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Stealth is a Dexterity-based Skill.

The higher a creature's Dexterity Score, the more likely they will succeed on Stealth Checks to stay hidden from enemies or other NPCs.

Proficiency[edit | edit source]

Characters who are proficient in Stealth can add their Proficiency Bonus when making Ability checks.

The following backgrounds grant proficiency in Stealth:

The following races are proficient in Stealth:

The following races have advantage in Stealth:

The following classes can choose to select Stealth as a proficient skill at Level 1:

Uses[edit | edit source]

  • Used to Hide Hide out of sight of NPCs.
    • If a character who is Hiding enters a creature's line of sight cone and is Lightly Obscured Lightly Obscured, they will make a Stealth check every turn (approximately every 6 seconds when outside of combat or turn-based mode). The DC for this check varies based on the creature that the character is attempting to sneak past. See passive perception.
    • If a character who is Hiding enters a creature's line of sight cone and is Heavily Obscured Heavily Obscured, they will not need to make Stealth checks until they get close to that creature.[Needs Verification]
    • If a character who is Hiding enters a creature's line of sight cone and is in a Clear Area Clear Area, they will be spotted immediately, without making a Stealth check.
    • Characters who are Hiding and do not enter any creature's line of sight cone will never be spotted regardless of their Stealth skill, and will not make Stealth checks until entering a line of sight cone.
    • When hiding within the range of a creature's Darkvision Darkvision or Superior Darkvision Superior Darkvision:
  • Used to maintain Greater Invisibility Greater Invisibility when performing an action while under its effect. The DC for this check begins at 15, then 17, then increases by 1 for each subsequent check.

Related Items[edit | edit source]

+1 to Skill Checks[edit | edit source]

+2 to Skill Checks[edit | edit source]

Smuggler's Ring

+3 to Skill Checks[edit | edit source]

Penumbral Armour while Obscured

+1d4 to All Skill Checks[edit | edit source]

Shapeshifter's Boon Ring while Shapeshifted or Disguised

Advantage on Skill Checks[edit | edit source]

Advantage on All Dexterity Checks[edit | edit source]

The Graceful Cloth

Disadvantage on Skill Checks[edit | edit source]

With the exception of the following items, all Heavy Armour and all variations of Scale Mail and Half Plate Armour provide Disadvantage Icon.png Disadvantage on Stealth checks.

Related Spells[edit | edit source]