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The Harpers are a loose organisation that attempt to keep balance and fight villainy across Faerûn.
“Some call the Harpers heroes. Others, petty meddlers who cannot help but stick their nose into every conflict they stumble across. The truth is in there somewhere.„
The Harpers, also known by those in the know as Those Who Harp, are a loosely-coordinated and semi-secret organisation of spies, agents, soldiers, adventurers, and regular people working together through their shared values of protecting the downtrodden, fighting evil forces, and preserving knowledge. The organization is largely informal in structure, valuing discretion and secrecy to protect themselves, and often function based on individual Harper cells working with each other — they are, however, recognizable through their use of identifiable Harp-Shaped pins, as well as their blue and brown colour scheme.
“ | All beings should walk free of fear, with the right to live their lives as they wish. |
„ |
— The Harper Code |
Act One
While the Harpers have no direct physical presence within Act One itself, traces and remnants of Harper activity can be observed and discovered throughout the entire length of the Act.
A hidden Harper's Stash can be found on the edge of the Ravaged Beach, buried under a scuffed rock, revealing a map and note referencing areas of interest for future Harper activities. Likewise, a hidden Harper Outpost can be discovered overlooking the Wilderness, surrounded by skeletons and a
Silver Pendant marked with the symbol of the Harpers.
Within the Emerald Grove, a fresco in the Inner Sanctum reveals that the Harpers and the druids of the Emerald Grove once forged an alliance. A series of story books also depict the alliance's formation and battles together. These clues reveal that the Harpers and the Circle of the Emerald Grove were working together to battle an army of Sharran forces originating from Reithwin and Moonrise Towers. Similarly, the skeleton of a fallen Harper can be found alongside the skeleton of a druid underneath the broken bridge leading to the Risen Road.
In the Underdark, traces of Harper activity can be found within the boundaries of the Grymforge, as well as another Harper Stash that once served as a method of communication with the Emerald Enclave. An Executed Drow adorned with an
Engraved Pin and a letter referring to a local Harper leader at a 'Last Light' can be found in a bloody cage, having been hanged by local duergar working for the enigmatic Cult of the Absolute.
Act Two
“The Harpers have known many defeats - but slinking from this land when the shadow-curse first fell was one of our most shameful.„
A group of Harpers led by Lassandra can be met for the first upon arriving in the Shadow-Cursed Lands through Grymforge. Alternatively, the Harpers can be encountered during an ambush if the party arrived in the Shadow-Cursed Lands through the Mountain Pass and is accompanying Kar'niss, with a squad of Harpers led by Branthos attempting to seize the drider's Moonlantern - an ambush that the party can either aid or thwart. Assisting the Harpers in any of those events, and assuring their survival will have them guide the party to a safe haven amidst the curse.
The party can either find their way or be guided to Last Light Inn, where a large force of Harpers commanded by Jaheira is holed up; they work on opposing General Ketheric Thorm, whom they have discovered to be the Chosen of the Absolute. Depending on the route they take, the player can turn on the Harpers, intentionally or unintentionally cause their complete destruction through the loss of Isobel, or assist them in and discovering the General's source of immortality. Assisting the Harpers in the latter will have Branthos lead the party to an ambush site, in order to from a passing hostile Absolutist convoy, if the party hasn't encountered it yet.
If the Nightsong is freed and headed to Moonrise Towers, the Harpers will mobilize for an assault on Moonrise. Before the party can arrive, the Harpers would have cleared out the majority of the Absolutist's regular forces, but at the cost of losing almost all of their numbers in the fight. What remains of the Harpers and Jaheira will assist the party in the ensuing fights. Jaheira can be offered to join the party as an Attached Follower, and then as a full-fledged Companion after defeating Ketheric Thorm's first phase.
If Jaheira joins the party by the end of the Act, she'll then want to meet up with her Harper contacts during Act Three.
inAct Three
Jaheira will guide the party to Danthelon's Dancing Axe, where Entharl Danthelon will tell the party that the rest of the Harpers are waiting down in the cellar beneath the shop. Conversing with the gathered Harper contacts however will reveal that they are in truth doppelgangers loyal to the Cult of Bhaal, and that all but Geraldus were killed and then impersonated. Depending on Jaheira's presence, as well as the party's intervention, Jaheira will either tell Geraldus to leave the Harpers or encourage him to stay in the organisation. With the Harper network compromised, Jaheira is hesitant to place her trust in the organisation for the time-being.
In the event that the Dark Urge embraces Bhaal and Jaheira is still in the party, she and Minsc (if saved) will ambush the party outside the Temple of Bhaal, along several other Harpers, such as Captain Leafsong.
If Jaheira is an ally in action .
, she will offer the Harpers' aid in through theEpilogue
In the Epilogue, if no companions have been romanced, the player can ask Jaheira to join the Harpers. Jaheira will remark that she's been waiting for the right time to offer them a place in the Harpers if they are the Dark Urge origin, or will instead be surprised that they still want to join the Harpers despite all they have seen if they are not. Either way, Jaheira will give the player a Harp-Shaped Pin and recite a simple Harper creed.
“For now, I give you only the most simple Harper creed - to look for the light, and watch always for the dawn.„
Act One
Act Two
Last Light Inn & Moonrise Towers
Shadow-Cursed Lands
Act Three
Lower City
Temple of Bhaal
Only appearing during a Dark Urge origin playthrough:
High Hall
Called with ability :
Related items
Amulet of the Harpers
Engraved Pin
Harper Blade
Harper Key
Harper Sacredstriker
Harp-Shaped Pin
Ring of Flinging
Shadeclinger Armour
Silver Pendant
Related literature
Written by Harpers
Creased Letter
Decoded Field Report
Disappearances in the City
Harp-stamped Letter
Harper Interrogation Transcript
Harper Journal
Harper Report: No Leads
Harper's Map
Harper's Notebook
Harper's Testimonial
Letter of Surrender
Letter to Rion
Map of the Shadowlands
My Dearest Wife
Olam's Journal
Orders from Jaheira
Parchment (Last Light Inn)
Research Notes (House of Healing)
Scroll of Evidence
Related to the Harpers
Book Draft - Volume I
Book Draft - Volume II
Book Draft - Volume III
Book Draft - Volume IV
Eyes and Ears Report
Final Warning
Graveyard Diary
Mason's Log
Patients' Registry
Secret Societies of the Sword Coast: Exposed
Surveillance Notes
The Harpers
The Waning Moon: Consignments
Undelivered Letter
URGENT: Request for Supplies
Related quests
Related locations
External links
Harpers on the Forgotten Realms Wiki