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Name Level Bard Cleric Druid Ranger Sorcerer Paladin Warlock Wizard
Divine Smite Divine Smite - - - - - Paladin - -
Acid Splash Acid Splash C - - - - Sorcerer - - Wizard
Blade Ward Blade Ward C Bard Cleric - - Sorcerer - Warlock Wizard
Bone Chill Bone Chill C - - - - Sorcerer - Warlock Wizard
Booming Blade Booming Blade C - - - - Sorcerer - Warlock Wizard
Bursting Sinew Bursting Sinew C - Cleric - - - - - Wizard
Dancing Lights Dancing Lights C Bard - - - Sorcerer - - Wizard
Eldritch Blast Eldritch Blast C - - - - - - Warlock -
Fire Bolt Fire Bolt C - - - - Sorcerer - - Wizard
Friends Friends C Bard - - - Sorcerer - Warlock Wizard
Guidance Guidance C - Cleric Druid - - - - -
Light Light C Bard Cleric - - Sorcerer - - Wizard
Mage Hand Mage Hand C Bard - - - Sorcerer - Warlock Wizard
Minor Illusion Minor Illusion C Bard - - - Sorcerer - Warlock Wizard
Poison Spray Poison Spray C - - Druid - Sorcerer - Warlock Wizard
Produce Flame Produce Flame C - Cleric Druid - - - - -
Ray of Frost Ray of Frost C - - - - Sorcerer - - Wizard
Resistance Resistance C - Cleric Druid - - - - -
Sacred Flame Sacred Flame C - Cleric - - - - - -
Shillelagh Shillelagh C - - Druid - - - - -
Shocking Grasp Shocking Grasp C - - - - Sorcerer - - Wizard
Thaumaturgy Thaumaturgy C - Cleric - - - - - -
Thorn Whip Thorn Whip C - - Druid - - - - -
Toll the Dead Toll the Dead C - Cleric - - - - Warlock Wizard
True Strike True Strike C Bard - - - Sorcerer - Warlock Wizard
Vicious Mockery Vicious Mockery C Bard - - - - - - -
Animal Friendship Animal Friendship 1 Bard - Druid Ranger - - - -
Armour of Agathys Armour of Agathys 1 - - - - - - Warlock -
Arms of Hadar Arms of Hadar 1 - - - - - - Warlock -
Bane Bane 1 Bard Cleric - - - - - -
Bless Bless 1 - Cleric - - - Paladin - -
Burning Hands Burning Hands 1 - - - - Sorcerer - - Wizard
Charm Person Charm Person 1 Bard - Druid - Sorcerer - Warlock Wizard
Chromatic Orb Chromatic Orb 1 - - - - Sorcerer - - Wizard
Colour Spray Colour Spray 1 - - - - Sorcerer - - Wizard
Command Command 1 - Cleric - - - Paladin - -
Compelled Duel Compelled Duel 1 - - - - - Paladin - -
Create or Destroy Water Create or Destroy Water 1 - Cleric Druid - - - - -
Cure Wounds Cure Wounds 1 Bard Cleric Druid Ranger - Paladin - -
Disguise Self Disguise Self 1 Bard - - - Sorcerer - - Wizard
Dissonant Whispers Dissonant Whispers 1 Bard - - - - - - -
Divine Favour Divine Favour 1 - - - - - Paladin - -
Enhance Leap Enhance Leap 1 - - Druid Ranger Sorcerer - - Wizard
Ensnaring Strike Ensnaring Strike 1 - - - Ranger - - - -
Entangle Entangle 1 - - Druid - - - - -
Expeditious Retreat Expeditious Retreat 1 - - - - Sorcerer - Warlock Wizard
Faerie Fire Faerie Fire 1 Bard - Druid - - - - -
False Life False Life 1 - - - - Sorcerer - - Wizard
Feather Fall Feather Fall 1 Bard - - - Sorcerer - - Wizard
Find Familiar Find Familiar 1 - - - - - - - Wizard
Fog Cloud Fog Cloud 1 - - Druid Ranger Sorcerer - - Wizard
Goodberry Goodberry 1 - - Druid Ranger - - - -
Grease Grease 1 - - - - - - - Wizard
