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Drilldown: creatures
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None (121) ·
Asmodeus Tiefling (7) ·
Brass Dragonborn (1) ·
Drow Half-Elf (1) ·
Forest Gnome (2) ·
Gold Dwarf (27) ·
High Elf (13) ·
High Half-Elf (11) ·
Lightfoot Halfling (21) ·
Lolth-Sworn Drow (3) ·
Mephistopheles Tiefling (7) ·
Rock Gnome (21) ·
Seldarine Drow (1) ·
Shield Dwarf (3) ·
Strongheart Halfling (2) ·
Wood elf (12) ·
Wood Half-Elf (4)
None (202) ·
bludgeoning resistant (1) ·
bludgeoning resistant nm (1) ·
cold resistant (2) ·
fire full (3) ·
Fire resistance full (13) ·
fire resistant (1) ·
Fire resistant full (6) ·
lightning resistant full (2) ·
piercing resistant (1) ·
piercing resistant nm (1) ·
poison full (10) ·
poison immune (1) ·
Poison immunity (1) ·
Poison resistance full (15) ·
Poison resistant full (6) ·
slashing resistant (1) ·
slashing resistant nm (1)
None (4) ·
Artificer's Lore (1) ·
Bardic Inspiration (passive feature) (2) ·
Brave (23) ·
Darkvision (125) ·
Devil's Sight (1) ·
Dwarven Resilience (33) ·
Fey Ancestry (46) ·
Gnome Cunning (22) ·
Halfling Luck (23) ·
Hellish Resistance (21) ·
Opportunity Attack (251) ·
Shortened Stride (20) ·
Sunlight Sensitivity (3) ·
Toggle Non-Lethal Attacks (5)
Showing below up to 250 results in range #1 to #250.
- Albert
- Alembrosius
- Alexander Rainforest
- Alia Durinbold
- Amek
- Anita Fischer
- Apikusis
- Archivist
- Arkleia Oloril
- Asparagus Mhallie
- Augur Harxkellan
- Babyjowls
- Bailey
- Baz Hopbank
- Ben Golewits
- Benryn
- Bernyr
- Bex
- Billyum
- Blades Bakstir
- Blevindall
- Blinded Elf
- Bogdan Vortleson
- Brilgor
- Bruno Indomicus
- Buff Tanner
- Caerdwyn
- Caitlin
- Caitriono
- Callem Bormul
- Callira
- Captain Sleam
- Carmen Pennygood
- Carnelia Vanthampur
- Carys
- Ch'kk'ch
- Cheeky Nora
- Cinnamon
- Conall
- Conjured Quasit
- Cora Highberry
- Cressida Flint
- Cyndirie Vand
- Dairow Vin
- Dandi Thistlepetal
- Danis
- Danzo Arkwright
- Dashkent Moliver
- Dead Drow
- Dead Tiefling
- Dellys
- Delwaer Jeth
- Delyarna
- Dez Kanshaw
- Dharin Brislen
- Dholber Greene
- Distressed Patient
- Dokksill
- Doora Thumbfoot
- Dorrich Manne
- Dravo Flymm
- Dringo
- Drussuvissill
- Drybeldiyx
- Dryfle Doon
- Duddy Dudderken
- Dwindling
- Dyrovell
- Gale
- Garri Orne
- Garron Flintsplitter
- Gerson
- Gherva Minedale
- Giftu Hudd
- Gizelle Flintsplitter
- Gloomy Fentonson
- Goosequill
- Goris Ballast
- Gorran Penghyst
- Gothric Rillyn
- Gowlan
- Grainne Jodhpur
- Gregory Bright
- Grent Grintly
- Griska
- Grisselda Dibbs
- Grout
- Gulster Boyes
- Haeril Birch
- Hans Feather
- Hargin Jooli
- Hasmet Hudd
- Heder Cross
- Hegira
- Henk
- Hilario Varota
- Hildeh
- Honest Vendor
- Horst
- Madalitso
- Madeline Whitburn
- Magron
- Mango
- Manzarde
- Margolenn
- Marpha Golewits
- Maude
- Mayrina
- Medrash
- Meem Grayling
- Megthanet
- Mercer
- Merri Fairweather
- Miklaur
- Milon Tillerturn
- Mohan
- Monk's Manifestation
- Morgan
- Muttonchops Dorryss
- Myer Ravenshade
- Myrnath
- Pammella Nortale
- Peil Hullhollyn
- Petric Amber
- Phantaizha
- Pharnilla
- Phibs Brogan
- Phlanders Hort
- Phoebelia
- Phostlethwaite
- Phubbs
- Phyria Gollus
- Ploughman Zakk
- Pompton Norvath
- Pookums
- Preciosa
- Pritt Yellowbreath
- Punkins
- Pythonicus
- Ramona Flintsplitter
- Rascal Borys
- Reagan Splint
- Rechel
- Rhaneld
- Robbin Datherswick
- Roberon Silt
- Roger Gherkins
- Roger Highberry
- Rolan's Projection
- Rossina
- Rowan Elkfriend
- Rugger Shattershield
- Ruth Linnacker
- Sacrificed Cultist (High Elf)
- Sacrificed Cultist (Human)
- Sally Flymm
- Sanseverina
- Sarken Eomane
- Sharlz Molar
- Shovel (familiar)
- Siggy
- Silifrey Sashenstar
- Sir Fuzzalump
- Sloncha Owena
- Slow-Butt
- Smythin
- Sszaryn
- Sterlac
- Stug Minedale
- Sul (pilgrim)
- Svend
- Syllabub Fran
- Taima
- Talli Armbrust
- Tecochi
- The Professor
- Theda Grosz
- Thimble
- Thodric Shedeveer
- Thorne
- Thrastle Muria
- Thuldra Thuldrin
- Tongs Stoneheart
- Toron
- Trader Djingo
- Truffles Smythe
- Tugelnhorn
- Turnip Bubbs
- Tut Thistlebog