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Drilldown: creatures
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- voice actors (268)
- weapon types (33)
- weapons (421)
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None (284) ·
A Patriar's Attendant (2) ·
Barmaid at Sharess' Caress (1) ·
Clerk (2) ·
Cook (3) ·
Courtesan at Sharess' Caress (3) ·
Editor-in-chief for the Baldur's Mouth Gazette (1) ·
Farmer (1) ·
Fish Trader (1) ·
Greengrocer (1) ·
Guard (2) ·
Investigative journalist for the Baldur's Mouth Gazette (1) ·
Leader of the Dead Eyes (1) ·
Lockpick (1) ·
Mercenary (3) ·
Owner and Bartender of the Elfsong Tavern (1) ·
Owner of The Blushing Mermaid (1) ·
Rare book curator at Sorcerous Sundries (1) ·
Vampire Hunter (1) ·
Waiter (1) ·
Weapons Trader (1) ·
Worker for the Baldur's Mouth Gazette (1)
Opportunity Attack (309) ·
Darkvision (152) ·
Extra Attack (98) ·
Fey Ancestry (77) ·
Dwarven Resilience (54) ·
Crossbow Expert: Point-Blank (41) ·
Archery (23) ·
Hellish Resistance (23) ·
Crossbow Expert: Wounding (19) ·
Sunlight Sensitivity (19) ·
Mobile (15) ·
Mobile: Evade Difficult Terrain (15) ·
Mobile: Evade Opportunity Attack (15) ·
Githyanki Parry (13) ·
Land's Stride: Difficult Terrain (12) ·
Duergar Resilience (6) ·
Superior Darkvision (6) ·
Superior Padding (-1) (6) ·
None (5) ·
Born into Darkness (5)
Showing below up to 250 results in range #1 to #250.
- Add'ath
- Adrielle
- Aggralix
- Ahu'u'rag
- Aideen Ni Chuirc
- Alan Alyth
- Alexander Rainforest
- Alia Durinbold
- Amek
- Antinnia
- Archivist
- Argram
- Arrinye
- Artimezt
- Astoundo the Greater
- Aubree
- Avourel
- Azer
- Barton
- Bel
- Bella (Wyrm's Rock Fortress)
- Bellar
- Benryn
- Bernyr
- Bex
- Blaird
- Bleeri
- Blinded Elf
- Blunt Skuncher
- Bogdan Vortleson
- Bradi'ith
- Brelal'reth
- Brem
- Brilgor
- Bruno Indomicus
- Bryanne
- Caerdwyn
- Callira
- Carmen Pennygood
- Carnelia Vanthampur
- Ceres Olsin
- Ch'guth
- Charming Latham
- Cheeky Nora
- Chenti
- Chervis
- Chost
- Chy'raagh
- Clover
- Cordrane
- Cyrel
- Dadger
- Dairow Vin
- Dal Lightspark
- Danis
- Danna
- Danzo Arkwright
- Darlie
- Dart Dirtwood
- Dead Drow
- Dead Tiefling
- Debin
- Delwaer Jeth
- Delyarna
- Dillard Portyr
- Diomira Trellis
- Dion
- Dokksill
- Dominica Arsetz
- Dor'il
- Dorikel
- Drarra
- Dryfle Doon
- Dunnol
- Felgi Diggums
- Firellia Jannath
- Fishbait Arno
- Fitzy Relma
- Flo Hurlburl
- Fonmara
- Frenello
- Frothilda
- Furek
- Fytz
- G'nuril
- G'r'ath
- Gai
- Galleass
- Gandrel
- Garias
- Garri Orne
- Garron Flintsplitter
- Geraldus
- Gerson
- Giftu Hudd
- Gizelle Flintsplitter
- Glenvora
- Glist
- Glone
- Gloomy Fentonson
- Gneiss
- Gonfalon
- Goosequill
- Goris Ballast
- Gorran Penghyst
- Grent Grintly
- Grenywald
- Griff
- Griska
- Gummidge
- Gur Hunter Sharpshooter
- Gurira
- Gydd
- Haeril Birch
- Hans Feather
- Hargin Jooli
- Harvard Willoughby
- Hasmet Hudd
- Havard
- Heen
- Helag
- Helenia
- Hildeh
- Honest Vendor
- Hyrald
- Kagran
- Kale Dorriacks
- Kali Hammerhand
- Karad
- Karrik
- Kepli
- Keris
- Kettel
- Kharyk
- Khunaruth
- Ko'kuu
- Komira
- Kristeen Hazel
- Kur'ashk
- Kyberos
- Kyrr'a'ath
- Lo Blank
- Locke
- Lord Portyr's Attendant
- Lord Portyr's Bodyguard
- Loretta
- Lorna Esthelian
- Lorroakan's Projection
- Loudstone
- Ly'iss
- Ma'aryk
- Ma'athal
- Maddala Deadeye
- Madeline Whitburn
- Madigan
- Maghtew Budj
- Magnolia
- Magron
- Malek Stones
- Manus
- Manzarde
- Mar'hyah
- Marcus Falgor
- Mari
- Marilla
- Marlono Rhandle
- Mask of Servitude (Overgrown Tunnel)
- Mask of Terror (Overgrown Tunnel)
- Maude
- Mayrina
- Meazel
- Megthanet
- Merim
- Meygan
- Mibbs
- Mijah
- Mîran
- Mirileth
- Morra
- Moy
- Muttonchops Dorryss
- Myrnath
- Nadira
- Naiske
- Nalira
- Naoise Nallinto
- Narvass
- Ned'Cirannis
- Nelburn Frust
- Ni'ima
- Nimba'as
- Nimias
- Nola
- Nym Orlith
- Nymessa