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Rescue Wulbren
Rescue Wulbren is a quest completable in Act Two of Baldur's Gate 3. It can initially be started in Act One after completing the quest and discovering that the other gnomes were taken to Moonrise Towers. Otherwise, it can be started when encountering Wulbren in the Moonrise Towers Prison.
Objectives[edit | edit source]
Objectives and journal entries may vary pending story decisions and outcomes.
Walkthrough[edit | edit source]
If Barcus Wroot that Wulbren and some of the Ironhand Gnomes were kidnapped and sent to Moonrise Towers on account of his knowledge of runepowder. If was completed with the tiefling refugees and the Druid Grove was saved, the tieflings are also present. Otherwise, the party can learn about Wulbren by exploring Moonrise Towers Prison. If the tieflings in the prison are spoken with first, they explain that the gnomes are up to something, but they do not know what.
is completed, it is revealed byFinding Wulbren[edit | edit source]
To find Wulbren’s location, the party must go downstairs into the Moonrise Towers Prison at X: -173 Y: -194. The entrance to the prison is east to the audience chamber, and can also be accessed outside by the docks. From the stairs entrance to the prison, the party must go west to find a hallway with prison cells. Wulbren is in the fourth cell to the right at X: 569 Y: -626.
If attempting to speak to Wulbren, one of the prison guards intervenes and says that no one is allowed to talk to the prisoners, who are property of Balthazar. The party has three options to respond with:
- [DECEPTION] I have permission from Balthazar. Ask him. (DC 14)
- [PERSUASION] What are the prisoners going to do? Talk me to death? (DC 14)
- My apologies - won't happen again.
Additionally, if slipping into the cells by , , or other means, the guards do not confront the party.
Wulbren is initially suspicious of the party, asking why someone who walks around the prison like they own the place would want to help him:
- Barcus told me you were here, and asked me to help. [note 1]
- [PERSUASION] I know the tieflings imprisoned here - I want to break you all out. (DC 10)
- [BARBARIAN] [INTIMIDATION] Accept my help or die in this pit - choose. (DC 6
- [OATH OF VENGEANCE] [OATHBREAKER] [EVIL CLERIC] [PERSUASION] Helping you hurts the Absolute - and I take pleasure in that. (DC 6
- [OATH OF VENGEANCE] [OATHBREAKER] [PALADIN] [PERSUASION] My oath bids me so - I infiltrated this place just to undermine the Absolute. (DC 6
- [CLERIC] I am sworn to a higher power - I infiltrated this place just to undermine the Absolute. (DC 6
- [PERSUASION] My mind is my own - the Absolute has no control over me. (DC 6)
- [DECEPTION] I'm an undercover agent for the Flaming Fist. (DC 6)
- [ROGUE] [PERSUASION] You'll owe me a favour after. Besides - I never liked prisons much. (DC 6)
- ↑ If Barcus Wroot was saved in and subsequently rescued with the Grymforge gnomes
Convincing Wulbren of the party's will to help nets the following approval:
Conversely, telling Wulbren to "die for all you care" nets negative approval:
-1 (Bug: Appears to reduce Minsc's approval, even though he is not available until Act 3)
Fleeing the Towers[edit | edit source]
Leaving by Boat[edit | edit source]
The party can choose to follow Wulbren's plan to escape, which involves giving him an object that can smash rocks. This can be any item which causes bludgeoning damage, such as a generic Mace; it has to be a weapon, though, and bringing him a regular
Hammer does not advance the quest.
Wulbren's Hammer can be found by climbing up the iron ladder in the Warden's office at X: 574 Y: -646. This area is guarded by a Scrying Eye and is considered trespassing, so the party must either sneak or deceive / bribe their way out of being sent to jail. If obtaining his hammer specifically, Wulbren is extremely grateful and assumed he would never see it again.
Once a bludgeoning weapon has been acquired, the party must go back to Wulbren and talk to him. This initiates a trade screen where the item can be "donated" to Wulbren. Alternatively, the weapon can be thrown into Wulbren's cell and he picks it up. The party can now speak with Wulbren and either tell him to start the escape attempt immediately or to wait until the party is ready. If long resting or fast travelling at this point, the gnomes begin the escape without the party. If standing around when Wulbren breaks the wall, the guards become hostile and combat starts.
One strategy to avoid combat is to get up the rocky ledge to the west of the cells by climbing or using / . The ledge leads to the back area of the cells, of both the gnomes at X: 568 Y: -612 and the tieflings at X: 600 Y: -617. Both back walls of the cells can be broken down with Force damage. There is also a boat at X: 575 Y: -576 fixed with brittle chains. After breaking down the walls, the deep gnomes and tieflings run to the boat. The party should also run to the boat to aid the characters breaking the chains. While this happens, the prison guards, alerted by the Scrying Eyes become hostile and try to hinder the prisoners from escaping. After defeating the guards, when all surviving prisoners are at the boat, the party must speak to Wulbren and decide if they will accompany him to his next destination.
The party can suggest going to Last Light Inn if they have already been there. If not, then selecting "I don't - but I'll join you on the boat. We'll see where we end up." sends the prisoners to the Last Light and the party gets a cutscene similar to what they would get from entering the Last Light for the first time.
Leaving by Foot[edit | edit source]
The prisoners can be forced to abandon Wulbren's plan and go through the Towers on foot by using a lever in the Warden's office. There are multiple levers behind the warden and each one opens the door to a specific cell, and the large lever on the floor starts an alarm and opens all of them. If the levers are used, the prisoners flee and combat starts, forcing the party to fight their way through or let the prisoners die. To free the prisoners, the party must fight all of the enemies, then follow the prisoners to the docks, where another fight breaks out. After this battle, the prisoners move to the north and towards the Toll House, disappearing. They then safely reappear at Last Light.
Cleaning Out the Prison[edit | edit source]
As always, the party can kill their way through. If the prison guards are dispatched, the rest of Moonrise Towers does not become hostile. As such, the party can safely clear out the prison before dealing with the gnomes to ensure everyone survives the escape. An easy way to do this is to kill the Warden in her office, and then wait. Enemies patrolling nearby intermittently walk in and can be slowly picked off. Once they are all dead and the Scrying Eyes destroyed, the party can give Wulbren his hammer and the prisoners can safely escape.
Returning to Last Light[edit | edit source]
Once the prisoners have escaped, the party can go with them to Last Light Inn or fast travel there. Speaking to Barcus (or Wulbren if he is dead) resolves the quest.
Time Limit[edit | edit source]
While this quest is not limited by long rests, there is a story limitation. If Shadowfell, this quest automatically ends. When this happens, the quest journal says that the other prisoners were never found. The bodies of the dead prisoners can later be found in the Oubliette.
is completed, then once returning from theRewards[edit | edit source]
- Barcus Wroot. given by
Notes[edit | edit source]
- As of Hotfix 6, taking the gnomes through Moonrise Towers has a number of odd glitches. Once the prisoners exit the prison to the docks, if any of the prisoners are left in the prison before the party leaves, even if the prison has been cleared of enemies, then they remain in the prison and cannot be moved or talked to. If fast travelling or long resting, then they show up as dead.