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Madeline is a deceased dwarf, who can be found in the Ruined Battlefield in the Shadow-Cursed Lands at X: 125 Y: 106.


Madeline tended bar at the distillery The Waning Moon many years ago, during the time when the army of Ketheric Thorm Ketheric Thorm's Dark Justiciars occupied the town.

When first discovering her, He Who Was He Who Was performs Speak with Dead Speak with Dead on her corpse to try to interrogate her. This begins the quest Punish the Wicked Punish the Wicked.

He Who Was is a shadar-kai who seeks the guilty, tormented and anguished. He fittingly found Madeline, whose spirit is stuck in grief and regret over her actions while she was alive. Claiming that he is seeking justice for Madeline's crimes, He Who Was asks the party to retrieve Madeline's Ledger, found, under a loose plank behind the bar at The Waning Moon.

After the ledger is brought back, He Who Was channels Madeline's spirit once again, allowing the party to question her this time. Madeline explains how she was to report to Dark Justiciar Netasha any observed dissent against Ketheric and his army. Fearing for her life, Madeline betrayed many of her friends and patrons to Netasha, who captured and killed them in horrific ways.

Madeline expresses grief and regret for what she did, believing herself beyond redemption or forgiveness. The party can forgive her, and let her spirit move on in peace, or choose to admonish or punish her.

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  • Many of the developer notes for He Who Was' dialogue lines mention not only the cruelty underlying his intentions, but that much of what he says to the party is trying to manipulate them into torturing Madeline.