Guide:Patch 8 preview

Revision as of 22:33, 31 January 2025 by NtCarlson (talk | contribs) (Stub for new spells)
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Patch 8 is an upcoming major patch for Baldur's Gate 3. It is currently in limited stress testing.

The highlight of the patch is the addition of a new subclass for each of the classes in the game.

Arcane Archer Fighter

Level 3

Arcane Archer Lore
Gain Arcana Arcana proficiency.
Gain Nature Nature proficiency.
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Gain a Cantrip
Choose between one of three cantrips:
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 Arcane Arrows: 4
Resource used to fire an Arcane Shot. Replenished by a Short or Long Rest.
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Arcane Shots: 3
Choose 3 Arcane Shots.
One Arcane Shot option can be switched out at every level.
Arcane Shots
Bursting Arrow Bursting Arrow ( + )
Use Evocation magic to make your arrow explode on impact and deal an additional 2d6Damage TypesForce damage to targets within 3 m / 10 ft.
Enfeebling Arrow Enfeebling Arrow ( + )
Use Necromatic magic to deal an additional 2d6Damage TypesNecrotic damage. Target must succeed a Saving throw or become Feeble Feeble.
Beguiling Arrow Beguiling Arrow ( + )
Use Enchantment magic to deal an addition 2d6Damage TypesPsychic damage. Target must succeed a Saving throw or become Charmed Charmed.
Banishing Arrow Banishing Arrow ( + )
Use Abjuration magic to potentially Banish Banish your target to the Feywild.
Seeking Arrow Seeking Arrow ( + )
Use Divination magic to make your arrow seek a target. The arrow deals an additional 1d6Damage TypesForce damage and possibly applies Faerie Fire Faerie Fire. This arrow always hits its target.
Shadow Arrow Shadow Arrow ( + )
Use Enchantment magic to deal an addition 2d6Damage TypesPsychic damage. Target must succeed a Saving throw or become Blinded Blinded.
Grasping Arrow Grasping Arrow ( + )
Deal an additional 2d6Damage TypesPoison damage. Affected entity's movement speed is reduced by 3 m / 10 ft and it will take 2d6Damage TypesPiercing damage when it moves.
Piercing Arrow Piercing Arrow ( + )
Use Transmutation magic to attack all those within the line of your shot. Each target must succeed a Saving throw or be dealt an additional 1d6Damage TypesPiercing damage.

Level 7

Curving Shot Curving Shot
When you miss with any magical ranged attack, use a Bonus action to attack the next closest target with the same attack.
Magic Arrow Magic Arrow
All of your ranged attacks are considered magical to overcome Resistance.
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 Arcane Arrows: 5
Gain one additional Arcane Arrow.
Arcane Shots: 4
Choose 1 additional Arcane Shot.

Level 10

 Arcane Arrows: 6
Gain one additional Arcane Arrow.
Arcane Shots: 5
Choose 1 additional Arcane Shot.

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Bladesinging Wizard

Level 2

 Bladesong Power: 2
Used to cast Bladesong. Replenished on a Long Rest.
Bladesong Bladesong ()
Invoke the Bladesong. You gain a +proficiency bonus to Armour Class and your movement speed increases by 3 m / 10 ft. You also gain Advantage Icon.png Advantage in Acrobatics and a +proficiency bonus to Constitution saving throws.
Training in War and Song Training in War and Song
You gain proficiency with Light Armour and in the Performance skill. You also gain proficiency with Daggers, Sickles, Shortswords, Rapiers, Scimitars, and Longswords.

Level 5

 Bladesong Power: 3
Gain an additional use of Bladesong.

Level 6

Extra Attack Extra Attack
You can make an additional free attack after making an unarmed or weapon attack.

Level 9

 Bladesong Power: 4
Gain an additional use of Bladesong.

Level 10

Song of Defence Song of Defence
When you take damage during your Bladesong Bladesong, you can expend a spell slot to subtract 5 damage per spell slot.

