User:Toancaro/List of 2nd level spells

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Name Spell School Classes C C R A Saving Throw Icon.png Range Icon.png D Description
Aid Aid Abjuration Abjuration Cleric Cleric
Paladin Paladin
Action 0 9m Bolster your allies with toughness and resolve to heal and increase their Hit Points maximum.
Arcane Lock Arcane Lock Abjuration Abjuration Wizard Wizard Action 1.5m Close a door or container with a magical lock. It can no longer be lockpicked or opened with Knock Knock.
Lesser Restoration Lesser Restoration Abjuration Abjuration Bard Bard
Cleric Cleric
Druid Druid
Paladin Paladin
Ranger Ranger
Action 1.5m Cure a creature from Condition Type Icon.pngDiseased, Condition Type Icon.pngPoisoned, Paralysis Paralysis, or Condition Type Icon.pngBlinded.
Pass Without Trace Pass Without Trace Abjuration Abjuration Druid Druid
Ranger Ranger
Action Concentration 0 9m Call forth a veil of shadow and silence that gives you and nearby allies a +10 bonus to Stealth checks.
Protection from Poison Protection from Poison Abjuration Abjuration Cleric Cleric
Druid Druid
Paladin Paladin
Ranger Ranger
Action 1.5m Touch a creature to neutralise all poisons affecting it, and grant it protection against poisonous influences.
Warding Bond Warding Bond Abjuration Abjuration Cleric Cleric Action 1.5m Ward an ally. They gain resistance to all damage, and a +1 bonus to their Armour Class Armour Class and Saving throws.

Name Spell School Classes C C R A Saving Throw Icon.png Range Icon.png D Description
Cloud of Daggers Cloud of Daggers Conjuration Conjuration Bard Bard
Sorcerer Sorcerer
Warlock Warlock
Wizard Wizard
Action Concentration 18m Damage Types Conjure a cloud of spinning daggers that attack anyone inside.
Flaming Sphere Flaming Sphere Conjuration Conjuration Druid Druid
Wizard Wizard
Action Concentration 18m 2m Damage Types Summon a Flaming Sphere that deals 2d6Damage TypesFire damage to nearby enemies and objects. It also sheds bright light in a 6 m / 20 ft radius, and dim light for an additional 6 m / 20 ft. Duration: 10 turns. You can move the sphere.
Misty Step Misty Step Conjuration Conjuration Sorcerer Sorcerer
Warlock Warlock
Wizard Wizard
Bonus Action 18m Surrounded by silver mist, you teleport to an unoccupied space you can see.
Web Web Conjuration Conjuration
Sorcerer Sorcerer
Wizard Wizard
Action Concentration 18m 4m Cover an area in thick, flammable webbing that can Enweb Enweb creatures within. An ally can use its Help action to try and tear away the webs.

Name Spell School Classes C C R A Saving Throw Icon.png Range Icon.png D Description
Calm Emotions Calm Emotions Enchantment Enchantment Bard Bard
Cleric Cleric
Action Concentration 18m 6m Humanoids can't be Charmed Charmed, Frightened Frightened, or become enraged.
Crown of Madness Crown of Madness Enchantment Enchantment Bard Bard
Sorcerer Sorcerer
Warlock Warlock
Wizard Wizard
Action Concentration WIS 18m Instill madness in a humanoid enemy, making them attack the creature closest to them (other than you), even if it's allied.
Enthrall Enthrall Enchantment Enchantment Bard Bard
Warlock Warlock
Action 6m Reduce a creature's peripheral vision and make it look at you.
Hold Person Hold Person Enchantment Enchantment Bard Bard
Cleric Cleric
Druid Druid
Sorcerer Sorcerer
Warlock Warlock
Wizard Wizard
Action Concentration 18m Hold a humanoid enemy still. They can't Move, Act, or React. Attacks from within  Range: 3 m / 10 ft are always Critical Hits. At the end of each turn, the affected creature can make a Wisdom Saving throw to end this condition.

