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Drilldown: creatures
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- voice actors (268)
- weapon types (33)
- weapons (421)
Use the filters below to narrow your results.
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None (293) ·
Poison immunity (40) ·
Piercing resistant nm (31) ·
Slashing resistant nm (31) ·
Bludgeoning resistant nm (30) ·
Necrotic resistant full (26) ·
Lightning resistant full (19) ·
Fire resistance full (18) ·
fire resistant full (15) ·
Necrotic immunity (15) ·
Acid resistant full (12) ·
Thunder resistant full (10) ·
Cold immunity (9) ·
Acid resistance full (7) ·
Poison resistant full (7)
Opportunity Attack (370) ·
Darkvision (156) ·
Extra Attack (137) ·
Crossbow Expert: Point-Blank (37) ·
Pack Tactics (22) ·
Crossbow Expert: Wounding (21) ·
Evasion (21) ·
Ethereal (19) ·
Archery (18) ·
Tenacity (passive feature) (17) ·
Sunlight Hypersensitivity (16) ·
Vampire Regeneration (16) ·
Mobile (15) ·
Mobile: Evade Difficult Terrain (15) ·
Mobile: Evade Opportunity Attack (15)
Showing below up to 250 results in range #1 to #250.
- Add'ath
- Addled Frog
- Aggralix
- Aggy
- Ahu'u'rag
- Air Elemental
- Air Myrmidon
- Ancient Giant Eagle
- Andrik
- Anna Lidwin
- Antinnia
- Antony
- Antwun Dufay
- Anya
- Aradin Beno
- Arrinye
- Arron
- Aurelia
- Avery Sonshal
- Azak
- Bad Twin Bubbins
- Baff Elkhorn
- Bal
- Balthazar
- Bao'ek'nuk
- Barsik
- Barton
- Bearclaw
- Bellar
- Benji
- Bernard
- Biscotti
- Blasphemous Acolyte
- Bloodfang
- Blue Jay
- Boo
- Bradi'ith
- Brakkal
- Breaker of War
- Breg
- Brelal'reth
- Brem
- Bugbear Assassin
- Bugthimble
- Carpal
- Cat
- Cat (wild shape)
- Ch'guth
- Chessa
- Chost
- Chy'raagh
- Clover
- Commander Lightfeather
- Conjured Cat
- Conjured Quasit
- Corvus
- Corvus Celer
- Corvus Major
- Crub
- Crusher
- Cuddleface
- D'hak
- Dadger
- Dalyria
- Dart Dirtwood
- Devotee of Mahkloompah
- Dextor
- Dire Raven
- Dire Wolf
- Dire Wolf (wild shape)
- Displacer beast
- Dog
- Doni
- Dor'il
- Drenn
- Drim
- Duckie Verish
- Dullwill
- Fallen Gur Hunter
- Faona
- Feeble Spectre
- Fezk
- Fezzerk
- Fire Elemental
- Fire Myrmidon
- Flan Hawser
- Flind
- Flying Ghoul
- Funglesby
- Fyodor
- G'imre
- G'nuril
- G'r'ath
- Gai
- Gald
- Galleass
- Gandrel
- Garias
- Garrigan
- Geanne
- Gerringothe Thorm/Combat
- Ghast
- Ghik'lir
- Ghoul
- Ghoul (Animate Dead)
- Ghoul (Danse Macabre)
- Ghoul Medic
- Giant Eagle
- Glenvora
- Glist
- Gnoll Flesh Gnawer
- Gnoll Hunter
- Gondlemead
- Gordis
- Grenywald
- Greymask
- Gribbo
- Griff
- Grikka
- Gristle
- Grub
- Grukkoh
- Gruz
- Gummidge
- Gur Hunter Sharpshooter
- Gurira
- Gurza
- Gustav
- Hairy Henry
- Hamate
- Hapdim
- Happy Hoarson
- Havard
- Heen
- Helag
- Helenia
- His Majesty
- Holli Dylford
- Hollow Armour
- Hr'ack'la
- Huido
- Hunna
- Indra
- Inquisitor of the Absolute
- Intellect Devourer
- Intellect Devourer (Weakened)
- Intelligent Sentinel
- Isbeth
- Istor
- Ith'dul
- Ito
- K'i'lar
- Kar'niss
- Karad
- Kass
- Kethk
- Kevo Phogge
- Kharyk
- Khunaruth
- Kira
- Kirz
- Klagga
- Klank
- Ko'kuu
- Kobold Inventor
- Kobold Looter
- Kobold Scout
- Koll (kobold)
- Krank
- Kressa Bonedaughter
- Krolla
- Kur'ashk
- Kyberos
- Kyrr'a'ath
- Lann Tarv
- Leon
- Ligus
- Lin'a'an
- Linsella
- Lionel
- Lir'i'c
- Lo Blank
- Lobo Denysse
- Lora (goblin)
- Loretta
- Lupus
- Lupus Major
- Lupus Optumus
- Ly'iss
- M'i'hayk
- Ma'aryk
- Ma'athal
- Maddala Deadeye
- Madigan
- Malta
- Malus Thorm/Combat
- Manus
- Mar'hyah
- Marcus Falgor
- Mari
- Mask of Terror (Overgrown Tunnel)
- Mask of Terror (The Blushing Mermaid)
- Mattis
- Meazel
- Meenlock
- Meli
- Merregon Legionnaire
- Meygan
- Mibbs
- Minsc
- Mir'ic
- Mîran
- Mirg
- Misha
- Moke
- Mol
- Morra
- Mummy (Create Undead)
- Mundane Spectre
- Murderous Crow
- Myshka