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Circle of the Stars Druid

Level 2

You gain the following cantrip:

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Starry Form Starry Form
You can expend a Wild Shape Charge to take on a Starry Form rather than transforming into a beast.
Starry Form: Archer Starry Form: Archer ( + )
A constellation of an archer appears on you. As a Bonus Action while in this Starry Form, you can cast Luminous Arrow Luminous Arrow.
Starry Form: Chalice Starry Form: Chalice ( + )
A constellation of a life-giving chalice appears on you. Whenever you cast a healing spell that consumes a spell slot, you can cast Chalice Healing Chalice Healing.
Starry Form: Dragon Starry Form: Dragon ( + )
A constellation of a wise dragon appears on you. When you make a Saving throw to maintain Concentration on a spell, a roll result of 9 or lower is considered a 10. As a Bonus Action while in this Starry Form, you can cast Dazzling Breath Dazzling Breath.
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 Star Map: 2
Used to cast Guiding Bolt without a spell slot. Replenished by a Long Rest.
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Circle of the Stars spells
You gain additional spells from your circle. They are Always Prepared.

Level 5

 Star Map: 3
You gain an additional Star Map.

Level 6

Cosmic Omen Cosmic Omen
Whenever you Long Rest, you consult the stars for a Cosmic Omen of Weal or of Woe. The omen grants you the ability to increase (Weal) or decrease (Woe) Attack rolls and Saving throws, and to increase your allies' Ability Checks.
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 Cosmic Omen: 3
Resource used for Omens. Replenished by a Long Rest.

Level 9

 Star Map: 4
You gain an additional Star Map.
 Cosmic Omen: 4
You gain an additional Cosmic Omen.

Level 10

Twinkling Constellations Twinkling Constellations
Your Starry Forms are improved. The Archer's damage and the Chalice's healing are each increased by 1d8, and the Dragon gains the ability to hover and to Fly at a movement speed of 6 m / 20 ft.

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College of Glamour Bard

Level 3

Mantle of Inspiration Mantle of Inspiration ( + )
Imbue 2 allies with your vigour and grant them HP Icon.png 5 temporary hit points. If they're hit with a melee attack, the attacker becomes Charmed Charmed.

Level 6

Mantle of Majesty: Command Mantle of Majesty: Command ()
Command a creature to flee, move closer, freeze, drop to the ground or drop its weapon. Targets that are Charmed Charmed automatically fail their Saving Throw. ( Recharge: Long rest.)
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Mantle of Inspiration
Bonus increases to HP Icon.png 8 temporary hit points.
Number of targets increases to 3.

Level 10

Mantle of Inspiration
Bonus increases to HP Icon.png 11 temporary hit points.
Number of targets increases to 4.

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Death Domain Cleric

Level 1

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Reaper Reaper
Your Necromancy cantrips that only target 1 creature can target an additional creature.
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Domain Spells
You gain additional spells from your domain. They are Always Prepared.

Level 2

Channel Divinity: Touch of Death Channel Divinity: Touch of Death
When you hit a creature with a melee attack, you can use your  Channel Divinity Charge to deal extra 5 + 2 × (Cleric level)Damage TypesNecrotic damage.
Touch of Death Touch of Death ()
When you hit a creature with a melee attack, you can use your Channel Divinity to deal extra Damage TypesNecrotic damage.

Level 3

Domain Spells
You gain additional spells from your domain. They are Always Prepared.

Level 5

Domain Spells
You gain additional spells from your domain. They are Always Prepared.

Level 6

Inescapable Destruction Inescapable Destruction
Spells you cast ignore Resistance to Damage TypesNecrotic Damage.

Level 7

Domain Spells
You gain additional spells from your domain. They are Always Prepared.

Level 8

Divine Strike: Necrotic Divine Strike: Necrotic ()
Once per turn deal 1d8Damage TypesNecrotic in addition to your weapon's damage when you make a melee attack. ( Recharge: Per turn.)

Level 9

Domain Spells
You gain additional spells from your domain. They are Always Prepared.

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Giant Barbarian

Level 3

Giant's Rage Giant's Rage ( + )
Enter a Rage Rage and increase in size. Your Rage damage bonus is doubled on Throw attacks[See: Bugs].
Vaprak's Greed Vaprak's Greed
Your carrying capacity is increased by a quarter.
Thaumaturgy Thaumaturgy ()
Cast as a cantrip at will.