Name Spell School Classes C C R A Saving Throw Icon.png Range Icon.png D Description
Branding Smite Branding Smite Evocation Evocation Paladin Paladin Action Concentration Attack roll Weapon Range Damage Types Your weapon gleams with astral radiance as you strike and possibly mark your targets with light, preventing it from turning Invisible Invisible.
  • This spell, unlike other Smite Spells, will work with Ranged weaponry.
Darkness Darkness Evocation Evocation Sorcerer Sorcerer
Warlock Warlock
Wizard Wizard
Action Concentration 18m Create a cloud of magical darkness that Heavily Obscures Heavily Obscures and inflicts Blind Blind to creatures within. Creatures cannot make ranged attacks into or out of it.
Flame Blade Flame Blade Evocation Evocation Druid Druid Bonus Action 0 Conjure a flaming Scimitar in your hand for 10 turns that deals 3d6Damage TypesFire damage. It sheds a bright light in a 3 m / 10 ft radius and a dim light in a 6 m / 20 ft radius.
Gust of Wind Gust of Wind Evocation Evocation Druid Druid
Sorcerer Sorcerer
Wizard Wizard
Action 0 12m Summon a strong wind that clears all clouds. Any creatures caught in the gale who fail a Strength Saving throw will be pushed back 5 m / 17 ft and be thrown Off Balance Off Balance.
Melf's Acid Arrow Melf's Acid Arrow Evocation Evocation Wizard Wizard Action Attack roll 18m Damage Types Shoot a green arrow that bursts in a spray of acid. Deals 4d4Damage TypesAcid damage immediately and 2d4Damage TypesAcid damage at the end of the target's next turn. If the spell misses, the target still takes half the initial damage, but no damage at the end of its next turn.
Moonbeam Moonbeam Evocation Evocation Druid Druid Action Concentration 18m 1m Damage Types Call down a beam of light that damages any creatures that enters the beam or starts its turn in the light. You can use an Action to move the beam 18 m / 60 ft.
Prayer of Healing Prayer of Healing Evocation Evocation Cleric Cleric Action 0 9m Heal all allies you can see within range by 2d8 + Spellcasting Modifierhit points.
Scorching Ray Scorching Ray Evocation Evocation Sorcerer Sorcerer
Wizard Wizard
Action Attack roll 18m Damage Types Hurl 3 rays of fire. Each ray deals 2d6Damage TypesFire damage.
Shatter Shatter Evocation Evocation Bard Bard
Sorcerer Sorcerer
Warlock Warlock
Wizard Wizard
Action 18m 3m Damage Types Damages all nearby creatures and objects.
Spiritual Weapon Spiritual Weapon Evocation Evocation Cleric Cleric Bonus Action 18m Damage Types Summon a floating, spectral weapon that attacks your enemies alongside you.

Name Spell School Classes C C R A Saving Throw Icon.png Range Icon.png D Description
Blur Blur Illusion Illusion Sorcerer Sorcerer
Wizard Wizard
Action Concentration 0 Attackers have Disadvantage Icon.png Disadvantage on Attack rolls against you.
Invisibility (spell) Invisibility Illusion Illusion Bard Bard
Sorcerer Sorcerer
Warlock Warlock
Wizard Wizard
Action Concentration 1.5m Touch a creature to turn it Invisible Invisible. Attacks against it have Disadvantage Icon.png Disadvantage. It attacks with Advantage Icon.png Advantage.
Mirror Image Mirror Image Illusion Illusion Sorcerer Sorcerer
Warlock Warlock
Wizard Wizard
Action 0 Create 3 illusory duplicates of yourself to distract attackers. Each duplicate increases your Armour Class Armour Class by 3.
Phantasmal Force Phantasmal Force Illusion Illusion Bard Bard
Sorcerer Sorcerer
Wizard Wizard
Action Concentration 18m Deal damage to a creature each turn. The type of damage changes to the last type of damage the creature suffered.
Shadow Blade Shadow Blade Illusion Illusion Sorcerer Sorcerer
Warlock Warlock
Wizard Wizard
Bonus Action Concentration 1.5m Damage Types Weave a shadowy shortsword in your hand that deals 2d8Damage TypesPsychic damage.
Silence Silence Illusion Illusion Bard Bard
Cleric Cleric
Ranger Ranger
Action Concentration Ritual 18m Create a sound-proof sphere. All within are Silenced Silenced and Immune to Damage TypesThunder damage.

Name Spell School Classes C C R A Saving Throw Icon.png Range Icon.png D Description
Barkskin Barkskin Transmutation Transmutation Druid Druid
Ranger Ranger
Action Concentration 1.5m Touch a willing creature to toughen its skin and increase its Armour Class Armour Class up to 16.
Darkvision (spell) Darkvision Transmutation Transmutation Druid Druid
Ranger Ranger
Sorcerer Sorcerer
Wizard Wizard
Action 1.5m Grant a creature the ability to see in the dark out to a range of 12 m / 40 ft.
Enhance Ability Enhance Ability Transmutation Transmutation Bard Bard
Cleric Cleric
Druid Druid
Sorcerer Sorcerer
Action Concentration 1.5m Bestow a magical enchantment upon an ally. They gain Advantage Icon.png Advantage on Ability Checks with a chosen Ability.
Enlarge/Reduce Enlarge/Reduce Transmutation Transmutation Sorcerer Sorcerer
Wizard Wizard
Action Concentration 9m Make a creature larger or smaller. Either option has a duration of 10 turns. This affects their weapon damage and Strength Checks and Saving throws.
Heat Metal Heat Metal Transmutation Transmutation Bard Bard
Druid Druid
Action Concentration CON 18m Damage Types Cause a metal weapon or armour to glow red-hot and force the wearer to let go or receive Disadvantage Icon.png Disadvantage on Attack rolls and Ability Checks.
Knock Knock Transmutation Transmutation Bard Bard
Sorcerer Sorcerer
Wizard Wizard
Action 18m Unlock an object that is held shut by a mundane lock.
Magic Weapon Magic Weapon Transmutation Transmutation Paladin Paladin
Wizard Wizard
Action Concentration 1.5m Infuse a weapon with arcane energy. The weapon becomes magical, receiving a +1 bonus to Attack rolls and Damage Rolls.
Spike Growth Spike Growth Transmutation Transmutation Druid Druid
Ranger Ranger
Action Concentration 18m Damage Types Shape a piece of ground into hard spikes. A creature walking on the spikes takes 2d4Damage TypesPiercing damage for every 1.5 m / 5 ft it moves. The spikes are Difficult Terrain, halving a creature's Movement Speed.

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