The Warden can be spoken to at her post in Moonrise Towers Prison. She alternates between remaining inside her room, patrolling to the ominous fleshy hole in the ground, or speaking to Wulbren.
The party can attempt to obtain her permission to speak to the prisoners with a wide variety of class and skill-specific Ability Checks. No matter the choice, she suggests some light bribery may convince her turn a blind eye, only to ultimately rebuff the party whether they paid her or not. If paid, Rogues then have the option of complimenting her extortion skills.
If the player character is the Dark Urge, the Warden is embittered seeing them again, annoyed at the deference members of the Cult were expected to show when they first stayed at Moonrise Towers. The Warden threatens she knows the things the Urge did in the past, and mentions her belief that they remain a threat to Ketheric Thorm.
Defending Moonrise Towers
If the Nightsong is freed and the Harpers assault Moonrise Towers, The Warden is hostile and can be found in the throne room on the ground floor.
Your attack summons thorny vines that possibly Ensnare your target.
Ensnared creatures cannot move and take 1d6Piercing damage at the start of each turn. An ally can use their Help action to try and tear away the vines.
Your attack summons thorny vines that possibly Ensnare your target.
Ensnared creatures cannot move and take 1d6Piercing damage at the start of each turn. An ally can use their Help action to try and tear away the vines.
Shoot a volley of thorns. The thorns deal weapon damage to the target and then explode. The explosion deals an additional 1d10Piercing damage to the target and surrounding creatures. On miss, the thorns still explode. On save, targets still take half damage from the explosion.