Level 5

Boot of the Giants Boot of the Giants ()
Try to kick a target away. Your chances depend on your Athletics, and are higher if you're hidden or invisible.

Level 6

Elemental Cleaver Elemental Cleaver
Channel primordial might into your weapon. Until the end of your Rage Rage, your weapon will deal additional Damage TypesAcid, Damage TypesCold, Damage TypesFire, Damage TypesLightning, or Damage TypesThunder damage, and gain the Thrown Thrown property. If thrown, it will immediately reappear in your hand.

Level 10

Mighty Impel Mighty Impel ()
Throw a creature or object that is Medium-sized or smaller.

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Hexblade Warlock

Level 1

Hex Warrior Hex Warrior
You gain proficiency with Medium armour Medium armour, Shields Shields, and Martial weapons. You gain Bind Hexed Weapon Bind Hexed Weapon, which lets you use your Charisma modifier instead of Strength or Dexterity when attacking with weapons that you are proficient with.
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Bind Hexed Weapon Bind Hexed Weapon ()
Bind to your main hand weapon. Its damage becomes magical, you cannot drop or throw it, and you become Proficient with it if you weren't already. When you attack with this weapon, there is a chance[See Notes] that Hexblade's Curse Hexblade's Curse will be applied to the target.
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Hexblade's Curse Hexblade's Curse ()
Curse a target. Your damage rolls against the target gain a bonus equal to their Proficiency bonus. The number you need to roll a Critical Hit while attacking the target is also reduced by 1. If the target dies, you regain HP Icon.png Warlock level + Charisma modifier hit points. ( Recharge: Short rest.)
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Expanded Spell List
1st Level Spells

Level 3

Expanded Spell List
2nd Level Spells

Level 5

Extra Attack Extra Attack
You can make an additional free attack after making an unarmed or weapon attack.
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Expanded Spell List
3rd Level Spells

Level 6

Accursed Spectre Accursed Spectre ()
Raise an Accursed Spectre from the soul of a fallen cursed target to fight by your side. The size of the fallen creature will determine whether you raise a Feeble Spectre Feeble Spectre, Mundane Spectre Mundane Spectre, or Primordial Spectre Primordial Spectre. Doesn't work with constructs, elementals, oozes, or plants.

Level 7

Expanded Spell List
4th Level Spells

Level 9

Expanded Spell List
5th Level Spells

Level 10

Armour of Hexes Armour of Hexes ()
When a creature you cursed with Hexblade's Curse Hexblade's Curse attacks you, potentially nullify the attack as a reaction. This has a 50% chance of succeeding.

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Oath of the Crown Paladin

Level 1

A paladin must follow their sworn oaths or lose their divine power. For more details, see Oaths and Oathbreaking.

Oath of the Crown Tenets Oath of the Crown Tenets
Oath of Devotion paladins abide by the following tenets:
Law. Uphold civilisation and order.

Loyalty. Your word is your bond; without loyalty, oaths and laws are meaningless.

Responsibility. Deal with the consequences of your actions, and fulfil your duties and obligations.
Righteous Clarity Righteous Clarity ( + )
Target yourself or an ally to additionally grant the target's proficiency bonus to their Attack rolls.

Level 3

Champion Challenge Champion Challenge ( + )
Challenge the enemies around you, compelling them to attack only you. Any attacks they might make against other targets have Disadvantage Icon.png Disadvantage.
Turn the Tide Turn the Tide ( + )
Shout out and heal all nearby non-enemy creatures.
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Oath Spells
You gain additional spells from your oath. They are Always Prepared.

Level 5

Oath Spells
You gain additional spells from your oath. They are Always Prepared.

Level 7

Divine Allegiance Divine Allegiance
When an ally within 1.5 m / 5 ft of you takes damage, you can use your Reaction to magically substitute your own health for your ally's, taking the damage instead of them.

Level 9

Oath Spells
You gain additional spells from your oath. They are Always Prepared.

