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In Baldur's Gate 3, every companion has an approval rating for the player character. You can gain their Approval or Disapproval by making different choices throughout the game. Companions may approve or disapprove of the player's choices in dialogue, combat, and quest completion, based on their beliefs and goals. Every time a companion's approval rating changes, a message appears in the top left corner of the interface.
High approval rating is required for Romance, unlocks additional dialogues, and lowers the Difficulty Class for persuading the companion. Low approval rating may cause a companion to leave the party or even attack the player character.
Approval Thresholds
Value | Approval | Description |
-49 – -40 | Very Low | Relationship is in danger. Character is likely to leave party if they disagree with another decision. |
-39 – -20 | Low | Relationship is bad. Character may leave party if approval gets worse. |
-19 – 20 | Neutral | Relationship is neutral. Character has no strong feelings towards avatar. |
21 – 40 | Medium | Relationship is fair. Character's trust in avatar is variable. |
41 – 60 | High | Relationship is good. Character approves of avatar. |
61 – 80 | Very High | Relationship is very good. Character is happy with and easily convinced by avatar. |
81 – 100 | Exceptional | Relationship is exceptional. Character is thrilled with and very easily convinced by avatar. |
A companions current approval rating can be seen by examining their character sheet while they are in the party. The approval rating starts at 0 when recruited, and maxes out at 100. The approval rating can be negative, and the companion will leave if the approval hits -50, taking their worn equipment and inventory with them. Story items will be returned to the player character.