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Goblin (91) ·
Human (65) ·
Dwarf (16) ·
Wolf (14) ·
Githyanki (13) ·
Redcap (13) ·
Cat (12) ·
Bugbear (11) ·
None (9) ·
Bear (9) ·
Worg (9) ·
Aberration (8) ·
Ghoul (8) ·
Ogre (8) ·
Beast (6) ·
Grim Visage (6) ·
Mephit (6) ·
Tiefling (6)
None (304) ·
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Fire resistant full (11) ·
Poison resistant full (11) ·
Acid resistant full (9) ·
lightning resistant full (9) ·
Piercing resistant nm (9) ·
Slashing resistant nm (9) ·
bludgeoning resistant nm (8) ·
Necrotic immunity (8) ·
Fire vulnerability (7) ·
Thunder resistant full (7) ·
Cold resistant full (6) ·
Psychic vulnerability (6) ·
Bludgeoning resistant full (5) ·
Piercing resistant full (5)
Showing below up to 250 results in range #1 to #250.
- Addled Frog
- Aggy
- Aguta
- Air Elemental
- Ancient Mud Mephit
- Andrick
- Arensen
- Armoured Owlbear
- Assassin's Folly
- Astyl
- Azak
- Azari
- Ba'akreth
- Bakshi
- Bal
- Bao'ek'nuk
- Barsik
- Bear (wild shape)
- Bella (Bloomridge Park)
- Belub
- Benji
- Benta
- Beorn Wunterbrood
- Bernard
- Bert Adams
- Bez
- Birka
- Blasphemous Acolyte
- Bloodfang
- Blunder Bob
- Boney
- Boo
- Bosk
- Brakkal
- Breaker of War
- Breg
- Brek
- Breva Brightmoon
- Broadhorn
- Brottor
- Brynna
- Bugbear
- Bugbear Assassin
- Buthir
- Callaway
- Carpal
- Cat
- Cat (wild shape)
- Cave Bear
- Chock
- Chop
- Clack
- Conjured Cat
- Corlos
- Corvus
- Corvus Celer
- Corvus Major
- Cragbender
- Creekrider
- Crosse
- Crub
- Cry
- Cuddleface
- Culk
- Falcäo
- Fallen Gur Hunter
- Fank
- Fernhollow
- Ferr
- Fezk
- Filro
- Fire Elemental
- Five
- Flaming Pete
- Flying Ghoul
- Four
- Fred
- Fyodor
- Gald
- Gerringothe Thorm/Combat
- Ghainemeir
- Ghast
- Ghoul
- Ghoul (Animate Dead)
- Ghoul (Danse Macabre)
- Ghoul Medic
- Gilded Minotaur
- Glomp
- Glourik
- Gnat
- Gnoll Flesh Gnawer
- Gnoll Hunter
- Gordis
- Granitdatter
- Grassley
- Grat
- Grease Elemental
- Grease Mephit
- Gresh
- Gribbo
- Grikka
- Gristle
- Gronag
- Grub
- Grukkoh
- Grush
- Gruz
- Gurd
- Gurgon
- Gurza
- Habor Koltz
- Hairy Henry
- Halfar
- Hamate
- Hextra
- His Majesty
- Hoarding Merregon
- Hoarding Merregon
- Hollow Armour
- Hook Horror
- Huk
- Kira
- Kirz
- Klaas
- Klagga
- Klank
- Klaw
- Kobold Inventor
- Kobold Looter
- Kobold Scout
- Koll (kobold)
- Kramp
- Krank
- Krolla
- Krug
- Kuo-toa (creature)
- Kuo-toa Hunter
- Kuthbert
- Lady Durinbold's Bodyguard
- Lae'zel
- Larys
- Leythim
- Ligus
- Lochan
- Lora (goblin)
- Lord Jannath's Bodyguard
- Losiir
- Loyal Eternal Debtor
- Lump
- Lupus
- Lupus Major
- Lupus Optumus
- Maggoty Jim
- Malta
- Malus Thorm/Combat
- Malus Thorm/Combat
- Manifestation of Tyranny
- Marls
- Mask of Terror (The Blushing Mermaid)
- Meadows
- Meenlock
- Merregon Legionnaire
- Merregon Legionnaire
- Mezzka
- Mig
- Miller
- Mimic
- Minotaur
- Mirg
- Mirya'al
- Mocking Eternal Debtor
- Moke
- Mossy Myconid
- Mrak
- Mud Elemental
- Mud Mephit
- Murderous Crow
- Murphy
- Muzul
- Myshka