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The game determines the success of various actions by rolling dice for you and for other creatures in the game. The result of a die roll or dice roll is often modified by bonuses and penalties. Characters that are very skilled, use powerful items to enhance their abilities, or are under the effects of various empowering conditions (such as from spells or potions) will tend to roll higher numbers. Characters that are unskilled, don't have access to good equipment, or are under the effect of negative conditions, will instead tend to roll lower numbers.
| title = Dice rolls
| description = Dice rolls are a central mechanic in Baldur's Gate 3 which determine the outcome of many different situations.
[[File:Deception.png|thumb|{{noexcerpt|A Deception check}}]]
'''Dice rolls''' are a central game mechanic in ''Baldur's Gate 3''. Dice are rolled to determine the outcome of variety of situations, such as whether a character will succeed at using a particular skill, or if an attack will land and how much damage it will do.
== Dice notation ==
Dice are notated with a ''d'' followed by the number of sides on that specific dice: {{hlist|
* {{DieIcon|d4|Force}} d4
* {{DieIcon|d6|Radiant}} d6
* {{DieIcon|d8|Cold}} d8
* {{DieIcon|d10|Poison}} d10
* {{DieIcon|d12|Psychic}} d12
* {{D20}}}}

Some rolls need to reach a certain value to be considered a success.  This is called the Difficulty Class of the roll, and is usually done with a D20. Rolling a 1 on a D20 is referred to as a natural 1, and rolling 20 on a D20 is referred to as a natural 20.  On some rolls, these can have special effects, such as automatically failing or succeeding the roll, ignoring Modifiers and Difficulty Class.
The number of dice to be rolled is notated immediately before the ''d''. Any applicable '''[[#Modifiers|modifiers]]''' for the roll are given as an addition (if it is a '''bonus''') or subtraction (if it is a '''penalty''') after the dice notation. For example, when a single twenty sided dice (d20) is rolled with no modifiers, it is notated as {{InfoBlob|1d20}}. When two six-sided dice (d6) are rolled with a modifier of +3, the roll is notated as {{InfoBlob|2d6+3}}.

[[Category:Game Mechanics]]
The range of potential results is often given in parentheses, especially for [[#Damage rolls|damage rolls]]. For example, a single dart from a {{SAI|Magic Missile|h=20px}} spell does {{InfoBlob|1d4+1 (2-5) Force damage}}. This means rolling 1d4 and adding 1 to the result, giving a possible total of 2 to 5 points of damage.

