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“Hold it. I swear to Ironhand, one more step and I blow us to chunks!„
Act 1
Brithvar mentiones that a deep gnome fled with some smokepowder. Philomeen was fed up with the Duergar's cruelty towards her and her people so she run. She also took a Runepowder Barrel with her and hid.
Philomeen wants to bring the Runepowder - an explosive of immense power handed down to them by their war-god Gaerdal Ironhand - back to Baldur's Gate. She would like to have her clan with her, but she knows the mission must come first. She considers her clan mewmbers to be freedom fighters and that they need this powder to "prove a point".
The party must then calm her down using one of the following options:
- [PERSUASION] Laridda sent me. The gnomes need your help. (DC 10)
- [INTIMIDATION] If I was a True Soul, you'd be dead. Stand down before you hurt yourself. (DC 15)
- [PERSUASION] Smile sincerely and hold out your hand. (DC 15)
- [PERSUASION] Are you sure about this? Once you're dead, that's it. It's over. (DC 15)
- [DETECT THOUGHTS] [WISDOM] Cast Detect Thoughts.
- You will not serve Ironhand in death. But you might still serve him in life.
If calming her down, she refuses to give up the barrel but agrees to give the party a Runepowder Vial.
If failing to calm her down she lets the barrel explode along with her, which results in completely losing the barrel item and potentially wiping out the entire party.
Act 3
If she escaped alive, Philomeen shows up in Angleiron's Cellar with the rest of the Ironhand Gnome resistance. She is just as zealous about her clan's plans for the city, and confirms, that she broke up with Laridda for good.
Related quests
Notable loot
Runepowder Barrel
Runepowder Vial - given freely in dialogue
Related literature
- Philomeen will claim that she knows the player character must be a True Soul because she saw them "sail in" and be greeted by the Duergar, even if that didn't actually happen (because the party first entered Grymforge via the elevator from the Shadow-Cursed Lands).
See also
- Community gags - Philomeen's page on this wiki has been a subject of meta-jokes.