Guiding Bolt Guiding Bolt 1 - Cleric - - - - - -
Hail of Thorns Hail of Thorns 1 - - - Ranger - - - -
Healing Word Healing Word 1 Bard Cleric Druid - - - - -
Hellish Rebuke Hellish Rebuke 1 - - - - - - Warlock -
Heroism Heroism 1 Bard - - - - Paladin - -
Hex Hex 1 - - - - - - Warlock -
Hunter's Mark Hunter's Mark 1 - - - Ranger - - - -
Ice Knife Ice Knife 1 - - Druid - Sorcerer - - Wizard
Inflict Wounds Inflict Wounds 1 - Cleric - - - - - -
Longstrider Longstrider 1 Bard - Druid Ranger - - - Wizard
Mage Armour Mage Armour 1 - - - - Sorcerer - - Wizard
Magic Missile Magic Missile 1 - - - - Sorcerer - - Wizard
Protection from Evil and Good Protection from Evil and Good 1 - Cleric - - - Paladin Warlock Wizard
Ray of Sickness Ray of Sickness 1 - - - - Sorcerer - - Wizard
Sanctuary Sanctuary 1 - Cleric - - - - - -
Searing Smite Searing Smite 1 - - - - - Paladin - -
Shield Shield 1 - - - - Sorcerer - - Wizard
Shield of Faith Shield of Faith 1 - Cleric - - - Paladin - -
Sleep Sleep 1 Bard - - - Sorcerer - - Wizard
Speak with Animals Speak with Animals 1 Bard - Druid Ranger - - - -
Tasha's Hideous Laughter Tasha's Hideous Laughter 1 Bard - - - - - - Wizard
Thunderous Smite Thunderous Smite 1 - - - - - Paladin - -
Thunderwave Thunderwave 1 Bard - Druid - Sorcerer - - Wizard
Witch Bolt Witch Bolt 1 - - - - Sorcerer - Warlock Wizard
Wrathful Smite Wrathful Smite 1 - - - - - Paladin - -
Aid Aid 2 - Cleric - - - Paladin - -
Arcane Lock Arcane Lock 2 - - - - - - - Wizard
Barkskin Barkskin 2 - - Druid Ranger - - - -
Blindness Blindness 2 Bard Cleric - - Sorcerer - - Wizard
Blur Blur 2 - - - - Sorcerer - - Wizard
Branding Smite Branding Smite 2 - - - - - Paladin - -
Calm Emotions Calm Emotions 2 Bard Cleric - - - - - -
Cloud of Daggers Cloud of Daggers 2 Bard - - - Sorcerer - Warlock Wizard
Crown of Madness Crown of Madness 2 Bard - - - Sorcerer - Warlock Wizard
Darkness Darkness 2 - - - - Sorcerer - Warlock Wizard
Darkvision Darkvision 2 - - Druid Ranger Sorcerer - - Wizard
Detect Thoughts Detect Thoughts 2 Bard - - - Sorcerer - - Wizard
Enhance Ability Enhance Ability 2 Bard Cleric Druid - Sorcerer - - -
Enlarge/Reduce Enlarge/Reduce 2 - - - - Sorcerer - - Wizard
Enthrall Enthrall 2 Bard - - - - - Warlock -
Flame Blade Flame Blade 2 - - Druid - - - - -
Flaming Sphere Flaming Sphere 2 - - Druid - - - - Wizard
Gust of Wind Gust of Wind 2 - - Druid - Sorcerer - - Wizard
Heat Metal Heat Metal 2 Bard - Druid - - - - -
Hold Person Hold Person 2 Bard Cleric Druid - Sorcerer - Warlock Wizard
Invisibility Invisibility 2 Bard - - - Sorcerer - Warlock Wizard
Knock Knock 2 Bard - - - Sorcerer - - Wizard
Lesser Restoration Lesser Restoration 2 Bard Cleric Druid Ranger - Paladin - -
Magic Weapon Magic Weapon 2 - - - - - Paladin - Wizard
Melf's Acid Arrow Melf's Acid Arrow 2 - - - - - - - Wizard
Mirror Image Mirror Image 2 - - - - Sorcerer - Warlock Wizard
Misty Step Misty Step 2 - - - - Sorcerer - Warlock Wizard
Moonbeam Moonbeam 2 - - Druid - - - - -
Pass Without Trace Pass Without Trace 2 - - Druid Ranger - - - -