== Karmic Dice ==
== Modifiers ==
A number of '''modifiers''' are potentially added to dice rolls. Modifiers are either '''bonuses''' which add to the result, or '''penalties''' which are subtracted from it. A roll may have bonuses and/or penalties from multiple sources; in such cases they are added together and expressed as a single modifier. For example, a d20 roll with a bonus of +5 and a penalty of -2 would be expressed as {{InfoBlob|1d20+3}}.
; Ability score modifiers : Most rolls have an associated [[ability]], and creatures add their corresponding ability score modifier to the outcome of rolls they make.
; Proficiency bonus : Creatures add their proficiency bonus to any attack rolls, ability checks, or saving throws that they make using weapons, skills, or saves that they are proficient in, as well as to all attack rolls made during spell attacks.
; Additional modifiers : Some [[features]] and [[conditions]] add additional modifiers to save DCs and the results of rolls, such as [[Shillelagh]], which allows the caster to add their spellcasting ability modifier to their attack and damage rolls, instead of Strength or Dexterity.
When a creature forces an opponent to make a [[#Saving throws|saving throw]] against a spell the creature has cast or action they have taken, the applicable modifiers are added to the creature's save DC instead.
== d20 rolls ==
Whenever a creature attempts an action that has a chance of failure, it rolls a twenty-sided die (d20) against a target number to determine whether the attempt was a success or a failure, and add any applicable modifiers. If the result is equal to or exceeds the target number, the attempt was successful. If the result was lower than the target number, or if the creature rolled a 1, the attempt failed.
These attempts are categorized either as attack rolls – which are rolled against the target's [[Armour Class]] (AC), as ability checks – which are rolled against the check's Difficulty Class (DC), or as saving throws – which are rolled against a save DC:
<center>Formula = {{InfoBlob|{{D20}} + Ability score modifier + Proficiency bonus (if proficient) + Other modifiers (if any)}}</center>
; Attack rolls : When a creature attacks a target, it makes an attack roll against the target's AC to determine whether the attack is a hit or a miss. If the attack is a hit, it generally deals damage, and the attacker rolls for damage. Creatures generally make their attacks with their equipped [[weapon]] (including unarmed), but some [[spells]] – such as a [[Warlock]]'s [[Eldritch Blast]] – require the caster to make spell attack rolls.
; Saving throws : Traps, spells, conditions, and other sources of harm may allow a creature a chance to avoid or reduce their effect, known as a saving throw or ''save''. To attempt a save, a creature rolls a d20 against a target save DC.
; Ability checks : An ability check is an attempt to succeed at a specific task, and is rolled against a Difficulty Class (DC) set by the game for that task. If the final result of the roll equals or exceeds the DC, the attempt is successful.
A Difficulty Class (or DC) is a number rolled against when making ability checks or saving throws. It represents how difficult a task is to accomplish.
The number is determined by the task attempted – or in the case of saves – the spell, condition, or action that has to be overcome.
=== Natural 1s and 20s ===
Rolling a 1 or 20 on a d20 roll is referred to as a ''natural 1'' or ''natural 20''. When making an attack roll or ability check, rolling a natural 1 is always an automatic failure, while a natural 20 is always an automatic success, regardless of the final result after modifiers are applied. Saving throws attempted during dialogue, and death saving throws, can also roll natural 1s and 20s.
Unlike attack rolls and ability checks, saving throws are not guaranteed to fail or succeed when the d20 result is either a natural 1 or 20 respectively, unless they occur during dialog.
=== Advantage and disadvantage ===
The terms advantage and disadvantage are used in [[Baldur's Gate 3]] with two different meanings:
==== 1. Used with two dice ====
[[File:Advantage Icon.png|alt=The in-game symbol for advantage.|left]]
[[File:Disadvantage Icon.png|alt=The in-game symbol for disadvantage|left]]
A number of situations and conditions give creatures advantage or disadvantage on d20 rolls. A creature that makes a roll with advantage rolls two d20 dice separately, and uses the higher of the two results. If they have disadvantage, they choose the lower of the two.
Creatures receive no additional benefit or penalty from having multiple sources of advantage or disadvantage on a dice roll, and still only roll twice. Likewise, creatures that have {{em|both}} advantage and disadvantage on a roll only roll a single die, even if they have multiple sources of either.
For an exhaustive list of sources of advantage and disadvantage, see the following pages:
* For attack rolls: [[List_of_sources_of_advantage_and_disadvantage_on_attack_rolls#Advantage_on_attack_rolls|Advantage]] and [[List_of_sources_of_advantage_and_disadvantage_on_attack_rolls#Disadvantage_on_attack_rolls|Disadvantage]]
* For saving throws: [[List_of_features_and_items_that_affect_saving_throws#Advantage_on_saving_throws|Advantage]] and [[List_of_features_and_items_that_affect_saving_throws#Disadvantage_on_saving_throws|Disadvantage]]
==== 2. Used with contesting ability checks ====
A contest is a special type of ability check where one creature rolls an ability check against another creature's skill. Rather than rolling, the opposing creature uses a ''passive skill'' value given by {{InfoBlob|10 + skill bonus}} with {{Advantage}} on the relevant skill check adding 5 or {{Disadvantage}} subtracting 5. The passive skill value serves as the [[Difficulty Class]] (DC) of the skill check.
== Ability checks ==
Ability checks are dice rolls made to determine whether a creature succeeds or fails at a task. They are rolled against the task's Difficulty Class (DC), which is generally predetermined by the game. Each ability check is made using one of the six [[abilities]] in the game, and creatures add an ability's corresponding ability score modifier to the results of ability checks they make.
=== Skills ===
Ability checks are usually made using a specified skill. Skills are specific areas of expertise, each associated with an ability, that characters can be proficient in.
Characters add their proficiency bonus to any ability checks they make using skills they are proficient in.{{note|These rolls are often referred to as "skill checks" by the community, although they are not referred to as such in-game.}}
All characters gain proficiency in two skills based on their chosen [[background]] during character creation, and can choose 2-4 more skills to be proficient in from a list of skills determined by their [[class]].
Additionally, some [[races]], subclasses, and [[feats]] also give proficiency in specific skills, and [[bards]] receive the class feature [[Jack of All Trades]] at level 2, allowing them to add {{em|half}} their proficiency bonus (rounded down) to ability checks they make using skills they {{em|are not}} proficient in.
Proficiency does not stack – there's no benefit to having multiple sources of proficiency for a skill.
==== Expertise ====
Characters can also have expertise in a skill, which allows them to add {{em|double}} their proficiency bonus when making a corresponding ability check. While it is possible to have proficiency {{em|and}} expertise in a skill at the same time, they do not stack. Some sources of expertise do, however, require the character to already be proficient in a skill.
Sources of expertise that require prior proficiency in the respective skill include:
* [[Rogue]]s gain expertise in any two skills they are proficient in at both level 1 and level 6.
* [[Bard]]s gain expertise in any two skills they are proficient in at both level 3 and level 10.
Sources of expertise that {{em|do not}} require prior proficiency in the respective skill include:
* [[Knowledge Domain]] [[Cleric]]s can select two skills to master amongst [[Arcana]], [[History]], [[Nature]] and [[Religion]] at level 1.
* The [[Actor]] feat gives expertise in [[Deception]] and [[Performance]].
* [[Gnome#Rock Gnomes|Rock Gnomes]] have expertise in [[History]].
* The [[Illithid Expertise]] feature grants expertise in [[Persuasion]], [[Deception]], and [[Intimidation]].
=== Common scenarios ===
; Automatic rolls
: Some ability checks are automatic. For example, when a creature approaches an inactive trap, the game rolls a [[Perception]] ability check to determine whether the creature notices the trap. Perception is a Wisdom skill, so the character adds their Wisdom modifier and, if proficient in Perception, their proficiency bonus to the ability check. Once the trap is discovered, the character can interact with it to attempt to [[Disarm]] it, which requires a successful [[Sleight of Hand]] check, a Dexterity skill.
; During dialogue
: Ability checks are also common during dialogue, where some responses require an ability check to determine the outcome. Examples include using Charisma-based skills like [[Persuasion]], [[Deception]], or [[Intimidation]] to influence others, or Intelligence-based skills like [[Investigation]], [[History]], or [[Religion]] to determine or remember facts.
; Contests{{Anchor|Contests}}
: A contest is a special type of ability check where one creature rolls an ability check against another creature's skill. Rather than rolling, the opposing creature uses a ''passive skill'' value given by {{InfoBlob|10 + skill bonus}} with {{Advantage}} on the relevant skill check adding 5 or {{Disadvantage}} subtracting 5. The passive skill value serves as the [[Difficulty Class]] (DC) of the skill check.
:: An example of this with {{SAI|Shove}}. The creature attempting the shove makes an [[Athletics]] check versus the target's passive Athletics {{em|or}} [[Acrobatics]], whichever is higher.
:: Another example is with {{SAI|Hide}} where the sneaking creature makes a [[Stealth]] check against an enemy's passive [[Perception]] while in their cone of vision to avoid being detected.
== Saving throws ==
Saving throws represent a creature’s attempt to “'''save'''” themselves from harm. Spells and actions taken by other creatures frequently allow their targets to attempt a save, as do hazards like [[traps]] and [[surface]]s. Each save has an associated ability – referred to using terms like '''Strength saving throw''' or '''Dexterity save''' – and a save DC that creatures attempting to save roll against. When attempting a save, a creature adds an ability score modifier corresponding to that save's associated ability, and if they are proficient in saves made using that ability, they add their proficiency bonus as well.
While the result of an attempted saving throw is always binary – it is either a success or a failure – the exact outcome of a successful save depends on the effect in question. Typically, the damage or conditions inflicted by the associated effect will be reduced in severity, and sometimes negated entirely.
Saving throws do not automatically fail or succeed on natural 1s and 20s, except when made during dialogue.
A [[List of features and items that affect saving throws|number of features]] affect saving throws, and some races have advantage on certain saves.
=== Save proficiency ===
All classes give save proficiency with two abilities. Though when multiclassing, only the '''first''' class taken gives its save proficiencies. An additional save proficiency can be gained by taking the [[Resilient]] feat.
=== Save DCs ===
The Difficulty Class rolled against when attempting to save is called ''save DC''. A successful save can mean completely avoiding negative effects, reducing the damage received (usually by half), or both. For example, successfully saving against a spike trap could mean that a creature takes no damage at all, because it successfully evaded the spikes. On the other hand, if it's caught in the area of effect of a {{SAI|Fireball}}, then a successful save will merely halve the damage. Saving against {{SAI|Thunderwave}} both halves the damage taken, and prevents a creature from being pushed by the spell.
Different mechanics calculate save DC differently:
; Danger save DC : In scenarios such as traps, the game chooses an appropriate Difficulty Class, depending on how serious the danger is. This includes consumable items such as elemental arrows or throwables.
; {{Anchor|Spell save DC}}Spell save DC : The Difficulty Class of a spell that can be saved against is determined through the following formula:
:: {{InfoBlob|8 + proficiency bonus + spellcasting ability modifier}}.
: Certain [[conditions]] and [[List of equipment that affect Spell Save DC|equipment]] worn by the caster can also affect their Spell Save DC.
: This value can be checked by the shortcut key "K" and the target's saving throw can be checked by the shortcut key "T".
; {{Anchor|Weapon action DC}}Weapon action DC: Most weapons allow proficient users to perform special "[[Weapon_actions|weapon actions]]", which are typically limited to once per short rest (e.g. [[Backbreaker]]). These actions often include the chance to inflict a condition on the target, and these conditions require the target to attempt a Save to avoid them. Each weapon action can grant its own inherent bonus to DC that isn't listed anywhere, but is frequently +2. The Difficulty Class of saves allowed by weapon actions is calculated as follows:
:: {{InfoBlob|1=Weapon Action DC = 8 + proficiency bonus + [[Strength]] or [[Dexterity]] modifier + inherent weapon action bonus DC}}
; {{Anchor|Hybrid DC}}Hybrid save DC : Certain weapon actions, notably [[Concussive Smash]], instead allow the acting creature to either use their spell save DC or weapon action DC with a +2 bonus, whichever is higher.
==== Other effects ====
In the case of threats that don't originate from a spellcaster, such as a trap or a poisonous apple, the game sets the DC based on how serious the threat is intended to be. For example, a rather ineffective trap might have a DC of just 5, whereas an effective trap could have a DC of 15. A slightly spoiled tart could impose a DC 5 Constitution save when eaten, whereas a potent venom from a snake could impose a DC 15 Constitution save on the victim.
=== Death saving throws ===
Death saving throws are a special type of saving throw made by playable characters after they have been {{cond|Downed}}. Death saves are made once per turn while the character remains Downed. If a Downed character receives damage from any source that isn't a critical hit, they automatically fail one death saving throw. A critical hit against a Downed character results in 2 failed saves. Melee attacks against a Downed target are always classified as a critical hit.
Three successful saves will let a creature stabilize, no longer needing to make death saves to survive, and three failures will lead to the creature becoming {{cond|Dead}}.
Death saving throws are not associated with an ability score and so don't get any modifiers, nor do they benefit from the proficiency bonus. They only benefit from bonuses that apply to all saving throws (such as {{SAI|Bless}}) or specifically to death saves (such as [[Family Ring]]). Death saves are always DC 10. A character dies when three failures are accumulated, or stabilizes when three successes are accumulated, whichever happens first.
Death saving throws can be critical failures and critical successes. A natural 1 rolled for a death save will add ''two'' failures to a character's death save count, while a natural 20 will immediately stabilize the character regardless of their current death save count.
== Attack rolls ==
Creatures make attack rolls when they attack a target, usually with a [[Weapon|weapon]] or a [[Spells|spell]].
If the result of the attack roll is equal to or higher than the target's Armour Class (AC), the attack ''hits'', and the attacker rolls for damage. If the result is lower than the target's AC, the attack ''misses''.
=== Attack roll modifiers ===
Attack rolls are always made using an associated ability:
* Unarmed attacks, and attacks made with melee weapons and thrown weapons generally add the attacking creature's Strength modifier.
* If the weapon has the [[Finesse]] property, attacks with it add either the attacker's Strength or Dexterity modifier, whichever is higher.
* Unarmed attacks may use the attacker's Dexterity modifier if they have certain features like [[Martial Arts: Dextrous Attacks|Dextrous Attacks]] from the [[Monk]] class.
* Attacks made with ranged weapons add the creature's Dexterity modifier.
* Spell attacks add the caster's [[Spells#Spellcasting|spellcasting ability modifier]], generally determined by their [[Class|class]].
* If the attacker is using an [[Enchantment|enchanted]] weapon, the enchantment value is added.
* If the attacker is proficient with the weapon they are wielding, or if the attack is a spell attack or unarmed attack, they also add their [[proficiency]] bonus.
* According to the [[High Ground Rules]], if the attack is from above, a +2 bonus to the Attack roll is added.  When attacking from below, there is a -2 penalty added.
Attack rolls are also modified by:
* Class [[Features]] - e.g. [[Archery]]
* [[Feats]] - e.g. [[Sharpshooter]]
* [[Items]] - e.g. [[Gloves of Dexterity]]
* [[Spells]] - e.g. [[Bless]]
* [[Consumables]] - e.g. [[Diluted Oil of Sharpness]]
* Conditions - e.g. [[Lightning Charges (Condition)|Lightning Charges]]
See [[list of features and items that affect attack rolls]].
=== Critical hits ===
[[File:critical hit.png|right|thumb|Example of a critical hit with a 1d6 shortsword.]]
{{main|Critical hit}}
When a creature rolls a natural 20 on an attack roll, the attack is a [[critical hit]]''.'' Critical hits automatically land regardless of the target's AC, and the attacker also rolls twice the normal number of dice to determine damage dealt, including additional dice such as those from smites or combat maneuvers.
Modifiers and bonuses – including the creature's relevant ability score modifier and proficiency bonus – are not doubled.
Some [[feats]], [[Classes|class features]], and [[items]] [[Critical Hit threshold reduction|reduce]] the critical hit threshold by 1, allowing the creature to land critical hits by rolling either 19 or 20 on attack rolls.
Multiple sources of this effect stack, allowing the critical hit threshold to go even lower than 19.
=== Armour Class ===
Armour Class (AC) is a measurement of how difficult a creature is to be hit by an attack. In order to successfully hit a creature, the results of an [[Attack roll|attack roll]] must be equal to or greater than the target's Armour Class. AC can be increased by equipping [[Armour|armour]] and [[Shields|shields]], by selecting certain [[Feats|feats]] when leveling up, or utilizing certain [[Spells|spells]].
==== Formula ====
The formula that determines AC when wearing Armour in the torso slot is:
: {{InfoBlob|Torso armor AC + [[Dexterity|Dexterity modifier]] + shield bonus + other bonuses and penalties}}
The AC bonus from Dexterity is typically capped at +2 when wearing [[Armour#Medium armour|medium armour]]{{note|The [[Medium Armour Master]] feat increases the cap from +2 to +3.}}{{note|A few rare armours have an "Exotic Material" trait that allow the wearer to get the full Dexterity bonus to AC. These include [[Yuan-Ti Scale Mail]], [[Unwanted Masterwork Scalemail]], [[Sharpened Snare Cuirass]], and [[Armour of Agility]].}}, and is reduced to zero when wearing [[Armour#Heavy armour|heavy armour]].
Most [[Shields]] grant +2 AC.
Other bonuses include things like the [[Fighting style|Defense]] fighting style, which grants +1 AC while wearing armor, and the [[Cloak of Protection]], which grants +1 AC at all times. Bonuses to AC stack with each other.
==== Other formulas ====
[[Barkskin]] sets the affected creature's AC to 16 if they would otherwise have less.
Unarmoured creatures may use a different formula if they have certain features. Creatures always use whichever formula they have access to that would result in the highest AC. Alternative formulas are only used if no items marked "Light Armor", "Medium Armor", or "Heavy Armor" are being worn in any equipment slot.
{{SAI|Mage Armour}} and {{SAI|Draconic Resilience}}:
: {{InfoBlob|13 + Dexterity modifier + shield bonus + other bonuses and penalties}}
{{SAI|Unarmoured Defence (Barbarian)}}:
: {{InfoBlob|10 + Constitution modifier + Dexterity modifier + shield bonus + other bonuses and penalties}}

