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None (566) ·
Asmodeus Tiefling (27) ·
Brass Dragonborn (1) ·
Deep Gnome (15) ·
Drow Half-Elf (3) ·
Duergar (23) ·
Elf (1) ·
Forest Gnome (2) ·
Gnome (1) ·
Gold Dwarf (45) ·
High Elf (21) ·
High Half-Elf (23) ·
Lightfoot Halfling (44) ·
Lolth-Sworn Drow (11) ·
Mephistopheles Tiefling (8) ·
Rock Gnome (38) ·
Seldarine Drow (3) ·
Shield Dwarf (5) ·
Strongheart Halfling (2) ·
Wood Elf (28) ·
Wood Half-Elf (9)
None (676) ·
Fire resistance full (38) ·
Poison immunity (38) ·
fire resistant full (33) ·
poison resistance full (30) ·
poison resistant full (29) ·
Necrotic resistant full (23) ·
Cold resistant full (13) ·
Lightning resistant full (12) ·
Poison full (12) ·
Acid resistant full (11) ·
Necrotic immunity (11) ·
Thunder resistant full (11) ·
Bludgeoning resistant nm (10) ·
Piercing resistant nm (10) ·
Slashing resistant nm (10) ·
Psychic immunity (9) ·
Psychic resistance full (8) ·
Piercing resistant full (7) ·
Slashing resistant full (7)
Opportunity Attack (836) ·
Darkvision (456) ·
Extra Attack (120) ·
Fey Ancestry (97) ·
Dwarven Resilience (80) ·
Gnome Cunning (58) ·
Shortened Stride (55) ·
Brave (54) ·
Halfling Luck (54) ·
Hellish Resistance (54) ·
Sunlight Sensitivity (47) ·
Superior Darkvision (35) ·
Duergar Resilience (23) ·
Multiattack: Morphic Ambush (22) ·
Crossbow Expert: Point-Blank (18) ·
Danger Sense (17) ·
Ethereal (17) ·
Unarmoured Defence (Barbarian) (17) ·
Crossbow Expert: Wounding (16) ·
Born into Darkness (15)
Showing below up to 250 results in range #1 to #250.
- 'Bigmouth' Thimsen
- 'Ears' Oohna
- 'Grumpo' Daggles
- 'Logs' Odoolan
- 'Loose Lips' Cyrilla
- 'Plumes' Fronkin
- Abdirak
- Abraxa
- Add'ath
- Aelar
- Afara
- Aggy
- Ahu'u'rag
- Aicir Tapol
- Alan Alyth
- Albert
- Alembrosius
- Alexander Rainforest
- Alia Durinbold
- Amek
- Anders
- Andorn
- Anita Fischer
- Antony
- Anya
- Apikusis
- Apostate Destroyer
- Apostate Librarian
- Arabella
- Arcane Turret
- Archivist
- Arfur Gregorio
- Arka
- Arron
- Art Cullagh
- Arthus
- Artimezt
- Asharak
- Asparagus Mhallie
- Astoundo the Lesser
- Astyl
- Augur Harxkellan
- Ayo Armbrust
- Azak
- Ba'akreth
- Babyjowls
- Bad Twin Bubbins
- Baff Elkhorn
- Bailey
- Bakshi
- Bal
- Barth
- Barton
- Baz Hopbank
- Bearclaw
- Beatrice Provoss
- Bedi
- Bel
- Beldron
- Belford Willoughby
- Bellar
- Bellora Truscott
- Ben Golewits
- Benryn
- Benta
- Bernyr
- Bert Adams
- Bertram
- Bex
- Bez
- Bill
- Billy
- Billyum
- Birka
- Birta Grougg
- Blades Bakstir
- Blaise Hhune
- Bleeri
- Blevindall
- Blinded Elf
- Bloodmopper
- Bloris Meadhoney
- Bluenail
- Blunder Bob
- Blythe
- Bobby
- Bogdan Vortleson
- Bolt
- Bombasto
- Bonna
- Boon of Bhaal
- Bor
- Bosun Gannet
- Brakkal
- Bramble
- Brathwen
- Breg
- Brek
- Brem
- Brilgor
- Bronte
- Brounce
- Bruno Indomicus
- Bryanne
- Brynna
- Buff Tanner
- Bugthimble
- Burrock
- Caerdwyn
- Caitlin
- Caitriono
- Cal
- Callem Bormul
- Callie
- Calliope Blingsdorf
- Callira
- Cambion (Planar Ally)
- Captain Sleam
- Caralee Grollo
- Carlorina the Wolf
- Carmen Pennygood
- Carnelia Vanthampur
- Carys
- Cassivora Dophir
- Cefrey
- Ceres Olsin
- Ch'kk'ch
- Chalara
- Charismatic Sentinel
- Cheeky Nora
- Cheese Wheel
- Chelvin
- Chenti
- Chervis
- Chorizo
- Chost
- Churg Elvek
- Chy'raagh
- Cilarea
- Cinnamon
- Cinta Golewits
- Cirian
- Clack
- Cloaker
- Comina
- Conall
- Conjured Imp
- Cora Highberry
- Corliss Undertump
- Corniche
- Cressida Flint
- Crub
- Cruor
- Cry
- Culk
- Cursed Imp
- Cursed Kuo-Toa Chief
- Cyndirie Vand
- Cyrella
- Dart Dirtwood
- Dashkent Moliver
- Dead Drow
- Dead Tiefling
- Deedle Ofran
- Delcan
- Dellinjah Dax
- Dellys
- Delwaer Jeth
- Delyarna
- Demir
- Derysia
- Devotee of Mahkloompah
- Dez Kanshaw
- Dickon
- Dillard Portyr
- Dion
- Distressed Patient
- Dogaletto
- Dohna
- Dokksill
- Dollay
- Doni
- Donnick
- Doober
- Doora Thumbfoot
- Doppelganger
- Dorikel
- Dorrich Manne
- Drar
- Drarra
- Drenn
- Dringo
- Drongo Bixworth
- Dror Ragzlin
- Droralias Dryselis
- Druggag
- Druk
- Drussuvissill
- Dryad
- Dryad (Conjure Woodland Being)
- Dryfle Doon
- Duddy Dudderken
- Dullwill
- Duver Rillyn
- Dwindling
- Dyrovell
- Dyrr'kas
- Edmundis Magarus
- Edowin
- Edward Tremby
- Eef
- Eefa Barlow
- Efrin Hammerborn
- Eight
- Elda (Night Blade)
- Eldaernth
- Elegis
- Elenna Thrinn
- Elias Fischer
- Ellie
- Elliot
- Ellswort
- Elsa
- Elwyn
- Elyna
- Emen
- Eni
- Entombed Scribe
- Eramas
- Ermlaut
- Erna
- Erna
- Eshvelt Guthmere
- Essius
- Eugenie Kenridge