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Drilldown: creatures
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- weapon types (33)
- weapons (421)
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None (449) ·
Poison immunity (48) ·
Piercing resistant nm (36) ·
Slashing resistant nm (36) ·
Bludgeoning resistant nm (35) ·
Necrotic resistant full (31) ·
Lightning resistant full (27) ·
Necrotic immunity (19) ·
Fire resistant full (17) ·
Acid resistant full (16) ·
Cold resistant full (15) ·
Fire resistance full (13) ·
Thunder resistant full (13) ·
Radiant vulnerability (10) ·
necrotic resistance full (7) ·
poison resistant full (7) ·
Psychic Immunity (7)
Opportunity Attack (558) ·
Darkvision (214) ·
Extra Attack (198) ·
Great Weapon Fighting (43) ·
Tactical Discipline (38) ·
Phalanx Formation (31) ·
Protection (27) ·
Riposte (27) ·
Tenacity (passive feature) (27) ·
Magic Resistance (20) ·
Unarmoured Defence (Barbarian) (18) ·
Danger Sense (17) ·
Divine Health (16) ·
Ethereal (16) ·
Fast Movement (16) ·
Githyanki Parry (16) ·
Sunlight Hypersensitivity (16) ·
Vampire Regeneration (16) ·
Infernal Weapon (14)
Showing below up to 250 results in range #1 to #250.
- Abby
- Adrielle
- Aelis (Fist Recruit)
- Aggy
- Agile Guardian
- Aguta
- Air Myrmidon
- Aischa
- Akabi
- Allandra Grey
- Anders
- Andorn
- Andrick
- Andrik
- Animated Armour
- Anna Lidwin
- Antinia
- Antony
- Antwun Dufay
- Anya
- Apostate Defender
- Apostate Destroyer
- Aradin Beno
- Aranea
- Arensen
- Arron
- Auntie Ethel/Combat
- Auntie Ethel/Combat
- Aurelia
- Avgarioletta
- Aylin
- Azak
- Azari
- Baalfe
- Bad Twin Bubbins
- Baff Elkhorn
- Bagdog
- Bal
- Bao'ek'nuk
- Bareki
- Baretha
- Barth
- Barton
- Baxta
- Bearclaw
- Bedi
- Bella (Bloomridge Park)
- Bellar
- Bennel
- Beorn Wunterbrood
- Bert Adams
- Bez
- Birka
- Biscotti
- Bloodfang
- Blunder Bob
- Bombasto
- Borri Paver
- Bradi'ith
- Brakkal
- Breg
- Brek
- Brelal'reth
- Brem
- Broadhorn
- Broko
- Bryanne
- Bugbear Assassin
- Bulette
- Cloaker
- Clore Falson
- Cordula Eltan
- Corvus
- Crawling Claw
- Crimson
- Crosse
- Crub
- Crusher
- Cry
- Cuddleface
- Cursed Kuo-Toa Chief
- Daddy
- Dain
- Dalyria
- Dame Guisarme
- Darbonna
- Darra
- Darragh
- Dead Mind Flayer (Goblin Camp)
- Death Shepherd
- Devotee of Mahkloompah
- Diallo
- Dilophosaurus
- Dire Raven
- Dire Wolf
- Dire Wolf (wild shape)
- Discoria
- Displacer beast
- Displacer beast (illusion)
- Dog
- Doggy
- Dor'il
- Dream Guardian/Combat
- Drenn
- Dresten
- Dror Ragzlin
- Druk
- Dryad
- Dryad (Conjure Woodland Being)
- Duckie Verish
- Dullwill
- Dying Stone Lord Thug
- Earth Myrmidon
- Earthdigger
- Echo of a Lost Love
- Echo of Amelyssan
- Edvidge
- Edwynna
- Eef
- Elda (Flaming Fist)
- Elin
- Elliot
- Elonia
- Eostre
- Ephren
- Erna
- Ernestus
- Exxvikyap
- Falcäo
- Falla
- Fallen Gur Hunter
- Far'aag
- Ferr
- Fezk
- Fezzerk
- Flaming Pete
- Flaming Sphere (creature)
- Flan Hawser
- Flind
- Florrick
- For'reth
- Fred
- Frell Olsin
- Frode
- Full-illithid
- Fyodor
- Ghainemeir
- Ghislev
- Ghush'ins
- Giant Shadow Creeper
- Giant Skeleton
- Giant Spider
- Gilded Hellsboar
- Gilded Minotaur
- Gimblebock
- Gira
- Gleeful Clong
- Glomp
- Glut
- Gneiss
- Gnoll Fang of Yeenoghu
- Gnoll Flesh Gnawer
- Gnoll Hunter
- Gondlemead
- Gracie Scyre
- Grasping Vine (creature)
- Grassley
- Grat
- Gravedigger Karcen
- Grease Elemental
- Greater Zombie
- Gremishka
- Grenywald
- Gresh
- Greymask
- Greyward
- Gribbo
- Grikka
- Grimlark
- Gristle
- Gronag
- Grukkoh
- Grush
- Gruz
- Gudrun
- Gur Hunter Warrior (Handaxe)
- Gur Hunter Warrior (Scimitar)
- Gurd
- Gurza
- Gustav
- Gut
- Habor Koltz
- Hahns Rives
- Hairy Henry
- Halfar
- Hapdim
- Har'rak
- Harpy
- Haseid
- Hell Sphere
- Hendly
- Hertvor Dremble
- Hextra
- Hivune
- Hoarding Merregon
- Holli Dylford
- Hook Horror
- Horriss
- Huido
- Huk
- Humgoole
- Hunna
- Hyrriet