In Baldur's Gate 3 you can enable the option to use so-called Karmic Dice.  This means that the game will avoid frustrating streaks of very low rolls in a row, and perhaps overly lucky streaks of very high rolls in a row.  The exact algorithm is not presently known and may be changed between versions of the game.
{{SAI|Unarmoured Defence (Monk)}}:
: {{InfoBlob|10 + Wisdom modifier + Dexterity modifier + other bonuses and penalties}}

== Types of rolls ==
== Damage rolls ==
The base damage dealt by a [[weapons|weapon]], [[spells|spell]], class action, or condition is usually determined by a ''damage roll''. Damage rolls always have an associated [[damage type]] that is given following the dice notation, e.g. {{DamageText|1d4|Piercing}}.

Beyond the general principles explained above, the details of rolls depend on the type of roll that is being made.  Following are the types of rolls in the game.
=== Damage modifiers ===
Modifiers added to damage rolls are only added {{em|once}} per source, even if multiple dice are rolled.

=== Attack Roll ===
Which ability score modifier is added to a damage roll depends on the attack:
* When making weapon attacks, the attacking creature usually adds their ability score modifier to the attack roll.
* Ability score modifiers are not normally added to damage rolls dealt by spells or spell attacks, unless specifically stated otherwise in the spell's description, or if enabled by some feature, such as {{SAI|Agonising Blast|h=20px}}.

When a creature attacks another, it rolls a d20. The result is modified by its [[#Ability Score Modifier|Ability Score Modifier]] and [[#Proficiency Bonus|Proficiency Bonus]]. If the result matches or exceeds the [[Armor Class]] of the target, then the attack is successful.  Otherwise, it's a failure; this could mean the attack was a miss, failed to hurt the target due to its armor, or the target was able to dodge or parry.
Proficiency bonuses are ''not'' added to damage rolls unless the attack being used (e.g. [[Shadowsoaked Blow]]) says so.

As a special case, a roll of 1 means that the attack fails regardless of bonuses and the target's Armor Class. This is called a Critical Miss.  Likewise, a roll of 20 means the attack succeeds regardless of the target's Armor Class.  This is called a Critical Hit. A critical hit also affects the result of the Damage Roll, though the details of how this will be implemented in the finished game are not known yet.
== Other rolls ==
; Healing : [[Healing]] restores a target's [[hit points]] similarly to damage rolls. Healing rolls may also add modifiers, but there's no general rule for this; any bonuses are determined by the source of the healing. For example, a [[Potion of Healing]] restores {{DamageText|2d4+2|Healing}}. There are many magic items, class features, and other effects which also provide bonuses to healing, for example the [[Life Domain]] [[Cleric]]'s {{SAI|Disciple of Life}} feature.
; Wild Magic : When a Wild Magic sorcerer casts a leveled spell, a d20 is rolled to determine if they will trigger a Wild Magic Surge. A surge is triggered only when the outcome is 20. The resulting effect, and Wild Magic Barbarian surge effects for Rage: Wild Magic, are also determined with dice rolls.

Attacks done with [[Weapons]] always use an Attack Roll to determine success. Some spells also use an Attack Roll to determine whether they hit their intended target (such as [[Fire Bolt]] or [[Eldritch Blast]]), though other spells hit the target automatically (such as [[Magic Missile]] or [[Fireball]]).  A spell that hits its target automatically may allow the target to make a Saving Throw instead.
== Karmic Dice ==
[[File:karmic dice setting.png|upright=0.7|thumb|The optional Karmic Dice setting, located in Gameplay Options]]
When the Karmic Dice option is enabled (it is by default), the game will avoid streaks of low rolls.  

The [[Ability Score]] used for the Modifier depends on the type of attack that's being made.  Melee and ranged weapon attacks use Strength or Dexterity, depending on the weapon. For spells, the Ability Score used for the Modifier generally depends on the class of the caster:
However, Karmic Dice influences all rolls – including those of enemies – and the results always skew toward a positive result for the dice roller. In short, '''the Karmic Dice setting makes combat encounters quicker and deadlier''' for both you and your enemies, as attacks are more likely to hit and do higher damage.  

{| class="wikitable" style="width: 75%"
Karmic Dice was previously referred to as "Loaded Dice".
! Intelligence !! Wisdom !! Charisma
| style="width: 33%" |
* [[Wizard]]
* [[Arcane Trickster]]
* [[Eldritch Knight]] (Fighter)
| style="width: 33%" |
* [[Cleric]]
* [[Druid]]
* [[Ranger]]
| style="width: 33%" |
* [[Bard]]
* [[Paladin]]
* [[Sorcerer]]
* [[Warlock]]

The Attack Roll should not be confused with the Damage Roll, which instead determines the amount of damage done to a target by a successful attack.
== Mathematics ==
A wide variety of mathematics can be applied to understand dice roll mechanics in greater depth.

=== Damage Roll ===
=== Armour Class mathematics ===
Armour Class becomes more useful the greater it is – the difference in effectiveness between 20 and 19 AC is {{em|greater}} than the difference in effectiveness between 15 and 14.

A '''Damage Roll''' is performed when a successful attack is made, a spell hits a target, a trap is activated, and so on.  The result determines the damage done, in terms of hit-points.  This roll can involve any type and number of dice.
To illustrate this, if a defender has 15 AC and 10 HP, and the attacker has +5 to attack rolls, and deals 2 damage per attack, the defender would on average survive for 10 turns because the attack has a 50% chance to hit against 15 AC.

For example, a successful hit with a [[Dagger]] will lead to a d4 being rolled to determine the damage (referred to as 1d4 damage), whereas a successful attack with a [[Greatsword]] will lead to two d6 being rolled (referred to as 2d6) for a total damage of 2 to 12. Being caught in a [[Fireball]] will cause 8d6 points of damage, though a successful Saving Throw (see below) can reduce it to half.
If the defender's AC was increased to 16 (chance to hit drops to 45%), they would instead survive for an average of 11.1 rounds (an 11% increase in effectiveness).

For attacks made with weapons, the total value resulting from the roll is affected by the attacking creature's [[#Ability Score Modifier|Ability Score Modifier]] and [[#Proficiency Bonus|Proficiency Bonus]]. For the damage of spell attacks, no such bonuses apply.
Meanwhile, if the defender starts with 19 AC (30% chance to be hit), they would survive for an average of 16.66 rounds. But if their AC was increased to 20 (25% chance to be hit), they would be able to survive for an average of 20 rounds (a 20% increase in effectiveness).

==== A bit of Mathematics ====
The difference between 25 and 24 is even greater, granting a {{em|200%}} increase in effectiveness (50 vs 100 rounds).

