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None (219) ·
Baldur's Mouth (1) ·
Barmaid at Sharess' Caress (1) ·
Bartender at the Waning Moon (1) ·
Bartender in the Blushing Mermaid (1) ·
Chef (1) ·
Clerk (2) ·
Coffin maker (1) ·
Cook (3) ·
Cook at Fraygo's Flophouse (1) ·
Courtesan at Sharess' Caress (3) ·
Editor-in-chief for the Baldur's Mouth Gazette (1) ·
Farmer (1) ·
Fish Trader (1) ·
Fisher (2) ·
Greengrocer (1) ·
Head chef (1) ·
Investigative journalist for the Baldur's Mouth Gazette (1) ·
Livestock (1) ·
Merchant (1) ·
Owner and Bartender of the Elfsong Tavern (1) ·
Owner of Beehive General Goods (1) ·
Owner of Facemaker's Boutique (1) ·
Owner of The Bibliophile (1) ·
Owner of the Glitter Gala store (1) ·
Patriar (1) ·
Reporter for the Baldur's Mouth Gazette (2) ·
Tailor (1) ·
Tools Trader (1) ·
Toymaker (1) ·
Waiter (1) ·
Waiter in the Elfsong Tavern (1) ·
Weapons Trader (1) ·
Worker for the Baldur's Mouth Gazette (5)
Showing below up to 250 results in range #1 to #250.
- 'Bigmouth' Thimsen
- 'Ears' Oohna
- 'Grumpo' Daggles
- 'Logs' Odoolan
- 'Loose Lips' Cyrilla
- 'Plumes' Fronkin
- Alan Alyth
- Alexander Rainforest
- Alia Durinbold
- Amek
- Anita Fischer
- Archivist
- Arfur Gregorio
- Arkleia Oloril
- Asparagus Mhallie
- Astoundo the Greater
- Astoundo the Lesser
- Avourel
- Beatrice Provoss
- Bellora Truscott
- Ben Golewits
- Benryn
- Bernyr
- Bertram Kostaka
- Bex
- Bleeri
- Blevindall
- Blinded Elf
- Bogdan Vortleson
- Bosun Gannet
- Brilgor
- Bronte
- Bruno Indomicus
- Buff Tanner
- Caerdwyn
- Caitlin
- Caitriono
- Callem Bormul
- Callira
- Carmen Pennygood
- Carnelia Vanthampur
- Cheeky Nora
- Chervis
- Cressida Flint
- Cyndirie Vand
- Dairow Vin
- Danis
- Danzo Arkwright
- Darlie
- Dead Drow
- Dead Tiefling
- Delcan
- Delwaer Jeth
- Delyarna
- Dharin Brislen
- Dholber Greene
- Dickon
- Dillard Portyr
- Distressed Patient
- Dokksill
- Drarra
- Dravo Flymm
- Drongo Bixworth
- Dryfle Doon
- Eefa Barlow
- Eldaernth
- Elias Fischer
- Ellie
- Eramas
- Ermlaut
- Eshvelt Guthmere
- Estra Stir
- Eugenie Kenridge
- Gale
- Garri Orne
- Garron Flintsplitter
- Gerson
- Gherva Minedale
- Giftu Hudd
- Gizelle Flintsplitter
- Gloomy Fentonson
- Glynda Oltower
- Goosequill
- Goris Ballast
- Gorran Penghyst
- Gothric Rillyn
- Gowlan
- Grainne Jodhpur
- Grent Grintly
- Griska
- Grisselda Dibbs
- Grotpoll
- Gulster Boyes
- Ma Festina
- Madalitso
- Madeline
- Madeline Whitburn
- Magron
- Malek Stones
- Mandii Harvestmoon
- Mango
- Manzarde
- Marcus (dead fisher)
- Marjoram
- Marpha Golewits
- Martina Kostaka
- Maude
- Mayrina
- Megthanet
- Milon Tillerturn
- Mirileth
- Monk's Manifestation
- Muttonchops Dorryss
- Myer Ravenshade
- Myrnath
- Peil Hullhollyn
- Petric Amber
- Phantaizha
- Phibs Brogan
- Phinn Truscott
- Phlanders Hort
- Phubbs
- Phyria Gollus
- Pig
- Ploughman Zakk
- Pompton Norvath
- Preciosa
- Rags Deelarma
- Ramona Flintsplitter
- Raylen Jannath
- Rechel
- Roberon Silt
- Roger Gherkins
- Rolan's Projection
- Roveer
- Rowan Elkfriend
- Rugger Shattershield
- Ruth Linnacker
- Sacrificed Cultist (High Elf)
- Sacrificed Cultist (Human)
- Sadar Illanov
- Salamander
- Salene Freig
- Sally Flymm
- Sanseverina
- Sarken Eomane
- Sharlz Molar
- Siggy
- Silifrey Sashenstar
- Slatey Marven
- Sloncha Owena
- Smythin
- Sorn Orlith
- Sszaryn
- Sterlac
- Stug Minedale
- Sul (pilgrim)
- Svend
- Syllabub Fran
- Syril Valdemar
- Taima
- Talli Armbrust
- Tecochi
- The Professor
- Thimble
- Thodric Shedeveer
- Thokki
- Thorne
- Thrastle Muria
- Thuldra Thuldrin
- Tongs Stoneheart
- Toron
- Trader Djingo
- Trina
- Truffles Smythe
- Tugelnhorn
- Turnip Bubbs
- Twitch Broven
- Ty Willowbrook
- Tym Armbrust