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None (322) ·
Aquatic Siphon (1) ·
Aura of Murder (Aura) (6) ·
Aura of Protection (Aura) (14) ·
Catatonic (1) ·
Charmed (1) ·
Dead (11) ·
Drunk (2) ·
Earthen Siphon (1) ·
Elixir of Viciousness (2) ·
Ephemeral Whispers (1) ·
Longstrider (2) ·
Mage Armour (12) ·
Sanctuary (1) ·
Sapped (1) ·
Sapping Curse (1) ·
Scorching Siphon (1) ·
Slightly Drunk (1) ·
Tempestuous Siphon (1)
Opportunity Attack (337) ·
Extra Attack (116) ·
Great Weapon Fighting (33) ·
None (31) ·
Phalanx Formation (29) ·
Protection (27) ·
Riposte (26) ·
Tactical Discipline (26) ·
Tenacity (passive feature) (18) ·
Divine Health (17) ·
Darkvision (14) ·
Born into Darkness (11) ·
Charger (11) ·
Shadow Ambush (11) ·
Infernal Weapon (10) ·
Danger Sense (8) ·
Unarmoured Defence (Barbarian) (8) ·
Fast Movement (6) ·
Spell Sniper (6)
Showing below up to 250 results in range #1 to #250.
- Abby
- Abdirak
- Adrielle
- Aelis (Fist Recruit)
- Aguta
- Ailis Belt
- Aischa
- Albert
- Alembrosius
- Anders
- Andorn
- Andrick
- Anita Fischer
- Antinia
- Aradin Beno
- Arensen
- Arkleia Oloril
- Art Cullagh
- Arves
- Asparagus Mhallie
- Avery Sonshal
- Avgarioletta
- Ayo Armbrust
- Azari
- Bailey
- Bakshi
- Bareki
- Baxta
- Beatrice Provoss
- Belford Willoughby
- Bella (Bloomridge Park)
- Ben Golewits
- Beorn Wunterbrood
- Billy
- Billyum
- Blarson Throaks
- Blunt Skuncher
- Bobby
- Bombasto
- Brammels
- Broko
- Bryanne
- Brynna
- Buff Tanner
- Caitlin
- Caitriono
- Callaway
- Callem Bormul
- Cassivora Dophir
- Cefrey
- Ceres Olsin
- Ch'kk'ch
- Chalara
- Charming Latham
- Chenti
- Cinnamon
- Cinta Golewits
- Clore Falson
- Clovia Throaks
- Conall
- Cressida Flint
- Crosse
- Cutter Violet
- Cyndirie Vand
- Cyrel
- Earthdigger
- Edvidge
- Edwynna
- Eefa Barlow
- Elda (Flaming Fist)
- Elias Fischer
- Elin
- Ellice
- Elonia
- Elsa
- Elwyn
- Emen
- Emmeline Hallowleaf
- Eostre
- Ephren
- Ernestus
- Eshvelt Guthmere
- Estra Stir
- Falcäo
- Falten
- Faril
- Ferg Drogher
- Fig
- Fitzy Relma
- Flant Borlley
- Fleer
- Forstum
- Fortuno Dibbs
- Freida Oberon
- Frell Olsin
- Frode
- Gale
- Garmin
- Garrett
- Gasper Throaks
- Ghainemeir
- Gira
- Gleeful Clong
- Glingo
- Glone
- Godfrey Mordels
- Golbraith Stredivas
- Gorran Penghyst
- Gothric Rillyn
- Gowlan
- Gracie Scyre
- Grainne Jodhpur
- Grassley
- Gravedigger Karcen
- Grice
- Grimlark
- Grisselda Dibbs
- Gudrun
- Gulster Boyes
- Gur Hunter Warrior (Handaxe)
- Gur Hunter Warrior (Scimitar)
- Gydd
- Habor Koltz
- Hahns Rives
- Halfar
- Happy Hands
- Harvard Willoughby
- Haseid
- Heder Cross
- Hegira
- Hendly
- Hextra
- Hivune
- Horriss
- Horst
- Humgoole
- Hyrald
- Hyrriet
- Lassandra
- Lewis Morell
- Leythim
- Li'l Fezmor
- Liadan
- Liam
- Liara Portyr
- Lilly Beanbottom
- Limeburn Sphagwood
- Lo
- Lochan
- Lorroakan/Combat
- Loryss
- Loyal Eternal Debtor
- Lu La Forza
- Luan
- Ma Festina
- Madalitso
- Maggie Ni Chuirc
- Maghtew Budj
- Magpie Davys
- Mandii Harvestmoon
- Marilla
- Markiza
- Marlono Rhandle
- Marls
- Marpha Golewits
- Marten (Dead Toll Collector)
- Mask of Vengeance (The Blushing Mermaid)
- Mayrina
- Meem Grayling
- Mijah
- Mikki Kori
- Milon Tillerturn
- Mocking Eternal Debtor
- Mofty
- Mohlen
- Molly
- Monteith
- Morann
- Moss
- Murphy
- Myer Ravenshade
- Nafula
- Nayzeem
- Neddio
- Nesha Leesha
- Nickelow
- Nina Dortmell
- Nipawa
- Norffe
- Norya Baker
- Norys
- Notar Esojac
- Nudelmann
- Numia