Note that due to the mathematics of dice rolls, the difference between, say, 1d8 and 2d4 is more than just the higher minimum value of 2 on the 2d4 roll. With the d8, you have an equal chance of getting, say, a 5 and an 8.  On the other hand, the 2d4 roll is statistically more likely to lead to a total value of 5, than a total value of 8. This is most easily explained with a table of all possible outcomes:
=== Damage rolls mathematics ===
Note that due to the mathematics of dice rolls, the difference between, say, 1d8 and 2d4 is more than just the higher minimum value of 2 on the 2d4 roll. With the d8, you have an equal chance of getting, say, a 5 and an 8.  On the other hand, the 2d4 roll is statistically more likely to lead to a total value of 5, rather than a total value of 8. This is most easily explained with a table of all possible outcomes:

{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="width: 30%; text-align: center;"
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center;"
|+ Possible results of a 2d4 roll, highlighting the number of possibilities resulting in a total value of 5
|+ Possible results of a 2d4 roll, highlighting the number of possibilities resulting in a total value of 5
Line 93: Line 287:

Notice how often the 5 appears in the possibilities for the '''total value''' (4 out of 16 possibilities) vs. how often the 8 appears (1 out of 16).  This means a 2d4 roll has a 25% chance of resulting in 5 points of damage, but only a 6.125% chance of resulting in 8 points of damage.  Meanwhile, the 1d8 roll actually has a higher chance of resulting in the maximum damage value of 8, since 1 out of 8 possibilities (12.5%) result in an 8.
Notice how often the 5 appears in the possibilities for the '''total value''' (4 out of 16 possibilities) vs. how often the 8 appears (1 out of 16).  This means a 2d4 roll has a 25% chance of resulting in 5 points of damage, but only a 6.25% chance of resulting in 8 points of damage.  Meanwhile, the 1d8 roll actually has a higher chance of resulting in the maximum damage value of 8, since 1 out of 8 possibilities (12.5%) result in an 8. However, the average roll of 2d4 is 5 damage, while the average roll of 1d8 is only 4.5. Therefore, 2d4 is generally more consistent in damage output and will result in higher rolls in the long run.  

=== Saving Throw ===
=== Advantage mathematics ===
==== Effects of advantage on success ====
Various types of danger can be avoided by making a Saving Throw, also called making a save.  The creature rolls a d20, and adds its [[#Ability Score Modifier|Ability Score Modifier]] and [[#Proficiency Bonus|Proficiency Bonus]].  The source of danger determines the [[Difficulty Class]] of the save as well as the [[Ability Score]] that determines the Modifier.  If the result of the roll matches or exceeds the Difficulty Class, the save succeeds.
The benefits of rolling with advantage (or the detriments of rolling with disadvantage) change depending on the target number you need on the 1d20 roll to succeed. The bonus from advantage can be as large as 24-25% when needing a 9, 10, 11, 12, or 13 on the 1d20 roll, and as small as 9% if one needs to roll a 19.
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A successful save could mean completely avoiding negative effects, or it could mean halving the damage received.  For example, successfully saving against a spike trap could mean that you take no damage at all because you've successfully evaded the spikes.  On the other hand, if a [[Fireball]] is cast on you, be it by a spellcaster or a magical trap, then a successful Saving Throw will merely cut the damage in half.  Some effects don't allow for a Saving Throw at all, for example the damage taken from [[Magic Missile]].
|+Chance of rolling a target number or above on 1d20
Depending on the [[Ability Score]] used for the Modifier, a Saving Throw may be referred to as a Strength Saving Throw, Dexterity Saving Throw, Constitution Saving Throw, and so on.
!Target on 1d20!!Normal Roll!! Roll With Advantage!!Roll With Disadvantage
=== Ability Check ===
|1|| 100% || 100%||100%
Various actions, other than attacking or making a save, still require the creature to make an attempt that may fail.  The creature rolls a d20, and adds its [[#Ability Score Modifier|Ability Score Modifier]] and possibly a [[#Proficiency Bonus|Proficiency Bonus]].  The attempted action has a specific [[Difficulty Class]] which the result of the roll must match or exceed.
|2||95%|| 99.75%||90.25%
Ability Checks can be based purely on an [[Ability Score]], in which case they can only benefit from the Ability Score Modifier, but not any Proficiency Bonus.  More commonly, however, the check will be related to a specific [[Skill]], which not only determines the Ability Score used for the Modifier, but also lets the creature use its Proficiency Bonus if it happens to be Proficient in that particular Skill.  In this case, the check may be called a '''Skill Check''' rather than an Ability Check.
|3||90% ||99%||81%
For example, when a trap is near a creature, the game rolls a Perception Skill Check (or Perception Check for short) to determine whether the creature notices the existence of the trap. (This is not to be confused with making a Saving Throw after the trap is activated.)  Perception is related to Wisdom, so a creature with a high Wisdom score will gain a bonus.  If the creature doesn't gain any bonus from Wisdom, it could still gain a bonus from being Proficient in the Perception Skill.  If the creature both has high Wisdom and is also proficient in Perception, it will gain both bonuses.
Once a trap is seen, the creature may want to disarm it.  This will require a Sleight of Hand Check, which is related to Dexterity.  So, a creature that both has high Dexterity, and Proficiency in Sleight of Hand, can benefit from both types of bonuses when attempting to disarm the trap.
{| class="wikitable" style="width: 75%"
|+ List of Skills, sorted by the Ability Score they're related to
! Strength !! Dexterity !! Intelligence !! Wisdom !! Charisma
| style="width: 20%" |
|4 ||85%|| 97.75% ||72.25%
* Athletics
| style="width: 20%" |
* Acrobatics
* Sleight of Hand
* Stealth
| style="width: 20%" |
* Arcana
* History
* Investigation
* Nature
* Religion
| style="width: 20%" |
* Animal Handling
* Insight
* Medicine
* Perception
* Survival
| style="width: 20%" |
* Deception
* Intimidation
* Performance
* Persuasion
(There are no Skills based on Constitution.)
==== Contest ====
A special type of Ability Check is called the Contest, in which two creatures both roll an Ability Check or Skill Check to contest each other, and one wins over the other.  The creatures don't necessarily roll the same type of check.
An example of this is the [[Shove]] action, where the creature attempting the Shove must roll Athletics, and the defending creature is allowed to roll either Athletics or Acrobatics to contest the Shove.  If the attacker's roll is higher than the defender's, the Shove succeeds, otherwise it fails.
== Modifiers ==
Rolls can be affected by various bonuses and penalties.  These can take the form of adding or subtracting a value from the result, or requiring two rolls instead of one and taking the lower or higher of the two values.
=== Advantage / Disadvantage ===
In various situations, a creature can have Advantage or Disadvantage on an Attack Roll, Saving Throw, or Ability Check.
Advantage simply means that you make the roll twice, and use the higher result.  Disadvantage simply means you make the roll twice, and use the lower result.
Advantage and Disadvantage can cancel each other out.  However, they cannot stack, meaning that you never roll more than twice.
Examples of situations that grant Advantage:
* Having the higher ground while making an attack
* Being unseen by the enemy while making an attack
* Various spells and abilities that grant Advantage
Examples of situations that grant Disadvantage:
* Trying to attack an enemy on higher ground
* Trying to attack an enemy obscured by darkness
* Various spells and abilities that grant Disadvantage
=== Ability Score Modifier ===
A creature's [[Ability Score]]s can modify the result of rolls, depending on how high or low the Ability Score is.  Which Ability Score is used to determine the Modifier depends on the roll that's being made.  The Ability Score Modifier for a specific [[Ability Score]] can be also be referred to by the name of that Ability Score, such as: Strength Modifier, Dexterity Modifier, etc.
{| class="wikitable" style="width: 30%; text-align: center;"
|+ Ability Score Modifier depending on the value of the corresponding Ability Score
! Score !! Modifier
| 1 || -5
| 5||80%|| 96%||64%
| 2-3 || -4
|6||75% || 93.75%|| 56.25%
| 4-5 || -3
| 70%||91%||49%
| 6-7 || -2
|8||65% ||87.75%||42.25%
| 8-9 || -1
|9||60% ||84%|| 36%
| 10-11 || +0
| 12-13 || +1
| 14-15 || +2
|12 ||45%|| 69.75%||20.25%
| 16-17 || +3
| 18-19 || +4
|14||35%|| 57.75% || 12.25%
| 20-21 || +5
|15||30% ||51%||9%
| 22-23 || +6
|16||25% ||43.75%||6.25%
| 24-25 || +7
|17||20% ||36%||4%
| 26-27 || +8
|18||15% ||27.75%||2.25%
| 28-29 || +9
|19||10% ||19%||1%
| 30 || +10
|20||5%|| 9.75%||0.25%

==== For Attack Rolls ====
==== Effects of advantage on the average of dice rolls ====
A more general way of looking at advantage/disadvantage is calculating the effect on the average of dice rolls. This makes it more broadly applicable than looking at specific rolls and makes it easier to compare to other bonuses and penalties which may apply to a roll.
Weapon attacks will generally use Strength or Dexterity, depending on the weapon and the type of attack made. Melee weapons use the Strength Modifier, unless they have the [[Finesse]] property (such as [[Dagger]] or [[Rapier]]), in which case Dexterity can be used instead.  The same rules apply to melee weapons with the [[Thrown]] property (such as [[Dagger]] or [[Handaxe]]) when they're thrown for a ranged attack: they use the Strength modifier, unless they also have both Thrown and Finesse (such as [[Dagger]]), in which case Dexterity can be chosen again.  Regular ranged weapons (such as Bows and Crossbows) always use Dexterity.