Phantasmal Force Phantasmal Force 2 Bard - - - Sorcerer - - Wizard
Prayer of Healing Prayer of Healing 2 - Cleric - - - - - -
Protection from Poison Protection from Poison 2 - Cleric Druid Ranger - Paladin - -
Ray of Enfeeblement Ray of Enfeeblement 2 - - - - - - Warlock Wizard
Scorching Ray Scorching Ray 2 - - - - Sorcerer - - Wizard
See Invisibility See Invisibility 2 Bard - - - Sorcerer - - Wizard
Shadow Blade Shadow Blade 2 - - - - Sorcerer - Warlock Wizard
Shatter Shatter 2 Bard - - - Sorcerer - Warlock Wizard
Silence Silence 2 Bard Cleric - Ranger - - - -
Spike Growth Spike Growth 2 - - Druid Ranger - - - -
Spiritual Weapon Spiritual Weapon 2 - Cleric - - - - - -
Warding Bond Warding Bond 2 - Cleric - - - - - -
Web Web 2 - - - - Sorcerer - - Wizard
Animate Dead Animate Dead 3 - Cleric - - - - - Wizard
Beacon of Hope Beacon of Hope 3 - Cleric - - - - - -
Bestow Curse Bestow Curse 3 Bard Cleric - - - - - Wizard
Blinding Smite Blinding Smite 3 - - - - - Paladin - -
Blink Blink 3 - - - - Sorcerer - - Wizard
Call Lightning Call Lightning 3 - - Druid - - - - -
Conjure Barrage Conjure Barrage 3 - - - Ranger - - - -
Counterspell Counterspell 3 - - - - Sorcerer - Warlock Wizard
Crusader's Mantle Crusader's Mantle 3 - - - - - Paladin - -
Daylight Daylight 3 - Cleric Druid Ranger Sorcerer Paladin - -
Elemental Weapon Elemental Weapon 3 - - - - - Paladin - -
Fear Fear 3 Bard - - - Sorcerer - Warlock Wizard
Feign Death Feign Death 3 Bard Cleric Druid - - - - Wizard
Fireball Fireball 3 - - - - Sorcerer - - Wizard
Gaseous Form Gaseous Form 3 - - - - Sorcerer - Warlock Wizard
Glyph of Warding Glyph of Warding 3 Bard Cleric - - - - - Wizard
Grant Flight Grant Flight 3 - - - - Sorcerer - Warlock Wizard
Haste Haste 3 - - - - Sorcerer - - Wizard
Hunger of Hadar Hunger of Hadar 3 - - - - - - Warlock -
Hypnotic Pattern Hypnotic Pattern 3 Bard - - - Sorcerer - Warlock Wizard
Lightning Arrow Lightning Arrow 3 - - - Ranger - - - -
Lightning Bolt Lightning Bolt 3 - - - - Sorcerer - - Wizard
Mass Healing Word Mass Healing Word 3 - Cleric - - - - - -
Plant Growth Plant Growth 3 Bard - Druid Ranger - - - -
Protection from Energy Protection from Energy 3 - Cleric Druid Ranger Sorcerer - - Wizard
Remove Curse Remove Curse 3 - Cleric - - - Paladin Warlock Wizard
Revivify Revivify 3 - Cleric - - - Paladin - -
Sleet Storm Sleet Storm 3 - - Druid - Sorcerer - - Wizard
Slow Slow 3 - - - - Sorcerer - - Wizard
Speak with Dead Speak with Dead 3 Bard Cleric - - - - - -
Spirit Guardians Spirit Guardians 3 - Cleric - - - - - -
Stinking Cloud Stinking Cloud 3 Bard - - - Sorcerer - - Wizard
Vampiric Touch Vampiric Touch 3 - - - - - - Warlock Wizard
Warden of Vitality Warden of Vitality 3 - - - - - Paladin - -
Banishment Banishment 4 - Cleric - - Sorcerer Paladin Warlock Wizard
Blight Blight 4 - - Druid - Sorcerer - Warlock Wizard
Confusion Confusion 4 Bard - Druid - Sorcerer - - Wizard
Conjure Minor Elemental Conjure Minor Elemental 4 - - Druid - - - - Wizard
Conjure Woodland Being Conjure Woodland Being 4 - - Druid - - - - -
