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None (164) ·
Asmodeus Tiefling (11) ·
Deep Gnome (11) ·
Drow Half-Elf (2) ·
Duergar (2) ·
Elf (1) ·
Forest Gnome (2) ·
Gnome (2) ·
Gold Dwarf (36) ·
High Elf (15) ·
High Half-Elf (18) ·
Lightfoot Halfling (27) ·
Lolth-Sworn Drow (8) ·
Mephistopheles Tiefling (8) ·
Rock Gnome (41) ·
Seldarine Drow (3) ·
Shield Dwarf (5) ·
Wood Elf (19) ·
Wood Half-Elf (6)
None (315) ·
fire full (4) ·
Fire resistance full (13) ·
Fire resistant full (7) ·
Lightning vulnerability (1) ·
Necrotic immunity (1) ·
Piercing resistant full (1) ·
Poison full (10) ·
Poison immunity (1) ·
poison resistance full (17) ·
poison resistance nm (1) ·
Poison resistant full (14) ·
Psychic immunity (1) ·
Slashing resistant full (1)
Opportunity Attack (370) ·
Darkvision (208) ·
Fey Ancestry (75) ·
Gnome Cunning (54) ·
Shortened Stride (52) ·
Dwarven Resilience (47) ·
Brave (27) ·
Halfling Luck (27) ·
Hellish Resistance (24) ·
Sunlight Sensitivity (13) ·
Superior Darkvision (12) ·
Stone Camouflage (10) ·
None (8) ·
Uncanny Dodge (7) ·
Extra Attack (6) ·
Evasion (5)
Showing below up to 250 results in range #1 to #250.
- Abraxa
- Alan Alyth
- Alexander Rainforest
- Alia Durinbold
- Amek
- Andorn
- Anita Fischer
- Apikusis
- Araj Oblodra
- Arcane Turret
- Archivist
- Arfur Gregorio
- Arkleia Oloril
- Asparagus Mhallie
- Babyjowls
- Bailey
- Bala Ofran
- Barcus Wroot
- Barth
- Barton
- Baz Hopbank
- Beldron
- Ben Golewits
- Benryn
- Bernyr
- Bex
- Blades Bakstir
- Blevindall
- Blinded Elf
- Bloodmopper
- Bloris Meadhoney
- Bogdan Vortleson
- Bosun Gannet
- Brilgor
- Broko
- Bronte
- Bruno Indomicus
- Buff Tanner
- Caerdwyn
- Caitlin
- Caitriono
- Callem Bormul
- Callira
- Captain Sleam
- Caralee Grollo
- Carlorina the Wolf
- Carmen Pennygood
- Carnelia Vanthampur
- Carys
- Ceres Olsin
- Cheeky Nora
- Chervis
- Churg Elvek
- Cilarea
- Clore Falson
- Comina
- Cora Highberry
- Cordula Eltan
- Corniche
- Cressida Flint
- Cyndirie Vand
- Distressed Patient
- Dogaletto
- Dokksill
- Doora Thumbfoot
- Dorrich Manne
- Dravo Flymm
- Dringo
- Droo Falbo
- Drussuvissill
- Dryfle Doon
- Earspoon
- Earthdigger
- Edmundis Magarus
- Eefa Barlow
- Elda
- Elias Fischer
- Elin
- Ellie
- Ellswort
- Elyna
- Eostre
- Eramas
- Eshvelt Guthmere
- Estra Stir
- Falael
- Falten
- Falura
- Farimorn
- Farlin
- Featherweight Falson
- Ferg Drogher
- Figaro Pennygood
- Fishbait Arno
- Flange
- Flansy Thornwhist
- Flant Borlley
- Fleer
- Floridor
- Florrick
- Flytebon
- Follgast
- Fortuno Dibbs
- Francis
- Frell Olsin
- Frenello
- Frothilda
- Furbleston
- Fytz
- Gale
- Garithon
- Garri Orne
- Garron Flintsplitter
- Genshu Ofran
- Gergerann
- Gerson
- Gherva Minedale
- Giftu Hudd
- Gizelle Flintsplitter
- Glimmer Whistleborn
- Gloomy Fentonson
- Glynda Oltower
- Gomwick
- Goosequill
- Goris Ballast
- Gorran Penghyst
- Gothric Rillyn
- Gowlan
- Grainne Jodhpur
- Gregory Bright
- Grent Grintly
- Gretta
- Grindo Biggs
- Griska
- Grisselda Dibbs
- Grout
- Guardian of Faith (creature)
- Gulster Boyes
- Lacy Dancer
- Lady Durinbold's Attendant
- Lady Lockjaw
- Lanpos Biggs
- Laridda
- Lens
- Liam
- Limeleech
- Locke
- Lorna Esthelian
- Loryss
- Lowa
- Lu La Forza
- Lunkbug
- Lyldara
- Ma Festina
- Madalitso
- Madeline Whitburn
- Maggran
- Magron
- Maireadh
- Majjo
- Malek Stones
- Mango
- Manser Biggs
- Manzarde
- Marcus (dead fisher)
- Margolenn
- Mari
- Marlono Rhandle
- Marpha Golewits
- Marten (Dead Toll Collector)
- Maude
- Meerna
- Megthanet
- Menalda
- Mercer
- Merri Fairweather
- Miklaur
- Milon Tillerturn
- Mirileth
- Mohan
- Morgan
- Moss
- Muttonchops Dorryss
- Myer Ravenshade
- Myrnath