Spell attacks will use an [[Ability Score]] depending on the [[Class]] of the creature making it; see table above, under the section [[#Attack Roll]].
For this we first need to clarify the notations used below: D{{math|n}} represents an {{math|n}}-sided die, {{math|P(i)}} is the probability that a variable has value {{math|a}}, {{math|\mathbb{E} }} denotes the average or expected value of a roll, and {{math|1=\textstyle\sum_{i=a}^b x_i}} denotes the sum of a series of numbers {{math|x}} over an index {{math|i}} with {{math|i}} going from {{math|a}} through {{math|b}}.

==== For Damage Rolls ====
The formula to calculate the expected value, {{math|\mathbb{E}[x]}}, of a variable {{math|x}} is equal to the sum of every possible value of {{math|x}} multiplied by the chance for {{math|x}} to have that value.

For Weapon attacks, the exact same rules apply to Damage Rolls as for Attack Rolls.  If the Damage Roll involves multiple dice, such as the 2d6 damage of a Greatsword, then the Modifier is applied to the total value, not to each individual die roll.
In the case of an {{math|n}}-sided die, D{{math|n}}, this becomes:
{{math_block|1=\mathbb{E}[\text{D}n] = \sum_{i=1}^n (i \cdot P(i))}}
For a regular dice roll the probability distribution is uniform, which means {{math|1=P(i) = 1/n}} for any {{math|i}}, and using {{math|1=\sum_{i=1}^n i = \frac{1}{2}n(n+1) }}, we get
{{math_block|1=\mathbb{E}[\text{D}n] = \sum_{i=1}^n(i \cdot P(i)) = \frac{1}{n}\left(\frac{n(n+1)}{2}\right) = \frac{n+1}{2} }}
For a dice roll with advantage the chance to roll the number {{math|i}} is equal to the chance that the first die rolls {{math|i}} multiplied by the chance that the second die rolls {{math|i}} or less, multiplied by 2 (because the 2 dice are interchangeable), minus the chance of both dice rolling {{math|i}} (because we counted that possibility twice by multiplying by 2). This gives
{{math_block|1=P_\text{adv}(i) = 2P(i)\sum_{j=1}^i P(j) - P(i)^2 = 2\frac{1}{n} \cdot \frac{i}{n} - \frac{1}{n^2} = \frac{2i - 1}{n^2} }}
Applying that to the formula of an average of a die D{{math|n}} we get
{{math_block|1=\mathbb{E}[\text{D}n \text{ with advantage}] = \sum_{i=1}^n i \cdot\frac{2i - 1}{n^2} = \frac{2}{n^2} \cdot \sum_{i=1}^n i^2 - \frac{1}{n^2} \cdot \sum_{i=1}^n i}}
Here we can use that the sum of squares is {{math|1=\sum_{i=1}^n i^2 = \frac{1}{6}n(n + 1)(2n + 1)}}, which gives
{{math_block|1= \mathbb{E}[\text{D}n \text{ with advantage}] = \frac{2}{n^2}\left(\frac{n(n+1)(2n+1)}{6}\right) - \frac{1}{n^2}\left(\frac{n(n+1)}{2}\right) = \frac{2n}{3} + 1 + \frac{1}{3n} - \frac{1}{2} - \frac{1}{2n} = \frac{2n}{3} + \frac{1}{2} - \frac{1}{6n} }}
To know what bonus having advantage gives to our roll, we calculate
{{math_block|1= \mathbb{E}[\text{D}n \text{ with advantage}] - \mathbb{E}[\text{D}n] = \frac{2n}{3} + \frac{1}{2} - \frac{1}{6n} - \frac{n + 1}{2} = \frac{1}{6}\left(n - \frac{1}{n}\right) }}
When we apply this expression to a d20, the result is that having advantage is equivalent to an average bonus of +3.325.

For spell attacks, there is generally no Ability Score Modifier for the Damage Roll.  The damage of spell attacks is increased through other means. For example, Cantrips such as [[Fire Bolt]] automatically become stronger as the caster reaches higher levels, and spells that expend spell slots can be cast at a higher level (expending a higher level spell slot) to increase their damage.  The details depend on the individual spell in question.
Because of symmetry, having disadvantage instead of advantage means we can simply make the permutation of {{math|\{1, \dots, n\} \to \{n, \dots, 1\} }} for the values of dice rolls and all the calculations will remain the same. Therefore, the size of the bonus of advantage is equal to the size of the penalty of disadvantage.

==== For Saving Throws ====
==== Effects of advantage on critical rolls ====
When making an ability check, attack roll, or saving throw, a 1 or a 20 will {{em|always}} be treated as a critical failure or success, respectively, regardless of the results after any potential modifiers are added. On a dice roll without advantage or disadvantage, this effectively means there is a {{math|1/20}} (or 5%) chance of either a critical success or failure.

For saves against specific spells and conditions, the spell or condition in question determines which Ability Score is used to make the saveFor example, the [[Web]] spell requires you to make a Dexterity save, whereas [[Crown of Madness]] requires a Wisdom save. As with most spells and effects related to poison, [[Poison Spray]] requires a Constitution saving throw.
Having advantage or disadvantage can drastically increase or reduce the chance of critical successes and Failures. For example, when rolling with advantage, the only way to get a Critical Failure is to roll {{em|two}} 1s at the same time. The odds of this result are {{math|1=1/20 \cdot 1/20 = 1/400}} (or 0.25%). Conversely, rolling a Critical Success is far more likely - out of the 400 possible dice roll outcomes, 39 will result in a 20 (rolling 20 on the first die and 1, 2, 3, ... 20 on the second die, plus rolling 20 on the second die and 1, 2, 3, ... 20 on the first die, minus one so that the result of two 20s is not doubly-counted). The odds of this result are {{math|39/400}} (or 9.75%). The opposite is true for rolling with Disadvantage: a Critical Success has a 0.25% chance and a Critical Failure has a 9.75% chance.

==== For Ability Checks ====
Effectively, rolling with advantage means that critical failures are ''20 times {{em|less}} likely'', and critical successes are almost {{em|twice}} as likely, while the inverse is true for disadvantage.

Which Ability Score is used for an Ability Check depends on the category or type of Ability Check, such as Athletics, Sleight of Hand, History, Perception, Deception, and so on.  See the table above, under the section [[#Ability Check]], for the different categories and which Ability Score they use for the Modifier.
{| class="wikitable"
|+Chance of Critical Successes and Failures with Advantage and Disadvantage
=== Proficiency Bonus ===
Creatures can have Proficiency in a number of talents, which grant them bonuses on various rolls.  Proficiencies can be granted by a creature's [[Background]], [[Race]], [[Class]], and [[Feats]] chosen when leveling up.
{| class="wikitable" style="width: 30%; text-align: center;"
|+ Proficiency Bonus per Level
! style="width: 50%" | Level
!Outcome!!Normal Roll!!Roll With Advantage!!Roll With Disadvantage
! style="width: 50%" | Proficiency Bonus
| 1 to 4 || style="text-align:center;" | + 2
|Critical Failure (1)||5%||0.25%||9.75%
| 5 to 8 || style="text-align:center;" | + 3
|Critical Success (20)||5%||9.75%||0.25%
| 9 to 12 || style="text-align:center;" | + 4
| 13 to 16 || style="text-align:center;" | + 5
| 17 to 20 || style="text-align:center;" | + 6

==== For Attack Rolls ====
==External Links==
*[ The unexpected logic behind rolling multiple dice and picking the highest] by Matt Parker
Attack Rolls made with [[Weapons]] can benefit from Proficiency with the type of weapon that's being used. This kind of Proficiency can be granted by the creature's [[Race]], [[Class]], or [[Feats]] chosen when leveling up.
*[ Advantage and Disadvantage in D&D Next: The Math] by The Online Dungeon Master (Michael Iachini)
*[ D&D 5e: Probabilities for Advantage and Disadvantage] by Bob Carpenter
Weapon Proficiency may apply to a specific type of weapon, like Longswords, or a category of weapons, like Martial Weapons.  For example, all High Elves and Wood Elves, regardless of their class, have a specific Proficiency in Longswords, Shortswords, Longbows, and Shortbows. On the other hand, Fighters have Proficiency in the entire categories of both Simple and Martial Weapons.  Clerics have Proficiency in the category of Simple Weapons, whereas Wizards only have Proficiency in Quarterstaves, Daggers, and Light Crossbows.
Attack Rolls made for spells benefit from Proficiency in spell casting, which all creatures capable of casting spells have.  The creature could have spell casting capabilities due to its [[Class]], or from a [[Feat]] it chose when leveling up.
The lack of Proficiency in spell casting becomes apparent when you give a scroll such as [[Scroll of Guiding Bolt]] to a character that can't otherwise cast spells.  Since [[Guiding Bolt]] uses an Attack Roll, but the character is not proficient in spell casting, they will have a lower chance to hit targets with the Guiding Bolt.
==== For Damage Rolls ====
Damage Rolls cannot benefit from Proficiency.
==== For Saving Throws ====
You can have Proficiency in a specific kind of Saving Throw, like Strength Saving Throw, Dexterity Saving Throw, and so on.
There is no other categorization of Saving Throws, like the Skills system for Ability Checks.
==== For Ability Checks ====
An Ability Check may be based directly on an Ability Score rather than a [[Skill]], in which case no Proficiency Bonus is possible.  If it's based on a Skill, however, a creature will get a Proficiency Bonus in the corresponding Skill Checks if it's Proficient in that Skill.

