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Dwarf (18) ·
Elf (44) ·
Githyanki (52) ·
Gnome (4) ·
Gold dwarf (1) ·
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High-Elf (1) ·
Hobgoblin (3) ·
Human (287) ·
Human or Elf (1) ·
Sahuagin (4) ·
Tiefling (3) ·
Zombie (2)
Opportunity Attack (472) ·
Extra Attack (171) ·
Darkvision (110) ·
Fey Ancestry (88) ·
Crossbow Expert: Point-Blank (34) ·
Great Weapon Fighting (33) ·
Phalanx Formation (32) ·
Riposte (29) ·
Protection (26) ·
Crossbow Expert: Wounding (19) ·
Archery (17) ·
Sunlight Sensitivity (16) ·
Dwarven Resilience (15) ·
Mobile (15) ·
Mobile: Evade Difficult Terrain (15) ·
Mobile: Evade Opportunity Attack (15) ·
Githyanki Parry (13) ·
Tactical Discipline (12) ·
Land's Stride: Difficult Terrain (11) ·
None (10)
Showing below up to 250 results in range #1 to #250.
- Add'ath
- Adrielle
- Aguta
- Ahu'u'rag
- Aideen Ni Chuirc
- Alan Alyth
- Alexander Rainforest
- Alia Durinbold
- Aminah
- Andrick
- Anita Fischer
- Anouk
- Antinnia
- Arfur Gregorio
- Arkleia Oloril
- Arrinye
- Artimezt
- Asparagus Mhallie
- Astarion
- Astoundo the Greater
- Astoundo the Lesser
- Astyl
- Aubree
- Avery Sonshal
- Avourel
- Azari
- Azer
- Ba'akreth
- Baalfe
- Bakshi
- Barton
- Beatrice Provoss
- Bella (Bloomridge Park)
- Bella (Wyrm's Rock Fortress)
- Bellar
- Bellora Truscott
- Belub
- Ben Golewits
- Benryn
- Beorn Wunterbrood
- Bertram
- Blaird
- Blinded Elf
- Blunt Skuncher
- Boar
- Bogdan Vortleson
- Bosun Gannet
- Bradi'ith
- Brelal'reth
- Brem
- Broadhorn
- Bronte
- Bryanne
- Brynna
- Buff Tanner
- Caerdwyn
- Caitlin
- Caitriono
- Callaway
- Callem Bormul
- Callira
- Carnelia Vanthampur
- Ceres Olsin
- Ch'guth
- Charming Latham
- Cheeky Nora
- Chenti
- Chervis
- Chost
- Chy'raagh
- Clover
- Cordrane
- Cragbender
- Cressida Flint
- Crosse
- Cyndirie Vand
- Cyrel
- Dal Lightspark
- Danna
- Darlie
- Dead Drow
- Delcan
- Delwaer Jeth
- Delyarna
- Demir
- Devotee of Mahkloompah
- Dharin Brislen
- Dholber Greene
- Diallo
- Dickon
- Dillard Portyr
- Dion
- Discoria
- Distressed Patient
- Dokksill
- Dominica Arsetz
- Dor'il
- Drarra
- Dravo Flymm
- Dresten
- Drongo Bixworth
- Dyrr'kas
- Edowin
- Eefa Barlow
- Elda (Flaming Fist)
- Eldaernth
- Elias Fischer
- Ellie
- Elthira Gossen
- Elwyn
- Ephren
- Ermlaut
- Ernestus
- Erus
- Eshvelt Guthmere
- Estra Stir
- Eugenie Kenridge
- Falael
- Falcäo
- Falten
- Faona
- Farimorn
- Ferg Drogher
- Filro
- Firellia Jannath
- Fishbait Arno
- Flant Borlley
- Fleer
- Florean Bixworth
- Fortuno Dibbs
- Franc Peartree
- Francis
- Frenello
- Frode
- Frothilda
- Fytz
- Habor Koltz
- Haeril Birch
- Halfar
- Hans Feather
- Hargin Jooli
- Harvard Willoughby
- Havard
- Heen
- Hegira
- Helag
- Helenia
- Hextra
- Hildeh
- Horst
- Hyrald
- Hyrriet
- Kagran
- Karad
- Karoline
- Karrik
- Kepli
- Kepso
- Kharyk
- Khunaruth
- Kimmeral
- Klaas
- Kolobeg
- Komira
- Kur'ashk
- Kuthbert
- Kyberos
- Kyrr'a'ath
- Lady Durinbold's Attendant
- Lady Durinbold's Bodyguard
- Lady Flux
- Lae'zel
- Larca Mena
- Larys
- Leythim
- Liam
- Lin'a'an
- Lionel
- Lizabett
- Lo Blank
- Lochan
- Lord Jannath's Bodyguard
- Lord Portyr's Attendant
- Lord Portyr's Bodyguard
- Loretta
- Lorna Esthelian
- Lorroakan's Projection
- Loryss
- Losiir
- Ly'iss
- Lyldara