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Opportunity Attack
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Opportunity Attack or Attack of Opportunity is a common Passive feature/Reaction. This ability allows a creature to make a melee Attack roll against enemies when they move out of the creature's melee range.
Automatically attack an enemy moving out of your reach.
How to learn
Used by creatures:
- 'Barnabus', 'Bigmouth' Thimsen, 'Ears' Oohna, 'Grumpo' Daggles, 'Loose Lips' Cyrilla, 'Plumes' Fronkin, 'Timothy', 'Tomelia', Abby, Abdirak, Abraxa, Add'ath, Addled Frog, Adrielle, Aelar, Aelis (Fist Recruit), Aelis Siryasius, Afara, Aggralix, Aggy, Agile Guardian, Aguta, Ahu'u'rag, Aicir Tapol, Aideen Ni Chuirc, Air Elemental, Air Myrmidon, Aischa, Akabi, Alan Alyth, Albert, Alembrosius, Alexander Rainforest, Alfira, Alia Durinbold, Allandra Grey, Amek, Aminah, Amira, Amnos, Ancient Giant Eagle, Ancient Mud Mephit, Ancient Servant, Anders, Andorn, Andrick, Andrik, Animated Armour, Anita Fischer, Anna Lidwin, Anouk, Ansur, Antinia, Antinnia, Antony, Antwun Dufay, Anya, Apikusis, Apostate Defender, Apostate Destroyer, Apostate Librarian, Apostate Sentinel, Apostle of Myrkul, Aradin Beno, Araj Oblodra, Aranea, Aranea Aculeata, Aranea Major, Arcagh, Archer Velicia, Archivist, Arden, Arensen, Arfur Gregorio, Argram, Arka, Arkleia Oloril, Armoured Owlbear, Arnell Hallowleaf, Arrinye, Arron, Art Cullagh, Arthus, Artimezt, Asharak, Asparagus Mhallie, Assassin's Folly, Astoundo the Greater, Astoundo the Lesser, Astyl, Aubree, Augur Harxkellan, Auntie Ethel, Auntie Ethel, Aurelia, Avery Sonshal, Avgarioletta, Avourel, Aylin, Ayo Armbrust, Azak, Azari, Azer, Ba'akreth, Baalfe, Babyjowls, Bad Twin Bubbins, Badger, Baff Elkhorn, Bagdog, Bailey, Bakshi, Bal, Bala Ofran, Balthazar, Bao'ek'nuk, Bareki, Baretha, Barnz, Barsik, Barth, Bat, Baxta, Baz Hopbank, Bear (wild shape), Bearclaw, Beatrice Provoss, Bedi, Bel, Beldron, Belford Willoughby, Bella (Bloomridge Park), Bella (Wyrm's Rock Fortress), Bellar, Bellora Truscott, Belub, Ben Golewits, Benji, Bennel, Benryn, Benta, Beorn Wunterbrood, Bernard, Bernyr, Bert Adams, Bertram Kostaka, Bex, Bez, Bill, Billy, Billyum, Birka, Birta Grougg, Bitey Buddy, Blades Bakstir, Blaird, Blaise Hhune, Blasphemous Acolyte, Bleeri, Blevindall, Blighted Actor, Blighted Barman, Blighted Patron, Blighted Troubador, Blinded Elf, Bloodfang, Bloodmarrow Skeleton, Bloodmopper, Bloris Meadhoney, Bluenail, Blunder Bob, Blunt Skuncher, Blurg, Blythe, Boar, Bobby, Bogdan Vortleson, Bolt, Bombasto, Boney, Bonna, Boo, BOOOAL, Bor, Borgus Elamin, Boris, Borri Paver, Bosk, Bosun Gannet, Bradi'ith, Brakkal, Bramble, Brammels, Branthos, Brathwen, Breaker of War, Breg, Brek, Brelal'reth, Brem
- The Action allows creatures to avoid provoking opportunity attacks.
- If dual wielding melee weapons, both weapons are used for opportunity attack.
- The feat allows an opportunity attack when creatures move into reach if using polearms.
- Creatures cannot make opportunity attacks when:
- Wielding only ranged weapons.
- Having Conditions that prevent the use of Reactions, such as , , or .
- Unable to see the target for any reason, such as the target being or the attacker being .