Proficiency in a [[Skill]] can be granted by [[Race]], [[Class]], or a [[Feat]] chosen when leveling up.  For example, all Elves have an innate feature called Keen Senses which grants them Proficiency in Perception.  Wood Elves have an additional feature called Mask of the Wild, which gives them Proficiency in Stealth.  Rangers can gain Proficiency in a number of skills based on specific class features they choose: Bounty Hunter grants Proficiency in Investigation, Keeper of the Veil and Mage Breaker both grant Proficiency in Arcana, and so on.  The [[Skilled]] Feat, if chosen when leveling up, allows a creature to gain Proficiency in any three Skills.
== Footnotes ==
[[Category:Gameplay mechanics]]

Latest revision as of 19:46, 25 March 2025

Dice rolls are a central game mechanic in Baldur's Gate 3. Dice are rolled to determine the outcome of variety of situations, such as whether a character will succeed at using a particular skill, or if an attack will land and how much damage it will do.

Dice notation[edit | edit source]

Dice are notated with a d followed by the number of sides on that specific dice:
  • D4 Force.png d4
  • D6 Radiant.png d6
  • D8 Cold.png d8
  • D10 Poison.png d10
  • D12 Psychic.png d12
  • D20.png d20

The number of dice to be rolled is notated immediately before the d. Any applicable modifiers for the roll are given as an addition (if it is a bonus) or subtraction (if it is a penalty) after the dice notation. For example, when a single twenty sided dice (d20) is rolled with no modifiers, it is notated as 1d20. When two six-sided dice (d6) are rolled with a modifier of +3, the roll is notated as 2d6+3.

The range of potential results is often given in parentheses, especially for damage rolls. For example, a single dart from a Magic Missile Magic Missile spell does 1d4+1 (2-5) Force damage. This means rolling 1d4 and adding 1 to the result, giving a possible total of 2 to 5 points of damage.

Modifiers[edit | edit source]

A number of modifiers are potentially added to dice rolls. Modifiers are either bonuses which add to the result, or penalties which are subtracted from it. A roll may have bonuses and/or penalties from multiple sources; in such cases they are added together and expressed as a single modifier. For example, a d20 roll with a bonus of +5 and a penalty of -2 would be expressed as 1d20+3.

Ability score modifiers
Most rolls have an associated ability, and creatures add their corresponding ability score modifier to the outcome of rolls they make.
Proficiency bonus
Creatures add their proficiency bonus to any attack rolls, ability checks, or saving throws that they make using weapons, skills, or saves that they are proficient in, as well as to all attack rolls made during spell attacks.
Additional modifiers
Some features and conditions add additional modifiers to save DCs and the results of rolls, such as Shillelagh, which allows the caster to add their spellcasting ability modifier to their attack and damage rolls, instead of Strength or Dexterity.

When a creature forces an opponent to make a saving throw against a spell the creature has cast or action they have taken, the applicable modifiers are added to the creature's save DC instead.

d20 rolls[edit | edit source]

Whenever a creature attempts an action that has a chance of failure, it rolls a twenty-sided die (d20) against a target number to determine whether the attempt was a success or a failure, and add any applicable modifiers. If the result is equal to or exceeds the target number, the attempt was successful. If the result was lower than the target number, or if the creature rolled a 1, the attempt failed.

These attempts are categorized either as attack rolls – which are rolled against the target's Armour Class (AC), as ability checks – which are rolled against the check's Difficulty Class (DC), or as saving throws – which are rolled against a save DC:

Formula = D20.png d20 + Ability score modifier + Proficiency bonus (if proficient) + Other modifiers (if any)
Attack rolls
When a creature attacks a target, it makes an attack roll against the target's AC to determine whether the attack is a hit or a miss. If the attack is a hit, it generally deals damage, and the attacker rolls for damage. Creatures generally make their attacks with their equipped weapon (including unarmed), but some spells – such as a Warlock's Eldritch Blast – require the caster to make spell attack rolls.
Saving throws
Traps, spells, conditions, and other sources of harm may allow a creature a chance to avoid or reduce their effect, known as a saving throw or save. To attempt a save, a creature rolls a d20 against a target save DC.
Ability checks
An ability check is an attempt to succeed at a specific task, and is rolled against a Difficulty Class (DC) set by the game for that task. If the final result of the roll equals or exceeds the DC, the attempt is successful.

A Difficulty Class (or DC) is a number rolled against when making ability checks or saving throws. It represents how difficult a task is to accomplish.

The number is determined by the task attempted – or in the case of saves – the spell, condition, or action that has to be overcome.

Natural 1s and 20s[edit | edit source]

Rolling a 1 or 20 on a d20 roll is referred to as a natural 1 or natural 20. When making an attack roll or ability check, rolling a natural 1 is always an automatic failure, while a natural 20 is always an automatic success, regardless of the final result after modifiers are applied. Saving throws attempted during dialogue, and death saving throws, can also roll natural 1s and 20s.

Unlike attack rolls and ability checks, saving throws are not guaranteed to fail or succeed when the d20 result is either a natural 1 or 20 respectively, unless they occur during dialog.

Advantage and disadvantage[edit | edit source]

The terms advantage and disadvantage are used in Baldur's Gate 3 with two different meanings:

1. Used with two dice[edit | edit source]

The in-game symbol for advantage.
The in-game symbol for disadvantage

A number of situations and conditions give creatures advantage or disadvantage on d20 rolls. A creature that makes a roll with advantage rolls two d20 dice separately, and uses the higher of the two results. If they have disadvantage, they choose the lower of the two.

Creatures receive no additional benefit or penalty from having multiple sources of advantage or disadvantage on a dice roll, and still only roll twice. Likewise, creatures that have both advantage and disadvantage on a roll only roll a single die, even if they have multiple sources of either.

For an exhaustive list of sources of advantage and disadvantage, see the following pages:

2. Used with contesting ability checks[edit | edit source]

A contest is a special type of ability check where one creature rolls an ability check against another creature's skill. Rather than rolling, the opposing creature uses a passive skill value given by 10 + skill bonus with Advantage Icon.png Advantage on the relevant skill check adding 5 or Disadvantage Icon.png Disadvantage subtracting 5. The passive skill value serves as the Difficulty Class (DC) of the skill check.

Ability checks[edit | edit source]

Ability checks are dice rolls made to determine whether a creature succeeds or fails at a task. They are rolled against the task's Difficulty Class (DC), which is generally predetermined by the game. Each ability check is made using one of the six abilities in the game, and creatures add an ability's corresponding ability score modifier to the results of ability checks they make.

Skills[edit | edit source]

Ability checks are usually made using a specified skill. Skills are specific areas of expertise, each associated with an ability, that characters can be proficient in.

Characters add their proficiency bonus to any ability checks they make using skills they are proficient in.[note 1]

Strength icon.png


Dexterity icon.png

Sleight of Hand

Intelligence icon.png


Wisdom icon.png

Animal Handling

Charisma icon.png


List of skills, sorted by ability
Ability Score Skills
Strength Strength
Dexterity Dexterity
Intelligence Intelligence
Wisdom Wisdom
Charisma Charisma

All characters gain proficiency in two skills based on their chosen background during character creation, and can choose 2-4 more skills to be proficient in from a list of skills determined by their class.

Additionally, some races, subclasses, and feats also give proficiency in specific skills, and bards receive the class feature Jack of All Trades at level 2, allowing them to add half their proficiency bonus (rounded down) to ability checks they make using skills they are not proficient in.

Proficiency does not stack – there's no benefit to having multiple sources of proficiency for a skill.

Expertise[edit | edit source]


Characters can also have expertise in a skill, which allows them to add double their proficiency bonus when making a corresponding ability check. While it is possible to have proficiency and expertise in a skill at the same time, they do not stack. Some sources of expertise do, however, require the character to already be proficient in a skill.

Sources of expertise that require prior proficiency in the respective skill include:

  • Rogues gain expertise in any two skills they are proficient in at both level 1 and level 6.
  • Bards gain expertise in any two skills they are proficient in at both level 3 and level 10.