Death Ward Death Ward 4 - Cleric - - - Paladin - -
Dimension Door Dimension Door 4 Bard - - - Sorcerer - Warlock Wizard
Dominate Beast Dominate Beast 4 - - Druid - Sorcerer - - -
Evard's Black Tentacles Evard's Black Tentacles 4 - - - - - - - Wizard
Fire Shield Fire Shield 4 - - - - - - - Wizard
Freedom of Movement Freedom of Movement 4 Bard Cleric Druid - - - - -
Grasping Vine Grasping Vine 4 - - Druid - - - - -
Greater Invisibility Greater Invisibility 4 Bard - - - Sorcerer - - Wizard
Guardian of Faith Guardian of Faith 4 - Cleric - - - - - -
Ice Storm Ice Storm 4 - - Druid - Sorcerer - - Wizard
Otiluke's Resilient Sphere Otiluke's Resilient Sphere 4 - - - - - - - Wizard
Phantasmal Killer Phantasmal Killer 4 - - - - - - - Wizard
Polymorph Polymorph 4 Bard - Druid - Sorcerer - - Wizard
Staggering Smite Staggering Smite 4 - - - - - Paladin - -
Stoneskin Stoneskin 4 - - Druid - Sorcerer - - Wizard
Wall of Fire Wall of Fire 4 - - Druid - Sorcerer - - Wizard
Banishing Smite Banishing Smite 5 - - - - - Paladin - -
Cloudkill Cloudkill 5 - - - - Sorcerer - - Wizard
Cone of Cold Cone of Cold 5 - - - - Sorcerer - - Wizard
Conjure Elemental Conjure Elemental 5 - - Druid - - - - Wizard
Contagion Contagion 5 - Cleric Druid - - - - -
Destructive Wave Destructive Wave 5 - Cleric - - - Paladin - -
Dispel Evil and Good Dispel Evil and Good 5 - Cleric - - - - - -
Dominate Person Dominate Person 5 Bard - - - Sorcerer - - Wizard
Flame Strike Flame Strike 5 - Cleric - - - - - -
Greater Restoration Greater Restoration 5 Bard Cleric Druid - - - - -
Hold Monster Hold Monster 5 Bard - - - Sorcerer - Warlock Wizard
Insect Plague Insect Plague 5 - Cleric Druid - Sorcerer - - -
Mass Cure Wounds Mass Cure Wounds 5 Bard Cleric Druid - - - - -
Planar Binding Planar Binding 5 Bard Cleric Druid - - - - Wizard
Seeming Seeming 5 Bard - - - Sorcerer - - Wizard
Telekinesis Telekinesis 5 - Cleric - - Sorcerer - - Wizard
Wall of Stone Wall of Stone 5 - - Druid - Sorcerer - - Wizard
Arcane Gate Arcane Gate 6 - - - - Sorcerer - Warlock Wizard
Blade Barrier Blade Barrier 6 - Cleric - - - - - -
Chain Lightning Chain Lightning 6 - - - - Sorcerer - - Wizard
Circle of Death Circle of Death 6 - - - - Sorcerer - Warlock Wizard
Create Undead Create Undead 6 - Cleric - - - - Warlock Wizard
Disintegrate Disintegrate 6 - - - - Sorcerer - - Wizard
Eyebite Eyebite 6 Bard - - - Sorcerer - Warlock Wizard
Flesh to Stone Flesh to Stone 6 - - - - - - Warlock Wizard
Globe of Invulnerability Globe of Invulnerability 6 - - - - Sorcerer - - Wizard
Harm Harm 6 - Cleric - - - - - -
Heal Heal 6 - Cleric Druid - - - - -
Heroes' Feast Heroes' Feast 6 - Cleric Druid - - - - -
Otiluke's Freezing Sphere Otiluke's Freezing Sphere 6 - - - - - - - Wizard
Otto's Irresistible Dance Otto's Irresistible Dance 6 Bard - - - - - - Wizard
Planar Ally Planar Ally 6 - Cleric - - - - - -
Sunbeam Sunbeam 6 - - Druid - Sorcerer - - Wizard
Wall of Ice Wall of Ice 6 - - - - - - - Wizard
Wall of Thorns Wall of Thorns 6 - - Druid - - - - -
Wind Walk Wind Walk 6 - - Druid - - - - -