resistant full (14) ·
Necrotic resistant full (14) ·
fire resistance full (11) ·
Poison resistance full (11) ·
Thunder resistant full (11) ·
Acid resistant full (10) ·
Lightning resistance full (10) ·
Necrotic immunity (10) ·
Bludgeoning resistant nm (8) ·
Piercing resistant nm (8) ·
Slashing resistant nm (8) ·
necrotic resistance full (7) ·
poison resistance nm (6) ·
Slashing resistance full (6)
Opportunity Attack (379) ·
Extra Attack (178) ·
Darkvision (165) ·
Dwarven Resilience (44) ·
Fey Ancestry (36) ·
Sunlight Sensitivity (27) ·
Crossbow Expert: Point-Blank (26) ·
Multiattack: Morphic Ambush (24) ·
Archery (23) ·
Superior Darkvision (23) ·
Duergar Resilience (20) ·
Prey Upon the Weak (20) ·
Born into Darkness (17) ·
Evasion (17) ·
Tenacity (passive feature) (17)
Showing below up to 250 results in range #1 to #250.
- Afara
- Aicir Tapol
- Aideen Ni Chuirc
- Air Elemental
- Air Myrmidon
- Aminah
- Amira
- Ancient Giant Eagle
- Anders
- Anna Lidwin
- Anouk
- Antinia
- Antinnia
- Antony
- Anya
- Araj Oblodra
- Aranea Aculeata
- Argram
- Arnell Hallowleaf
- Arrinye
- Assassin's Folly
- Aubree
- Auntie Ethel/Combat
- Avgarioletta
- Baalfe
- Bad Twin Bubbins
- Bagdog
- Barnz
- Baxta
- Bella (Wyrm's Rock Fortress)
- Benji
- Bitey Buddy
- Blaise Hhune
- Blasphemous Acolyte
- Blunt Skuncher
- Blurg
- Bonna
- Borgus Elamin
- Brammels
- Branthos
- Brithvar
- Bugthimble
- Bumpnagel
- Carlorina the Wolf
- Cassivora Dophir
- Charismatic Sentinel
- Chatterteeth
- Chelvin
- Chenti
- Chop
- Clotilde
- Clover
- Cordrane
- Cordula Eltan
- Corvus Celer
- Cuddleface
- Cursed Imp
- Cyril
- Dadger
- Dalthar
- Dame Guisarme
- Darragh
- Dart Dirtwood
- Dead Mind Flayer (Goblin Camp)
- Death Shepherd
- Debin
- Deera
- Dhoria
- Dimples Backster
- Diomira Trellis
- Displacer beast (illusion)
- Don't-Call-Me-Runt
- Doppelganger
- Drar
- Dream Guardian/Combat
- Dribbles
- Drim
- Dryad
- Dugg
- Dulbers Frint
- Duver Rillyn
- Echo of Illasera
- Edvidge
- Edward Tremby
- Eglantine
- Elifer
- Elliot
- Elonia
- Emmeline Hallowleaf
- Enver Gortash/Combat
- Erna
- Erus
- Esther
- Fallen Gur Hunter
- Faona
- Farlin
- Fetid Ooze
- Ffion Goldgrind
- Fishbait Arno
- Fitzy Relma
- Flan Hawser
- Flo-Flo
- Florrick
- Florrick
- Follgast
- Forstum
- Freddo
- Fredrichk
- Friol
- Frode
- Gai
- Galleass
- Gasper Throaks
- Geanne
- Geraldus
- Gergerann
- Ghast
- Gheris Hhune
- Ghoul Medic
- Giant Eagle
- Gira
- Glenvora
- Glone
- Gloommask
- Godfrey Mordels
- Gonfalon
- Gordis
- Greaseball
- Grenywald
- Gretta
- Griff
- Gristle
- Grumm
- Grundril
- Gruntman
- Guardian of Faith (creature)
- Gudrun
- Gujj
- Gummidge
- Gur Hunter Sharpshooter
- Gur Hunter Warrior (Handaxe)
- Gur Hunter Warrior (Scimitar)
- Gurira
- Gydd
- Haarlep
- Hairy Henry
- Hangfar
- Harper Archer
- Havard
- He Who Was
- Heen
- Helenia
- Hell Sphere
- Hendly
- Hiero Lue
- Hiila
- Holli Dylford
- Hollow Armour
- Hoots Hooligan
- Humgoole
- Hunna
- Hurk
- Hyrald
- Hyrriet
- Lacy Dancer
- Lady Croup
- Lady Durinbold's Attendant
- Lady Lockjaw
- Lamona
- Lann Tarv
- Lanni
- Lassandra
- Leistine
- Leysin
- Lilineth
- Limeburn Sphagwood
- Limeleech
- Lionel
- Liya
- Lizabett
- Lora Bergauz
- Lord Amber's Bodyguard
- Lord Portyr's Attendant
- Lord Portyr's Bodyguard
- Lord Shattershield's Attendant
- Lord Shattershield's Bodyguard
- Loretta
- Lorroakan's Projection
- Loudstone
- Ludd
- Lugarrio
- Lurianna Sauvage
- Lymn
- Lyrthindor
- Madigan
- Maghtew Budj
- Magmar
- Magnolia
- Malus Thorm/Combat
- Mask of Servitude (The Blushing Mermaid)
- Mask of Terror (The Blushing Mermaid)
- Meazel
- Meenlock
- Menalda
- Merony
- Metamage Persecutor
- Meygan
- Mibbs
- Mijah
- Mikki Kori
- Mind flayer (nautiloid wreck)
- Mind flayer (prologue)
- Mind flayer (windmill)
- Mind flayers
- Mîran
- Mirie
- Mirthis
- Mofty
- Moonlight Sliver
- Morghal
- Morra
- Muzz