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bludgeoning resistant (1) ·
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Cold resistance full (2) ·
cold resistant (2) ·
Cold resistant full (1) ·
Fire immunity (4) ·
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piercing resistant (1) ·
Piercing resistant nm (4) ·
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Poison immunity (5) ·
psychic immunity (1) ·
Psychic resistance full (1) ·
Radiant vulnerability (5) ·
Slashing resistance full (1) ·
Slashing resistance nm (1) ·
slashing resistant (1) ·
Slashing resistant nm (4) ·
Thunder resistant full (1)
Showing below up to 250 results in range #1 to #250.
- Babyjowls
- Bad Twin Bubbins
- Baff Elkhorn
- Bailey
- Bal
- Bala Ofran
- Baz Hopbank
- Bearclaw
- Beldron
- Belford Willoughby
- Benta
- Bert Adams
- Bez
- Billy
- Birka
- Blades Bakstir
- Bloris Meadhoney
- Blunder Bob
- Bobby
- Bolt
- Brakkal
- Bramble
- Breg
- Brek
- Brounce
- Bugthimble
- Bumpnagel
- Burrock
- Captain Sleam
- Caralee Grollo
- Carys
- Ch'kk'ch
- Chalara
- Chelvin
- Cinta Golewits
- Clack
- Conjured Imp
- Conjured Quasit
- Cora Highberry
- Corliss Undertump
- Crub
- Cruor
- Crusher
- Cry
- Culk
- Cursed Imp
- Cyrella
- Dandi Thistlepetal
- Darra
- Dashkent Moliver
- Deedle Ofran
- Dextor
- Dez Kanshaw
- Don't-Call-Me-Runt
- Doober
- Doora Thumbfoot
- Dorrich Manne
- Drenn
- Dringo
- Droo Falbo
- Druk
- Drussuvissill
- Duddy Dudderken
- Dulbers Frint
- Dullwill
- Featherweight Falson
- Fernhollow
- Fezk
- Fezzerk
- Fire Myrmidon
- Five
- Flaming Pete
- Flansy Thornwhist
- Floridor
- Four
- Fred
- Freddo
- Fredrichk
- Fuffi Fuffers
- Fulguro
- Furbleston
- Gald
- Garrigan
- Genshu Ofran
- Gha'an
- Ghulen
- Gimblebock
- Gipkins Jared
- Glomp
- Gnat
- Grat
- Greez
- Gregory Bright
- Gresh
- Gretta
- Greymask
- Gribbo
- Grikka
- Grindo Biggs
- Gronag
- Grout
- Grush
- Gruz
- Gurd
- Gurk
- Gurza
- Jason
- Jatlo
- Jawn
- Jheruth
- Jhessem
- Jitters Corbwell
- Jivin Mizzrym
- Jonah
- Justiciar Avenger
- Justiciar Nightweaver
- Justiciar Soulhunter
- Kirz
- Klagga
- Kobold Inventor
- Kobold Looter
- Kobold Scout
- Koll (kobold)
- Korrinna Koreena
- Kramp
- Krolla
- Krug
- Kyr'das
- Lobo Denysse
- Loic
- Lolo Fuzzletoes
- Lora (goblin)
- Lord Shattershield's Attendant
- Lord Shattershield's Bodyguard
- Lowa
- Luan
- Lunkbug
- Lyrthindor
- Maggoty Jim
- Mahrin
- Manser Biggs
- Margolenn
- Markiza
- Mask of Regret (Overgrown Tunnel)
- Meerna
- Menalda
- Merri Fairweather
- Mezzka
- Miklaur
- Mino
- Mirg
- Mirie
- Mohan
- Moke
- Molly
- Moorcombe
- Morgan
- Mrak
- Muzul
- Pammella Nortale
- Paramidious
- Philomeen
- Phoebelia
- Phoenix Lubbins
- Phostlethwaite
- Phrennog
- Piddle
- Pinta
- Plagg
- Plig
- Popper
- Puce
- Puli
- Ra'jak
- Raagg
- Racha
- Rancer
- Redcap (creature)
- Redcap Blood Sage
- Redcap Boatswain
- Redcap Mystic Cannoneer
- Reynash
- Rindle
- Roah Moonglow
- Roger Highberry
- Roo
- Rossina
- Rot
- Rozzak
- Rua
- Runt