Sources of expertise that do not require prior proficiency in the respective skill include:

Common scenarios[edit | edit source]

Automatic rolls
Some ability checks are automatic. For example, when a creature approaches an inactive trap, the game rolls a Perception ability check to determine whether the creature notices the trap. Perception is a Wisdom skill, so the character adds their Wisdom modifier and, if proficient in Perception, their proficiency bonus to the ability check. Once the trap is discovered, the character can interact with it to attempt to Disarm it, which requires a successful Sleight of Hand check, a Dexterity skill.
During dialogue
Ability checks are also common during dialogue, where some responses require an ability check to determine the outcome. Examples include using Charisma-based skills like Persuasion, Deception, or Intimidation to influence others, or Intelligence-based skills like Investigation, History, or Religion to determine or remember facts.
A contest is a special type of ability check where one creature rolls an ability check against another creature's skill. Rather than rolling, the opposing creature uses a passive skill value given by 10 + skill bonus with Advantage Icon.png Advantage on the relevant skill check adding 5 or Disadvantage Icon.png Disadvantage subtracting 5. The passive skill value serves as the Difficulty Class (DC) of the skill check.
An example of this with Shove Shove. The creature attempting the shove makes an Athletics check versus the target's passive Athletics or Acrobatics, whichever is higher.
Another example is with Hide Hide where the sneaking creature makes a Stealth check against an enemy's passive Perception while in their cone of vision to avoid being detected.

Saving throws[edit | edit source]

Saving throws represent a creature’s attempt to “save” themselves from harm. Spells and actions taken by other creatures frequently allow their targets to attempt a save, as do hazards like traps and surfaces. Each save has an associated ability – referred to using terms like Strength saving throw or Dexterity save – and a save DC that creatures attempting to save roll against. When attempting a save, a creature adds an ability score modifier corresponding to that save's associated ability, and if they are proficient in saves made using that ability, they add their proficiency bonus as well.

While the result of an attempted saving throw is always binary – it is either a success or a failure – the exact outcome of a successful save depends on the effect in question. Typically, the damage or conditions inflicted by the associated effect will be reduced in severity, and sometimes negated entirely.

Saving throws do not automatically fail or succeed on natural 1s and 20s, except when made during dialogue.

A number of features affect saving throws, and some races have advantage on certain saves.

Save proficiency[edit | edit source]

All classes give save proficiency with two abilities. Though when multiclassing, only the first class taken gives its save proficiencies. An additional save proficiency can be gained by taking the Resilient feat.

Saving Throw Proficiencies by Class
Barbarian Barbarian Bard Bard Cleric Cleric

Strength Strength

Constitution Constitution

Dexterity Dexterity

Charisma Charisma

Wisdom Wisdom

Charisma Charisma

Druid Druid Fighter Fighter Monk Monk

Intelligence Intelligence

Wisdom Wisdom

Strength Strength

Constitution Constitution

Strength Strength

Dexterity Dexterity

Paladin Paladin Ranger Ranger Rogue Rogue

Wisdom Wisdom

Charisma Charisma

Strength Strength

Dexterity Dexterity

Dexterity Dexterity

Intelligence Intelligence

Sorcerer Sorcerer Warlock Warlock Wizard Wizard

Constitution Constitution

Charisma Charisma

Wisdom Wisdom

Charisma Charisma

Intelligence Intelligence

Wisdom Wisdom

Save DCs[edit | edit source]

The Difficulty Class rolled against when attempting to save is called save DC. A successful save can mean completely avoiding negative effects, reducing the damage received (usually by half), or both. For example, successfully saving against a spike trap could mean that a creature takes no damage at all, because it successfully evaded the spikes. On the other hand, if it's caught in the area of effect of a Fireball Fireball, then a successful save will merely halve the damage. Saving against Thunderwave Thunderwave both halves the damage taken, and prevents a creature from being pushed by the spell.

Different mechanics calculate save DC differently:

Danger save DC
In scenarios such as traps, the game chooses an appropriate Difficulty Class, depending on how serious the danger is. This includes consumable items such as elemental arrows or throwables.
Spell save DC
The Difficulty Class of a spell that can be saved against is determined through the following formula:
8 + proficiency bonus + spellcasting ability modifier.
Certain conditions and equipment worn by the caster can also affect their Spell Save DC.
This value can be checked by the shortcut key "K" and the target's saving throw can be checked by the shortcut key "T".
Weapon action DC
Most weapons allow proficient users to perform special "weapon actions", which are typically limited to once per short rest (e.g. Backbreaker). These actions often include the chance to inflict a condition on the target, and these conditions require the target to attempt a Save to avoid them. Each weapon action can grant its own inherent bonus to DC that isn't listed anywhere, but is frequently +2. The Difficulty Class of saves allowed by weapon actions is calculated as follows:
Weapon Action DC = 8 + proficiency bonus + Strength or Dexterity modifier + inherent weapon action bonus DC
Hybrid save DC
Certain weapon actions, notably Concussive Smash, instead allow the acting creature to either use their spell save DC or weapon action DC with a +2 bonus, whichever is higher.

Other effects[edit | edit source]

In the case of threats that don't originate from a spellcaster, such as a trap or a poisonous apple, the game sets the DC based on how serious the threat is intended to be. For example, a rather ineffective trap might have a DC of just 5, whereas an effective trap could have a DC of 15. A slightly spoiled tart could impose a DC 5 Constitution save when eaten, whereas a potent venom from a snake could impose a DC 15 Constitution save on the victim.

Death saving throws[edit | edit source]

Death saving throws are a special type of saving throw made by playable characters after they have been Downed Downed. Death saves are made once per turn while the character remains Downed. If a Downed character receives damage from any source that isn't a critical hit, they automatically fail one death saving throw. A critical hit against a Downed character results in 2 failed saves. Melee attacks against a Downed target are always classified as a critical hit.

Three successful saves will let a creature stabilize, no longer needing to make death saves to survive, and three failures will lead to the creature becoming Dead Dead.

Death saving throws are not associated with an ability score and so don't get any modifiers, nor do they benefit from the proficiency bonus. They only benefit from bonuses that apply to all saving throws (such as Bless Bless) or specifically to death saves (such as Family Ring). Death saves are always DC 10. A character dies when three failures are accumulated, or stabilizes when three successes are accumulated, whichever happens first.

Death saving throws can be critical failures and critical successes. A natural 1 rolled for a death save will add two failures to a character's death save count, while a natural 20 will immediately stabilize the character regardless of their current death save count.

Attack rolls[edit | edit source]

Creatures make attack rolls when they attack a target, usually with a weapon or a spell.

If the result of the attack roll is equal to or higher than the target's Armour Class (AC), the attack hits, and the attacker rolls for damage. If the result is lower than the target's AC, the attack misses.

Attack roll modifiers[edit | edit source]

Attack rolls are always made using an associated ability:

  • Unarmed attacks, and attacks made with melee weapons and thrown weapons generally add the attacking creature's Strength modifier.
  • If the weapon has the Finesse property, attacks with it add either the attacker's Strength or Dexterity modifier, whichever is higher.
  • Unarmed attacks may use the attacker's Dexterity modifier if they have certain features like Dextrous Attacks from the Monk class.
  • Attacks made with ranged weapons add the creature's Dexterity modifier.
  • Spell attacks add the caster's spellcasting ability modifier, generally determined by their class.
  • If the attacker is using an enchanted weapon, the enchantment value is added.
  • If the attacker is proficient with the weapon they are wielding, or if the attack is a spell attack or unarmed attack, they also add their proficiency bonus.
  • According to the High Ground Rules, if the attack is from above, a +2 bonus to the Attack roll is added. When attacking from below, there is a -2 penalty added.

Attack rolls are also modified by:

See list of features and items that affect attack rolls.

Critical hits[edit | edit source]

Example of a critical hit with a 1d6 shortsword.
Main article: Critical hit

When a creature rolls a natural 20 on an attack roll, the attack is a critical hit. Critical hits automatically land regardless of the target's AC, and the attacker also rolls twice the normal number of dice to determine damage dealt, including additional dice such as those from smites or combat maneuvers.

Modifiers and bonuses – including the creature's relevant ability score modifier and proficiency bonus – are not doubled.

Some feats, class features, and items reduce the critical hit threshold by 1, allowing the creature to land critical hits by rolling either 19 or 20 on attack rolls.

Multiple sources of this effect stack, allowing the critical hit threshold to go even lower than 19.

Armour Class[edit | edit source]

Armour Class (AC) is a measurement of how difficult a creature is to be hit by an attack. In order to successfully hit a creature, the results of an attack roll must be equal to or greater than the target's Armour Class. AC can be increased by equipping armour and shields, by selecting certain feats when leveling up, or utilizing certain spells.

Formula[edit | edit source]

The formula that determines AC when wearing Armour in the torso slot is:

Torso armor AC + Dexterity modifier + shield bonus + other bonuses and penalties

The AC bonus from Dexterity is typically capped at +2 when wearing medium armour[note 2][note 3], and is reduced to zero when wearing heavy armour.

Most Shields grant +2 AC.

Other bonuses include things like the Defense fighting style, which grants +1 AC while wearing armor, and the Cloak of Protection, which grants +1 AC at all times. Bonuses to AC stack with each other.

Other formulas[edit | edit source]

Barkskin sets the affected creature's AC to 16 if they would otherwise have less.

Unarmoured creatures may use a different formula if they have certain features. Creatures always use whichever formula they have access to that would result in the highest AC. Alternative formulas are only used if no items marked "Light Armor", "Medium Armor", or "Heavy Armor" are being worn in any equipment slot.

