The Flaming Fist is a mercenary company based in Baldur's Gate, where its members now serve as the city's police and military force.[1]
Background[edit | edit source]
Founded by Grand Duke Eltan.[2] The Flaming Fists are a mercenary company-turned police and military force loyal to the city of Baldur's Gate. Despite the organization's struggles with corruption, morals, and tendency to spurn the Baldurian population in favour of Upper City patriars, the Flaming Fists still persist as one of the most powerful and extensive fighting forces in all of the
Sword Coast. Members of the Flaming Fist acted as soldiers and battled against threats both domestic and abroad, often with the blessing of their allies in the
Lords' Alliance.
“ | The Fist have been at some times corrupt and at others virtuous. In that way making a friend of the Fist is buying a packaged loaf. Who knows if the dough is delicious or the crust is poisoned? |
„ |
— A History of the Flaming Fist |
Involvement[edit | edit source]
Act One[edit | edit source]
The Flaming Fists are initially encountered at Waukeen's Rest in the aftermath of a raid committed by Absolutist drow and goblins. With the inn on fire, Gauntlet Yeva and the remaining Flaming Fists attempt to bust the door down to save Duke Ravengard. However, successfully entering the inn reveals that the Duke is nowhere to be found, and instead culminates in the potential rescue of Counsellor Florrick, who reveals that the Duke has been captured and taken to Moonrise Towers. Florrick then requests that the party rescue the Duke, kicking off . Leaving the premises of Waukeen's Rest before any rescue will result in the death of Counsellor Florrick as well as the premature departure of the local Flaming Fists.
A second group of Flaming Fist mercenaries can be encountered at the Mountain Pass. A squad of Fists led by Gauntlet Dion attempts to disarm a githyanki patrol led by Sarth Baretha, to no avail, before being attacked and burnt by Kith'rak Voss' dragon.
Act Two[edit | edit source]
Depending on whether or not the Flaming Fists have been assisted and if Counsellor Florrick survived the events at Waukeen's Rest, the Flaming Fists can be encountered at Last Light Inn alongside the Harpers. If the tiefling refugees were not saved in Act One, Flaming Fist Marcus vouches for the party when they are ensnared by Jaheira, revealing himself to actually be an undercover True Soul. The party can then expose Marcus as a traitor amidst their ranks, or play along with his deception.
Florrick and her Flaming Fists can be encountered again in the inn's western bunk room, and confirms Duke Ravengard's whereabouts to be in Moonrise Towers. In the same room, an ancient comatose Flaming Fist human named Art Cullagh can be found lying in bed. Talking with Florrick, Manip Vidor, Fist J'ehlar, or Harper Tumeril reveals that the Unconscious Fist may know a way into Moonrise Towers, kicking off and . A
Flaming Fist Writ of Command detailing the man's past can be taken from J'ehlar or picked from the bed (depending on J'ehlar's presence). There, Florrick announces that she will be leaving for Baldur's Gate to seek reinforcements. Leaving Last Light Inn at any point in time after conversing with Florrick will result in her leaving the region alongside some of the Flaming Fists.
Upstairs, depending on if he intervened in the party's defence and remained friendly, Marcus will wait for the party in Isobel's room and reveal to the party that he has orders from Ketheric Thorm to kidnap Isobel alive - a ploy that the party can either help or foil. Attacking Marcus or interacting with Isobel will trigger the battle, ending in either Marcus' demise or the complete lost of Last Light Inn and its Flaming Fists.
If the Nightsong is freed and headed to Moonrise Towers, the Flaming Fists take part in the assault on Moonrise Towers. Before the party can arrive, the Harpers and Fists would have cleared out the majority of the Absolutist's forces, but at the cost of losing almost all of their numbers in the fight. What remains of the Flaming Fists will assist the party and the Harpers in the ensuing fights as melee fighters. Should any of the Fists still be alive after the initial battle in the main hall, they will move to the Moonrise Towers Prison and face off against the Mistresses of Souls and their Necromites in a bonus fight.
Act Three[edit | edit source]
“You might think you're here to uphold justice, to protect the meek and the innocent, to follow in the footsteps of the great Eltan.
Forget all of it. Every damned word.„
Despite effectively being allies to the party for the two previous acts, the Flaming Fist take more of a neutral or sometimes antagonistic role in Act Three. There, bolstered by the Steel Watch and as Baldur's Gate police and military force, they can be seen throughout the entirety of the region as either stationary sentries or mobile patrols. It is also seen that they have already resisted a few assaults from the Absolute's forces outside of Rivington.
At the South Span Checkpoint, a Flaming Fist garrison and Steel Watcher under the command of Gauntlet Edwynna prevents both the party and the refugees from entering Wyrm's Crossing, forcing the party to either sneak in, surrender to the Steel Watch, or to attack the Fists. If the Ironhand Gnomes were saved from Moonrise Towers however, they will cause a distraction and disable the Steel Watcher, giving the party a window of opportunity to pass. As the checkpoint is crossed however, Manip Falcäo attempts to hire the party to kill the Ironhand Gnomes and bring him Wulbren Bongle's head.
In front of Wyrm's Rock Fortress, Blaze Elin forbids anyone from entering the fortress during Gortash's coronation. She can be convinced to let the party through various Deception checks, a Persuasion check and 20.000 Gold, the use of a Lower City Pass acquired from Valeria or Sharess' Caress, the use of an
Urgent Report for Duke Ravengard, or can be avoided altogether by going underneath the fortress or using actions.
