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Undead are a type of creature that has died and been brought back through magical or spiritual means. They can be frequently found throughout Baldur's Gate 3, most notably during Act Three, and may be created through various spells and actions available to players and NPCs.


Most undead are reanimated from formerly living creatures, and generally exist between the realms of the living and the dead. As such, certain damage types or status effects that would normally be effective against organic creatures are ineffective against undead creatures. Damage TypesPoison and Damage TypesNecrotic resistances appear quite commonly, and some are often immune to Poison or Necrotic damage, or both. Similarly, they are unaffected by many conditions such as Bleeding Bleeding and Poisoned Poisoned.

Conversely, almost all healing effects including Healing Word Healing Word, Lay on Hands Lay on Hands, and Preserve Life Preserve Life have no effect on undead. However, potions can still heal them.

Types of undead

Crawling Claw

Crawling claw and reanimated severed limbs, usually created to perform menial tasks as a servant by dark wizards. Lacking a brain, crawling claws don't possess intelligence although they can still hear and understand basic commands.

Crawling claws in Baldur's Gate 3

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Dark Justiciar

Dark Justiciar are elite warriors who serve Shar, even after death. They can be found mainly in the Gauntlet of Shar in Act Two, as well as corpses in Grymforge during Act One.

Dark Justiciars in Baldur's Gate 3

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Death Knight

Death knights are reanimated warriors, often created from characters who were evil in life. They appear fully clad in armour, which hides their rotting skin such that only their eyes show through as pinpoints of light. Death knights were most often created from paladin-type characters.

Death knights in Baldur's Gate 3

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Flying Ghoul

Main articles: Flying Ghoul

Flying Ghouls are flying variants of the regular Ghoul. They have large jagged wings and often swoop down to consume humanoid corpses

Flying ghouls in Baldur's Gate 3

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Main articles: Ghast and Ghast on the Forgotten Realms Wiki

Ghasts are very similar to ghouls - humanoid creatures that can paralyze their foes with their claws and teeth. They are generally more cunning and deadly, but carry the stench of rotting flesh. This stench is so severe it can cause nausea, and even paralysis.

Ghasts in Baldur's Gate 3

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Main articles: Ghost and Ghost on the Forgotten Realms Wiki

Ghosts are spirits that are bound to someone or some place, either from being denied a proper burial or by having unfinished business when they died. Being incorporeal, they can fly and pass through solid objects as they please.

Ghosts in Baldur's Gate 3

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Main articles: Ghoul and Ghoul on the Forgotten Realms Wiki

Ghouls are humanoid looking carnivorous creatures that devour corpses and hunger for the flesh of living beings. They have long sharp teeth, and can paralyze their prey with claw or bite wounds.

Ghouls in Baldur's Gate 3

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Grim Visage

Grim visages are floating skulls created from various aspects of Gerringothe Thorm's personality to guard her coins. There are 6 of them, and defeating them removes armor from Gerringothe.

Grim Visages in Baldur's Gate 3

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Main articles: Mummy and Mummy on the Forgotten Realms Wiki

Mummies are undead creatures created from preserved, mummified corpses. They retain the bandages that wrapped and preserved the original body, but are in various stages of extreme decay. If attacked by a mummy, a condition known as mummy rot may be inflicted.

Mummies in Baldur's Gate 3

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Mummy Lord

Main articles: Mummy Lord and Mummy lord on the Forgotten Realms Wiki

Mummy lords are more powerful, intelligent versions of Mummies that are created from powerful and/or evil creatures. If defeated, they will automatically reform in their lair unless their desiccated hearts are destroyed by found and destroyed by fire.

Mummy Lords in Baldur's Gate 3

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Main articles: Shadow and Shadow on the Forgotten Realms Wiki

Shadows are dark, incorporeal creatures that can be frequently found in Act Two. They are twisted remnants of once living creatures that are twisted by the shadow curse. When defeated, they frequently leave behind a Shadow Vestige which details fragments of the shadow's former life.

Shadows in Baldur's Gate 3

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Main articles: Skeleton and Skeleton on the Forgotten Realms Wiki

Skeletons are a commonly encountered form of undead. They are animated from a corpse of a creature that is devoid of flesh. Consisting of mainly brittle bones, skeletons are vulnerable to Damage TypesBludgeoning damage and can be created through various magic spells.

Skeletons in Baldur's Gate 3

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Undead Dragon

Main article: Undead Dragon

Undead dragons are extremely rare dragon creatures reanimated using extremely powerful magic. Their bodies are skeletal in appearance, and they retain much of their abilities and magic as they did in their previous life.

Undead dragons in Baldur's Gate 3

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Main articles: Vampire and Vampire on the Forgotten Realms Wiki

Vampires are powerful undead creatures with pale-skin, blood-red eyes, and sharp canine teeth which they use to pierce and drink the blood of their victims. They also have sharp claws and can regenerate, as well as turn other humanoid creatures into vampire spawn by feeding on them. Most notably however, they are sensitive to sunlight and their skin will burn in its presence.

Vampires in Baldur's Gate 3

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Vampire Spawn

Vampire spawn are creatures created when a vampire bites and drinks the blood of a humanoid creature. They have some of the features of a vampire such as sensitivity to light and a hunger for blood, but have no free-will unless their master is killed or their freedom is granted.

Vampire spawn in Baldur's Gate 3

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Main articles: Wraith and Wraith on the Forgotten Realms Wiki

Wraiths are similar in appearance to Shadows, and can also be found in Act Two. In combat, Wraiths will frequently teleport from shadow to shadow. They will also generate an Aura of Vile Oblivion Aura of Vile Oblivion which snuffs out nearby light sources and can drain the life of their enemies.

Wraiths in Baldur's Gate 3

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Main articles: Zombie and Zombie on the Forgotten Realms Wiki

Zombies are a common form of undead similar to Skeletons except they still retain significant amounts of flesh. Mindless and often missing body parts, zombies can be created from most living creatures and they usually form the backbone of any necromancer's army. Zombies can be difficult to kill, often reviving after receiving a fatal blow.

Zombies in Baldur's Gate 3


Related items

Related spells and abilities

List of abilities that do not work on undead