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Drilldown: creatures
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- creatures (2011)
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- status groups (47)
- voice actors (268)
- weapon types (33)
- weapons (421)
Use the filters below to narrow your results.
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None (244) ·
A Patriar's Attendant (3) ·
A Patriar's Bodyguard (4) ·
Barn Guardian (1) ·
Blacksmith, Owner of the Rivington General (1) ·
Bouncer at the Elfsong Tavern (1) ·
Courtesan (1) ·
Courtesan at Sharess' Caress (1) ·
Githyanki Inquisitor (1) ·
Guard for the Baldur's Mouth Gazette (5) ·
Lieutenant (1) ·
Messenger pigeon (1) ·
Overseer (1) ·
Sculptor (1)
None (176) ·
Poison immunity (23) ·
Bludgeoning resistant nm (21) ·
Lightning resistant full (21) ·
Piercing resistant nm (21) ·
Slashing resistant nm (21) ·
Necrotic resistant full (9) ·
Poison resistant full (7) ·
Fire immunity (6) ·
Bludgeoning vulnerability (5) ·
Cold resistance full (5) ·
lightning immunity (5) ·
Necrotic Immunity (5) ·
poison full (5) ·
Poison resistance full (5) ·
psychic immunity (5) ·
thunder resistant full (5)
Opportunity Attack (259) ·
Extra Attack (119) ·
Darkvision (63) ·
Tactical Discipline (42) ·
Dwarven Resilience (20) ·
Evasion (18) ·
Fey Ancestry (17) ·
Gnome Cunning (16) ·
Mobile (16) ·
Mobile: Evade Difficult Terrain (16) ·
Mobile: Evade Opportunity Attack (16) ·
Shortened Stride (15) ·
Protection (14) ·
Infernal Weapon (13) ·
Land's Stride: Difficult Terrain (12) ·
Superior Darkvision (11) ·
Great Weapon Fighting (9) ·
Uncanny Dodge (9)
Showing below up to 250 results in range #1 to #250.
- Air Elemental
- Air Myrmidon
- Aischa
- Aminah
- Anouk
- Aranea Aculeata
- Aurelia
- Avery Sonshal
- Avgarioletta
- Aylin
- Baalfe
- Bagdog
- Bakshi
- Bareki
- Blaird
- Blaise Hhune
- Blasphemous Acolyte
- Bloodfang
- Boon of Bhaal
- Boris
- Borri Paver
- Bradi'ith
- Broko
- Brounce
- Bumpnagel
- Caïros
- Cambion (Planar Ally)
- Cassivora Dophir
- Chadd
- Chult Alioramus
- Chult Alioramus Colossa
- Commander Lightfeather
- Cordula Eltan
- Corvus Celer
- Cragbender
- Creekrider
- Crimson
- Dadger
- Dalyria
- Darbonna
- Delverdenn
- Deva
- Dilophosaurus
- Diomira Trellis
- Djinni
- Dolor
- Dominica Arsetz
- Don't-Call-Me-Runt
- Dream Guardian/Combat
- Dulbers Frint
- Duver Rillyn
- Dying Stone Lord Thug
- Earth Elemental
- Earth Myrmidon
- Earthdigger
- Ebber
- Echo of a Lost Love
- Edenosa
- Edwynna
- Elliot
- Elonia
- Enver Gortash/Combat
- Erus
- Faona
- Farlin
- Fernhollow
- Ffion Goldgrind
- Fire Elemental
- Fire Myrmidon
- Fishbait Arno
- Fitzy Relma
- Flan Hawser
- Follgast
- Friol
- Frode
- Fry
- Fulguro
- Gilded Imp
- Gilded Minotaur
- Gira
- Glist
- Glone
- Godey
- Godfrey Mordels
- Golbraith Stredivas
- Goodge
- Gravedigger Karcen
- Grease Elemental
- Greyward
- Grout
- Grym
- Gudrun
- Gurira
- Gyldro Angleiron
- Gyordi
- Haarlep
- Hahns Rives
- Harper Archer
- Havkelaag
- Heen
- Helenia
- Hellfire Watcher
- Hertvor Dremble
- Hogi Nuners
- Hr'ack'la
- Hyrriet
- Lady Ague
- Lady Croup
- Lady Durinbold's Attendant
- Lady Durinbold's Bodyguard
- Lady Flux
- Lady Lockjaw
- Lady Oberon's Bodyguard
- Lady Quinsy
- Leon
- Liadan
- Liara Portyr
- Limeleech
- Lo
- Lord Amber's Bodyguard
- Lord Jannath's Bodyguard
- Lord Portyr's Attendant
- Lord Portyr's Bodyguard
- Lord Shattershield's Attendant
- Lord Shattershield's Bodyguard
- Loretta
- Lorlarrio
- Lucille
- Lupus Optumus
- Lurianna Sauvage
- Ly'iss
- Ma'athal
- Madstene
- Maeve
- Malik (iron consul)
- Marten (iron consul)
- Metamage Persecutor
- Mian
- Mikki Kori
- Milil
- Mohlen
- Moorcombe
- Moosk
- Morra
- Mud Elemental
- Mummy (Create Undead)
- Sceleritas Fel
- Sebastian
- Shadow-Cursed Shambling Mound
- Shameful Eternal Debtor
- Sharran Wolf
- Sherrill
- Shirra Clarwen
- Sigurd
- Skeeve Stabwell
- Skoona
- Sledge Pettifeet
- Slick Inatra
- Slow-Boat Drubella
- Smathers
- Smilin' Ginna
- Snapbone
- Somi
- Sparks Musgravel
- Sparky
- Stalwart
- Star Stolitti
- Steel Watcher (creature)
- Steel Watcher Titan/Combat
- Stijin
- Stoney
- Strange Ox
- Syllving
- Tairn
- Tamara
- Tamia Holzt
- Terse Torvalt
- Thamberg
- The Emperor/Combat
- The Snapping of Strings
- The Warden
- Theoda
- Thunder (Flaming Fist)
- Tinsy Ralpp
- Tomboldt the Pallid
- Triava
- Trinoda
- Tska'an
- Tusgront