Wyrm's Rock Fortress serves as a headquarters and barracks for the Flaming Fists, with some of their highest-ranking Fists and quartermaster Arkleia Oloril being located in the fortress. The Marshal of the Flaming Fist, Ulder Ravengard, will be present during Gortash's coronation, albeit with a tadpole in his brain and oblivious to his place as a pawn; an imprisoned Florrick in Wyrm's Rock Prison, various notes and information strewn around the fortress reveal that the Fist are being reformed into a force incapable of sustaining the Absolute's assaults, with the Fist being oblivious to Gortash's standing as the Chosen of Bane. Thus, taking part in Gortash' coronation and attacking him will result in all of the Flaming Fists in the fortress turning hostile.
In Baldur's Gate proper, Lora Bergauz attempts to get Blaze Liara Portyr to investigate the whereabouts of her missing daughter Vanra, to no avail - allowing for the party to intervene and take over the search to . In the Elfsong Tavern, Constable and Gauntlet Devella Fountainhead can be encountered while investigating the murder of Duke Stelmane, kicking off the quest if it hasn't been triggered before or ending in Devella's own potential murder under a Dark Urge origin. Assisting Devella instead leads to cooperating with her on the hunt for Dolor, the murderer.
Attacking Ettvard Needle or infringing on his demands in will turn the guards of Baldur's Mouth hostile, as well as any nearby Flaming Fist in range.
If the Iron Throne has been accessed and intruded upon, all of the Flaming Fists in Wyrm's Rock Fortress will immediately turn hostile and side with Gortash when the party returns, with no possibility of rendering them hospitable to the party, and therefore culminating in either their , even if .
Ultimately however, if Florrick is an ally in action - as well as their desperate defence of the Upper City before the party's arrival.
, the Flaming Fists will come to the party's aid and city's defence in through theMembers by rank[edit | edit source]
Marshal[edit | edit source]
Blaze[edit | edit source]
Manip[edit | edit source]
Gauntlet[edit | edit source]
Fist[edit | edit source]
- Aggralix
- Aguta
- Anderson
- 'Edge' Arensen
- Arrinye
- Aubree
- Azari
- Bella (Bloomridge Park)
- Bella (Wyrm's Rock Fortress)
- Brandella
- Breva Brightmoon
- Broadhorn
- Broko
- Brottor
- Bryanne
- Callaway
- Clover
- Corlos
- Creekrider
- Crosse
- Cyril
- Debin
- Diallo
- Discoria
- Dresten
- Duddamoor
- Earthdigger
- Elda
- Elthira Gossen
- Eostre
- Equidna
- Ernestus
- Fernhollow
- Gai
- Ghainemeir
- Glenvora
- Gneiss
- Gonfalon
- Grassley
- Granitdatter
- Gretta
- Griff
- Gummidge
- Hadenwell
- Hagedorrn
- Halantow
- Havard
- Helena
- Hextra
- Ingram
- Ivarus
- J'ehlar
- Jacek (deceased)
- Jagic
- Jara
- Jepsen
- Jerbold
- Jimi Borleas
- Karoline
- Kepso
- Klaas
- Koltz
- Kuthbert
- Kyberos
- Larche
- Larys
- Lionel
- Loudstone
- Lochan
- Madigan
- Magnolia
- Malayah
- Marcus
- Meadows
- 'Deadeye' Mibbs
- Miller
- Mîran
- Mäeeran
- Moss
- Murphy
- Nateen
- Nephel
- Nipawa
- Norys
- Nudelmann
- Okralope
- Olloa
- Oriona
- Orvil
- Osmund
- Pantella
- Pard
- Patrick
- Poole
- Qirahe
- Quickstitch
- Rahir
- Reynash
- Rhed
- Richter
- Rockbreed
- Rockbothem
- Rowan
- Rowan (Bridge Fist)
- Saunder
- Serrik
- Shah
- Shargil
- Silena
- Smithwynn
- Starrlet
- Taraji
- Thadwick
- Thauniel Rusk
- Togarr
- Ulinn
- Ulthred
- Varone
- Virry
- Wayne
- Wearne
- Wexford
- Williams
Fist Healer[edit | edit source]
Fist Wizard[edit | edit source]
Fist Recruit[edit | edit source]
Quartermaster[edit | edit source]
Unspecified[edit | edit source]
Related items[edit | edit source]
Related literature[edit | edit source]
A History of the Flaming Fist
Bhaal Cult Resurgence
Codicilliary Rules of Engagements for the Flaming Fist
Donation Record
Ethical Review of the Flaming Fist
Eyewitness Account
Final Warning (Elerrathin's Home)
Flaming Fist Company Applications Approved
Flaming Fist History
Flaming Fist New Recruit Booklet
Flaming Fist Writ of Command
Florrick's Demotion Notice
Form H, Refusal of Admittance
Home Post Dispatch: Fist Krill
Investigation Priorities
Lessons from the Boiler
Note (Bakshi)
Open Investigation
Profiling Methods
Recruitment Poster
Registry of Citizens' Complaints
Refugee Arrival Record
Scorching Street - A Flaming Fist Ruleset
Skeletons in Patriar Closets
Stock Haul For Armoury
Tear-stained letter
The Watch and the Steel Watch
Transfer Request
Upper City Access Orders
URGENT - Bhaalist Resurgence
Urgent - Rapid Increase in Reported Disappearances
Urgent Report for Duke Ravengard
Wanted Poster
Wyrm's Rock Security Audit