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Shadow Magic Sorcerer

Level 1

Eyes of the Dark Eyes of the Dark
You can see in the dark up to 24 m / 80 ft.
Strength of the Grave Strength of the Grave
After reaching 0 Hit Points, you regain 1 instead of becoming downed.

Level 3

Darkness Darkness ( + )
Cast as a level 2 spell at will.
Eyes of the Dark: Darkness Eyes of the Dark: Darkness ( + 2)
Cast as a level 2 spell at will.

Level 6

Hound of Ill Omen Hound of Ill Omen ( + 3)
Summon forth a creature of darkness. ( Recharge: Short rest.)

Level 11

Shadow Walk Shadow Walk ()
Teleport into the shadows. The next spell you cast that turn will benefit from Distant Spell Distant Spell without costing any Sorcery Points.

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Swarmkeeper Ranger

Level 3

Prey's Scent Prey's Scent
Your swarm deals additional damage to creatures marked by Hunter's Mark Hunter's Mark
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Gathered Swarm
Choose the swarm of nature spirits you've formed a bond with. You can change your swarm whenever you level up.
Legion of Bees Legion of Bees
You gain a swarm of bees that fights on your side. Once per round, the swarm can assist you in one of three ways after you attack an enemy: it can attack and deal additional Damage TypesPiercing damage, push the enemy away from you, or teleport you to a safer location.
Cloud of Jellyfish Cloud of Jellyfish
You gain a swarm of jellyfish that fights on your side. Once per round, the swarm can assist you in one of three ways after you attack an enemy: it can attack and deal additional Damage TypesLightning damage, Shock Shock your enemy, or teleport you to a safer location.
Flurry of Moths Flurry of Moths
You gain a swarm of moths that fights on your side. Once per round, the swarm can assist you in one of three ways after you attack an enemy: it can attack and deal additional Damage TypesPsychic damage, Blind Blind your enemy, or teleport you to a safer location.
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Subclass Spells
You gain the following spells. They are Always Prepared.

Level 5

Subclass Spells
You gain the following spell. It is Always Prepared.

Level 7

 Writhing Currents: 3
Used to cast Writhing Tide. Replenished on a Long Rest.
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Writhing Tide Writhing Tide ( + )
Condense part of your swarm into a mass that lifts you up. Gain a flying speed of 9 m / 30 ft and become unaffected by surface effects.

Level 9

 Writhing Currents: 4
One additional use of Writhing Tide.
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Subclass Spells
You gain the following spell. It is Always Prepared.

Level 11

Mighty Swarm Mighty Swarm
Your swarm has grown stronger. The swarm's regular attack now deals 1d8 damage, its special attack has one additional feature, and teleporting with your swarm now also increases your Armour Class Armour Class for the rest of the round.

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Swashbuckler Rogue

Level 3

Fancy Footwork Fancy Footwork
If you make a melee attack against a target, that target can't make Opportunity Attacks against you for the rest of your turn.
Rakish Audacity Rakish Audacity
You gain a +2 bonus to initiative rolls. This scales with your rogue level. You no longer need Advantage Icon.png Advantage to trigger Sneak Attack as long as you are within 1.5 m / 5 ft of the target and don't have Disadvantage Icon.png Disadvantage.

Level 4

Dirty Tricks
Learn the following Dirty Tricks.
Charisma is the spellcasting modifier used for these abilities.
Dirty Trick: Flick o' the Wrist Dirty Trick: Flick o' the Wrist ()
Flick your weapon at a target and possibly Disarm Disarm them.
Dirty Trick: Sand Toss Dirty Trick: Sand Toss ()
Toss a handful of sand at your enemy and possibly Blind Blind them.
Dirty Trick: Vicious Mockery Dirty Trick: Vicious Mockery ()
Cast as a cantrip at will.

Level 9

Panache Panache ()
Roll a Persuasion check to beguile a humanoid, who must contest it with an Insight check. Enemies who fail gain Panache: Disadvantage Panache: Disadvantage; others who fail become Charmed Charmed.

