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Perception is a Wisdom-based Skill.
The higher a creature's Wisdom Score, the more likely they will succeed on Perception Checks to spot hidden objects or creatures.
Characters who are proficient in Perception can add their Proficiency Bonus when making Ability checks.
The following classes can choose to select Perception as a proficient skill at Level 1:
The following races are proficient in Perception:
- Used to detect hidden containers, mechanisms and Traps.
- Used to spot hiding creatures.
Passive Perception
Passive Perception is a special form of Perception that allows a creature to detect things in its line of sight without rolling a Skill Check.
Passive Perception is most commonly applied against Stealth checks: when a hidden creature enters another creature's line of sight, the hidden creature rolls a Stealth check against a Difficulty Class (DC) equal to the opposing creature's Passive Perception.
A creature's Passive Perception value is determined by this formula:
Passive Perception = 10 + Wisdom Modifier + Proficiency Bonus (if Proficient in Perception)
Related Items
+2 to Skill Checks
+1d4 to All Skill Checks
Shapeshifter's Boon Ring while Shapeshifted or Disguised
Advantage on Skill Checks
Related Spells
- - Grants Proficiency in all Skills of a chosen Ability.
- - Grants Proficiency in all Wisdom Skills.
- - Grants a
+1d4 bonus on all Skill Checks.
- - Grants Advantage on all Wisdom Checks.
- - Grants Disadvantage on all Wisdom Checks.