Mage Armour Mage Armour and Draconic Resilience Draconic Resilience:

13 + Dexterity modifier + shield bonus + other bonuses and penalties

Unarmoured Defence (Barbarian) Unarmoured Defence (Barbarian):

10 + Constitution modifier + Dexterity modifier + shield bonus + other bonuses and penalties

Unarmoured Defence (Monk) Unarmoured Defence (Monk):

10 + Wisdom modifier + Dexterity modifier + other bonuses and penalties

Damage rolls[edit | edit source]

The base damage dealt by a weapon, spell, class action, or condition is usually determined by a damage roll. Damage rolls always have an associated damage type that is given following the dice notation, e.g. 1d4Damage TypesPiercing.

Damage modifiers[edit | edit source]

Modifiers added to damage rolls are only added once per source, even if multiple dice are rolled.

Which ability score modifier is added to a damage roll depends on the attack:

  • When making weapon attacks, the attacking creature usually adds their ability score modifier to the attack roll.
  • Ability score modifiers are not normally added to damage rolls dealt by spells or spell attacks, unless specifically stated otherwise in the spell's description, or if enabled by some feature, such as Agonising Blast Agonising Blast.

Proficiency bonuses are not added to damage rolls unless the attack being used (e.g. Shadowsoaked Blow) says so.

Other rolls[edit | edit source]

Healing restores a target's hit points similarly to damage rolls. Healing rolls may also add modifiers, but there's no general rule for this; any bonuses are determined by the source of the healing. For example, a Potion of Healing restores 2d4+2hit points. There are many magic items, class features, and other effects which also provide bonuses to healing, for example the Life Domain Cleric's Disciple of Life Disciple of Life feature.
Wild Magic
When a Wild Magic sorcerer casts a leveled spell, a d20 is rolled to determine if they will trigger a Wild Magic Surge. A surge is triggered only when the outcome is 20. The resulting effect, and Wild Magic Barbarian surge effects for Rage: Wild Magic, are also determined with dice rolls.

Karmic Dice[edit | edit source]

The optional Karmic Dice setting, located in Gameplay Options

When the Karmic Dice option is enabled (it is by default), the game will avoid streaks of low rolls.

However, Karmic Dice influences all rolls – including those of enemies – and the results always skew toward a positive result for the dice roller. In short, the Karmic Dice setting makes combat encounters quicker and deadlier for both you and your enemies, as attacks are more likely to hit and do higher damage.

Karmic Dice was previously referred to as "Loaded Dice".

Mathematics[edit | edit source]

A wide variety of mathematics can be applied to understand dice roll mechanics in greater depth.

Armour Class mathematics[edit | edit source]

Armour Class becomes more useful the greater it is – the difference in effectiveness between 20 and 19 AC is greater than the difference in effectiveness between 15 and 14.

To illustrate this, if a defender has 15 AC and 10 HP, and the attacker has +5 to attack rolls, and deals 2 damage per attack, the defender would on average survive for 10 turns because the attack has a 50% chance to hit against 15 AC.

If the defender's AC was increased to 16 (chance to hit drops to 45%), they would instead survive for an average of 11.1 rounds (an 11% increase in effectiveness).

Meanwhile, if the defender starts with 19 AC (30% chance to be hit), they would survive for an average of 16.66 rounds. But if their AC was increased to 20 (25% chance to be hit), they would be able to survive for an average of 20 rounds (a 20% increase in effectiveness).

The difference between 25 and 24 is even greater, granting a 200% increase in effectiveness (50 vs 100 rounds).

Damage rolls mathematics[edit | edit source]

Note that due to the mathematics of dice rolls, the difference between, say, 1d8 and 2d4 is more than just the higher minimum value of 2 on the 2d4 roll. With the d8, you have an equal chance of getting, say, a 5 and an 8. On the other hand, the 2d4 roll is statistically more likely to lead to a total value of 5, rather than a total value of 8. This is most easily explained with a table of all possible outcomes:

Possible results of a 2d4 roll, highlighting the number of possibilities resulting in a total value of 5
First roll Second roll Total value
1 1 2
1 2 3
1 3 4
1 4 5
2 1 3
2 2 4
2 3 5
2 4 6
3 1 4
3 2 5
3 3 6
3 4 7
4 1 5
4 2 6
4 3 7
4 4 8

Notice how often the 5 appears in the possibilities for the total value (4 out of 16 possibilities) vs. how often the 8 appears (1 out of 16). This means a 2d4 roll has a 25% chance of resulting in 5 points of damage, but only a 6.25% chance of resulting in 8 points of damage. Meanwhile, the 1d8 roll actually has a higher chance of resulting in the maximum damage value of 8, since 1 out of 8 possibilities (12.5%) result in an 8. However, the average roll of 2d4 is 5 damage, while the average roll of 1d8 is only 4.5. Therefore, 2d4 is generally more consistent in damage output and will result in higher rolls in the long run.

Advantage mathematics[edit | edit source]

Effects of advantage on success[edit | edit source]

The benefits of rolling with advantage (or the detriments of rolling with disadvantage) change depending on the target number you need on the 1d20 roll to succeed. The bonus from advantage can be as large as 24-25% when needing a 9, 10, 11, 12, or 13 on the 1d20 roll, and as small as 9% if one needs to roll a 19.

Chance of rolling a target number or above on 1d20
Target on 1d20 Normal Roll Roll With Advantage Roll With Disadvantage
1 100% 100% 100%
2 95% 99.75% 90.25%
3 90% 99% 81%
4 85% 97.75% 72.25%
5 80% 96% 64%
6 75% 93.75% 56.25%
7 70% 91% 49%
8 65% 87.75% 42.25%
9 60% 84% 36%
10 55% 79.75% 30.25%
11 50% 75% 25%
12 45% 69.75% 20.25%
13 40% 64% 16%
14 35% 57.75% 12.25%
15 30% 51% 9%
16 25% 43.75% 6.25%
17 20% 36% 4%
18 15% 27.75% 2.25%
19 10% 19% 1%
20 5% 9.75% 0.25%

Effects of advantage on the average of dice rolls[edit | edit source]

A more general way of looking at advantage/disadvantage is calculating the effect on the average of dice rolls. This makes it more broadly applicable than looking at specific rolls and makes it easier to compare to other bonuses and penalties which may apply to a roll.

For this we first need to clarify the notations used below: D represents an -sided die, is the probability that a variable has value , denotes the average or expected value of a roll, and denotes the sum of a series of numbers over an index with going from through .

The formula to calculate the expected value, , of a variable is equal to the sum of every possible value of multiplied by the chance for to have that value.

In the case of an -sided die, D, this becomes:

For a regular dice roll the probability distribution is uniform, which means for any , and using , we get

For a dice roll with advantage the chance to roll the number is equal to the chance that the first die rolls multiplied by the chance that the second die rolls or less, multiplied by 2 (because the 2 dice are interchangeable), minus the chance of both dice rolling (because we counted that possibility twice by multiplying by 2). This gives

Applying that to the formula of an average of a die D we get

Here we can use that the sum of squares is , which gives

To know what bonus having advantage gives to our roll, we calculate

When we apply this expression to a d20, the result is that having advantage is equivalent to an average bonus of +3.325.

Because of symmetry, having disadvantage instead of advantage means we can simply make the permutation of for the values of dice rolls and all the calculations will remain the same. Therefore, the size of the bonus of advantage is equal to the size of the penalty of disadvantage.

Effects of advantage on critical rolls[edit | edit source]

When making an ability check, attack roll, or saving throw, a 1 or a 20 will always be treated as a critical failure or success, respectively, regardless of the results after any potential modifiers are added. On a dice roll without advantage or disadvantage, this effectively means there is a (or 5%) chance of either a critical success or failure.

Having advantage or disadvantage can drastically increase or reduce the chance of critical successes and Failures. For example, when rolling with advantage, the only way to get a Critical Failure is to roll two 1s at the same time. The odds of this result are (or 0.25%). Conversely, rolling a Critical Success is far more likely - out of the 400 possible dice roll outcomes, 39 will result in a 20 (rolling 20 on the first die and 1, 2, 3, ... 20 on the second die, plus rolling 20 on the second die and 1, 2, 3, ... 20 on the first die, minus one so that the result of two 20s is not doubly-counted). The odds of this result are (or 9.75%). The opposite is true for rolling with Disadvantage: a Critical Success has a 0.25% chance and a Critical Failure has a 9.75% chance.

Effectively, rolling with advantage means that critical failures are 20 times less likely, and critical successes are almost twice as likely, while the inverse is true for disadvantage.

Chance of Critical Successes and Failures with Advantage and Disadvantage
Outcome Normal Roll Roll With Advantage Roll With Disadvantage
Critical Failure (1) 5% 0.25% 9.75%
Critical Success (20) 5% 9.75% 0.25%

External Links[edit | edit source]

Footnotes[edit | edit source]

  1. These rolls are often referred to as "skill checks" by the community, although they are not referred to as such in-game.
  2. The Medium Armour Master feat increases the cap from +2 to +3.
  3. A few rare armours have an "Exotic Material" trait that allow the wearer to get the full Dexterity bonus to AC. These include Yuan-Ti Scale Mail, Unwanted Masterwork Scalemail, Sharpened Snare Cuirass, and Armour of Agility.