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Way of the Drunken Master Monk

Level 3

Cheeky Tipple Cheeky Tipple
You are Immune to the negative effects of being Drunk Drunk. Once per day, when you drink alcohol, you regain half your Ki Points (rounded down).
Drunken Performance Drunken Performance
You gain Proficiency in Performance Performance.
Drunken Technique Drunken Technique ( + )
Punch twice in quick succession and grant yourself an additional 3 m / 10 ft movement and the benefits of Disengage Disengage.

Level 4

Intoxicating Strike Intoxicating Strike ( + )
Hit a creature with your bare fists and possibly get them Drunk Drunk.

Level 6

Leap to Your Feet Leap to Your Feet
When you are Prone Prone, standing up uses only 1.5 m / 5 ft of your Movement speed.
Redirect Attack Redirect Attack
When a creature misses you with a melee attack, you can spend 1 Ki Point as a reaction to make them attack a new target if possible.

Level 7

Life of the Party Life of the Party
Every time Intoxicating Strike Intoxicating Strike hits, the monk gains Life of the Party Life of the Party, which increases Armour Class and Attack Rolls against Drunk Drunk targets. This effect can stack.

Level 9

Sobering Realisation Sobering Realisation ( + )
Hit a Drunk Drunk target and sober them up by dealing bonus Damage TypesPsychic damage. On a successful hit, the monk also loses Life of the Party Life of the Party.

Level 11

Drunkard's Luck Drunkard's Luck (2)
When you make an Ability Check, Attack Roll, or Saving Throw and have Disadvantage Icon.png Disadvantage on the roll, you can spend 2 Ki Points to negate the Disadvantage for that roll. ( Recharge: Per Round.)

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New spells

The patch also introduced a number of new spells available to both the new subclasses and the old ones.


  • Tavern Brawler Tavern Brawler in wild shape form should now correctly add damage to unarmed attacks. Previously, this only worked in Tactician difficulty and below.
    • It still does not apply to Slayer Form Slayer Form.
    • The bonus damage while wild shaped applies to all damage dealt, including spell damage. For example, Spike Growth Spike Growth cast by a wild shaped druid will deal bonus Strength modifier damage every time a creature moves.
    • Some wild shape attacks like Grounded Thunder Strike Grounded Thunder Strike deal multiple instances of damage. The Tavern Brawler bonus damage will be applied to each of them.
  • Elemental Weapon Elemental Weapon now gives a +1 bonus to Attack rolls and 1d4 elemental damage. Previously it gave +1 enhancement bonus and 1d4 elemental damage.
  • Storm's Fury Storm's Fury now deals Damage TypesLightning damage. Previously, it erroneously dealt Damage TypesThunder damage.
  • Jhannyl's Gloves has the cooldown removed from the Defy Villainy feature. It can now activate an unlimited number of times instead of once per long rest.
  • Shadow Blade Shadow Blade summoned weapon now grants innate proficiency to the summoner. This means wizards and sorcerers (who lack proficiency with shortswords) can wield the weapon without penalties.
  • Healing Vapours Healing Vapours ability of Water Myrmidons no longer applies Wet Wet to all creatures in the radius.
  • Wall of Ice Wall of Ice now correctly deals 10d6Damage TypesCold damage with the Ice Cloud created when it is destroyed. Previously it dealt 5d6Damage TypesCold damage instead. The saving throw is still a fixed DC 16  Constitution saving throw, however.
  • Bind Pact Weapon Bind Pact Weapon and Weapon Bond Weapon Bond are now correctly removed on changing class. Previously, the weapon would indefinitely remain bonded with all the benefits (such as using Charisma for attacks) even switching from Warlock.
  • Grasping Vine Grasping Vine now uses a Bonus action even when upcast. Previously, it erroneously used a full Action when upcast.
  • Spindleweb Skepticism Spindleweb Skepticism inflicted by Kar'niss now applies a -6 Armour Class Armour Class penalty instead of -4.
  • Amulet of the Drunkard now correctly applies its healing effect every turn. Previously, it only worked for a single turn.
  • Primal Strike Primal Strike is now required for wildshapes to deal magical damage. Previously, wildshapes of level 5 or higher always dealt magical damage even for non-Moon druids. Primal Strikes only affected the pre-level 5 wildshape forms.