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Overgrown Tunnel

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The Overgrown Tunnel is a Location within the Sunlit Wetlands in Act One of Baldur's Gate 3. It is a sub area of the Riverside Teahouse the lair of the hag, Auntie Ethel Auntie Ethel.

Overview[edit | edit source]

The Overgrown Tunnel is an optional dungeon, accessible through the illusory fireplace in the Riverside Teahouse. This location is divided into three sub areas: Entrance Gallery, Ancient Abode, and Acrid Workshop. While inside the Overgrown Tunnel, the party cannot fast-travel to a Waypoint or visit their Camp.

Entrance Gallery[edit | edit source]

The Entrance Gallery is the first main section of the dungeon. Auntie Ethel's previous victims are scattered about the area. The wood elf Lorin Lorin shouts at the party to stay back and not look. The petrified Efrin Hammerborn Efrin stands next to a Blinded Elf Blinded Elf. Magron Magron holds her decapitated head in her hands. The skull of Calim is mounted on a pedestal, facing a mirror. If a character breaks the mirror, they are afflicted with Bane until taking a long rest, and then they are Nauseated until a second long rest.

Speak with Dead Speak with Dead reveals some of their pasts. Interacting with the nearby items lets Auntie Ethel speak about how her victims got into these predicaments.

A Gnarled Door blocks access to the rest of the dungeon. The door is one of the hag's previous victims, transformed, and it begs the party not to pass. The party can speak with it and succeed at persuading or intimidating it to allow them them through. This door reveals that it is an illusion. Alternatively, wearing one of the nearby Whispering Masks reveals the true nature of the door. However, these masks come with negative consequences.

Overgrown Tunnel[edit | edit source]

The next room is unmarked on the map, labelled only as the Overgrown Tunnel. This section of the dungeon contains four more victims of the hag. They are controlled by the Whispering Masks they wear and will immediately attack the party on sight. This can be avoided if the party members also wear Whispering Masks. As long as Auntie Ethel is alive, it is necessary to cast Protection from Evil and Good Protection from Evil and Good on the party members before equipping the masks to prevent its negative effects. This room is covered with Mud (difficult terrain).

The Descent[edit | edit source]

A waterfall is past the four masked victims. Jumping through the water brings the party to the final part of the Overgrown Tunnel. This area is covered with climbable vines and many traps, and leads to a steep descent to the Ancient Abode.

The next part of the hag's lair, the Ancient Abode, is at the end of the descent.

There are many traps in this area:

  • Ruptured Stone - These traps resemble piles of rocks and emit Noxious Fumes Noxious Fumes.
    • These can be covered by objects to block the fumes. It is possible to put or throw several items like barrels, chests, bones, mugs, or the whispering masks from the prior room onto the vents to disable them.
    • If the party is wearing the Whispering Masks, the traps do not emit fumes.
    • If Auntie Ethel is later defeated, the Ruptured Stones stop emitting fumes.
    • They can also be disabled with a DC 30 Sleight of Hand check check.
  • Peculiar Flowers - These traps are hidden until spotted with a Perception check. They explode if a party member draws too close. They litter the walkways leading to the Ancient Abode. Most can be safely shot and destroyed at range by some spells, such as Eldritch Blast, though they need to be hit almost dead centre.

Misty Step Misty Step and Feather Fall Feather Fall are useful for avoiding traps. Alternatively, the poison gas clouds dissipate (and the other traps are visible and easy to avoid) if at least one party member wears a Whispering Mask.

Mushroom Circle and Underdark[edit | edit source]

A second Gnarled Door can be reached from the trapped descent. The door can be reached by taking the ladder down slightly south of the waterfall that the party jumped through, following it around to the north, and then jumping up to the door.

A Whispering Mask is required to gain access to the room beyond. Only the active party member must wear the mask. Inside is a Mushroom Circle that leads to the Underdark at X: 98 Y: -283.

Ancient Abode[edit | edit source]

The Ancient Abode in the Overgrown Tunnel.

Auntie Ethel keeps Mayrina Mayrina in the Ancient Abode, where she is locked in a cage suspended over a gaping pit.

If Ethel is alive, she fights any intruders that arrive. If the masked victims from the Overgrown Tunnel are alive and conscious, Ethel summons them to fight the party.

Acrid Workshop[edit | edit source]

The hag's workshop.

Auntie Ethel concocts all manner of wicked brews in this small workshop. She also stores some of her treasures here.

A Mushroom Circle at the end of the workshop leads to the Sunlit Wetlands at X: -74 Y: 210.

Connected locations[edit | edit source]

Characters[edit | edit source]

Notable loot[edit | edit source]

Auntie Ethel's special potions[edit | edit source]

Related quests[edit | edit source]

Gallery[edit | edit source]